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synced 2025-03-02 19:30:48 +00:00
This flag was originally used to change OnChainClock behavior when using hardhat as an ethereum chain source due to a very strange bug which would mark the timestamp of new blocks as one second off the timestamp they should have been. The issue has since been worked around in another manner, and thus this flag is no longer needed.
92 lines
3.5 KiB
92 lines
3.5 KiB
mode = ScriptMode.Verbose
### Helper functions
proc buildBinary(name: string, srcDir = "./", params = "", lang = "c") =
if not dirExists "build":
mkDir "build"
# allow something like "nim nimbus --verbosity:0 --hints:off nimbus.nims"
var extra_params = params
when compiles(commandLineParams):
for param in commandLineParams():
extra_params &= " " & param
for i in 2..<paramCount():
extra_params &= " " & paramStr(i)
let cmd = "nim " & lang & " --out:build/" & name & " " & extra_params & " " & srcDir & name & ".nim"
proc test(name: string, srcDir = "tests/", params = "", lang = "c") =
buildBinary name, srcDir, params
exec "build/" & name
task codex, "build codex binary":
buildBinary "codex", params = "-d:chronicles_runtime_filtering -d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE"
task testCodex, "Build & run Codex tests":
test "testCodex", params = "-d:codex_enable_proof_failures=true"
task testContracts, "Build & run Codex Contract tests":
test "testContracts"
task testIntegration, "Run integration tests":
buildBinary "codex", params = "-d:chronicles_runtime_filtering -d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE -d:codex_enable_proof_failures=true"
test "testIntegration"
task build, "build codex binary":
task test, "Run tests":
task testAll, "Run all tests (except for Taiko L2 tests)":
task testTaiko, "Run Taiko L2 tests":
test "testTaiko"
import strutils
import os
task coverage, "generates code coverage report":
var (output, exitCode) = gorgeEx("which lcov")
if exitCode != 0:
echo " ************************** ⛔️ ERROR ⛔️ **************************"
echo " ** ERROR: lcov not found, it must be installed to run code **"
echo " ** coverage locally **"
echo " *****************************************************************"
quit 1
(output, exitCode) = gorgeEx("gcov --version")
if output.contains("Apple LLVM"):
echo " ************************* ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ *************************"
echo " ** WARNING: Using Apple's llvm-cov in place of gcov, which **"
echo " ** emulates an old version of gcov (4.2.0) and therefore **"
echo " ** coverage results will differ than those on CI (which **"
echo " ** uses a much newer version of gcov). **"
echo " *****************************************************************"
var nimSrcs = " "
for f in walkDirRec("codex", {pcFile}):
if f.endswith(".nim"): nimSrcs.add " " & f.absolutePath.quoteShell()
echo "======== Running Tests ======== "
test "coverage", srcDir = "tests/", params = " --nimcache:nimcache/coverage -d:release -d:codex_enable_proof_failures=true"
exec("rm nimcache/coverage/*.c")
rmDir("coverage"); mkDir("coverage")
echo " ======== Running LCOV ======== "
exec("lcov --capture --directory nimcache/coverage --output-file coverage/coverage.info")
exec("lcov --extract coverage/coverage.info --output-file coverage/coverage.f.info " & nimSrcs)
echo " ======== Generating HTML coverage report ======== "
exec("genhtml coverage/coverage.f.info --output-directory coverage/report ")
echo " ======== Coverage report Done ======== "
task showCoverage, "open coverage html":
echo " ======== Opening HTML coverage report in browser... ======== "
if findExe("open") != "":
exec("open coverage/report/index.html")