# Chronos Test Suite # (c) Copyright 2018-Present # Status Research & Development GmbH # # Licensed under either of # Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2) # MIT license (LICENSE-MIT) import unittest2 import ../chronos {.used.} suite "callSoon() tests suite": const CallSoonTests = 10 var soonTest1 = 0'u var timeoutsTest1 = 0 var timeoutsTest2 = 0 var soonTest2 = 0 proc callback1(udata: pointer) {.gcsafe.} = soonTest1 = soonTest1 xor cast[uint](udata) proc test1(): uint = callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x12345678'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x23456789'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x3456789A'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x456789AB'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x56789ABC'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x6789ABCD'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x789ABCDE'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x89ABCDEF'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x9ABCDEF1'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0xABCDEF12'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0xBCDEF123'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0xCDEF1234'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0xDEF12345'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0xEF123456'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0xF1234567'u)) callSoon(callback1, cast[pointer](0x12345678'u)) ## All callbacks must be processed exactly with 1 poll() call. poll() result = soonTest1 proc testProc() {.async.} = for i in 1..CallSoonTests: await sleepAsync(100.milliseconds) timeoutsTest1 += 1 var callbackproc: proc(udata: pointer) {.gcsafe, raises: [].} callbackproc = proc (udata: pointer) {.gcsafe, raises: [].} = timeoutsTest2 += 1 {.gcsafe.}: callSoon(callbackproc) proc test2(timers, callbacks: var int) = callSoon(callbackproc) waitFor(testProc()) timers = timeoutsTest1 callbacks = timeoutsTest2 proc testCallback(udata: pointer) = soonTest2 = 987654321 proc test3(): bool = callSoon(testCallback) poll() result = soonTest2 == 987654321 test "User-defined callback argument test": var values = [0x12345678'u, 0x23456789'u, 0x3456789A'u, 0x456789AB'u, 0x56789ABC'u, 0x6789ABCD'u, 0x789ABCDE'u, 0x89ABCDEF'u, 0x9ABCDEF1'u, 0xABCDEF12'u, 0xBCDEF123'u, 0xCDEF1234'u, 0xDEF12345'u, 0xEF123456'u, 0xF1234567'u, 0x12345678'u] var expect = 0'u for item in values: expect = expect xor item check test1() == expect test "`Asynchronous dead end` #7193 test": var timers, callbacks: int test2(timers, callbacks) check: timers == CallSoonTests callbacks > CallSoonTests * 2 test "`callSoon() is not working prior getGlobalDispatcher()` #7192 test": check test3() == true