import std/os import std/strutils import std/sequtils import pkg/questionable import pkg/questionable/results import pkg/chronos import pkg/asynctest import pkg/libp2p import pkg/stew/byteutils import pkg/stew/endians2 import pkg/datastore import pkg/codex/stores/cachestore import pkg/codex/chunker import pkg/codex/stores import pkg/codex/blocktype as bt import pkg/codex/clock import ../helpers import ../helpers/mockclock import ./commonstoretests checksuite "Test RepoStore start/stop": var repoDs: Datastore metaDs: Datastore setup: repoDs = metaDs = test "Should set started flag once started": let repo =, metaDs, quotaMaxBytes = 200) await repo.start() check repo.started test "Should set started flag to false once stopped": let repo =, metaDs, quotaMaxBytes = 200) await repo.start() await repo.stop() check not repo.started test "Should allow start to be called multiple times": let repo =, metaDs, quotaMaxBytes = 200) await repo.start() await repo.start() check repo.started test "Should allow stop to be called multiple times": let repo =, metaDs, quotaMaxBytes = 200) await repo.stop() await repo.stop() check not repo.started asyncchecksuite "RepoStore": var repoDs: Datastore metaDs: Datastore mockClock: MockClock repo: RepoStore let now: SecondsSince1970 = 123 setup: repoDs = metaDs = mockClock = mockClock.set(now) repo =, metaDs, mockClock, quotaMaxBytes = 200) teardown: (await repoDs.close()).tryGet (await metaDs.close()).tryGet proc createTestBlock(size: int): bt.Block ='a'.repeat(size).toBytes).tryGet() test "Should update current used bytes on block put": let blk = createTestBlock(200) check repo.quotaUsedBytes == 0 (await repo.putBlock(blk)).tryGet check: repo.quotaUsedBytes == 200 uint64.fromBytesBE((await metaDs.get(QuotaUsedKey)).tryGet) == 200'u test "Should update current used bytes on block delete": let blk = createTestBlock(100) check repo.quotaUsedBytes == 0 (await repo.putBlock(blk)).tryGet check repo.quotaUsedBytes == 100 (await repo.delBlock(blk.cid)).tryGet check: repo.quotaUsedBytes == 0 uint64.fromBytesBE((await metaDs.get(QuotaUsedKey)).tryGet) == 0'u test "Should not update current used bytes if block exist": let blk = createTestBlock(100) check repo.quotaUsedBytes == 0 (await repo.putBlock(blk)).tryGet check repo.quotaUsedBytes == 100 # put again (await repo.putBlock(blk)).tryGet check repo.quotaUsedBytes == 100 check: uint64.fromBytesBE((await metaDs.get(QuotaUsedKey)).tryGet) == 100'u test "Should fail storing passed the quota": let blk = createTestBlock(300) check repo.totalUsed == 0 expect QuotaUsedError: (await repo.putBlock(blk)).tryGet test "Should reserve bytes": let blk = createTestBlock(100) check repo.totalUsed == 0 (await repo.putBlock(blk)).tryGet check repo.totalUsed == 100 (await repo.reserve(100)).tryGet check: repo.totalUsed == 200 repo.quotaUsedBytes == 100 repo.quotaReservedBytes == 100 uint64.fromBytesBE((await metaDs.get(QuotaReservedKey)).tryGet) == 100'u test "Should not reserve bytes over max quota": let blk = createTestBlock(100) check repo.totalUsed == 0 (await repo.putBlock(blk)).tryGet check repo.totalUsed == 100 expect QuotaNotEnoughError: (await repo.reserve(101)).tryGet check: repo.totalUsed == 100 repo.quotaUsedBytes == 100 repo.quotaReservedBytes == 0 expect DatastoreKeyNotFound: discard (await metaDs.get(QuotaReservedKey)).tryGet test "Should release bytes": discard createTestBlock(100) check repo.totalUsed == 0 (await repo.reserve(100)).tryGet check repo.totalUsed == 100 (await repo.release(100)).tryGet check: repo.totalUsed == 0 repo.quotaUsedBytes == 0 repo.quotaReservedBytes == 0 uint64.fromBytesBE((await metaDs.get(QuotaReservedKey)).tryGet) == 0'u test "Should not release bytes less than quota": check repo.totalUsed == 0 (await repo.reserve(100)).tryGet check repo.totalUsed == 100 expect CatchableError: (await repo.release(101)).tryGet check: repo.totalUsed == 100 repo.quotaUsedBytes == 0 repo.quotaReservedBytes == 100 uint64.fromBytesBE((await metaDs.get(QuotaReservedKey)).tryGet) == 100'u proc queryMetaDs(key: Key): Future[seq[QueryResponse]] {.async.} = let query = Query.init(key) responseIter = (await metaDs.query(query)).tryGet response = (await allFinished(toSeq(responseIter))) .mapIt( .filterIt(it.key.isSome) return response test "Should store block expiration timestamp": let duration = 10.seconds blk = createTestBlock(100) let expectedExpiration: SecondsSince1970 = 123 + 10 expectedKey = Key.init("meta/ttl/" & $blk.cid).tryGet (await repo.putBlock(blk, duration.some)).tryGet let response = await queryMetaDs(expectedKey) check: response.len == 1 !response[0].key == expectedKey response[0].data == expectedExpiration.toBytes test "Should store block with default expiration timestamp when not provided": let blk = createTestBlock(100) let expectedExpiration: SecondsSince1970 = 123 + DefaultBlockTtl.seconds expectedKey = Key.init("meta/ttl/" & $blk.cid).tryGet (await repo.putBlock(blk)).tryGet let response = await queryMetaDs(expectedKey) check: response.len == 1 !response[0].key == expectedKey response[0].data == expectedExpiration.toBytes test "delBlock should remove expiration metadata": let blk = createTestBlock(100) expectedKey = Key.init("meta/ttl/" & $blk.cid).tryGet (await repo.putBlock(blk, 10.seconds.some)).tryGet (await repo.delBlock(blk.cid)).tryGet let response = await queryMetaDs(expectedKey) check: response.len == 0 test "Should retrieve block expiration information": proc unpack(beIter: Future[?!BlockExpirationIter]): Future[seq[BlockExpiration]] {.async.} = var expirations = newSeq[BlockExpiration](0) without iter =? (await beIter), err: return expirations for be in toSeq(iter): if value =? (await be): expirations.add(value) return expirations let duration = 10.seconds blk1 = createTestBlock(10) blk2 = createTestBlock(11) blk3 = createTestBlock(12) let expectedExpiration: SecondsSince1970 = 123 + 10 proc assertExpiration(be: BlockExpiration, expectedBlock: bt.Block) = check: be.cid == expectedBlock.cid be.expiration == expectedExpiration (await repo.putBlock(blk1, duration.some)).tryGet (await repo.putBlock(blk2, duration.some)).tryGet (await repo.putBlock(blk3, duration.some)).tryGet let blockExpirations1 = await unpack(repo.getBlockExpirations(maxNumber=2, offset=0)) blockExpirations2 = await unpack(repo.getBlockExpirations(maxNumber=2, offset=2)) check blockExpirations1.len == 2 assertExpiration(blockExpirations1[0], blk2) assertExpiration(blockExpirations1[1], blk1) check blockExpirations2.len == 1 assertExpiration(blockExpirations2[0], blk3) commonBlockStoreTests( "RepoStore Sql backend", proc: BlockStore = BlockStore(,, const path = currentSourcePath().parentDir / "test" proc before() {.async.} = createDir(path) proc after() {.async.} = removeDir(path) let depth = path.split(DirSep).len commonBlockStoreTests( "RepoStore FS backend", proc: BlockStore = BlockStore(, depth).tryGet(),,, before = before, after = after)