import std/unittest
import std/tempfiles
import codex/conf
import codex/utils/fileutils
import ./nodes
import ../examples
suite "Command line interface":
let key = "4242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242"
test "complains when persistence is enabled without ethereum account":
let node = startNode(@[
node.waitUntilOutput("Persistence enabled, but no Ethereum account was set")
test "complains when ethereum private key file has wrong permissions":
let unsafeKeyFile = genTempPath("", "")
discard unsafeKeyFile.writeFile(key, 0o666)
"--eth-private-key=" & unsafeKeyFile])
node.waitUntilOutput("Ethereum private key file does not have safe file permissions")
discard removeFile(unsafeKeyFile)
marketplaceArg = "--marketplace-address=" & $EthAddress.example
expectedDownloadInstruction = "Proving circuit files are not found. Please run the following to download them:"
test "suggests downloading of circuit files when persistence is enabled without accessible r1cs file":
let node = startNode(@["persistence", "prover", marketplaceArg])
test "suggests downloading of circuit files when persistence is enabled without accessible wasm file":
test "suggests downloading of circuit files when persistence is enabled without accessible zkey file":