# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2015 Dominik Picheta # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # import std/[macros] proc skipUntilStmtList(node: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} = # Skips a nest of StmtList's. result = node if node[0].kind == nnkStmtList: result = skipUntilStmtList(node[0]) proc processBody(node, retFutureSym: NimNode, subTypeIsVoid: bool): NimNode {.compileTime.} = #echo(node.treeRepr) result = node case node.kind of nnkReturnStmt: result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, node) # As I've painfully found out, the order here really DOES matter. if node[0].kind == nnkEmpty: if not subTypeIsVoid: result.add newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), retFutureSym, newIdentNode("result")) else: result.add newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), retFutureSym) else: let x = node[0].processBody(retFutureSym, subTypeIsVoid) if x.kind == nnkYieldStmt: result.add x else: result.add newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), retFutureSym, x) result.add newNimNode(nnkReturnStmt, node).add(newNilLit()) return # Don't process the children of this return stmt of RoutineNodes-{nnkTemplateDef}: # skip all the nested procedure definitions return node else: discard for i in 0 ..< result.len: # We must not transform nested procedures of any form, otherwise # `retFutureSym` will be used for all nested procedures as their own # `retFuture`. result[i] = processBody(result[i], retFutureSym, subTypeIsVoid) proc getName(node: NimNode): string {.compileTime.} = case node.kind of nnkSym: return node.strVal of nnkPostfix: return node[1].strVal of nnkIdent: return node.strVal of nnkEmpty: return "anonymous" else: error("Unknown name.") proc isInvalidReturnType(typeName: string): bool = return typeName notin ["Future"] #, "FutureStream"] proc verifyReturnType(typeName: string) {.compileTime.} = if typeName.isInvalidReturnType: error("Expected return type of 'Future' got '" & typeName & "'") macro unsupported(s: static[string]): untyped = error s proc cleanupOpenSymChoice(node: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} = # Replace every Call -> OpenSymChoice by a Bracket expr # ref https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11091 if node.kind in nnkCallKinds and node[0].kind == nnkOpenSymChoice and node[0].eqIdent("[]"): result = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr) for child in node[1..^1]: result.add(cleanupOpenSymChoice(child)) else: result = node.copyNimNode() for child in node: result.add(cleanupOpenSymChoice(child)) proc asyncSingleProc(prc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} = ## This macro transforms a single procedure into a closure iterator. ## The ``async`` macro supports a stmtList holding multiple async procedures. if prc.kind notin {nnkProcDef, nnkLambda, nnkMethodDef, nnkDo}: error("Cannot transform this node kind into an async proc." & " proc/method definition or lambda node expected.") let prcName = prc.name.getName let returnType = cleanupOpenSymChoice(prc.params[0]) var baseType: NimNode # Verify that the return type is a Future[T] if returnType.kind == nnkBracketExpr: let fut = repr(returnType[0]) verifyReturnType(fut) baseType = returnType[1] elif returnType.kind == nnkEmpty: baseType = returnType else: verifyReturnType(repr(returnType)) let subtypeIsVoid = returnType.kind == nnkEmpty or (baseType.kind == nnkIdent and returnType[1].eqIdent("void")) var outerProcBody = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, prc.body) # Copy comment for nimdoc if prc.body.len > 0 and prc.body[0].kind == nnkCommentStmt: outerProcBody.add(prc.body[0]) # -> iterator nameIter(chronosInternalRetFuture: Future[T]): FutureBase {.closure.} = # -> {.push warning[resultshadowed]: off.} # -> var result: T # -> {.pop.} # -> # -> complete(chronosInternalRetFuture, result) let internalFutureSym = ident "chronosInternalRetFuture" var iteratorNameSym = genSym(nskIterator, $prcName) var procBody = prc.body.processBody(internalFutureSym, subtypeIsVoid) # don't do anything with forward bodies (empty) if procBody.kind != nnkEmpty: if subtypeIsVoid: let resultTemplate = quote do: template result: auto {.used.} = {.fatal: "You should not reference the `result` variable inside" & " a void async proc".} procBody = newStmtList(resultTemplate, procBody) # fix #13899, `defer` should not escape its original scope procBody = newStmtList(newTree(nnkBlockStmt, newEmptyNode(), procBody)) if not subtypeIsVoid: procBody.insert(0, newNimNode(nnkPragma).add(newIdentNode("push"), newNimNode(nnkExprColonExpr).add(newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr).add( newIdentNode("warning"), newIdentNode("resultshadowed")), newIdentNode("off")))) # -> {.push warning[resultshadowed]: off.} procBody.insert(1, newNimNode(nnkVarSection, prc.body).add( newIdentDefs(newIdentNode("result"), baseType))) # -> var result: T procBody.insert(2, newNimNode(nnkPragma).add( newIdentNode("pop"))) # -> {.pop.}) procBody.add( newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), internalFutureSym, newIdentNode("result"))) # -> complete(chronosInternalRetFuture, result) else: # -> complete(chronosInternalRetFuture) procBody.add(newCall(newIdentNode("complete"), internalFutureSym)) let internalFutureType = if subtypeIsVoid: newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr, prc).add(newIdentNode("Future")).add(newIdentNode("void")) else: returnType internalFutureParameter = nnkIdentDefs.newTree(internalFutureSym, internalFutureType, newEmptyNode()) var closureIterator = newProc(iteratorNameSym, [newIdentNode("FutureBase"), internalFutureParameter], procBody, nnkIteratorDef) closureIterator.pragma = newNimNode(nnkPragma, lineInfoFrom=prc.body) closureIterator.addPragma(newIdentNode("closure")) # **Remark 435**: We generate a proc with an inner iterator which call each other # recursively. The current Nim compiler is not smart enough to infer # the `gcsafe`-ty aspect of this setup, so we always annotate it explicitly # with `gcsafe`. This means that the client code is always enforced to be # `gcsafe`. This is still **safe**, the compiler still checks for `gcsafe`-ty # regardless, it is only helping the compiler's inference algorithm. See # https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/435 # for more details. closureIterator.addPragma(newIdentNode("gcsafe")) # TODO when push raises is active in a module, the iterator here inherits # that annotation - here we explicitly disable it again which goes # against the spirit of the raises annotation - one should investigate # here the possibility of transporting more specific error types here # for example by casting exceptions coming out of `await`.. when defined(chronosStrictException): closureIterator.addPragma(nnkExprColonExpr.newTree( newIdentNode("raises"), nnkBracket.newTree( newIdentNode("Defect"), newIdentNode("CatchableError") ) )) else: closureIterator.addPragma(nnkExprColonExpr.newTree( newIdentNode("raises"), nnkBracket.newTree( newIdentNode("Defect"), newIdentNode("CatchableError"), newIdentNode("Exception") # Allow exception effects ) )) # If proc has an explicit gcsafe pragma, we add it to iterator as well. if prc.pragma.findChild(it.kind in {nnkSym, nnkIdent} and it.strVal == "gcsafe") != nil: closureIterator.addPragma(newIdentNode("gcsafe")) outerProcBody.add(closureIterator) # -> var resultFuture = newFuture[T]() # declared at the end to be sure that the closure # doesn't reference it, avoid cyclic ref (#203) var retFutureSym = ident "resultFuture" var subRetType = if returnType.kind == nnkEmpty: newIdentNode("void") else: baseType # Do not change this code to `quote do` version because `instantiationInfo` # will be broken for `newFuture()` call. outerProcBody.add( newVarStmt( retFutureSym, newCall(newTree(nnkBracketExpr, ident "newFuture", subRetType), newLit(prcName)) ) ) # -> resultFuture.closure = iterator outerProcBody.add( newAssignment( newDotExpr(retFutureSym, newIdentNode("closure")), iteratorNameSym) ) # -> futureContinue(resultFuture)) outerProcBody.add( newCall(newIdentNode("futureContinue"), retFutureSym) ) # -> return resultFuture outerProcBody.add newNimNode(nnkReturnStmt, prc.body[^1]).add(retFutureSym) if prc.kind != nnkLambda: # TODO: Nim bug? prc.addPragma(newColonExpr(ident "stackTrace", ident "off")) # See **Remark 435** in this file. # https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/435 prc.addPragma(newIdentNode("gcsafe")) result = prc if subtypeIsVoid: # Add discardable pragma. if returnType.kind == nnkEmpty: # Add Future[void] result.params[0] = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr, prc) .add(newIdentNode("Future")) .add(newIdentNode("void")) if procBody.kind != nnkEmpty: result.body = outerProcBody #echo(treeRepr(result)) #if prcName == "recvLineInto": # echo(toStrLit(result)) template await*[T](f: Future[T]): untyped = when declared(chronosInternalRetFuture): #work around https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/19193 when not declaredInScope(chronosInternalTmpFuture): var chronosInternalTmpFuture {.inject.}: FutureBase = f else: chronosInternalTmpFuture = f chronosInternalRetFuture.child = chronosInternalTmpFuture # This "yield" is meant for a closure iterator in the caller. yield chronosInternalTmpFuture # By the time we get control back here, we're guaranteed that the Future we # just yielded has been completed (success, failure or cancellation), # through a very complicated mechanism in which the caller proc (a regular # closure) adds itself as a callback to chronosInternalTmpFuture. # # Callbacks are called only after completion and a copy of the closure # iterator that calls this template is still in that callback's closure # environment. That's where control actually gets back to us. chronosInternalRetFuture.child = nil if chronosInternalRetFuture.mustCancel: raise newCancelledError() chronosInternalTmpFuture.internalCheckComplete() when T isnot void: cast[type(f)](chronosInternalTmpFuture).internalRead() else: unsupported "await is only available within {.async.}" template awaitne*[T](f: Future[T]): Future[T] = when declared(chronosInternalRetFuture): #work around https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/19193 when not declaredInScope(chronosInternalTmpFuture): var chronosInternalTmpFuture {.inject.}: FutureBase = f else: chronosInternalTmpFuture = f chronosInternalRetFuture.child = chronosInternalTmpFuture yield chronosInternalTmpFuture chronosInternalRetFuture.child = nil if chronosInternalRetFuture.mustCancel: raise newCancelledError() cast[type(f)](chronosInternalTmpFuture) else: unsupported "awaitne is only available within {.async.}" macro async*(prc: untyped): untyped = ## Macro which processes async procedures into the appropriate ## iterators and yield statements. if prc.kind == nnkStmtList: for oneProc in prc: result = newStmtList() result.add asyncSingleProc(oneProc) else: result = asyncSingleProc(prc) when defined(nimDumpAsync): echo repr result