import std/options import pkg/questionable/results import ../../clock import ../../logutils import ../../utils/exceptions import ../statemachine import ../salesagent import ../salescontext import ./errorhandling import ./cancelled import ./failed import ./errored import ./payout logScope: topics = "marketplace sales proving" type SlotNotFilledError* = object of CatchableError SaleProving* = ref object of ErrorHandlingState loop: Future[void] method prove*( state: SaleProving, slot: Slot, challenge: ProofChallenge, onProve: OnProve, market: Market, currentPeriod: Period ) {.base, async.} = try: without proof =? (await onProve(slot, challenge)), err: error "Failed to generate proof", error = err.msg # In this state, there's nothing we can do except try again next time. return debug "Submitting proof", currentPeriod = currentPeriod, slotId = await market.submitProof(, proof) except CatchableError as e: error "Submitting proof failed", msg = e.msgDetail proc proveLoop( state: SaleProving, market: Market, clock: Clock, request: StorageRequest, slotIndex: UInt256, onProve: OnProve ) {.async.} = let slot = Slot(request: request, slotIndex: slotIndex) let slotId = logScope: period = currentPeriod requestId = slotIndex slotId = proc getCurrentPeriod(): Future[Period] {.async.} = let periodicity = await market.periodicity() return periodicity.periodOf( proc waitUntilPeriod(period: Period) {.async.} = let periodicity = await market.periodicity() await clock.waitUntil(periodicity.periodStart(period).truncate(int64)) while true: let currentPeriod = await getCurrentPeriod() let slotState = await market.slotState( if slotState == SlotState.Finished: debug "Slot reached finished state", period = currentPeriod return if slotState != SlotState.Filled: raise newException(SlotNotFilledError, "Slot is not in Filled state!") debug "Proving for new period", period = currentPeriod if (await market.isProofRequired(slotId)) or (await market.willProofBeRequired(slotId)): let challenge = await market.getChallenge(slotId) debug "Proof is required", period = currentPeriod, challenge = challenge await state.prove(slot, challenge, onProve, market, currentPeriod) debug "waiting until next period" await waitUntilPeriod(currentPeriod + 1) method `$`*(state: SaleProving): string = "SaleProving" method onCancelled*(state: SaleProving, request: StorageRequest): ?State = # state.loop cancellation happens automatically when run is cancelled due to # state change return some State(SaleCancelled()) method onFailed*(state: SaleProving, request: StorageRequest): ?State = # state.loop cancellation happens automatically when run is cancelled due to # state change return some State(SaleFailed()) method run*(state: SaleProving, machine: Machine): Future[?State] {.async.} = let data = SalesAgent(machine).data let context = SalesAgent(machine).context without request =? data.request: raiseAssert "no sale request" without onProve =? context.onProve: raiseAssert "onProve callback not set" without market =? raiseAssert("market not set") without clock =? context.clock: raiseAssert("clock not set") debug "Start proving", requestId = data.requestId, slotIndex = data.slotIndex try: let loop = state.proveLoop(market, clock, request, data.slotIndex, onProve) state.loop = loop await loop except CancelledError: discard except CatchableError as e: error "Proving failed", msg = e.msg return some State(SaleErrored(error: e)) finally: # Cleanup of the proving loop debug "Stopping proving.", requestId = data.requestId, slotIndex = data.slotIndex if not state.loop.isNil: if not state.loop.finished: try: await state.loop.cancelAndWait() except CatchableError as e: error "Error during cancellation of proving loop", msg = e.msg state.loop = nil return some State(SalePayout())