feat: storage host collects reward (#416)

Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net>
This commit is contained in:
Adam Uhlíř 2023-05-15 09:02:57 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4d028c6cb3
commit c075890737
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 110 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -106,6 +106,15 @@ Available sub-commands:
codex initNode
#### Logging
Codex uses [Chronicles](https://github.com/status-im/nim-chronicles) logging library, which allows great flexibility in working with logs.
Chronicles has the concept of topics, which categorize log entries into semantic groups.
Using the `log-level` parameter, you can set the top-level log level like `--log-level="TRACE"`, but more importantly,
you can set log levels for specific topics like `--log-level="INFO; TRACE: marketplace,node; ERROR: blockexchange"`,
which sets the top-level log level to `INFO` and then for topics `marketplace` and `node` sets the level to `TRACE` and so on.
### Example: running two Codex clients
To get acquainted with Codex, consider running the manual two-client test described [HERE](docs/TWOCLIENTTEST.md).

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import ./marketplace
export market
topics = "onchain market"
topics = "marketplace onchain market"
OnChainMarket* = ref object of Market
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func new*(_: type OnChainMarket, contract: Marketplace): OnChainMarket =
proc approveFunds(market: OnChainMarket, amount: UInt256) {.async.} =
notice "approving tokens", amount
debug "Approving tokens", amount
let tokenAddress = await market.contract.token()
let token = Erc20Token.new(tokenAddress, market.signer)
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ method mySlots*(market: OnChainMarket): Future[seq[SlotId]] {.async.} =
return await market.contract.mySlots()
method requestStorage(market: OnChainMarket, request: StorageRequest){.async.} =
debug "Requesting storage"
await market.approveFunds(request.price())
await market.contract.requestStorage(request)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import ./clock
export sets
topics = "marketplace proving"
Proving* = ref object
market: Market
@ -40,7 +43,12 @@ proc removeEndedContracts(proving: Proving) {.async.} =
var ended: HashSet[Slot]
for slot in proving.slots:
let state = await proving.market.slotState(slot.id)
if state == SlotState.Finished:
debug "Collecting finished slot's reward", slot = $slot.id
await proving.market.freeSlot(slot.id)
if state != SlotState.Filled:
debug "Request ended, cleaning up slot", slot = $slot.id
@ -57,6 +65,7 @@ proc run(proving: Proving) {.async.} =
while true:
let currentPeriod = await proving.getCurrentPeriod()
debug "Proving for new period", period = currentPeriod
await proving.removeEndedContracts()
for slot in proving.slots:
let id = slot.id

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import ./reservations
export reservations
topics = "sales statemachine"
topics = "marketplace sales"
type SalesAgent* = ref object of Machine
context*: SalesContext

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type
SaleDownloading* = ref object of ErrorHandlingState
topics = "sales downloading"
topics = "marketplace sales downloading"
method `$`*(state: SaleDownloading): string = "SaleDownloading"
@ -46,13 +46,16 @@ method run*(state: SaleDownloading, machine: Machine): Future[?State] {.async.}
without request =? data.request:
raiseAssert "no sale request"
debug "New request detected, downloading info", requestId = $data.requestId
without availability =? await reservations.find(
used = false):
info "no availability found for request, ignoring",
info "No availability found for request, ignoring",
requestId = $data.requestId,
slotSize = request.ask.slotSize,
duration = request.ask.duration,
pricePerSlot = request.ask.pricePerSlot,

View File

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ import pkg/chronicles
import ../statemachine
import ../salesagent
topics = "marketplace sales errored"
type SaleErrored* = ref object of SaleState
error*: ref CatchableError
@ -25,4 +28,4 @@ method run*(state: SaleErrored, machine: Machine): Future[?State] {.async.} =
await agent.unsubscribe()
error "Sale error", error=state.error.msg
error "Sale error", error=state.error.msg, requestId = $data.requestId

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import pkg/chronicles
import ../../market
import ../statemachine
import ../salesagent
@ -6,6 +7,9 @@ import ./filled
import ./cancelled
import ./failed
topics = "marketplace sales filling"
SaleFilling* = ref object of ErrorHandlingState
proof*: seq[byte]
@ -28,4 +32,5 @@ method run(state: SaleFilling, machine: Machine): Future[?State] {.async.} =
without (collateral =? data.request.?ask.?collateral):
raiseAssert "Request not set"
debug "Filling slot", requestId = $data.requestId, slot = $data.slotIndex
await market.fillSlot(data.requestId, data.slotIndex, state.proof, collateral)

View File

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronicles
import ../statemachine
import ../salesagent
import ./errorhandling
import ./cancelled
import ./failed
topics = "marketplace sales finished"
SaleFinished* = ref object of ErrorHandlingState
@ -21,8 +25,11 @@ method run*(state: SaleFinished, machine: Machine): Future[?State] {.async.} =
let data = agent.data
let context = agent.context
debug "Request succesfully filled", requestId = $data.requestId
if request =? data.request and
slotIndex =? data.slotIndex:
debug "Adding request to proving list", requestId = $data.requestId
context.proving.add(Slot(request: request, slotIndex: slotIndex))
if onSale =? context.onSale:

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import pkg/chronicles
import ../statemachine
import ../salesagent
import ./errorhandling
@ -6,6 +7,9 @@ import ./cancelled
import ./failed
import ./filled
topics = "marketplace sales proving"
SaleProving* = ref object of ErrorHandlingState
@ -31,5 +35,8 @@ method run*(state: SaleProving, machine: Machine): Future[?State] {.async.} =
without onProve =? context.proving.onProve:
raiseAssert "onProve callback not set"
debug "Start proving", requestId = $data.requestId
let proof = await onProve(Slot(request: request, slotIndex: data.slotIndex))
debug "Finished proving", requestId = $data.requestId
return some State(SaleFilling(proof: proof))

View File

@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ proc start(node: NodeProcess) =
if line.contains("Started codex node"):
proc startNode*(args: openArray[string], debug = false): NodeProcess =
proc startNode*(args: openArray[string], debug: string | bool = false): NodeProcess =
## Starts a Codex Node with the specified arguments.
## Set debug to 'true' to see output of the node.
let node = NodeProcess(arguments: @args, debug: debug)
let node = NodeProcess(arguments: @args, debug: ($debug != "false"))

View File

@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
import std/json
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/stint
import pkg/ethers/erc20
import codex/contracts
import ../contracts/time
import ../contracts/deployment
import ../codex/helpers/eventually
import ./twonodes
# For debugging you can enable logging output with debugX = true
# You can also pass a string in same format like for the `--log-level` parameter
# to enable custom logging levels for specific topics like: debug2 = "INFO; TRACE: marketplace"
twonodessuite "Integration tests", debug1 = false, debug2 = false:
@ -78,3 +85,30 @@ twonodessuite "Integration tests", debug1 = false, debug2 = false:
check availabilities.len == 1
let newSize = UInt256.fromHex(availabilities[0]{"size"}.getStr)
check newSize > 0 and newSize < size.u256
test "node slots gets paid out":
let marketplace = Marketplace.new(Marketplace.address, provider.getSigner())
let tokenAddress = await marketplace.token()
let token = Erc20Token.new(tokenAddress, provider.getSigner())
let reward: uint64 = 400
let duration: uint64 = 100
# client 2 makes storage available
let startBalance = await token.balanceOf(account2)
discard client2.postAvailability(size=0xFFFFF, duration=200, minPrice=300, maxCollateral=300)
# client 1 requests storage
let expiry = (await provider.currentTime()) + 30
let cid = client1.upload("some file contents")
let purchase = client1.requestStorage(cid, duration=duration, reward=reward, proofProbability=3, expiry=expiry, collateral=200)
check eventually client1.getPurchase(purchase){"state"} == %"started"
check client1.getPurchase(purchase){"error"} == newJNull()
# Proving mechanism uses blockchain clock to do proving/collect/cleanup round
# hence we must use `advanceTime` over `sleepAsync` as Hardhat does mine new blocks
# only with new transaction
await provider.advanceTime(duration.u256)
await sleepAsync(1.seconds)
check eventually (await token.balanceOf(account2)) - startBalance == duration.u256*reward.u256

View File

@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ export ethertest
export codexclient
export nodes
template twonodessuite*(name: string, debug1, debug2: bool, body) =
template twonodessuite*(name: string, debug1, debug2: bool | string, body) =
twonodessuite(name, $debug1, $debug2, body)
template twonodessuite*(name: string, debug1, debug2: string, body) =
ethersuite name:
@ -18,6 +21,8 @@ template twonodessuite*(name: string, debug1, debug2: bool, body) =
var node2 {.inject, used.}: NodeProcess
var client1 {.inject, used.}: CodexClient
var client2 {.inject, used.}: CodexClient
var account1 {.inject, used.}: Address
var account2 {.inject, used.}: Address
let dataDir1 = getTempDir() / "Codex1"
let dataDir2 = getTempDir() / "Codex2"
@ -25,20 +30,27 @@ template twonodessuite*(name: string, debug1, debug2: bool, body) =
client1 = CodexClient.new("http://localhost:8080/api/codex/v1")
client2 = CodexClient.new("http://localhost:8081/api/codex/v1")
account1 = accounts[0]
account2 = accounts[1]
node1 = startNode([
var node1Args = @[
"--data-dir=" & dataDir1,
"--eth-account=" & $accounts[0]
], debug = debug1)
"--eth-account=" & $account1
if debug1 != "true" and debug1 != "false":
node1Args.add("--log-level=" & debug1)
node1 = startNode(node1Args, debug = debug1)
let bootstrap = client1.info()["spr"].getStr()
node2 = startNode([
var node2Args = @[
"--data-dir=" & dataDir2,
@ -46,8 +58,13 @@ template twonodessuite*(name: string, debug1, debug2: bool, body) =
"--bootstrap-node=" & bootstrap,
"--eth-account=" & $accounts[1]
], debug = debug2)
"--eth-account=" & $account2
if debug2 != "true" and debug2 != "false":
node2Args.add("--log-level=" & debug2)
node2 = startNode(node2Args, debug = debug2)