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synced 2025-03-03 11:50:32 +00:00
167 lines
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167 lines
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import std/sugar
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/libp2p/cid
import pkg/codex/codextypes
import pkg/codex/stores
import pkg/codex/merkletree
import pkg/codex/manifest
import pkg/codex/blocktype as bt
import pkg/codex/chunker
import pkg/codex/indexingstrategy
import pkg/codex/slots
import pkg/codex/rng
import pkg/codex/utils/poseidon2digest
import ../helpers
proc storeManifest*(store: BlockStore, manifest: Manifest): Future[?!bt.Block] {.async.} =
without encodedVerifiable =? manifest.encode(), err:
trace "Unable to encode manifest"
return failure(err)
without blk =? bt.Block.new(data = encodedVerifiable, codec = ManifestCodec), error:
trace "Unable to create block from manifest"
return failure(error)
if err =? (await store.putBlock(blk)).errorOption:
trace "Unable to store manifest block", cid = blk.cid, err = err.msg
return failure(err)
success blk
proc makeManifest*(
cids: seq[Cid],
datasetSize: NBytes,
blockSize: NBytes,
store: BlockStore,
hcodec = Sha256HashCodec,
dataCodec = BlockCodec): Future[?!Manifest] {.async.} =
without tree =? CodexTree.init(cids), err:
return failure(err)
without treeCid =? tree.rootCid(CIDv1, dataCodec), err:
return failure(err)
for index, cid in cids:
without proof =? tree.getProof(index), err:
return failure(err)
if err =? (await store.putCidAndProof(treeCid, index, cid, proof)).errorOption:
# TODO add log here
return failure(err)
manifest = Manifest.new(
treeCid = treeCid,
blockSize = blockSize,
datasetSize = datasetSize,
version = CIDv1,
hcodec = hcodec,
codec = dataCodec)
without manifestBlk =? await store.storeManifest(manifest), err:
trace "Unable to store manifest"
return failure(err)
success manifest
proc createBlocks*(
chunker: Chunker,
store: BlockStore): Future[seq[bt.Block]] {.async.} =
while (let chunk = await chunker.getBytes(); chunk.len > 0):
let blk = bt.Block.new(chunk).tryGet()
discard await store.putBlock(blk)
proc createProtectedManifest*(
datasetBlocks: seq[bt.Block],
store: BlockStore,
numDatasetBlocks: int,
ecK: int, ecM: int,
blockSize: NBytes,
originalDatasetSize: int,
totalDatasetSize: int):
Future[tuple[manifest: Manifest, protected: Manifest]] {.async.} =
cids = datasetBlocks.mapIt(it.cid)
datasetTree = CodexTree.init(cids[0..<numDatasetBlocks]).tryGet()
datasetTreeCid = datasetTree.rootCid().tryGet()
protectedTree = CodexTree.init(cids).tryGet()
protectedTreeCid = protectedTree.rootCid().tryGet()
for index, cid in cids[0..<numDatasetBlocks]:
let proof = datasetTree.getProof(index).tryget()
(await store.putCidAndProof(datasetTreeCid, index, cid, proof)).tryGet
for index, cid in cids:
let proof = protectedTree.getProof(index).tryget()
(await store.putCidAndProof(protectedTreeCid, index, cid, proof)).tryGet
manifest = Manifest.new(
treeCid = datasetTreeCid,
blockSize = blockSize,
datasetSize = originalDatasetSize.NBytes)
protectedManifest = Manifest.new(
manifest = manifest,
treeCid = protectedTreeCid,
datasetSize = totalDatasetSize.NBytes,
ecK = ecK,
ecM = ecM,
strategy = SteppedStrategy)
manifestBlock = bt.Block.new(
codec = ManifestCodec).tryGet()
protectedManifestBlock = bt.Block.new(
codec = ManifestCodec).tryGet()
(await store.putBlock(manifestBlock)).tryGet()
(await store.putBlock(protectedManifestBlock)).tryGet()
(manifest, protectedManifest)
proc createVerifiableManifest*(
store: BlockStore,
numDatasetBlocks: int,
ecK: int, ecM: int,
blockSize: NBytes,
cellSize: NBytes):
Future[tuple[manifest: Manifest, protected: Manifest, verifiable: Manifest]] {.async.} =
numSlots = ecK + ecM
numTotalBlocks = calcEcBlocksCount(numDatasetBlocks, ecK, ecM) # total number of blocks in the dataset after
# EC (should will match number of slots)
originalDatasetSize = numDatasetBlocks * blockSize.int
totalDatasetSize = numTotalBlocks * blockSize.int
chunker = RandomChunker.new(Rng.instance(), size = totalDatasetSize, chunkSize = blockSize)
datasetBlocks = await chunker.createBlocks(store)
(manifest, protectedManifest) =
await createProtectedManifest(
ecK, ecM,
builder = Poseidon2Builder.new(store, protectedManifest, cellSize = cellSize).tryGet
verifiableManifest = (await builder.buildManifest()).tryGet
# build the slots and manifest
(manifest, protectedManifest, verifiableManifest)