mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 03:40:35 +00:00
Plumbing in conf types (#472)
Goal is to provide documentation and to enable conf utils byte params. * Create byte units NByte and plumb through in size locations. * add json serde * plumb parseDuration to conf
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import pkg/libp2p
import ./codex/conf
import ./codex/codex
import ./codex/units
import ./codex/utils/keyutils
export codex, conf, libp2p, chronos, chronicles
@ -20,15 +20,17 @@ import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/chronicles
import ./units
import ./utils
import ./formats
import ./errors
export errors, formats
export errors, formats, units
# Size of blocks for storage / network exchange,
# should be divisible by 31 for PoR and by 64 for Leopard ECC
BlockSize* = 31 * 64 * 33
DefaultBlockSize* = NBytes 31 * 64 * 33
Block* = ref object of RootObj
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import ./blocktype
export blocktype
DefaultChunkSize* = BlockSize
DefaultChunkSize* = DefaultBlockSize
# default reader type
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type
Chunker* = ref object
reader*: Reader # Procedure called to actually read the data
offset*: int # Bytes read so far (position in the stream)
chunkSize*: Natural # Size of each chunk
chunkSize*: NBytes # Size of each chunk
pad*: bool # Pad last chunk to chunkSize?
FileChunker* = Chunker
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ proc getBytes*(c: Chunker): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} =
## the instantiated chunker
var buff = newSeq[byte](c.chunkSize)
var buff = newSeq[byte](c.chunkSize.int)
let read = await c.reader(cast[ChunkBuffer](addr buff[0]), buff.len)
if read <= 0:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ proc getBytes*(c: Chunker): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} =
return move buff
func new*(
proc new*(
T: type Chunker,
reader: Reader,
chunkSize = DefaultChunkSize,
@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ proc new*(
cache: CacheStore = nil
if config.cacheSize > 0:
cache = CacheStore.new(cacheSize = config.cacheSize * MiB)
if config.cacheSize > 0'nb:
cache = CacheStore.new(cacheSize = config.cacheSize)
## Is unused?
@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ proc new*(
metaDs = SQLiteDatastore.new(config.dataDir / CodexMetaNamespace)
.expect("Should create meta data store!"),
quotaMaxBytes = config.storageQuota.uint,
blockTtl = config.blockTtlSeconds.seconds)
blockTtl = config.blockTtl)
maintenance = BlockMaintainer.new(
interval = config.blockMaintenanceIntervalSeconds.seconds,
interval = config.blockMaintenanceInterval,
numberOfBlocksPerInterval = config.blockMaintenanceNumberOfBlocks)
peerStore = PeerCtxStore.new()
@ -27,13 +27,17 @@ import pkg/toml_serialization
import pkg/metrics
import pkg/metrics/chronos_httpserver
import pkg/stew/shims/net as stewnet
import pkg/stew/shims/parseutils
import pkg/libp2p
import pkg/ethers
import ./discovery
import ./stores
import ./units
import ./utils
export DefaultCacheSizeMiB, net, DefaultQuotaBytes, DefaultBlockTtl, DefaultBlockMaintenanceInterval, DefaultNumberOfBlocksToMaintainPerInterval
export units
export net, DefaultQuotaBytes, DefaultBlockTtl, DefaultBlockMaintenanceInterval, DefaultNumberOfBlocksToMaintainPerInterval
codex_enable_api_debug_peers* {.booldefine.} = false
@ -161,10 +165,10 @@ type
apiPort* {.
desc: "The REST Api port",
defaultValue: 8080
defaultValue: 8080.Port
defaultValueDesc: "8080"
name: "api-port"
abbr: "p" }: int
abbr: "p" }: Port
repoKind* {.
desc: "backend for main repo store (fs, sqlite)"
@ -177,20 +181,20 @@ type
defaultValue: DefaultQuotaBytes
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultQuotaBytes
name: "storage-quota"
abbr: "q" }: Natural
abbr: "q" }: NBytes
blockTtlSeconds* {.
blockTtl* {.
desc: "Default block timeout in seconds - 0 disables the ttl"
defaultValue: DefaultBlockTtl.seconds
defaultValue: DefaultBlockTtl
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultBlockTtl
name: "block-ttl"
abbr: "t" }: int
abbr: "t" }: Duration
blockMaintenanceIntervalSeconds* {.
blockMaintenanceInterval* {.
desc: "Time interval in seconds - determines frequency of block maintenance cycle: how often blocks are checked for expiration and cleanup."
defaultValue: DefaultBlockMaintenanceInterval.seconds
defaultValue: DefaultBlockMaintenanceInterval
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultBlockMaintenanceInterval
name: "block-mi" }: int
name: "block-mi" }: Duration
blockMaintenanceNumberOfBlocks* {.
desc: "Number of blocks to check every maintenance cycle."
@ -199,11 +203,11 @@ type
name: "block-mn" }: int
cacheSize* {.
desc: "The size in MiB of the block cache, 0 disables the cache - might help on slow hardrives"
desc: "The size of the block cache, 0 disables the cache - might help on slow hardrives"
defaultValue: 0
defaultValueDesc: "0"
name: "cache-size"
abbr: "c" }: Natural
abbr: "c" }: NBytes
persistence* {.
desc: "Enables persistence mechanism, requires an Ethereum node"
@ -288,7 +292,7 @@ proc defaultDataDir*(): string =
getHomeDir() / dataDir
func parseCmdArg*(T: type MultiAddress, input: string): T
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type MultiAddress, input: string): T
{.upraises: [ValueError, LPError].} =
@ -303,9 +307,25 @@ proc parseCmdArg*(T: type SignedPeerRecord, uri: string): T =
quit QuitFailure
func parseCmdArg*(T: type EthAddress, address: string): T =
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type EthAddress, address: string): T =
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type NBytes, val: string): T =
var num = 0'i64
let count = parseSize(val, num, alwaysBin = true)
if count == 0:
warn "Invalid number of bytes", nbytes=val
quit QuitFailure
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type Duration, val: string): T =
var dur: Duration
let count = parseDuration(val, dur)
if count == 0:
warn "Invalid duration parse", dur=dur
quit QuitFailure
proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var EthAddress)
{.upraises: [SerializationError, IOError].} =
val = EthAddress.init(r.readValue(string)).get()
@ -317,10 +337,36 @@ proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var SignedPeerRecord) =
val = SignedPeerRecord.parseCmdArg(uri)
proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var NBytes)
{.upraises: [SerializationError, IOError].} =
var value = 0'i64
var str = r.readValue(string)
let count = parseSize(str, value, alwaysBin = true)
if count == 0:
error "invalid number of bytes for configuration value", value = str
quit QuitFailure
val = NBytes(value)
proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var Duration)
{.upraises: [SerializationError, IOError].} =
var str = r.readValue(string)
var dur: Duration
let count = parseDuration(str, dur)
if count == 0:
error "Invalid duration parse", value = str
quit QuitFailure
val = dur
# no idea why confutils needs this:
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type EthAddress; val: string): seq[string] =
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type NBytes; val: string): seq[string] =
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type Duration; val: string): seq[string] =
# silly chronicles, colors is a compile-time property
proc stripAnsi(v: string): string =
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ proc encode*(
new_manifest = encoded.len
encoder = self.encoderProvider(manifest.blockSize, blocks, parity)
encoder = self.encoderProvider(manifest.blockSize.int, blocks, parity)
for i in 0..<encoded.steps:
# TODO: Don't allocate a new seq every time, allocate once and zero out
data = newSeq[seq[byte]](blocks) # number of blocks to encode
parityData = newSeqWith[seq[byte]](parity, newSeq[byte](manifest.blockSize))
parityData = newSeqWith[seq[byte]](parity, newSeq[byte](manifest.blockSize.int))
# calculate block indexes to retrieve
blockIdx = toSeq(countup(i, encoded.rounded - 1, encoded.steps))
# request all blocks from the store
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ proc encode*(
shallowCopy(data[j], blk.data)
trace "Padding with empty block", pos = idx
data[j] = newSeq[byte](manifest.blockSize)
data[j] = newSeq[byte](manifest.blockSize.int)
trace "Erasure coding data", data = data.len, parity = parityData.len
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ proc decode*(
new_manifest = encoded.len
decoder = self.decoderProvider(encoded.blockSize, encoded.ecK, encoded.ecM)
decoder = self.decoderProvider(encoded.blockSize.int, encoded.ecK, encoded.ecM)
for i in 0..<encoded.steps:
@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ proc decode*(
data = newSeq[seq[byte]](encoded.ecK) # number of blocks to encode
parityData = newSeq[seq[byte]](encoded.ecM)
recovered = newSeqWith[seq[byte]](encoded.ecK, newSeq[byte](encoded.blockSize))
recovered = newSeqWith[seq[byte]](encoded.ecK, newSeq[byte](encoded.blockSize.int))
idxPendingBlocks = pendingBlocks # copy futures to make using with `one` easier
emptyBlock = newSeq[byte](encoded.blockSize)
emptyBlock = newSeq[byte](encoded.blockSize.int)
resolved = 0
while true:
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ func decode*(_: DagPBCoder, data: openArray[byte]): ?!Manifest =
self = Manifest(
rootHash: rootHashCid.some,
originalBytes: originalBytes.int,
blockSize: blockSize.int,
originalBytes: originalBytes.NBytes,
blockSize: blockSize.NBytes,
blocks: blocks,
hcodec: (? rootHashCid.mhash.mapFailure).mcodec,
codec: rootHashCid.mcodec,
@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ import pkg/chronicles
import ../errors
import ../utils
import ../units
import ../blocktype
import ./types
export types
# Operations on block list
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ proc add*(self: Manifest, cid: Cid) =
self.rootHash = Cid.none
trace "Adding cid to manifest", cid
self.originalBytes = self.blocks.len * self.blockSize
self.originalBytes = self.blocks.len.NBytes * self.blockSize
iterator items*(self: Manifest): Cid =
for b in self.blocks:
@ -74,10 +77,10 @@ func contains*(self: Manifest, cid: Cid): bool =
# Various sizes and verification
func bytes*(self: Manifest, pad = true): int =
func bytes*(self: Manifest, pad = true): NBytes =
## Compute how many bytes corresponding StoreStream(Manifest, pad) will return
if pad or self.protected:
self.len * self.blockSize
self.len.NBytes * self.blockSize
@ -165,7 +168,7 @@ proc new*(
version = CIDv1,
hcodec = multiCodec("sha2-256"),
codec = multiCodec("raw"),
blockSize = BlockSize
blockSize = DefaultBlockSize
): ?!Manifest =
## Create a manifest using an array of `Cid`s
@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ proc new*(
codec: codec,
hcodec: hcodec,
blockSize: blockSize,
originalBytes: blocks.len * blockSize,
originalBytes: blocks.len.NBytes * blockSize,
protected: protected).success
proc new*(
@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ import std/tables
import pkg/libp2p
import pkg/questionable
import ../units
export units
BlockCodec* = multiCodec("raw")
DagPBCodec* = multiCodec("dag-pb")
@ -29,8 +32,8 @@ const
Manifest* = ref object of RootObj
rootHash*: ?Cid # Root (tree) hash of the contained data set
originalBytes*: int # Exact size of the original (uploaded) file
blockSize*: int # Size of each contained block (might not be needed if blocks are len-prefixed)
originalBytes*: NBytes # Exact size of the original (uploaded) file
blockSize*: NBytes # Size of each contained block (might not be needed if blocks are len-prefixed)
blocks*: seq[Cid] # Block Cid
version*: CidVersion # Cid version
hcodec*: MultiCodec # Multihash codec
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ proc retrieve*(
proc store*(
self: CodexNodeRef,
stream: LPStream,
blockSize = BlockSize
blockSize = DefaultBlockSize
): Future[?!Cid] {.async.} =
## Save stream contents as dataset with given blockSize
## to nodes's BlockStore, and return Cid of its manifest
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ proc store*(
await stream.close()
# Generate manifest
blockManifest.originalBytes = chunker.offset # store the exact file size
blockManifest.originalBytes = NBytes chunker.offset # store the exact file size
without data =? blockManifest.encode():
return failure(
newException(CodexError, "Could not generate dataset manifest!"))
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ proc requestStorage*(
let request = StorageRequest(
ask: StorageAsk(
slots: nodes + tolerance,
slotSize: (encoded.blockSize * encoded.steps).u256,
slotSize: (encoded.blockSize.int * encoded.steps).u256,
duration: duration,
proofProbability: proofProbability,
reward: reward,
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ proc initRestApi*(node: CodexNodeRef, conf: CodexConf): RestRouter =
while not stream.atEof:
buff = newSeqUninitialized[byte](BlockSize)
buff = newSeqUninitialized[byte](DefaultBlockSize.int)
len = await stream.readOnce(addr buff[0], buff.len)
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import ./blockstore
import ../units
import ../chunker
import ../errors
import ../manifest
@ -32,16 +33,14 @@ logScope:
CacheStore* = ref object of BlockStore
currentSize*: Natural # in bytes
size*: Positive # in bytes
currentSize*: NBytes
size*: NBytes
cache: LruCache[Cid, Block]
InvalidBlockSize* = object of CodexError
MiB* = 1024 * 1024 # bytes, 1 mebibyte = 1,048,576 bytes
DefaultCacheSizeMiB* = 5
DefaultCacheSize* = DefaultCacheSizeMiB * MiB # bytes
DefaultCacheSize*: NBytes = 5.MiBs
method getBlock*(self: CacheStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!Block] {.async.} =
## Get a block from the stores
@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ method listBlocks*(
func putBlockSync(self: CacheStore, blk: Block): bool =
let blkSize = blk.data.len # in bytes
let blkSize = blk.data.len.NBytes # in bytes
if blkSize > self.size:
trace "Block size is larger than cache size", blk = blkSize, cache = self.size
@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ func putBlockSync(self: CacheStore, blk: Block): bool =
while self.currentSize + blkSize > self.size:
let removed = self.cache.removeLru()
self.currentSize -= removed.data.len
self.currentSize -= removed.data.len.NBytes
except EmptyLruCacheError as exc:
# if the cache is empty, can't remove anything, so break and add item
# to the cache
@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ method delBlock*(self: CacheStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
let removed = self.cache.del(cid)
if removed.isSome:
self.currentSize -= removed.get.data.len
self.currentSize -= removed.get.data.len.NBytes
return success()
@ -189,11 +188,11 @@ method close*(self: CacheStore): Future[void] {.async.} =
func new*(
proc new*(
_: type CacheStore,
blocks: openArray[Block] = [],
cacheSize: Positive = DefaultCacheSize, # in bytes
chunkSize: Positive = DefaultChunkSize # in bytes
cacheSize: NBytes = DefaultCacheSize,
chunkSize: NBytes = DefaultChunkSize
): CacheStore {.raises: [Defect, ValueError].} =
## Create a new CacheStore instance
@ -203,9 +202,9 @@ func new*(
if cacheSize < chunkSize:
raise newException(ValueError, "cacheSize cannot be less than chunkSize")
var currentSize = 0
size = cacheSize div chunkSize
currentSize = 0'nb
size = int(cacheSize div chunkSize)
cache = newLruCache[Cid, Block](size)
store = CacheStore(
cache: cache,
@ -216,3 +215,11 @@ func new*(
discard store.putBlockSync(blk)
return store
proc new*(
_: type CacheStore,
blocks: openArray[Block] = [],
cacheSize: int,
chunkSize: int
): CacheStore {.raises: [Defect, ValueError].} =
CacheStore.new(blocks, NBytes cacheSize, NBytes chunkSize)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ proc new*(
method `size`*(self: StoreStream): int =
bytes(self.manifest, self.pad)
bytes(self.manifest, self.pad).int
proc `size=`*(self: StoreStream, size: int)
{.error: "Setting the size is forbidden".} =
@ -93,9 +93,11 @@ method readOnce*(
# Compute from the current stream position `self.offset` the block num/offset to read
# Compute how many bytes to read from this block
blockNum = self.offset div self.manifest.blockSize
blockOffset = self.offset mod self.manifest.blockSize
readBytes = min([self.size - self.offset, nbytes - read, self.manifest.blockSize - blockOffset])
blockNum = self.offset div self.manifest.blockSize.int
blockOffset = self.offset mod self.manifest.blockSize.int
readBytes = min([self.size - self.offset,
nbytes - read,
self.manifest.blockSize.int - blockOffset])
# Read contents of block `blockNum`
without blk =? await self.store.getBlock(self.manifest[blockNum]), error:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import std/hashes
import std/strutils
import pkg/upraises
import pkg/json_serialization
import pkg/json_serialization/std/options
NBytes* = distinct Natural
template basicMaths(T: untyped) =
proc `+` *(x: T, y: static[int]): T = T(`+`(x.Natural, y.Natural))
proc `-` *(x: T, y: static[int]): T = T(`-`(x.Natural, y.Natural))
proc `*` *(x: T, y: static[int]): T = T(`*`(x.Natural, y.Natural))
proc `+` *(x, y: T): T = T(`+`(x.Natural, y.Natural))
proc `-` *(x, y: T): T = T(`-`(x.Natural, y.Natural))
proc `*` *(x, y: T): T = T(`*`(x.Natural, y.Natural))
proc `<` *(x, y: T): bool {.borrow.}
proc `<=` *(x, y: T): bool {.borrow.}
proc `==` *(x, y: T): bool {.borrow.}
proc `+=` *(x: var T, y: T) {.borrow.}
proc `-=` *(x: var T, y: T) {.borrow.}
proc `hash` *(x: T): Hash {.borrow.}
template divMaths(T: untyped) =
proc `mod` *(x, y: T): T = T(`mod`(x.Natural, y.Natural))
proc `div` *(x, y: T): Natural = `div`(x.Natural, y.Natural)
# proc `/` *(x, y: T): Natural = `/`(x.Natural, y.Natural)
proc `$`*(ts: NBytes): string = $(int(ts)) & "'NByte"
proc `'nb`*(n: string): NBytes = parseInt(n).NBytes
MiB = 1024.NBytes * 1024.NBytes # ByteSz, 1 mebibyte = 1,048,576 ByteSz
proc MiBs*(v: Natural): NBytes = v.NBytes * MiB
func divUp*[T: NBytes](a, b : T): int =
## Division with result rounded up (rather than truncated as in 'div')
assert(b != T(0))
if a==T(0): int(0) else: int( ((a - T(1)) div b) + 1 )
proc writeValue*(
writer: var JsonWriter,
value: NBytes
) {.upraises:[IOError].} =
writer.writeValue value.int
proc readValue*(
reader: var JsonReader,
value: var NBytes
) {.upraises: [SerializationError, IOError].} =
value = NBytes reader.readValue(int)
when isMainModule:
import unittest2
suite "maths":
test "basics":
let x = 5.NBytes
let y = 10.NBytes
check x + y == 15.NBytes
expect RangeDefect:
check x - y == 10.NBytes
check y - x == 5.NBytes
check x * y == 50.NBytes
check y div x == 2
check y > x == true
check y <= x == false
@ -1,15 +1,84 @@
## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import std/parseutils
import pkg/chronos
import ./utils/asyncheapqueue
import ./utils/fileutils
export asyncheapqueue, fileutils
func divUp*[T](a, b : T): T =
func divUp*[T: SomeInteger](a, b : T): T =
## Division with result rounded up (rather than truncated as in 'div')
assert(b != 0)
if a==0: 0 else: ((a - 1) div b) + 1
assert(b != T(0))
if a==T(0): T(0) else: ((a - T(1)) div b) + T(1)
func roundUp*[T](a, b : T): T =
## Round up 'a' to the next value divisible by 'b'
divUp(a,b) * b
when not declared(parseDuration): # Odd code formatting to minimize diff v. mainLine
const Whitespace = {' ', '\t', '\v', '\r', '\l', '\f'}
func toLowerAscii(c: char): char =
if c in {'A'..'Z'}: char(uint8(c) xor 0b0010_0000'u8) else: c
func parseDuration*(s: string, size: var Duration): int =
## Parse a size qualified by simple time into `Duration`.
var res: Duration # caller must still know if 'b' refers to bytes|bits
doAssert parseDuration("10H", res) == 3
doAssert res == initDuration(hours=10)
doAssert parseDuration("64m", res) == 6
doAssert res == initDuration(minutes=64)
doAssert parseDuration("7m/block", res) == 2 # '/' stops parse
doAssert res == initDuration(minutes=7) # 1 shl 30, forced binary metric
doAssert parseDuration("3d", res) == 2 # '/' stops parse
doAssert res == initDuration(days=3) # 1 shl 30, forced binary metric
const prefix = "s" & "mhdw" # byte|bit & lowCase metric-ish prefixes
const timeScale = [1.0, 60.0, 3600.0, 86_400.0, 604_800.0]
var number: float
var scale = 1.0
result = parseFloat(s, number)
if number < 0: # While parseFloat accepts negatives ..
result = 0 #.. we do not since sizes cannot be < 0
let start = result # Save spot to maybe unwind white to EOS
while result < s.len and s[result] in Whitespace:
inc result
if result < s.len: # Illegal starting char => unity
if (let si = prefix.find(s[result].toLowerAscii); si >= 0):
inc result # Now parse the scale
scale = timeScale[si]
else: # Unwind result advancement when there..
result = start #..is no unit to the end of `s`.
var sizeF = number * scale + 0.5 # Saturate to int64.high when too big
size = seconds(int(sizeF))
when isMainModule:
import unittest2
suite "time parse":
test "parseDuration":
var res: Duration # caller must still know if 'b' refers to bytes|bits
check parseDuration("10Hr", res) == 3
check res == hours(10)
check parseDuration("64min", res) == 3
check res == minutes(64)
check parseDuration("7m/block", res) == 2 # '/' stops parse
check res == minutes(7) # 1 shl 30, forced binary metric
check parseDuration("3d", res) == 2 # '/' stops parse
check res == days(3) # 1 shl 30, forced binary metric
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import ../../helpers
asyncchecksuite "NetworkStore engine - 2 nodes":
chunker1 = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = 2048, chunkSize = 256)
chunker2 = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = 2048, chunkSize = 256)
chunker1 = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = 2048, chunkSize = 256'nb)
chunker2 = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = 2048, chunkSize = 256'nb)
nodeCmps1, nodeCmps2: NodesComponents
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "NetworkStore engine - 2 nodes":
asyncchecksuite "NetworkStore - multiple nodes":
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = 4096, chunkSize = 256)
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = 4096, chunkSize = 256'nb)
switch: seq[Switch]
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "NetworkStore engine basic":
rng = Rng.instance()
seckey = PrivateKey.random(rng[]).tryGet()
peerId = PeerId.init(seckey.getPublicKey().tryGet()).tryGet()
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = 1024, chunkSize = 256)
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = 1024'nb, chunkSize = 256'nb)
wallet = WalletRef.example
blockDiscovery = Discovery.new()
peerStore = PeerCtxStore.new()
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "NetworkStore engine handlers":
rng = Rng.instance()
chunker = RandomChunker.new(rng, size = 1024, chunkSize = 256)
chunker = RandomChunker.new(rng, size = 1024'nb, chunkSize = 256'nb)
while true:
let chunk = await chunker.getBytes()
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Task Handler":
rng = Rng.instance()
chunker = RandomChunker.new(rng, size = 1024, chunkSize = 256)
chunker = RandomChunker.new(rng, size = 1024, chunkSize = 256'nb)
while true:
let chunk = await chunker.getBytes()
if chunk.len <= 0:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import ./helpers/mockdiscovery
import ./helpers/eventually
import ../checktest
export randomchunker, nodeutils, mockdiscovery, eventually, checktest
export randomchunker, nodeutils, mockdiscovery, eventually, checktest, manifest
# NOTE: The meaning of equality for blocks
# is changed here, because blocks are now `ref`
@ -13,13 +13,17 @@ type
proc new*(
T: type RandomChunker,
rng: Rng,
chunkSize = DefaultChunkSize,
size: int,
chunkSize: int | NBytes,
size: int | NBytes,
pad = false
): RandomChunker =
## Create a chunker that produces random data
size = size.int
chunkSize = chunkSize.NBytes
var consumed = 0
proc reader(data: ChunkBuffer, len: int): Future[int]
{.async, gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} =
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import ../examples
import ../helpers
BlockSize = 31 * 64
BlockSize = 31'nb * 64
DataSetSize = BlockSize * 100
asyncchecksuite "Storage Proofs Network":
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Storage Proofs Network":
tags: seq[Tag]
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = DataSetSize, chunkSize = BlockSize)
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = DataSetSize.int, chunkSize = BlockSize)
store = CacheStore.new(cacheSize = DataSetSize, chunkSize = BlockSize)
manifest = Manifest.new(blockSize = BlockSize).tryGet()
(spk, ssk) = st.keyGen()
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Storage Proofs Network":
por = await PoR.init(
ssk, spk,
porMsg = por.toMessage()
tags = blocks.mapIt(
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import pkg/codex/blocktype as bt
import ../helpers
BlockSize = 31 * 4
SectorSize = 31
BlockSize = 31'nb * 4
SectorSize = 31'nb
SectorsPerBlock = BlockSize div SectorSize
DataSetSize = BlockSize * 100
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "BLS PoR":
proofStream: StoreStream
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = DataSetSize, chunkSize = BlockSize)
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = DataSetSize.int, chunkSize = BlockSize)
store = CacheStore.new(cacheSize = DataSetSize, chunkSize = BlockSize)
manifest = Manifest.new(blockSize = BlockSize).tryGet()
(spk, ssk) = st.keyGen()
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "BLS PoR":
proc createProof(por: PoR, q: seq[QElement]): Future[Proof] =
return generateProof(
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Test Serialization":
proofStream: StoreStream
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = DataSetSize, chunkSize = BlockSize)
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = DataSetSize.int, chunkSize = BlockSize)
store = CacheStore.new(cacheSize = DataSetSize, chunkSize = BlockSize)
manifest = Manifest.new(blockSize = BlockSize).tryGet()
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Test Serialization":
q = generateQuery(por.tau, 22)
proofStream = StoreStream.new(store, manifest)
proof = await generateProof(
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import pkg/codex/blocktype as bt
import ../helpers
BlockSize = 31 * 64
BlockSize = 31'nb * 64'nb
DataSetSize = BlockSize * 100
asyncchecksuite "Test PoR store":
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Test PoR store":
tags: seq[Tag]
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = DataSetSize, chunkSize = BlockSize)
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = DataSetSize.int, chunkSize = BlockSize)
store = CacheStore.new(cacheSize = DataSetSize, chunkSize = BlockSize)
manifest = Manifest.new(blockSize = BlockSize).tryGet()
(spk, ssk) = st.keyGen()
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Test PoR store":
por = await PoR.init(
ssk, spk,
porMsg = por.toMessage()
tags = blocks.mapIt(
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ checksuite "Cache Store":
discard CacheStore.new(cacheSize = 1, chunkSize = 2)
store = CacheStore.new(cacheSize = 100, chunkSize = 1)
check store.currentSize == 0
check store.currentSize == 0'nb
store = CacheStore.new(@[newBlock1, newBlock2, newBlock3])
check store.currentSize == 300
check store.currentSize == 300'nb
# initial cache blocks total more than cache size, currentSize should
# never exceed max cache size
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ checksuite "Cache Store":
blocks = @[newBlock1, newBlock2, newBlock3],
cacheSize = 200,
chunkSize = 1)
check store.currentSize == 200
check store.currentSize == 200'nb
# cache size cannot be less than chunks size
expect ValueError:
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ checksuite "Cache Store":
not (await store.hasBlock(newBlock1.cid)).tryGet()
(await store.hasBlock(newBlock2.cid)).tryGet()
(await store.hasBlock(newBlock2.cid)).tryGet()
store.currentSize == newBlock2.data.len + newBlock3.data.len # 200
store.currentSize.int == newBlock2.data.len + newBlock3.data.len # 200
"Cache", proc: BlockStore =
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Chunking":
let chunker = Chunker.new(
reader = reader,
chunkSize = 2)
chunkSize = 2'nb)
(await chunker.getBytes()) == [1.byte, 2]
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Chunking":
let stream = BufferStream.new()
let chunker = LPStreamChunker.new(
stream = stream,
chunkSize = 2)
chunkSize = 2'nb)
proc writer() {.async.} =
for d in [@[1.byte, 2, 3, 4], @[5.byte, 6, 7, 8], @[9.byte, 0]]:
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Chunking":
(path, _, _) = instantiationInfo(-2, fullPaths = true) # get this file's name
file = open(path)
fileChunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = 256, pad = false)
fileChunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = 256'nb, pad = false)
var data: seq[byte]
while true:
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Chunking":
if buff.len <= 0:
check buff.len <= fileChunker.chunkSize
check buff.len <= fileChunker.chunkSize.int
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import pkg/codex/rng
import ./helpers
asyncchecksuite "Erasure encode/decode":
const BlockSize = 1024
const BlockSize = 1024'nb
const dataSetSize = BlockSize * 123 # weird geometry
var rng: Rng
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Test Node":
proc retrieve(cid: Cid): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} =
# Retrieve an entire file contents by file Cid
oddChunkSize = math.trunc(BlockSize/1.359).int # Let's check that node.retrieve can correctly rechunk data
oddChunkSize = math.trunc(DefaultBlockSize.float/1.359).int # Let's check that node.retrieve can correctly rechunk data
stream = (await node.retrieve(cid)).tryGet()
data: seq[byte]
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Test Node":
file = open(path.splitFile().dir /../ "fixtures" / "test.jpg")
chunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = BlockSize)
chunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = DefaultBlockSize)
switch = newStandardSwitch()
wallet = WalletRef.new(EthPrivateKey.random())
network = BlockExcNetwork.new(switch)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Test Node":
stream = BufferStream.new()
storeFut = node.store(stream)
oddChunkSize = math.trunc(BlockSize/3.14).int # Let's check that node.store can correctly rechunk these odd chunks
oddChunkSize = math.trunc(DefaultBlockSize.float/3.14).NBytes # Let's check that node.store can correctly rechunk these odd chunks
oddChunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = oddChunkSize, pad = false) # TODO: doesn't work with pad=tue
original: seq[byte]
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "Test Node":
let data = await retrieve(manifestCid)
data.len == localManifest.originalBytes
data.len == localManifest.originalBytes.int
data.len == original.len
sha256.digest(data) == sha256.digest(original)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ asyncchecksuite "StoreStream":
store = CacheStore.new()
manifest = Manifest.new(blockSize = 10).tryGet()
manifest = Manifest.new(blockSize = 10'nb).tryGet()
stream = StoreStream.new(store, manifest)
for d in data:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user