
399 lines
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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronos/futures
import pkg/datastore
import pkg/datastore/typedds
import pkg/libp2p/[cid, multicodec]
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import ./coders
import ./types
import ./operations
import ../blockstore
import ../keyutils
import ../queryiterhelper
import ../../blocktype
import ../../clock
import ../../logutils
import ../../merkletree
import ../../utils
export blocktype, cid
topics = "codex repostore"
# BlockStore API
method getBlock*(self: RepoStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!Block] {.async.} =
## Get a block from the blockstore
cid = cid
if cid.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return cid.emptyBlock
without key =? makePrefixKey(self.postFixLen, cid), err:
trace "Error getting key from provider", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
without data =? await self.repoDs.get(key), err:
if not (err of DatastoreKeyNotFound):
trace "Error getting block from datastore", err = err.msg, key
return failure(err)
return failure(newException(BlockNotFoundError, err.msg))
trace "Got block for cid", cid
return, data, verify = true)
method getBlockAndProof*(self: RepoStore, treeCid: Cid, index: Natural): Future[?!(Block, CodexProof)] {.async.} =
without leafMd =? await self.getLeafMetadata(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
without blk =? await self.getBlock(leafMd.blkCid), err:
return failure(err)
success((blk, leafMd.proof))
method getBlock*(self: RepoStore, treeCid: Cid, index: Natural): Future[?!Block] {.async.} =
without leafMd =? await self.getLeafMetadata(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
await self.getBlock(leafMd.blkCid)
method getBlock*(self: RepoStore, address: BlockAddress): Future[?!Block] =
## Get a block from the blockstore
if address.leaf:
self.getBlock(address.treeCid, address.index)
method ensureExpiry*(
self: RepoStore,
cid: Cid,
expiry: SecondsSince1970
): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Ensure that block's associated expiry is at least given timestamp
## If the current expiry is lower then it is updated to the given one, otherwise it is left intact
if expiry <= 0:
return failure(newException(ValueError, "Expiry timestamp must be larger then zero"))
await self.updateBlockMetadata(cid, minExpiry = expiry)
method ensureExpiry*(
self: RepoStore,
treeCid: Cid,
index: Natural,
expiry: SecondsSince1970
): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Ensure that block's associated expiry is at least given timestamp
## If the current expiry is lower then it is updated to the given one, otherwise it is left intact
without leafMd =? await self.getLeafMetadata(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
await self.ensureExpiry(leafMd.blkCid, expiry)
method putCidAndProof*(
self: RepoStore,
treeCid: Cid,
index: Natural,
blkCid: Cid,
proof: CodexProof
): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Put a block to the blockstore
treeCid = treeCid
index = index
blkCid = blkCid
trace "Storing LeafMetadata"
without res =? await self.putLeafMetadata(treeCid, index, blkCid, proof), err:
return failure(err)
if blkCid.mcodec == BlockCodec:
if res == Stored:
if err =? (await self.updateBlockMetadata(blkCid, plusRefCount = 1)).errorOption:
return failure(err)
trace "Leaf metadata stored, block refCount incremented"
trace "Leaf metadata already exists"
return success()
method getCidAndProof*(
self: RepoStore,
treeCid: Cid,
index: Natural
): Future[?!(Cid, CodexProof)] {.async.} =
without leafMd =? await self.getLeafMetadata(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
success((leafMd.blkCid, leafMd.proof))
method getCid*(
self: RepoStore,
treeCid: Cid,
index: Natural
): Future[?!Cid] {.async.} =
without leafMd =? await self.getLeafMetadata(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
method putBlock*(
self: RepoStore,
blk: Block,
ttl = Duration.none): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Put a block to the blockstore
cid = blk.cid
let expiry = + (ttl |? self.blockTtl).seconds
without res =? await self.storeBlock(blk, expiry), err:
return failure(err)
if res.kind == Stored:
trace "Block Stored"
if err =? (await self.updateQuotaUsage(plusUsed = res.used)).errorOption:
# rollback changes
without delRes =? await self.tryDeleteBlock(blk.cid), err:
return failure(err)
return failure(err)
if err =? (await self.updateTotalBlocksCount(plusCount = 1)).errorOption:
return failure(err)
if onBlock =? self.onBlockStored:
await onBlock(blk.cid)
trace "Block already exists"
return success()
method delBlock*(self: RepoStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Delete a block from the blockstore when block refCount is 0 or block is expired
cid = cid
trace "Attempting to delete a block"
without res =? await self.tryDeleteBlock(cid,, err:
return failure(err)
if res.kind == Deleted:
trace "Block deleted"
if err =? (await self.updateTotalBlocksCount(minusCount = 1)).errorOption:
return failure(err)
if err =? (await self.updateQuotaUsage(minusUsed = res.released)).errorOption:
return failure(err)
elif res.kind == InUse:
trace "Block in use, refCount > 0 and not expired"
trace "Block not found in store"
return success()
method delBlock*(self: RepoStore, treeCid: Cid, index: Natural): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
without leafMd =? await self.getLeafMetadata(treeCid, index), err:
if err of BlockNotFoundError:
return success()
return failure(err)
if err =? (await self.updateBlockMetadata(leafMd.blkCid, minusRefCount = 1)).errorOption:
if not (err of BlockNotFoundError):
return failure(err)
await self.delBlock(leafMd.blkCid) # safe delete, only if refCount == 0
method hasBlock*(self: RepoStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!bool] {.async.} =
## Check if the block exists in the blockstore
cid = cid
if cid.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return success true
without key =? makePrefixKey(self.postFixLen, cid), err:
trace "Error getting key from provider", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
return await self.repoDs.has(key)
method hasBlock*(self: RepoStore, treeCid: Cid, index: Natural): Future[?!bool] {.async.} =
without leafMd =? await self.getLeafMetadata(treeCid, index), err:
if err of BlockNotFoundError:
return success(false)
return failure(err)
await self.hasBlock(leafMd.blkCid)
method listBlocks*(
self: RepoStore,
blockType = BlockType.Manifest
): Future[?!AsyncIter[?Cid]] {.async.} =
## Get the list of blocks in the RepoStore.
## This is an intensive operation
iter = AsyncIter[?Cid]()
let key =
case blockType:
of BlockType.Manifest: CodexManifestKey
of BlockType.Block: CodexBlocksKey
of BlockType.Both: CodexRepoKey
let query = Query.init(key, value=false)
without queryIter =? (await self.repoDs.query(query)), err:
trace "Error querying cids in repo", blockType, err = err.msg
return failure(err)
proc next(): Future[?Cid] {.async.} =
await idleAsync()
if queryIter.finished:
if pair =? (await and cid =? pair.key:
doAssert == 0
trace "Retrieved record from repo", cid
return Cid.init(cid.value).option
return Cid.none = next
return success iter
proc createBlockExpirationQuery(maxNumber: int, offset: int): ?!Query =
let queryKey = ? createBlockExpirationMetadataQueryKey()
success Query.init(queryKey, offset = offset, limit = maxNumber)
method getBlockExpirations*(
self: RepoStore,
maxNumber: int,
offset: int): Future[?!AsyncIter[BlockExpiration]] {.async, base.} =
## Get iterator with block expirations
without beQuery =? createBlockExpirationQuery(maxNumber, offset), err:
error "Unable to format block expirations query", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
without queryIter =? await query[BlockMetadata](self.metaDs, beQuery), err:
error "Unable to execute block expirations query", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
without asyncQueryIter =? await queryIter.toAsyncIter(), err:
error "Unable to convert QueryIter to AsyncIter", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
filteredIter = await asyncQueryIter.filterSuccess()
blockExpIter = await mapFilter[KeyVal[BlockMetadata], BlockExpiration](filteredIter,
proc (kv: KeyVal[BlockMetadata]): Future[?BlockExpiration] {.async.} =
without cid =? Cid.init(kv.key.value).mapFailure, err:
error "Failed decoding cid", err = err.msg
return BlockExpiration.none
BlockExpiration(cid: cid, expiry: kv.value.expiry).some
method close*(self: RepoStore): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Close the blockstore, cleaning up resources managed by it.
## For some implementations this may be a no-op
trace "Closing repostore"
if not self.metaDs.isNil:
(await self.metaDs.close()).expect("Should meta datastore")
if not self.repoDs.isNil:
(await self.repoDs.close()).expect("Should repo datastore")
# RepoStore procs
proc reserve*(self: RepoStore, bytes: NBytes): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Reserve bytes
trace "Reserving bytes", bytes
await self.updateQuotaUsage(plusReserved = bytes)
proc release*(self: RepoStore, bytes: NBytes): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Release bytes
trace "Releasing bytes", bytes
await self.updateQuotaUsage(minusReserved = bytes)
proc start*(self: RepoStore): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Start repo
if self.started:
trace "Repo already started"
trace "Starting rep"
if err =? (await self.updateTotalBlocksCount()).errorOption:
raise newException(CodexError, err.msg)
if err =? (await self.updateQuotaUsage()).errorOption:
raise newException(CodexError, err.msg)
self.started = true
proc stop*(self: RepoStore): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Stop repo
if not self.started:
trace "Repo is not started"
trace "Stopping repo"
await self.close()
self.started = false