import std/sequtils import std/sugar import std/tables import pkg/asynctest import pkg/chronos import pkg/libp2p import pkg/libp2p/errors import pkg/codex/rng import pkg/codex/stores import pkg/codex/blockexchange import pkg/codex/chunker import pkg/codex/manifest import pkg/codex/blocktype as bt import ../../helpers/mockdiscovery import ../../helpers import ../../examples asyncchecksuite "Block Advertising and Discovery": let chunker =, size = 4096, chunkSize = 256) var blocks: seq[bt.Block] manifest: Manifest manifestBlock: bt.Block switch: Switch peerStore: PeerCtxStore blockDiscovery: MockDiscovery discovery: DiscoveryEngine wallet: WalletRef network: BlockExcNetwork localStore: CacheStore engine: BlockExcEngine pendingBlocks: PendingBlocksManager setup: while true: let chunk = await chunker.getBytes() if chunk.len <= 0: break blocks.add( switch = newStandardSwitch(transportFlags = {ServerFlags.ReuseAddr}) blockDiscovery = wallet = WalletRef.example network = localStore = it )) peerStore = pendingBlocks = manifest = blocks.mapIt( it.cid ) ).tryGet() manifestBlock = manifest.encode().tryGet(), codec = DagPBCodec).tryGet() (await localStore.putBlock(manifestBlock)).tryGet() discovery = localStore, peerStore, network, blockDiscovery, pendingBlocks, minPeersPerBlock = 1) engine = localStore, wallet, network, discovery, peerStore, pendingBlocks) switch.mount(network) test "Should discover want list": let pendingBlocks = blocks.mapIt( engine.pendingBlocks.getWantHandle(it.cid) ) await engine.start() blockDiscovery.publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[void] {.async, gcsafe.} = return blockDiscovery.findBlockProvidersHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[seq[SignedPeerRecord]] {.async.} = await engine.resolveBlocks(blocks.filterIt( it.cid == cid )) await allFuturesThrowing( allFinished(pendingBlocks)) await engine.stop() test "Should advertise both manifests and blocks": let advertised = initTable.collect: for b in (blocks & manifestBlock): {b.cid: newFuture[void]()} blockDiscovery .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid) {.async.} = if cid in advertised and not advertised[cid].finished(): advertised[cid].complete() discovery.advertiseType = BlockType.Both await engine.start() # fire up advertise loop await allFuturesThrowing( allFinished(toSeq(advertised.values))) await engine.stop() test "Should advertise local manifests": let advertised = newFuture[Cid]() blockDiscovery .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid) {.async.} = check manifestBlock.cid == cid advertised.complete(cid) discovery.advertiseType = BlockType.Manifest await engine.start() # fire up advertise loop check (await advertised.wait(10.millis)) == manifestBlock.cid await engine.stop() test "Should advertise local blocks": let advertised = initTable.collect: for b in blocks: {b.cid: newFuture[void]()} blockDiscovery .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid) {.async.} = if cid in advertised and not advertised[cid].finished(): advertised[cid].complete() discovery.advertiseType = BlockType.Block await engine.start() # fire up advertise loop await allFuturesThrowing( allFinished(toSeq(advertised.values))) await engine.stop() test "Should not launch discovery if remote peer has block": let pendingBlocks = blocks.mapIt( engine.pendingBlocks.getWantHandle(it.cid) ) peerId = PeerId.example haves = collect(initTable()): for blk in blocks: { blk.cid: Presence(cid: blk.cid, price: 0.u256) } engine.peers.add( BlockExcPeerCtx( id: peerId, blocks: haves )) blockDiscovery.findBlockProvidersHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[seq[SignedPeerRecord]] = check false await engine.start() # fire up discovery loop engine.pendingBlocks.resolve(blocks) await allFuturesThrowing( allFinished(pendingBlocks)) await engine.stop() asyncchecksuite "E2E - Multiple Nodes Discovery": let chunker =, size = 4096, chunkSize = 256) var switch: seq[Switch] blockexc: seq[NetworkStore] blocks: seq[bt.Block] setup: while true: let chunk = await chunker.getBytes() if chunk.len <= 0: break blocks.add( for _ in 0..<4: let s = newStandardSwitch(transportFlags = {ServerFlags.ReuseAddr}) blockDiscovery = wallet = WalletRef.example network = localStore = peerStore = pendingBlocks = discovery = localStore, peerStore, network, blockDiscovery, pendingBlocks, minPeersPerBlock = 1) engine = localStore, wallet, network, discovery, peerStore, pendingBlocks) networkStore =, localStore) s.mount(network) switch.add(s) blockexc.add(networkStore) teardown: switch = @[] blockexc = @[] test "E2E - Should advertise and discover blocks": # Distribute the blocks amongst 1..3 # Ask 0 to download everything without connecting him beforehand var advertised: Table[Cid, SignedPeerRecord] MockDiscovery(blockexc[1].engine.discovery.discovery) .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[void] {.async.} = advertised[cid] = switch[1].peerInfo.signedPeerRecord MockDiscovery(blockexc[2].engine.discovery.discovery) .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[void] {.async.} = advertised[cid] = switch[2].peerInfo.signedPeerRecord MockDiscovery(blockexc[3].engine.discovery.discovery) .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[void] {.async.} = advertised[cid] = switch[3].peerInfo.signedPeerRecord await blockexc[1].engine.blocksHandler(switch[0].peerInfo.peerId, blocks[0..5]) await blockexc[2].engine.blocksHandler(switch[0].peerInfo.peerId, blocks[4..10]) await blockexc[3].engine.blocksHandler(switch[0].peerInfo.peerId, blocks[10..15]) MockDiscovery(blockexc[0].engine.discovery.discovery) .findBlockProvidersHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[seq[SignedPeerRecord]] {.async.} = if cid in advertised: result.add(advertised[cid]) let futs = collect(newSeq): for b in blocks: blockexc[0].engine.requestBlock(b.cid) await allFuturesThrowing( switch.mapIt( it.start() ) & blockexc.mapIt( it.engine.start() )) await allFutures(futs) await allFuturesThrowing( blockexc.mapIt( it.engine.stop() ) & switch.mapIt( it.stop() )) test "E2E - Should advertise and discover blocks with peers already connected": # Distribute the blocks amongst 1..3 # Ask 0 to download everything without connecting him beforehand var advertised: Table[Cid, SignedPeerRecord] MockDiscovery(blockexc[1].engine.discovery.discovery) .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[void] {.async.} = advertised[cid] = switch[1].peerInfo.signedPeerRecord MockDiscovery(blockexc[2].engine.discovery.discovery) .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[void] {.async.} = advertised[cid] = switch[2].peerInfo.signedPeerRecord MockDiscovery(blockexc[3].engine.discovery.discovery) .publishBlockProvideHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[void] {.async.} = advertised[cid] = switch[3].peerInfo.signedPeerRecord await blockexc[1].engine.blocksHandler(switch[0].peerInfo.peerId, blocks[0..5]) await blockexc[2].engine.blocksHandler(switch[0].peerInfo.peerId, blocks[4..10]) await blockexc[3].engine.blocksHandler(switch[0].peerInfo.peerId, blocks[10..15]) MockDiscovery(blockexc[0].engine.discovery.discovery) .findBlockProvidersHandler = proc(d: MockDiscovery, cid: Cid): Future[seq[SignedPeerRecord]] {.async.} = if cid in advertised: return @[advertised[cid]] let futs = blocks.mapIt( blockexc[0].engine.requestBlock( it.cid ) ) await allFuturesThrowing( switch.mapIt( it.start() ) & blockexc.mapIt( it.engine.start() )) await allFutures(futs).wait(10.seconds) await allFuturesThrowing( blockexc.mapIt( it.engine.stop() ) & switch.mapIt( it.stop() ))