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# Asyncdispatch2
# (c) Coprygith 2015 Dominik Picheta
# (c) Copyright 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2)
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
include "system/inclrtl"
import os, tables, strutils, heapqueue, lists, options
import timer
import asyncfutures2 except callSoon
import nativesockets, net, deques
export Port, SocketFlag
export asyncfutures2
#{.injectStmt: newGcInvariant().}
## AsyncDispatch
## *************
## This module implements asynchronous IO. This includes a dispatcher,
## a ``Future`` type implementation, and an ``async`` macro which allows
## asynchronous code to be written in a synchronous style with the ``await``
## keyword.
## The dispatcher acts as a kind of event loop. You must call ``poll`` on it
## (or a function which does so for you such as ``waitFor`` or ``runForever``)
## in order to poll for any outstanding events. The underlying implementation
## is based on epoll on Linux, IO Completion Ports on Windows and select on
## other operating systems.
## The ``poll`` function will not, on its own, return any events. Instead
## an appropriate ``Future`` object will be completed. A ``Future`` is a
## type which holds a value which is not yet available, but which *may* be
## available in the future. You can check whether a future is finished
## by using the ``finished`` function. When a future is finished it means that
## either the value that it holds is now available or it holds an error instead.
## The latter situation occurs when the operation to complete a future fails
## with an exception. You can distinguish between the two situations with the
## ``failed`` function.
## Future objects can also store a callback procedure which will be called
## automatically once the future completes.
## Futures therefore can be thought of as an implementation of the proactor
## pattern. In this
## pattern you make a request for an action, and once that action is fulfilled
## a future is completed with the result of that action. Requests can be
## made by calling the appropriate functions. For example: calling the ``recv``
## function will create a request for some data to be read from a socket. The
## future which the ``recv`` function returns will then complete once the
## requested amount of data is read **or** an exception occurs.
## Code to read some data from a socket may look something like this:
## .. code-block::nim
## var future = socket.recv(100)
## future.addCallback(
## proc () =
## echo(future.read)
## )
## All asynchronous functions returning a ``Future`` will not block. They
## will not however return immediately. An asynchronous function will have
## code which will be executed before an asynchronous request is made, in most
## cases this code sets up the request.
## In the above example, the ``recv`` function will return a brand new
## ``Future`` instance once the request for data to be read from the socket
## is made. This ``Future`` instance will complete once the requested amount
## of data is read, in this case it is 100 bytes. The second line sets a
## callback on this future which will be called once the future completes.
## All the callback does is write the data stored in the future to ``stdout``.
## The ``read`` function is used for this and it checks whether the future
## completes with an error for you (if it did it will simply raise the
## error), if there is no error however it returns the value of the future.
## Asynchronous procedures
## -----------------------
## Asynchronous procedures remove the pain of working with callbacks. They do
## this by allowing you to write asynchronous code the same way as you would
## write synchronous code.
## An asynchronous procedure is marked using the ``{.async.}`` pragma.
## When marking a procedure with the ``{.async.}`` pragma it must have a
## ``Future[T]`` return type or no return type at all. If you do not specify
## a return type then ``Future[void]`` is assumed.
## Inside asynchronous procedures ``await`` can be used to call any
## procedures which return a
## ``Future``; this includes asynchronous procedures. When a procedure is
## "awaited", the asynchronous procedure it is awaited in will
## suspend its execution
## until the awaited procedure's Future completes. At which point the
## asynchronous procedure will resume its execution. During the period
## when an asynchronous procedure is suspended other asynchronous procedures
## will be run by the dispatcher.
## The ``await`` call may be used in many contexts. It can be used on the right
## hand side of a variable declaration: ``var data = await socket.recv(100)``,
## in which case the variable will be set to the value of the future
## automatically. It can be used to await a ``Future`` object, and it can
## be used to await a procedure returning a ``Future[void]``:
## ``await socket.send("foobar")``.
## If an awaited future completes with an error, then ``await`` will re-raise
## this error. To avoid this, you can use the ``yield`` keyword instead of
## ``await``. The following section shows different ways that you can handle
## exceptions in async procs.
## Handling Exceptions
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## The most reliable way to handle exceptions is to use ``yield`` on a future
## then check the future's ``failed`` property. For example:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## var future = sock.recv(100)
## yield future
## if future.failed:
## # Handle exception
## The ``async`` procedures also offer limited support for the try statement.
## .. code-block:: Nim
## try:
## let data = await sock.recv(100)
## echo("Received ", data)
## except:
## # Handle exception
## Unfortunately the semantics of the try statement may not always be correct,
## and occasionally the compilation may fail altogether.
## As such it is better to use the former style when possible.
## Discarding futures
## ------------------
## Futures should **never** be discarded. This is because they may contain
## errors. If you do not care for the result of a Future then you should
## use the ``asyncCheck`` procedure instead of the ``discard`` keyword.
## Examples
## --------
## For examples take a look at the documentation for the modules implementing
## asynchronous IO. A good place to start is the
## `asyncnet module <asyncnet.html>`_.
## Limitations/Bugs
## ----------------
## * The effect system (``raises: []``) does not work with async procedures.
## * Can't await in a ``except`` body
## * Forward declarations for async procs are broken,
## link includes workaround: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3182.
# TODO: Check if yielded future is nil and throw a more meaningful exception
TimerCallback* = object
finishAt*: uint64
function*: AsyncCallback
PDispatcherBase = ref object of RootRef
timers*: HeapQueue[TimerCallback]
callbacks*: Deque[AsyncCallback]
proc `<`(a, b: TimerCallback): bool =
result = a.finishAt < b.finishAt
proc callSoon(cbproc: CallbackFunc, data: pointer = nil) {.gcsafe.}
proc initCallSoonProc() =
if asyncfutures2.getCallSoonProc().isNil:
template processTimersGetTimeout(loop, timeout: untyped) =
var count = len(loop.timers)
if count > 0:
var lastFinish = curTime
while count > 0:
lastFinish = loop.timers[0].finishAt
if curTime < lastFinish:
if count > 0:
when defined(windows):
timeout = DWORD(lastFinish - curTime)
timeout = int(lastFinish - curTime)
if timeout == 0:
if len(loop.callbacks) == 0:
when defined(windows):
timeout = INFINITE
timeout = -1
if len(loop.callbacks) != 0:
timeout = 0
template processTimers(loop: untyped) =
var curTime = fastEpochTime()
var count = len(loop.timers)
if count > 0:
while count > 0:
if curTime < loop.timers[0].finishAt:
template processCallbacks(loop: untyped) =
var count = len(loop.callbacks)
for i in 0..<count:
let callable = loop.callbacks.popFirst()
when defined(windows) or defined(nimdoc):
import winlean, sets, hashes
WSAPROC_TRANSMITFILE = proc(hSocket: SocketHandle, hFile: Handle,
nNumberOfBytesToWrite: DWORD,
nNumberOfBytesPerSend: DWORD,
lpOverlapped: POVERLAPPED,
lpTransmitBuffers: pointer,
dwReserved: DWORD): cint {.
CompletionKey = ULONG_PTR
CompletionData* = object
fd*: AsyncFD
cb*: CallbackFunc
errCode*: OSErrorCode
bytesCount*: int32
udata*: pointer
CustomOverlapped* = object of OVERLAPPED
data*: CompletionData
PDispatcher* = ref object of PDispatcherBase
ioPort: Handle
handles: HashSet[AsyncFD]
PtrCustomOverlapped* = ptr CustomOverlapped
RefCustomOverlapped* = ref CustomOverlapped
AsyncFD* = distinct int
proc hash(x: AsyncFD): Hash {.borrow.}
proc `==`*(x: AsyncFD, y: AsyncFD): bool {.borrow.}
proc newDispatcher*(): PDispatcher =
## Creates a new Dispatcher instance.
new result
result.ioPort = createIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, 1)
result.handles = initSet[AsyncFD]()
result.callbacks = initDeque[AsyncCallback](64)
var gDisp{.threadvar.}: PDispatcher ## Global dispatcher
proc setGlobalDispatcher*(disp: PDispatcher) =
if not gDisp.isNil:
assert gDisp.callbacks.len == 0
gDisp = disp
proc getGlobalDispatcher*(): PDispatcher =
if gDisp.isNil:
result = gDisp
proc getIoHandler*(disp: PDispatcher): Handle =
## Returns the underlying IO Completion Port handle (Windows) or selector
## (Unix) for the specified dispatcher.
return disp.ioPort
proc register*(fd: AsyncFD) =
## Registers ``fd`` with the dispatcher.
let p = getGlobalDispatcher()
if createIoCompletionPort(fd.Handle, p.ioPort,
cast[CompletionKey](fd), 1) == 0:
proc poll*() =
let loop = getGlobalDispatcher()
var curTime = fastEpochTime()
var curTimeout = DWORD(0)
# Moving expired timers to `loop.callbacks` and calculate timeout
# Processing handles
var lpNumberOfBytesTransferred: Dword
var lpCompletionKey: ULONG_PTR
var customOverlapped: PtrCustomOverlapped
let res = getQueuedCompletionStatus(
loop.ioPort, addr lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, addr lpCompletionKey,
cast[ptr POVERLAPPED](addr customOverlapped), curTimeout).bool
if res:
customOverlapped.data.bytesCount = lpNumberOfBytesTransferred
customOverlapped.data.errCode = OSErrorCode(-1)
let acb = AsyncCallback(function: customOverlapped.data.cb,
udata: cast[pointer](customOverlapped))
let errCode = osLastError()
if customOverlapped != nil:
customOverlapped.data.errCode = errCode
let acb = AsyncCallback(function: customOverlapped.data.cb,
udata: cast[pointer](customOverlapped))
if int32(errCode) != WAIT_TIMEOUT:
# Moving expired timers to `loop.callbacks`.
# All callbacks which will be added in process will be processed on next
# poll() call.
proc getFunc(s: SocketHandle, fun: var pointer, guid: var GUID): bool =
var bytesRet: Dword
fun = nil
sizeof(GUID).Dword, addr fun, sizeof(pointer).Dword,
addr bytesRet, nil, nil) == 0
proc initAPI() =
D1: 0xb5367df0'i32, D2: 0xcbac'i16, D3: 0x11cf'i16,
D4: [0x95'i8, 0xca'i8, 0x00'i8, 0x80'i8,
0x5f'i8, 0x48'i8, 0xa1'i8, 0x92'i8])
let loop = getGlobalDispatcher()
var wsa: WSAData
if wsaStartup(0x0202'i16, addr wsa) != 0:
let sock = winlean.socket(winlean.AF_INET, 1 , 6)
if sock == INVALID_SOCKET:
var funcPointer: pointer = nil
if not getFunc(sock, funcPointer, WSAID_CONNECTEX):
loop.connectEx = cast[WSAPROC_CONNECTEX](funcPointer)
if not getFunc(sock, funcPointer, WSAID_ACCEPTEX):
loop.acceptEx = cast[WSAPROC_ACCEPTEX](funcPointer)
if not getFunc(sock, funcPointer, WSAID_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS):
loop.getAcceptExSockAddrs = cast[WSAPROC_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS](funcPointer)
if not getFunc(sock, funcPointer, WSAID_TRANSMITFILE):
loop.transmitFile = cast[WSAPROC_TRANSMITFILE](funcPointer)
proc closeSocket*(socket: AsyncFD) =
## Closes a socket and ensures that it is unregistered.
proc unregister*(fd: AsyncFD) =
## Unregisters ``fd``.
proc contains*(disp: PDispatcher, fd: AsyncFD): bool =
return fd in disp.handles
import selectors
AsyncFD* = distinct cint
CompletionData* = object
fd*: AsyncFD
udata*: pointer
PCompletionData* = ptr CompletionData
SelectorData* = object
reader*: AsyncCallback
rdata*: CompletionData
writer*: AsyncCallback
wdata*: CompletionData
PDispatcher* = ref object of PDispatcherBase
selector: Selector[SelectorData]
keys: seq[ReadyKey]
proc `==`*(x, y: AsyncFD): bool {.borrow.}
proc newDispatcher*(): PDispatcher =
new result
result.selector = newSelector[SelectorData]()
result.callbacks = initDeque[AsyncCallback](64)
result.keys = newSeq[ReadyKey](64)
var gDisp{.threadvar.}: PDispatcher ## Global dispatcher
proc setGlobalDispatcher*(disp: PDispatcher) =
if not gDisp.isNil:
assert gDisp.callbacks.len == 0
gDisp = disp
proc getGlobalDispatcher*(): PDispatcher =
if gDisp.isNil:
result = gDisp
proc getIoHandler*(disp: PDispatcher): Selector[SelectorData] =
return disp.selector
proc register*(fd: AsyncFD) =
## Register file descriptor ``fd`` in selector.
var data: SelectorData
data.rdata.fd = fd
data.wdata.fd = fd
let loop = getGlobalDispatcher()
loop.selector.registerHandle(int(fd), {}, data)
proc unregister*(fd: AsyncFD) =
## Unregister file descriptor ``fd`` from selector.
proc contains*(disp: PDispatcher, fd: AsyncFd): bool {.inline.} =
result = int(fd) in disp.selector
proc addReader*(fd: AsyncFD, cb: CallbackFunc, udata: pointer = nil) =
## Start watching the file descriptor ``fd`` for read availability and then
## call the callback ``cb`` with specified argument ``udata``.
let p = getGlobalDispatcher()
var newEvents = {Event.Read}
withData(p.selector, int(fd), adata) do:
let acb = AsyncCallback(function: cb, udata: addr adata.rdata)
adata.reader = acb
adata.rdata = CompletionData(fd: fd, udata: udata)
if not isNil(adata.writer.function): newEvents.incl(Event.Write)
raise newException(ValueError, "File descriptor not registered.")
p.selector.updateHandle(int(fd), newEvents)
proc removeReader*(fd: AsyncFD) =
## Stop watching the file descriptor ``fd`` for read availability.
let p = getGlobalDispatcher()
var newEvents: set[Event]
withData(p.selector, int(fd), adata) do:
# We need to clear `reader` data, because `selectors` don't do it
adata.reader = AsyncCallback()
adata.rdata = CompletionData()
if not isNil(adata.writer.function): newEvents.incl(Event.Write)
raise newException(ValueError, "File descriptor not registered.")
p.selector.updateHandle(int(fd), newEvents)
proc addWriter*(fd: AsyncFD, cb: CallbackFunc, udata: pointer = nil) =
## Start watching the file descriptor ``fd`` for write availability and then
## call the callback ``cb`` with specified argument ``udata``.
let p = getGlobalDispatcher()
var newEvents = {Event.Write}
withData(p.selector, int(fd), adata) do:
let acb = AsyncCallback(function: cb, udata: addr adata.wdata)
adata.writer = acb
adata.wdata = CompletionData(fd: fd, udata: udata)
if not isNil(adata.reader.function): newEvents.incl(Event.Read)
raise newException(ValueError, "File descriptor not registered.")
p.selector.updateHandle(int(fd), newEvents)
proc removeWriter*(fd: AsyncFD) =
## Stop watching the file descriptor ``fd`` for write availability.
let p = getGlobalDispatcher()
var newEvents: set[Event]
withData(p.selector, int(fd), adata) do:
# We need to clear `writer` data, because `selectors` don't do it
adata.writer = AsyncCallback()
adata.wdata = CompletionData()
if not isNil(adata.reader.function): newEvents.incl(Event.Read)
raise newException(ValueError, "File descriptor not registered.")
p.selector.updateHandle(int(fd), newEvents)
when ioselSupportedPlatform:
proc addSignal*(signal: int, cb: CallbackFunc,
udata: pointer = nil): int =
## Start watching signal ``signal``, and when signal appears, call the
## callback ``cb`` with specified argument ``udata``. Returns signal
## identifier code, which can be used to remove signal callback
## via ``removeSignal``.
let p = getGlobalDispatcher()
var data: SelectorData
result = p.selector.registerSignal(signal, data)
withData(p.selector, result, adata) do:
adata.reader = AsyncCallback(function: cb, udata: addr adata.rdata)
adata.rdata.fd = AsyncFD(result)
adata.rdata.udata = udata
raise newException(ValueError, "File descriptor not registered.")
proc removeSignal*(sigfd: int) =
## Remove watching signal ``signal``.
let p = getGlobalDispatcher()
proc poll*() =
## Perform single asynchronous step.
let loop = getGlobalDispatcher()
var curTime = fastEpochTime()
var curTimeout = 0
when ioselSupportedPlatform:
let customSet = {Event.Timer, Event.Signal, Event.Process,
# Moving expired timers to `loop.callbacks` and calculate timeout.
# Processing IO descriptors and all hardware events.
var count = loop.selector.selectInto(curTimeout, loop.keys)
for i in 0..<count:
let fd = loop.keys[i].fd
let events = loop.keys[i].events
if Event.Read in events or events == {Event.Error}:
withData(loop.selector, fd, adata) do:
if Event.Write in events or events == {Event.Error}:
withData(loop.selector, fd, adata) do:
if Event.User in events:
withData(loop.selector, fd, adata) do:
when ioselSupportedPlatform:
if customSet * events != {}:
withData(loop.selector, fd, adata) do:
# Moving expired timers to `loop.callbacks`.
# All callbacks which will be added in process, will be processed on next
# poll() call.
proc initAPI() =
discard getGlobalDispatcher()
proc addTimer*(at: uint64, cb: CallbackFunc, udata: pointer = nil) =
## Arrange for the callback ``cb`` to be called at the given absolute
## timestamp ``at``. You can also pass ``udata`` to callback.
let loop = getGlobalDispatcher()
var tcb = TimerCallback(finishAt: at,
function: AsyncCallback(function: cb, udata: udata))
proc removeTimer*(at: uint64, cb: CallbackFunc, udata: pointer = nil) =
## Remove timer callback ``cb`` with absolute timestamp ``at`` from waiting
## queue.
let loop = getGlobalDispatcher()
var list = cast[seq[TimerCallback]](loop.timers)
var index = -1
for i in 0..<len(list):
if list[i].finishAt == at and list[i].function.function == cb and
list[i].function.udata == udata:
index = i
if index != -1:
proc completeProxy*[T](data: pointer) =
var future = cast[Future[T]](data)
proc sleepAsync*(ms: int): Future[void] =
## Suspends the execution of the current async procedure for the next
## ``ms`` milliseconds.
var retFuture = newFuture[void]("sleepAsync")
addTimer(fastEpochTime() + uint64(ms),
completeProxy[void], cast[pointer](retFuture))
return retFuture
proc withTimeout*[T](fut: Future[T], timeout: int): Future[bool] =
## Returns a future which will complete once ``fut`` completes or after
## ``timeout`` milliseconds has elapsed.
## If ``fut`` completes first the returned future will hold true,
## otherwise, if ``timeout`` milliseconds has elapsed first, the returned
## future will hold false.
var retFuture = newFuture[bool]("asyncdispatch.`withTimeout`")
proc continuation(udata: pointer) {.gcsafe.} =
if not retFuture.finished:
if isNil(udata):
if not retFuture.finished:
addTimer(fastEpochTime() + uint64(timeout), continuation, nil)
return retFuture
include asyncmacro2
proc callSoon(cbproc: CallbackFunc, data: pointer = nil) =
## Schedule `cbproc` to be called as soon as possible.
## The callback is called when control returns to the event loop.
let acb = AsyncCallback(function: cbproc, udata: data)
proc runForever*() =
## Begins a never ending global dispatcher poll loop.
while true:
proc waitFor*[T](fut: Future[T]): T =
## **Blocks** the current thread until the specified future completes.
while not fut.finished:
# Global API and callSoon() initialization.