import std/sequtils import std/options import std/importutils import ../../../asynctest import pkg/questionable import pkg/questionable/results import pkg/datastore import pkg/codex/rng import pkg/codex/stores import pkg/codex/merkletree import pkg/codex/utils/json import pkg/codex/codextypes import pkg/codex/slots import pkg/codex/slots/builder import pkg/codex/utils/poseidon2digest import pkg/codex/slots/sampler/utils import pkg/constantine/math/arithmetic import pkg/constantine/math/io/io_bigints import pkg/constantine/math/io/io_fields import ../backends/helpers import ../helpers import ../../helpers suite "Test Sampler - control samples": var inputData: string inputJson: JsonNode proofInput: ProofInputs[Poseidon2Hash] setup: inputData = readFile("tests/circuits/fixtures/input.json") inputJson = !JsonNode.parse(inputData) proofInput = Poseidon2Hash.jsonToProofInput(inputJson) test "Should verify control samples": let blockCells = 32 cellIdxs = proofInput.entropy.cellIndices(proofInput.slotRoot, proofInput.nCellsPerSlot, 5) for i, cellIdx in cellIdxs: let sample = proofInput.samples[i] cellIdx = cellIdxs[i] cellProof = Poseidon2Proof.init( cellIdx.toCellInBlk(blockCells), proofInput.nCellsPerSlot, sample.merklePaths[0..<5]).tryGet slotProof = Poseidon2Proof.init( cellIdx.toBlkInSlot(blockCells), proofInput.nCellsPerSlot, sample.merklePaths[5..<9]).tryGet cellData = Poseidon2Hash.fromCircomData(sample.cellData) cellLeaf = Poseidon2Hash.spongeDigest(cellData, rate = 2).tryGet slotLeaf = cellProof.reconstructRoot(cellLeaf).tryGet check slotProof.verify(slotLeaf, proofInput.slotRoot).tryGet test "Should verify control dataset root": let datasetProof = Poseidon2Proof.init( proofInput.slotIndex, proofInput.nSlotsPerDataSet, proofInput.slotProof[0..<4]).tryGet check datasetProof.verify(proofInput.slotRoot, proofInput.datasetRoot).tryGet suite "Test Sampler": let slotIndex = 3 nSamples = 5 ecK = 3 ecM = 2 datasetBlocks = 8 entropy = 1234567.toF blockSize = DefaultBlockSize cellSize = DefaultCellSize repoTmp = metaTmp = var store: RepoStore builder: Poseidon2Builder manifest: Manifest protected: Manifest verifiable: Manifest setup: let repoDs = repoTmp.newDb() metaDs = metaTmp.newDb() store =, metaDs) (manifest, protected, verifiable) = await createVerifiableManifest( store, datasetBlocks, ecK, ecM, blockSize, cellSize) # create sampler builder =, verifiable).tryGet teardown: await store.close() await repoTmp.destroyDb() await metaTmp.destroyDb() test "Should fail instantiating for invalid slot index": let sampler =, store, builder) check sampler.isErr test "Should fail instantiating for non verifiable builder": let nonVerifiableBuilder =, protected).tryGet sampler =, store, nonVerifiableBuilder) check sampler.isErr test "Should verify samples": let sampler =, store, builder).tryGet verifyTree = builder.verifyTree.get # get the dataset tree slotProof = verifyTree.getProof(slotIndex).tryGet # get slot proof for index datasetRoot = verifyTree.root().tryGet # get dataset root slotTreeCid = verifiable.slotRoots[slotIndex] # get slot tree cid to retrieve proof from storage slotRoot = builder.slotRoots[slotIndex] # get slot root hash cellIdxs = entropy.cellIndices(slotRoot, builder.numSlotCells, nSamples) nBlockCells = builder.numBlockCells nSlotCells = builder.numSlotCells for i, cellIdx in cellIdxs: let sample = (await sampler.getSample(cellIdx, slotTreeCid, slotRoot)).tryGet cellProof = Poseidon2Proof.init( cellIdx.toCellInBlk(nBlockCells), nSlotCells, sample.merklePaths[0..<5]).tryGet slotProof = Poseidon2Proof.init( cellIdx.toBlkInSlot(nBlockCells), nSlotCells, sample.merklePaths[5..