#              Asyncdispatch2 Test Suite
#                 (c) Copyright 2018
#         Status Research & Development GmbH
#              Licensed under either of
#  Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2)
#              MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)

import unittest
import ../asyncdispatch2

var testLockResult = ""
var testEventResult = ""
var testQueue1Result = 0
var testQueue2Result = 0

proc testLock(n: int, lock: AsyncLock) {.async.} =
  await lock.acquire()
  testLockResult = testLockResult & $n

proc test1(): string =
  var lock = newAsyncLock()
  discard testLock(0, lock)
  discard testLock(1, lock)
  discard testLock(2, lock)
  discard testLock(3, lock)
  discard testLock(4, lock)
  discard testLock(5, lock)
  discard testLock(6, lock)
  discard testLock(7, lock)
  discard testLock(8, lock)
  discard testLock(9, lock)
  ## There must be exactly 20 poll() calls
  for i in 0..<20:
  result = testLockResult

proc testEvent(n: int, ev: AsyncEvent) {.async.} =
  await ev.wait()
  testEventResult = testEventResult & $n

proc test2(): string =
  var event = newAsyncEvent()
  discard testEvent(0, event)
  discard testEvent(1, event)
  discard testEvent(2, event)
  discard testEvent(3, event)
  discard testEvent(4, event)
  discard testEvent(5, event)
  discard testEvent(6, event)
  discard testEvent(7, event)
  discard testEvent(8, event)
  discard testEvent(9, event)
  ## There must be exactly 2 poll() calls
  result = testEventResult

proc task1(aq: AsyncQueue[int]) {.async.} =
  var item1 = await aq.get()
  var item2 = await aq.get()
  testQueue1Result = item1 + item2

proc task2(aq: AsyncQueue[int]) {.async.} =
  await aq.put(1000)
  await aq.put(2000)

proc test3(): int =
  var queue = newAsyncQueue[int](1)
  discard task1(queue)
  discard task2(queue)
  ## There must be exactly 2 poll() calls
  result = testQueue1Result

const testsCount = 1000
const queueSize = 10

proc task3(aq: AsyncQueue[int]) {.async.} =
  for i in 1..testsCount:
    var item = await aq.get()
    testQueue2Result -= item

proc task4(aq: AsyncQueue[int]) {.async.} =
  for i in 1..testsCount:
    await aq.put(i)
    testQueue2Result += i

proc test4(): int =
  var queue = newAsyncQueue[int](queueSize)
  waitFor(task3(queue) and task4(queue))
  result = testQueue2Result

when isMainModule:
  suite "Asynchronous sync primitives test suite":
    test "AsyncLock() behavior test":
      check test1() == "0123456789"
    test "AsyncEvent() behavior test":
      check test2() == "0123456789"
    test "AsyncQueue() behavior test":
      check test3() == 3000
    test "AsyncQueue() many iterations test":
      check test4() == 0