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# Chronos synchronization primitives
# (c) Copyright 2018-Present Eugene Kabanov
# (c) Copyright 2018-Present Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2)
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
## This module implements some core synchronization primitives
import asyncloop, deques
AsyncLock* = ref object of RootRef
## A primitive lock is a synchronization primitive that is not owned by
## a particular coroutine when locked. A primitive lock is in one of two
## states, ``locked`` or ``unlocked``.
## When more than one coroutine is blocked in ``acquire()`` waiting for
## the state to turn to unlocked, only one coroutine proceeds when a
## ``release()`` call resets the state to unlocked; first coroutine which
## is blocked in ``acquire()`` is being processed.
locked: bool
waiters: Deque[Future[void]]
AsyncEvent* = ref object of RootRef
## A primitive event object.
## An event manages a flag that can be set to `true` with the ``fire()``
## procedure and reset to `false` with the ``clear()`` procedure.
## The ``wait()`` coroutine blocks until the flag is `false`.
## If more than one coroutine blocked in ``wait()`` waiting for event
## state to be signaled, when event get fired, then all coroutines
## continue proceeds in order, they have entered waiting state.
flag: bool
waiters: Deque[Future[void]]
AsyncQueue*[T] = ref object of RootRef
## A queue, useful for coordinating producer and consumer coroutines.
## If ``maxsize`` is less than or equal to zero, the queue size is
## infinite. If it is an integer greater than ``0``, then "await put()"
## will block when the queue reaches ``maxsize``, until an item is
## removed by "await get()".
getters: Deque[Future[void]]
putters: Deque[Future[void]]
queue: Deque[T]
maxsize: int
AsyncQueueEmptyError* = object of Exception
## ``AsyncQueue`` is empty.
AsyncQueueFullError* = object of Exception
## ``AsyncQueue`` is full.
AsyncLockError* = object of Exception
## ``AsyncLock`` is either locked or unlocked.
proc newAsyncLock*(): AsyncLock =
## Creates new asynchronous lock ``AsyncLock``.
## Lock is created in the unlocked state. When the state is unlocked,
## ``acquire()`` changes the state to locked and returns immediately.
## When the state is locked, ``acquire()`` blocks until a call to
## ``release()`` in another coroutine changes it to unlocked.
## The ``release()`` procedure changes the state to unlocked and returns
## immediately.
# Workaround for callSoon() not worked correctly before
# getGlobalDispatcher() call.
discard getGlobalDispatcher()
result = new AsyncLock
result.waiters = initDeque[Future[void]]()
result.locked = false
proc acquire*(lock: AsyncLock) {.async.} =
## Acquire a lock ``lock``.
## This procedure blocks until the lock ``lock`` is unlocked, then sets it
## to locked and returns.
if not lock.locked:
lock.locked = true
var w = newFuture[void]("asynclock.acquire")
yield w
lock.locked = true
proc own*(lock: AsyncLock) =
## Acquire a lock ``lock``.
## This procedure not blocks, if ``lock`` is locked, then ``AsyncLockError``
## exception would be raised.
if lock.locked:
raise newException(AsyncLockError, "AsyncLock is already acquired!")
lock.locked = true
proc locked*(lock: AsyncLock): bool =
## Return `true` if the lock ``lock`` is acquired, `false` otherwise.
result = lock.locked
proc release*(lock: AsyncLock) =
## Release a lock ``lock``.
## When the ``lock`` is locked, reset it to unlocked, and return. If any
## other coroutines are blocked waiting for the lock to become unlocked,
## allow exactly one of them to proceed.
var w: Future[void]
if lock.locked:
lock.locked = false
while len(lock.waiters) > 0:
w = lock.waiters.popFirst()
if not w.finished:
raise newException(AsyncLockError, "AsyncLock is not acquired!")
proc newAsyncEvent*(): AsyncEvent =
## Creates new asyncronous event ``AsyncEvent``.
## An event manages a flag that can be set to `true` with the `fire()`
## procedure and reset to `false` with the `clear()` procedure.
## The `wait()` procedure blocks until the flag is `true`. The flag is
## initially `false`.
# Workaround for callSoon() not worked correctly before
# getGlobalDispatcher() call.
discard getGlobalDispatcher()
result = new AsyncEvent
result.waiters = initDeque[Future[void]]()
result.flag = false
proc wait*(event: AsyncEvent) {.async.} =
## Block until the internal flag of ``event`` is `true`.
## If the internal flag is `true` on entry, return immediately. Otherwise,
## block until another task calls `fire()` to set the flag to `true`,
## then return.
if event.flag:
var w = newFuture[void]("asyncevent.wait")
yield w
proc fire*(event: AsyncEvent) =
## Set the internal flag of ``event`` to `true`. All tasks waiting for it
## to become `true` are awakened. Task that call `wait()` once the flag is
## `true` will not block at all.
var w: Future[void]
if not event.flag:
event.flag = true
while len(event.waiters) > 0:
w = event.waiters.popFirst()
if not w.finished:
proc clear*(event: AsyncEvent) =
## Reset the internal flag of ``event`` to `false`. Subsequently, tasks
## calling `wait()` will block until `fire()` is called to set the internal
## flag to `true` again.
event.flag = false
proc isSet*(event: AsyncEvent): bool =
## Return `true` if and only if the internal flag of ``event`` is `true`.
result = event.flag
proc newAsyncQueue*[T](maxsize: int = 0): AsyncQueue[T] =
## Creates a new asynchronous queue ``AsyncQueue``.
# Workaround for callSoon() not worked correctly before
# getGlobalDispatcher() call.
discard getGlobalDispatcher()
result = new AsyncQueue[T]
result.getters = initDeque[Future[void]]()
result.putters = initDeque[Future[void]]()
result.queue = initDeque[T]()
result.maxsize = maxsize
proc full*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): bool {.inline.} =
## Return ``true`` if there are ``maxsize`` items in the queue.
## Note: If the ``aq`` was initialized with ``maxsize = 0`` (default),
## then ``full()`` is never ``true``.
if aq.maxsize <= 0:
result = false
result = (len(aq.queue) >= aq.maxsize)
proc empty*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): bool {.inline.} =
## Return ``true`` if the queue is empty, ``false`` otherwise.
result = (len(aq.queue) == 0)
proc addFirstNoWait*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], item: T) =
## Put an item ``item`` to the beginning of the queue ``aq`` immediately.
## If queue ``aq`` is full, then ``AsyncQueueFullError`` exception raised.
var w: Future[void]
if aq.full():
raise newException(AsyncQueueFullError, "AsyncQueue is full!")
while len(aq.getters) > 0:
w = aq.getters.popFirst()
if not w.finished: w.complete()
proc addLastNoWait*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], item: T) =
## Put an item ``item`` at the end of the queue ``aq`` immediately.
## If queue ``aq`` is full, then ``AsyncQueueFullError`` exception raised.
var w: Future[void]
if aq.full():
raise newException(AsyncQueueFullError, "AsyncQueue is full!")
while len(aq.getters) > 0:
w = aq.getters.popFirst()
if not w.finished: w.complete()
proc popFirstNoWait*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): T =
## Get an item from the beginning of the queue ``aq`` immediately.
## If queue ``aq`` is empty, then ``AsyncQueueEmptyError`` exception raised.
var w: Future[void]
if aq.empty():
raise newException(AsyncQueueEmptyError, "AsyncQueue is empty!")
result = aq.queue.popFirst()
while len(aq.putters) > 0:
w = aq.putters.popFirst()
if not w.finished: w.complete()
proc popLastNoWait*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): T =
## Get an item from the end of the queue ``aq`` immediately.
## If queue ``aq`` is empty, then ``AsyncQueueEmptyError`` exception raised.
var w: Future[void]
if aq.empty():
raise newException(AsyncQueueEmptyError, "AsyncQueue is empty!")
result = aq.queue.popLast()
while len(aq.putters) > 0:
w = aq.putters.popFirst()
if not w.finished: w.complete()
proc addFirst*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], item: T) {.async.} =
## Put an ``item`` to the beginning of the queue ``aq``. If the queue is full,
## wait until a free slot is available before adding item.
while aq.full():
var putter = newFuture[void]("AsyncQueue.addFirst")
yield putter
proc addLast*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], item: T) {.async.} =
## Put an ``item`` to the end of the queue ``aq``. If the queue is full,
## wait until a free slot is available before adding item.
while aq.full():
var putter = newFuture[void]("AsyncQueue.addLast")
yield putter
proc popFirst*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): Future[T] {.async.} =
## Remove and return an ``item`` from the beginning of the queue ``aq``.
## If the queue is empty, wait until an item is available.
while aq.empty():
var getter = newFuture[void]("AsyncQueue.popFirst")
yield getter
result = aq.popFirstNoWait()
proc popLast*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): Future[T] {.async.} =
## Remove and return an ``item`` from the end of the queue ``aq``.
## If the queue is empty, wait until an item is available.
while aq.empty():
var getter = newFuture[void]("AsyncQueue.popLast")
yield getter
result = aq.popLastNoWait()
proc putNoWait*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], item: T) {.inline.} =
## Alias of ``addLastNoWait()``.
proc getNoWait*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): T {.inline.} =
## Alias of ``popFirstNoWait()``.
result = aq.popFirstNoWait()
proc put*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], item: T): Future[void] {.inline.} =
## Alias of ``addLast()``.
result = aq.addLast(item)
proc get*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): Future[T] {.inline.} =
## Alias of ``popFirst()``.
result = aq.popFirst()
proc clear*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]) {.inline.} =
## Clears all elements of queue ``aq``.
proc len*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): int {.inline.} =
## Return the number of elements in ``aq``.
result = len(aq.queue)
proc size*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): int {.inline.} =
## Return the maximum number of elements in ``aq``.
result = len(aq.maxsize)
proc `[]`*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], i: Natural) : T {.inline.} =
## Access the i-th element of ``aq`` by order from first to last.
## ``aq[0]`` is the first element, ``aq[^1]`` is the last element.
result = aq.queue[i]
proc `[]`*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], i: BackwardsIndex) : T {.inline.} =
## Access the i-th element of ``aq`` by order from first to last.
## ``aq[0]`` is the first element, ``aq[^1]`` is the last element.
result = aq.queue[len(aq.queue) - int(i)]
proc `[]=`* [T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], i: Natural, item: T) {.inline.} =
## Change the i-th element of ``aq``.
aq.queue[i] = item
proc `[]=`* [T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], i: BackwardsIndex, item: T) {.inline.} =
## Change the i-th element of ``aq``.
aq.queue[len(aq.queue) - int(i)] = item
iterator items*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): T {.inline.} =
## Yield every element of ``aq``.
for item in aq.queue.items():
yield item
iterator mitems*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): var T {.inline.} =
## Yield every element of ``aq``.
for mitem in aq.queue.mitems():
yield mitem
iterator pairs*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): tuple[key: int, val: T] {.inline.} =
## Yield every (position, value) of ``aq``.
for pair in aq.queue.pairs():
yield pair
proc contains*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T], item: T): bool {.inline.} =
## Return true if ``item`` is in ``aq`` or false if not found. Usually used
## via the ``in`` operator.
for e in aq.queue.items():
if e == item: return true
return false
proc `$`*[T](aq: AsyncQueue[T]): string =
## Turn an async queue ``aq`` into its string representation.
result = "["
for item in aq.queue.items():
if result.len > 1: result.add(", ")