Adam Uhlíř 44981d24d0
perf: contract storage optimizations (#1094)
* perf: contract storage optimizations

* Apply optimization changes

* Apply optimizing parameters sizing

* Update codex-contracts-eth

* bump latest changes in contracts branch

* Change requestDurationLimit to uint64

* fix tests

* fix tests


Co-authored-by: Arnaud <>
Co-authored-by: Eric <>
2025-02-20 07:11:06 +00:00

301 lines
9.1 KiB

import std/httpclient
import std/strutils
from pkg/libp2p import Cid, `$`, init
import pkg/stint
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/chronos/apps/http/[httpserver, shttpserver, httpclient]
import pkg/codex/logutils
import pkg/codex/rest/json
import pkg/codex/purchasing
import pkg/codex/errors
import pkg/codex/sales/reservations
export purchasing
type CodexClient* = ref object
http: HttpClient
baseurl: string
session: HttpSessionRef
type CodexClientError* = object of CatchableError
const HttpClientTimeoutMs = 60 * 1000
proc new*(_: type CodexClient, baseurl: string): CodexClient =
http: newHttpClient(timeout = HttpClientTimeoutMs),
baseurl: baseurl,
proc info*(client: CodexClient): ?!JsonNode =
let url = client.baseurl & "/debug/info"
proc setLogLevel*(client: CodexClient, level: string) =
let url = client.baseurl & "/debug/chronicles/loglevel?level=" & level
let headers = newHttpHeaders({"Content-Type": "text/plain"})
let response = client.http.request(url, httpMethod = HttpPost, headers = headers)
assert response.status == "200 OK"
proc upload*(client: CodexClient, contents: string): ?!Cid =
let response = & "/data", contents)
assert response.status == "200 OK"
proc upload*(client: CodexClient, bytes: seq[byte]): ?!Cid =
proc download*(client: CodexClient, cid: Cid, local = false): ?!string =
let response = client.http.get(
client.baseurl & "/data/" & $cid & (if local: "" else: "/network/stream")
if response.status != "200 OK":
return failure(response.status)
success response.body
proc downloadManifestOnly*(client: CodexClient, cid: Cid): ?!string =
let response = client.http.get(client.baseurl & "/data/" & $cid & "/network/manifest")
if response.status != "200 OK":
return failure(response.status)
success response.body
proc downloadNoStream*(client: CodexClient, cid: Cid): ?!string =
let response = & "/data/" & $cid & "/network")
if response.status != "200 OK":
return failure(response.status)
success response.body
proc downloadBytes*(
client: CodexClient, cid: Cid, local = false
): Future[?!seq[byte]] {.async.} =
let uri =
parseUri(client.baseurl & "/data/" & $cid & (if local: "" else: "/network/stream"))
let (status, bytes) = await client.session.fetch(uri)
if status != 200:
return failure("fetch failed with status " & $status)
success bytes
proc delete*(client: CodexClient, cid: Cid): ?!void =
url = client.baseurl & "/data/" & $cid
response = client.http.delete(url)
if response.status != "204 No Content":
return failure(response.status)
proc list*(client: CodexClient): ?!RestContentList =
let url = client.baseurl & "/data"
let response = client.http.get(url)
if response.status != "200 OK":
return failure(response.status)
proc space*(client: CodexClient): ?!RestRepoStore =
let url = client.baseurl & "/space"
let response = client.http.get(url)
if response.status != "200 OK":
return failure(response.status)
proc requestStorageRaw*(
client: CodexClient,
cid: Cid,
duration: uint64,
pricePerBytePerSecond: UInt256,
proofProbability: UInt256,
collateralPerByte: UInt256,
expiry: uint64 = 0,
nodes: uint = 3,
tolerance: uint = 1,
): Response =
## Call request storage REST endpoint
let url = client.baseurl & "/storage/request/" & $cid
let json =
"duration": duration,
"pricePerBytePerSecond": pricePerBytePerSecond,
"proofProbability": proofProbability,
"collateralPerByte": collateralPerByte,
"nodes": nodes,
"tolerance": tolerance,
if expiry != 0:
json["expiry"] = %($expiry)
return, $json)
proc requestStorage*(
client: CodexClient,
cid: Cid,
duration: uint64,
pricePerBytePerSecond: UInt256,
proofProbability: UInt256,
expiry: uint64,
collateralPerByte: UInt256,
nodes: uint = 3,
tolerance: uint = 1,
): ?!PurchaseId =
## Call request storage REST endpoint
let response = client.requestStorageRaw(
cid, duration, pricePerBytePerSecond, proofProbability, collateralPerByte, expiry,
nodes, tolerance,
if response.status != "200 OK":
doAssert(false, response.body)
proc getPurchase*(client: CodexClient, purchaseId: PurchaseId): ?!RestPurchase =
let url = client.baseurl & "/storage/purchases/" & purchaseId.toHex
let body = client.http.getContent(url)
return RestPurchase.fromJson(body)
except CatchableError as e:
return failure e.msg
proc getSalesAgent*(client: CodexClient, slotId: SlotId): ?!RestSalesAgent =
let url = client.baseurl & "/sales/slots/" & slotId.toHex
let body = client.http.getContent(url)
return RestSalesAgent.fromJson(body)
except CatchableError as e:
return failure e.msg
proc getSlots*(client: CodexClient): ?!seq[Slot] =
let url = client.baseurl & "/sales/slots"
let body = client.http.getContent(url)
proc postAvailability*(
client: CodexClient,
totalSize, duration: uint64,
minPricePerBytePerSecond, totalCollateral: UInt256,
): ?!Availability =
## Post sales availability endpoint
let url = client.baseurl & "/sales/availability"
let json =
"totalSize": totalSize,
"duration": duration,
"minPricePerBytePerSecond": minPricePerBytePerSecond,
"totalCollateral": totalCollateral,
let response =, $json)
doAssert response.status == "201 Created",
"expected 201 Created, got " & response.status & ", body: " & response.body
proc patchAvailabilityRaw*(
client: CodexClient,
availabilityId: AvailabilityId,
totalSize, freeSize, duration: ?uint64 = uint64.none,
minPricePerBytePerSecond, totalCollateral: ?UInt256 = UInt256.none,
): Response =
## Updates availability
let url = client.baseurl & "/sales/availability/" & $availabilityId
# TODO: Optionalize macro does not keep `serialize` pragmas so we can't use `Optionalize(RestAvailability)` here.
var json = %*{}
if totalSize =? totalSize:
json["totalSize"] = %totalSize
if freeSize =? freeSize:
json["freeSize"] = %freeSize
if duration =? duration:
json["duration"] = %duration
if minPricePerBytePerSecond =? minPricePerBytePerSecond:
json["minPricePerBytePerSecond"] = %minPricePerBytePerSecond
if totalCollateral =? totalCollateral:
json["totalCollateral"] = %totalCollateral
client.http.patch(url, $json)
proc patchAvailability*(
client: CodexClient,
availabilityId: AvailabilityId,
totalSize, duration: ?uint64 = uint64.none,
minPricePerBytePerSecond, totalCollateral: ?UInt256 = UInt256.none,
): void =
let response = client.patchAvailabilityRaw(
totalSize = totalSize,
duration = duration,
minPricePerBytePerSecond = minPricePerBytePerSecond,
totalCollateral = totalCollateral,
doAssert response.status == "200 OK", "expected 200 OK, got " & response.status
proc getAvailabilities*(client: CodexClient): ?!seq[Availability] =
## Call sales availability REST endpoint
let url = client.baseurl & "/sales/availability"
let body = client.http.getContent(url)
proc getAvailabilityReservations*(
client: CodexClient, availabilityId: AvailabilityId
): ?!seq[Reservation] =
## Retrieves Availability's Reservations
let url = client.baseurl & "/sales/availability/" & $availabilityId & "/reservations"
let body = client.http.getContent(url)
proc close*(client: CodexClient) =
proc restart*(client: CodexClient) =
client.http = newHttpClient(timeout = HttpClientTimeoutMs)
proc purchaseStateIs*(client: CodexClient, id: PurchaseId, state: string): bool =
client.getPurchase(id).option .? state == some state
proc saleStateIs*(client: CodexClient, id: SlotId, state: string): bool =
client.getSalesAgent(id).option .? state == some state
proc requestId*(client: CodexClient, id: PurchaseId): ?RequestId =
return client.getPurchase(id).option .? requestId
proc uploadRaw*(
client: CodexClient, contents: string, headers = newHttpHeaders()
): Response =
return client.http.request(
client.baseurl & "/data", body = contents, httpMethod = HttpPost, headers = headers
proc listRaw*(client: CodexClient): Response =
return client.http.request(client.baseurl & "/data", httpMethod = HttpGet)
proc downloadRaw*(client: CodexClient, cid: string, local = false): Response =
return client.http.request(
client.baseurl & "/data/" & cid & (if local: "" else: "/network/stream"),
httpMethod = HttpGet,
proc deleteRaw*(client: CodexClient, cid: string): Response =
return client.http.request(client.baseurl & "/data/" & cid, httpMethod = HttpDelete)