# # Chronos HTTP/S server implementation # (c) Copyright 2021-Present # Status Research & Development GmbH # # Licensed under either of # Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2) # MIT license (LICENSE-MIT) {.push raises: [].} import std/[tables, uri, strutils] import stew/[base10], httputils, results import ../../[asyncloop, asyncsync, config] import ../../streams/[asyncstream, boundstream, chunkstream] import "."/[httptable, httpcommon, multipart] from ../../transports/common import TransportAddress, ServerFlags, `$`, `==` export asyncloop, asyncsync, httptable, httpcommon, httputils, multipart, asyncstream, boundstream, chunkstream, uri, tables, results export TransportAddress, ServerFlags, `$`, `==` type HttpServerFlags* {.pure.} = enum Secure, ## Internal flag which indicates that server working in secure TLS mode NoExpectHandler, ## Do not handle `Expect` header automatically NotifyDisconnect, ## Notify user-callback when remote client disconnects. QueryCommaSeparatedArray ## Enable usage of comma as an array item delimiter in url-encoded ## entities (e.g. query string or POST body). Http11Pipeline ## Enable HTTP/1.1 pipelining. HttpServerError* {.pure.} = enum InterruptError, TimeoutError, ProtocolError, DisconnectError HttpServerState* {.pure.} = enum ServerRunning, ServerStopped, ServerClosed HttpProcessError* = object kind*: HttpServerError code*: HttpCode exc*: ref HttpError remote*: Opt[TransportAddress] ConnectionFence* = Result[HttpConnectionRef, HttpProcessError] RequestFence* = Result[HttpRequestRef, HttpProcessError] HttpRequestFlags* {.pure.} = enum BoundBody, UnboundBody, MultipartForm, UrlencodedForm, ClientExpect HttpResponseFlags* {.pure.} = enum KeepAlive, Stream HttpResponseStreamType* {.pure.} = enum Plain, SSE, Chunked HttpProcessExitType* {.pure.} = enum KeepAlive, Graceful, Immediate HttpResponseState* {.pure.} = enum Empty, Prepared, Sending, Finished, Failed, Cancelled, ErrorCode, Default HttpProcessCallback* = proc(req: RequestFence): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. gcsafe, raises: [].} HttpProcessCallback2* = proc(req: RequestFence): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} HttpConnectionCallback* = proc(server: HttpServerRef, transp: StreamTransport): Future[HttpConnectionRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpConnectionError]).} HttpCloseConnectionCallback* = proc(connection: HttpConnectionRef): Future[void] {. async: (raises: []).} HttpConnectionHolder* = object of RootObj connection*: HttpConnectionRef server*: HttpServerRef future*: Future[void] transp*: StreamTransport acceptMoment*: Moment connectionId*: string HttpConnectionHolderRef* = ref HttpConnectionHolder HttpServer* = object of RootObj instance*: StreamServer address*: TransportAddress # semaphore*: AsyncSemaphore maxConnections*: int backlogSize*: int baseUri*: Uri serverIdent*: string flags*: set[HttpServerFlags] socketFlags*: set[ServerFlags] connections*: OrderedTable[string, HttpConnectionHolderRef] acceptLoop*: Future[void].Raising([]) lifetime*: Future[void] headersTimeout*: Duration bufferSize*: int maxHeadersSize*: int maxRequestBodySize*: int processCallback*: HttpProcessCallback2 createConnCallback*: HttpConnectionCallback middlewares: seq[HttpProcessCallback2] HttpServerRef* = ref HttpServer HttpRequest* = object of RootObj state*: HttpState headers*: HttpTable query*: HttpTable postTable: Opt[HttpTable] rawPath*: string uri*: Uri scheme*: string version*: HttpVersion meth*: HttpMethod contentEncoding*: set[ContentEncodingFlags] transferEncoding*: set[TransferEncodingFlags] requestFlags*: set[HttpRequestFlags] contentLength*: int contentTypeData*: Opt[ContentTypeData] connection*: HttpConnectionRef response*: Opt[HttpResponseRef] HttpRequestRef* = ref HttpRequest HttpResponse* = object of RootObj status*: HttpCode version*: HttpVersion headersTable: HttpTable body: seq[byte] flags: set[HttpResponseFlags] state*: HttpResponseState # TODO (cheatfate): Make this field private connection*: HttpConnectionRef streamType*: HttpResponseStreamType writer: AsyncStreamWriter HttpResponseRef* = ref HttpResponse HttpConnection* = object of RootObj state*: HttpState server*: HttpServerRef transp*: StreamTransport mainReader*: AsyncStreamReader mainWriter*: AsyncStreamWriter reader*: AsyncStreamReader writer*: AsyncStreamWriter closeCb*: HttpCloseConnectionCallback createMoment*: Moment currentRawQuery*: Opt[string] buffer: seq[byte] HttpConnectionRef* = ref HttpConnection MiddlewareHandleCallback* = proc( middleware: HttpServerMiddlewareRef, request: RequestFence, handler: HttpProcessCallback2): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} HttpServerMiddleware* = object of RootObj handler*: MiddlewareHandleCallback HttpServerMiddlewareRef* = ref HttpServerMiddleware ByteChar* = string | seq[byte] proc init(htype: typedesc[HttpProcessError], error: HttpServerError, exc: ref HttpError, remote: Opt[TransportAddress], code: HttpCode): HttpProcessError = HttpProcessError(kind: error, exc: exc, remote: remote, code: code) proc init(htype: typedesc[HttpProcessError], error: HttpServerError, remote: Opt[TransportAddress], code: HttpCode): HttpProcessError = HttpProcessError(kind: error, remote: remote, code: code) proc init(htype: typedesc[HttpProcessError], error: HttpServerError): HttpProcessError = HttpProcessError(kind: error) proc defaultResponse*(exc: ref CatchableError): HttpResponseRef proc defaultResponse*(msg: HttpMessage): HttpResponseRef proc new(htype: typedesc[HttpConnectionHolderRef], server: HttpServerRef, transp: StreamTransport, connectionId: string): HttpConnectionHolderRef = HttpConnectionHolderRef( server: server, transp: transp, acceptMoment: Moment.now(), connectionId: connectionId) proc error*(e: HttpProcessError): HttpServerError = e.kind proc createConnection(server: HttpServerRef, transp: StreamTransport): Future[HttpConnectionRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpConnectionError]).} proc prepareMiddlewares( requestProcessCallback: HttpProcessCallback2, middlewares: openArray[HttpServerMiddlewareRef] ): seq[HttpProcessCallback2] = var handlers: seq[HttpProcessCallback2] currentHandler = requestProcessCallback if len(middlewares) == 0: return handlers let mws = @middlewares handlers = newSeq[HttpProcessCallback2](len(mws)) for index in countdown(len(mws) - 1, 0): let processor = block: var res: HttpProcessCallback2 closureScope: let middleware = mws[index] realHandler = currentHandler res = proc(request: RequestFence): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError], raw: true).} = middleware.handler(middleware, request, realHandler) res handlers[index] = processor currentHandler = processor handlers proc new*( htype: typedesc[HttpServerRef], address: TransportAddress, processCallback: HttpProcessCallback2, serverFlags: set[HttpServerFlags] = {}, socketFlags: set[ServerFlags] = {ReuseAddr}, serverUri = Uri(), serverIdent = "", maxConnections: int = -1, bufferSize: int = chronosTransportDefaultBufferSize, backlogSize: int = DefaultBacklogSize, httpHeadersTimeout = 10.seconds, maxHeadersSize: int = 8192, maxRequestBodySize: int = 1_048_576, dualstack = DualStackType.Auto, middlewares: openArray[HttpServerMiddlewareRef] = [] ): HttpResult[HttpServerRef] = let serverInstance = try: createStreamServer(address, flags = socketFlags, bufferSize = bufferSize, backlog = backlogSize, dualstack = dualstack) except TransportOsError as exc: return err(exc.msg) serverUri = if len(serverUri.hostname) > 0: serverUri else: parseUri("http://" & $serverInstance.localAddress() & "/") res = HttpServerRef( address: serverInstance.localAddress(), instance: serverInstance, processCallback: processCallback, createConnCallback: createConnection, baseUri: serverUri, serverIdent: serverIdent, flags: serverFlags, socketFlags: socketFlags, maxConnections: maxConnections, bufferSize: bufferSize, backlogSize: backlogSize, headersTimeout: httpHeadersTimeout, maxHeadersSize: maxHeadersSize, maxRequestBodySize: maxRequestBodySize, # semaphore: # if maxConnections > 0: # newAsyncSemaphore(maxConnections) # else: # nil lifetime: newFuture[void]("http.server.lifetime"), connections: initOrderedTable[string, HttpConnectionHolderRef](), middlewares: prepareMiddlewares(processCallback, middlewares) ) ok(res) proc new*( htype: typedesc[HttpServerRef], address: TransportAddress, processCallback: HttpProcessCallback, serverFlags: set[HttpServerFlags] = {}, socketFlags: set[ServerFlags] = {ReuseAddr}, serverUri = Uri(), serverIdent = "", maxConnections: int = -1, bufferSize: int = chronosTransportDefaultBufferSize, backlogSize: int = DefaultBacklogSize, httpHeadersTimeout = 10.seconds, maxHeadersSize: int = 8192, maxRequestBodySize: int = 1_048_576, dualstack = DualStackType.Auto, middlewares: openArray[HttpServerMiddlewareRef] = [] ): HttpResult[HttpServerRef] {. deprecated: "Callback could raise only CancelledError, annotate with " & "{.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).}".} = proc wrap(req: RequestFence): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = try: await processCallback(req) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: defaultResponse(exc) HttpServerRef.new(address, wrap, serverFlags, socketFlags, serverUri, serverIdent, maxConnections, bufferSize, backlogSize, httpHeadersTimeout, maxHeadersSize, maxRequestBodySize, dualstack, middlewares) proc getServerFlags(req: HttpRequestRef): set[HttpServerFlags] = var defaultFlags: set[HttpServerFlags] = {} if isNil(req): return defaultFlags if isNil(req.connection): return defaultFlags if isNil(req.connection.server): return defaultFlags req.connection.server.flags proc getResponseFlags(req: HttpRequestRef): set[HttpResponseFlags] = var defaultFlags: set[HttpResponseFlags] = {} case req.version of HttpVersion11: if HttpServerFlags.Http11Pipeline notin req.getServerFlags(): return defaultFlags let header = req.headers.getString(ConnectionHeader, "keep-alive") if header == "keep-alive": {HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive} else: defaultFlags else: defaultFlags proc getResponseState*(response: HttpResponseRef): HttpResponseState = response.state proc setResponseState(response: HttpResponseRef, state: HttpResponseState) = response.state = state proc getResponseVersion(reqFence: RequestFence): HttpVersion = if reqFence.isErr(): HttpVersion11 else: reqFence.get().version proc getResponse*(req: HttpRequestRef): HttpResponseRef = if req.response.isNone(): var resp = HttpResponseRef( status: Http200, state: HttpResponseState.Empty, version: req.version, headersTable: HttpTable.init(), connection: req.connection, flags: req.getResponseFlags() ) req.response = Opt.some(resp) resp else: req.response.get() proc getHostname*(server: HttpServerRef): string = if len(server.baseUri.port) > 0: server.baseUri.hostname & ":" & server.baseUri.port else: server.baseUri.hostname proc defaultResponse*(): HttpResponseRef = ## Create an empty response to return when request processor got no request. HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.Default, version: HttpVersion11) proc defaultResponse*(exc: ref CatchableError): HttpResponseRef = ## Create response with error code based on exception type. if exc of AsyncTimeoutError: HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.ErrorCode, status: Http408) elif exc of HttpTransportError: HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.Failed) elif exc of HttpProtocolError: let code = cast[ref HttpProtocolError](exc).code HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.ErrorCode, status: code) else: HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.ErrorCode, status: Http503) proc defaultResponse*(msg: HttpMessage): HttpResponseRef = HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.ErrorCode, status: msg.code) proc defaultResponse*(err: HttpProcessError): HttpResponseRef = HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.ErrorCode, status: err.code) proc dropResponse*(): HttpResponseRef = HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.Failed) proc codeResponse*(status: HttpCode): HttpResponseRef = HttpResponseRef(state: HttpResponseState.ErrorCode, status: status) proc dumbResponse*(): HttpResponseRef {. deprecated: "Please use defaultResponse() instead".} = ## Create an empty response to return when request processor got no request. defaultResponse() proc getId(transp: StreamTransport): Result[string, string] {.inline.} = ## Returns string unique transport's identifier as string. try: ok($transp.remoteAddress() & "_" & $transp.localAddress()) except TransportOsError as exc: err($exc.msg) proc hasBody*(request: HttpRequestRef): bool = ## Returns ``true`` if request has body. request.requestFlags * {HttpRequestFlags.BoundBody, HttpRequestFlags.UnboundBody} != {} func new(t: typedesc[HttpRequestRef], conn: HttpConnectionRef): HttpRequestRef = HttpRequestRef(connection: conn, state: HttpState.Alive) proc updateRequest*(request: HttpRequestRef, scheme: string, meth: HttpMethod, version: HttpVersion, requestUri: string, headers: HttpTable): HttpResultMessage[void] = ## Update HTTP request object using base request object with new properties. # Store request version and call method. request.scheme = scheme request.version = version request.meth = meth # Processing request's URI request.rawPath = requestUri request.uri = if request.rawPath != "*": let uri = parseUri(request.rawPath) if uri.scheme notin ["http", "https", ""]: return err(HttpMessage.init(Http400, "Unsupported URI scheme")) uri else: var uri = initUri() uri.path = "*" uri # Conversion of request query string to HttpTable. request.query = block: let queryFlags = if QueryCommaSeparatedArray in request.connection.server.flags: {QueryParamsFlag.CommaSeparatedArray} else: {} var table = HttpTable.init() for key, value in queryParams(request.uri.query, queryFlags): table.add(key, value) table # Store request headers request.headers = headers # Preprocessing "Content-Encoding" header. request.contentEncoding = getContentEncoding( request.headers.getList(ContentEncodingHeader)).valueOr: let msg = "Incorrect or unsupported Content-Encoding header value" return err(HttpMessage.init(Http400, msg)) # Preprocessing "Transfer-Encoding" header. request.transferEncoding = getTransferEncoding( request.headers.getList(TransferEncodingHeader)).valueOr: let msg = "Incorrect or unsupported Transfer-Encoding header value" return err(HttpMessage.init(Http400, msg)) # Almost all HTTP requests could have body (except TRACE), we perform some # steps to reveal information about body. request.contentLength = if ContentLengthHeader in request.headers: # Request headers has `Content-Length` header present. let length = request.headers.getInt(ContentLengthHeader) if length != 0: if request.meth == MethodTrace: let msg = "TRACE requests could not have request body" return err(HttpMessage.init(Http400, msg)) # Because of coversion to `int` we should avoid unexpected # OverflowError. if length > uint64(high(int)): return err(HttpMessage.init(Http413, "Unsupported content length")) if length > uint64(request.connection.server.maxRequestBodySize): return err(HttpMessage.init(Http413, "Content length exceeds limits")) request.requestFlags.incl(HttpRequestFlags.BoundBody) int(length) else: 0 else: if TransferEncodingFlags.Chunked in request.transferEncoding: # Request headers has "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header present. if request.meth == MethodTrace: let msg = "TRACE requests could not have request body" return err(HttpMessage.init(Http400, msg)) request.requestFlags.incl(HttpRequestFlags.UnboundBody) 0 if request.hasBody(): # If the request has a body, we will determine how it is encoded. if ContentTypeHeader in request.headers: # Request headers has "Content-Type" header present. let contentType = getContentType(request.headers.getList(ContentTypeHeader)).valueOr: let msg = "Incorrect or missing Content-Type header" return err(HttpMessage.init(Http415, msg)) if contentType == UrlEncodedContentType: request.requestFlags.incl(HttpRequestFlags.UrlencodedForm) elif contentType == MultipartContentType: request.requestFlags.incl(HttpRequestFlags.MultipartForm) request.contentTypeData = Opt.some(contentType) # If `Expect` header is present, we will handle expectation procedure. if ExpectHeader in request.headers: let expectHeader = request.headers.getString(ExpectHeader) if strip(expectHeader).toLowerAscii() == "100-continue": request.requestFlags.incl(HttpRequestFlags.ClientExpect) ok() proc updateRequest*(request: HttpRequestRef, meth: HttpMethod, requestUri: string, headers: HttpTable): HttpResultMessage[void] = ## Update HTTP request object using base request object with new properties. updateRequest(request, request.scheme, meth, request.version, requestUri, headers) proc updateRequest*(request: HttpRequestRef, requestUri: string, headers: HttpTable): HttpResultMessage[void] = ## Update HTTP request object using base request object with new properties. updateRequest(request, request.scheme, request.meth, request.version, requestUri, headers) proc updateRequest*(request: HttpRequestRef, requestUri: string): HttpResultMessage[void] = ## Update HTTP request object using base request object with new properties. updateRequest(request, request.scheme, request.meth, request.version, requestUri, request.headers) proc updateRequest*(request: HttpRequestRef, headers: HttpTable): HttpResultMessage[void] = ## Update HTTP request object using base request object with new properties. updateRequest(request, request.scheme, request.meth, request.version, request.rawPath, headers) proc prepareRequest(conn: HttpConnectionRef, req: HttpRequestHeader): HttpResultMessage[HttpRequestRef] = let request = HttpRequestRef.new(conn) scheme = if HttpServerFlags.Secure in conn.server.flags: "https" else: "http" headers = block: var table = HttpTable.init() # Retrieve headers and values for key, value in req.headers(): table.add(key, value) # Validating HTTP request headers # Some of the headers must be present only once. if table.count(ContentTypeHeader) > 1: return err(HttpMessage.init(Http400, "Multiple Content-Type headers")) if table.count(ContentLengthHeader) > 1: return err(HttpMessage.init(Http400, "Multiple Content-Length headers")) if table.count(TransferEncodingHeader) > 1: return err(HttpMessage.init(Http400, "Multuple Transfer-Encoding headers")) table ? updateRequest(request, scheme, req.meth, req.version, req.uri(), headers) trackCounter(HttpServerRequestTrackerName) ok(request) proc getBodyReader*(request: HttpRequestRef): HttpResult[HttpBodyReader] = ## Returns stream's reader instance which can be used to read request's body. ## ## Please be sure to handle ``Expect`` header properly. ## ## Streams which was obtained using this procedure must be closed to avoid ## leaks. if HttpRequestFlags.BoundBody in request.requestFlags: let bstream = newBoundedStreamReader(request.connection.reader, uint64(request.contentLength)) ok(newHttpBodyReader(bstream)) elif HttpRequestFlags.UnboundBody in request.requestFlags: let maxBodySize = request.connection.server.maxRequestBodySize cstream = newChunkedStreamReader(request.connection.reader) bstream = newBoundedStreamReader(cstream, uint64(maxBodySize), comparison = BoundCmp.LessOrEqual) ok(newHttpBodyReader(bstream, cstream)) else: err("Request do not have body available") proc handleExpect*(request: HttpRequestRef) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Handle expectation for ``Expect`` header. ## https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Expect if HttpServerFlags.NoExpectHandler notin request.connection.server.flags: if HttpRequestFlags.ClientExpect in request.requestFlags: if request.version == HttpVersion11: try: let message = $request.version & " " & $Http100 & "\r\n\r\n" await request.connection.writer.write(message) except AsyncStreamError as exc: raiseHttpWriteError( "Unable to send `100-continue` response, reason: " & $exc.msg) proc getBody*(request: HttpRequestRef): Future[seq[byte]] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpTransportError, HttpProtocolError]).} = ## Obtain request's body as sequence of bytes. let reader = request.getBodyReader().valueOr: return @[] try: await request.handleExpect() let res = await reader.read() if reader.hasOverflow(): raiseHttpRequestBodyTooLargeError() res except AsyncStreamError as exc: let msg = "Unable to read request's body, reason: " & $exc.msg raiseHttpReadError(msg) finally: await reader.closeWait() proc consumeBody*(request: HttpRequestRef): Future[void] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpTransportError, HttpProtocolError]).} = ## Consume/discard request's body. let reader = request.getBodyReader().valueOr: return try: await request.handleExpect() discard await reader.consume() if reader.hasOverflow(): raiseHttpRequestBodyTooLargeError() except AsyncStreamError as exc: let msg = "Unable to consume request's body, reason: " & $exc.msg raiseHttpReadError(msg) finally: await reader.closeWait() proc getAcceptInfo*(request: HttpRequestRef): Result[AcceptInfo, cstring] = ## Returns value of `Accept` header as `AcceptInfo` object. ## ## If ``Accept`` header is missing in request headers, ``*/*`` content ## type will be returned. getAcceptInfo(request.headers.getString(AcceptHeaderName)) proc preferredContentMediaType*(acceptHeader: string): MediaType = ## Returns preferred content-type using ``Accept`` header value specified by ## string ``acceptHeader``. let res = getAcceptInfo(acceptHeader) if res.isErr(): # If `Accept` header is incorrect, client accepts any type of content. MediaType.init("*", "*") else: let mediaTypes = res.get().data if len(mediaTypes) > 0: mediaTypes[0].mediaType else: MediaType.init("*", "*") proc preferredContentType*(acceptHeader: string, types: varargs[MediaType] ): Result[MediaType, cstring] = ## Match or obtain preferred content type using ``Accept`` header specified by ## string ``acceptHeader`` and server preferred content types ``types``. ## ## If ``Accept`` header is missing in client's request - ``types[0]`` or ## ``*/*`` value will be returned as result. ## ## If ``Accept`` header has incorrect format in client's request - ## ``types[0]`` or ``*/*`` value will be returned as result. ## ## If ``Accept`` header is present in request to server and it has one or more ## content types supported by client, the best value will be selected from ## ``types`` using position and quality value (weight) reported in ``Accept`` ## header. If client do not support any methods in ``types`` error ## will be returned. ## ## Note: Quality value (weight) for content type has priority over server's ## preferred content-type. if len(types) == 0: if len(acceptHeader) == 0: # If `Accept` header is missing, return `*/*`. ok(wildCardMediaType) else: let res = getAcceptInfo(acceptHeader) if res.isErr(): # If `Accept` header is incorrect, client accepts any type of content. ok(wildCardMediaType) else: let mediaTypes = res.get().data var currentType = MediaType() currentWeight = 0.0 # `Accept` header values array is not sorted, so we need to find value # with the biggest ``q-value``. for item in mediaTypes: if currentWeight < item.qvalue: currentType = item.mediaType currentWeight = item.qvalue if len(currentType.media) == 0 and len(currentType.subtype) == 0: ok(wildCardMediaType) else: ok(currentType) else: if len(acceptHeader) == 0: # If `Accept` header is missing, client accepts any type of content. ok(types[0]) else: let ares = getAcceptInfo(acceptHeader) if ares.isErr(): # If `Accept` header is incorrect, client accepts any type of content. ok(types[0]) else: # ``maxWeight`` represents maximum possible weight value which can be # obtained. let maxWeight = (1.0, 0) var currentType = MediaType() currentIndex = -1 currentWeight = (-1.0, 0) for itemType in ares.get().data: let preferredIndex = types.find(itemType.mediaType) if preferredIndex != -1: let weight = (itemType.qvalue, -preferredIndex) if currentWeight < weight: currentType = types[preferredIndex] currentWeight = weight currentIndex = preferredIndex if currentWeight == maxWeight: # There is no reason to continue search, because maximum possible # weight is already achieved, so this is the best match. break if currentIndex == -1: err("Preferred content type not found") else: ok(currentType) proc preferredContentMediaType*(request: HttpRequestRef): MediaType = ## Returns preferred content-type using ``Accept`` header specified by ## client in request ``request``. preferredContentMediaType(request.headers.getString(AcceptHeaderName)) proc preferredContentType*(request: HttpRequestRef, types: varargs[MediaType] ): Result[MediaType, cstring] = ## Match or obtain preferred content-type using ``Accept`` header specified by ## client in request ``request``. preferredContentType(request.headers.getString(AcceptHeaderName), types) proc sendErrorResponse(conn: HttpConnectionRef, version: HttpVersion, code: HttpCode, keepAlive = true, datatype = "text/plain", databody = "") {. async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = var answer = $version & " " & $code & "\r\n" answer.add(DateHeader) answer.add(": ") answer.add(httpDate()) answer.add("\r\n") if len(datatype) > 0: answer.add(ContentTypeHeader) answer.add(": ") answer.add(datatype) answer.add("\r\n") answer.add(ContentLengthHeader) answer.add(": ") answer.add(Base10.toString(uint64(len(databody)))) answer.add("\r\n") if keepAlive: answer.add(ConnectionHeader) answer.add(": keep-alive\r\n") else: answer.add(ConnectionHeader) answer.add(": close\r\n") answer.add("\r\n") if len(databody) > 0: answer.add(databody) try: await conn.writer.write(answer) except AsyncStreamError: # We ignore errors here, because we indicating error already. discard proc sendDefaultResponse( conn: HttpConnectionRef, reqFence: RequestFence, response: HttpResponseRef ): Future[HttpProcessExitType] {.async: (raises: []).} = let version = getResponseVersion(reqFence) keepConnection = if isNil(response) or (HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive notin response.flags): HttpProcessExitType.Graceful else: HttpProcessExitType.KeepAlive template toBool(hpet: HttpProcessExitType): bool = case hpet of HttpProcessExitType.KeepAlive: true of HttpProcessExitType.Immediate: false of HttpProcessExitType.Graceful: false try: if reqFence.isOk(): if isNil(response): await conn.sendErrorResponse(version, Http404, keepConnection.toBool()) return keepConnection case response.state of HttpResponseState.Empty, HttpResponseState.Default: # Response was ignored, so we respond with not found. await conn.sendErrorResponse(version, Http404, keepConnection.toBool()) keepConnection of HttpResponseState.Prepared: # Response was prepared but not sent, so we can respond with some # error code await conn.sendErrorResponse(version, Http409, keepConnection.toBool()) keepConnection of HttpResponseState.ErrorCode: # Response with error code await conn.sendErrorResponse(version, response.status, false) HttpProcessExitType.Immediate of HttpResponseState.Sending, HttpResponseState.Failed, HttpResponseState.Cancelled: # Just drop connection, because we dont know at what stage we are HttpProcessExitType.Immediate of HttpResponseState.Finished: keepConnection else: case reqFence.error.kind of HttpServerError.TimeoutError, HttpServerError.ProtocolError: await conn.sendErrorResponse(version, reqFence.error.code, false) HttpProcessExitType.Graceful of HttpServerError.DisconnectError: # When `HttpServerFlags.NotifyDisconnect` is set. HttpProcessExitType.Immediate of HttpServerError.InterruptError: # InterruptError should be handled earlier raiseAssert("Unexpected request error: " & $reqFence.error.kind) except CancelledError: HttpProcessExitType.Immediate proc getRequest(conn: HttpConnectionRef): Future[HttpRequestRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpDisconnectError, HttpProtocolError]).} = try: conn.buffer.setLen(conn.server.maxHeadersSize) let res = await conn.reader.readUntil(addr conn.buffer[0], len(conn.buffer), HeadersMark) conn.buffer.setLen(res) let header = parseRequest(conn.buffer) if header.failed(): raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, "Malformed request recieved") prepareRequest(conn, header).valueOr: raiseHttpProtocolError(error) except AsyncStreamLimitError: raiseHttpProtocolError(Http431, "Maximum size of request headers reached") except AsyncStreamError: raiseHttpDisconnectError() proc init*(value: var HttpConnection, server: HttpServerRef, transp: StreamTransport) = value = HttpConnection( state: HttpState.Alive, server: server, transp: transp, buffer: newSeq[byte](server.maxHeadersSize), mainReader: newAsyncStreamReader(transp), mainWriter: newAsyncStreamWriter(transp) ) proc closeUnsecureConnection(conn: HttpConnectionRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = if conn.state == HttpState.Alive: conn.state = HttpState.Closing var pending: seq[Future[void]] pending.add(conn.mainReader.closeWait()) pending.add(conn.mainWriter.closeWait()) pending.add(conn.transp.closeWait()) await noCancel(allFutures(pending)) untrackCounter(HttpServerUnsecureConnectionTrackerName) reset(conn[]) conn.state = HttpState.Closed proc new(ht: typedesc[HttpConnectionRef], server: HttpServerRef, transp: StreamTransport): HttpConnectionRef = var res = HttpConnectionRef() res[].init(server, transp) res.reader = res.mainReader res.writer = res.mainWriter res.closeCb = closeUnsecureConnection res.createMoment = Moment.now() trackCounter(HttpServerUnsecureConnectionTrackerName) res proc gracefulCloseWait*(conn: HttpConnectionRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = try: await noCancel(conn.transp.shutdownWait()) except TransportError: # We try to gracefully close connection, so we ignore any errors here, # because right after this operation we closing connection. discard await conn.closeCb(conn) proc closeWait*(conn: HttpConnectionRef): Future[void] {. async: (raw: true, raises: []).} = conn.closeCb(conn) proc closeWait*(req: HttpRequestRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = if req.state == HttpState.Alive: if req.response.isSome(): req.state = HttpState.Closing let resp = req.response.get() if (HttpResponseFlags.Stream in resp.flags) and not(isNil(resp.writer)): await closeWait(resp.writer) reset(resp[]) untrackCounter(HttpServerRequestTrackerName) reset(req[]) req.state = HttpState.Closed proc createConnection(server: HttpServerRef, transp: StreamTransport): Future[HttpConnectionRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpConnectionError]).} = HttpConnectionRef.new(server, transp) proc `keepalive=`*(resp: HttpResponseRef, value: bool) = doAssert(resp.getResponseState() == HttpResponseState.Empty) if value: resp.flags.incl(HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive) else: resp.flags.excl(HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive) proc keepalive*(resp: HttpResponseRef): bool = HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive in resp.flags proc getRemoteAddress(transp: StreamTransport): Opt[TransportAddress] = if isNil(transp): return Opt.none(TransportAddress) try: Opt.some(transp.remoteAddress()) except TransportOsError: Opt.none(TransportAddress) proc getRemoteAddress(connection: HttpConnectionRef): Opt[TransportAddress] = if isNil(connection): return Opt.none(TransportAddress) getRemoteAddress(connection.transp) proc getLocalAddress(transp: StreamTransport): Opt[TransportAddress] = if isNil(transp): return Opt.none(TransportAddress) try: Opt.some(transp.localAddress()) except TransportOsError: Opt.none(TransportAddress) proc getLocalAddress(connection: HttpConnectionRef): Opt[TransportAddress] = if isNil(connection): return Opt.none(TransportAddress) getLocalAddress(connection.transp) proc remote*(request: HttpRequestRef): Opt[TransportAddress] = ## Returns remote address of HTTP request's connection. request.connection.getRemoteAddress() proc local*(request: HttpRequestRef): Opt[TransportAddress] = ## Returns local address of HTTP request's connection. request.connection.getLocalAddress() proc getRequestFence*(server: HttpServerRef, connection: HttpConnectionRef): Future[RequestFence] {. async: (raises: []).} = try: let res = if server.headersTimeout.isInfinite(): await connection.getRequest() else: await connection.getRequest().wait(server.headersTimeout) connection.currentRawQuery = Opt.some(res.rawPath) RequestFence.ok(res) except CancelledError: RequestFence.err(HttpProcessError.init(HttpServerError.InterruptError)) except AsyncTimeoutError: let address = connection.getRemoteAddress() RequestFence.err( HttpProcessError.init(HttpServerError.TimeoutError, address, Http408)) except HttpProtocolError as exc: let address = connection.getRemoteAddress() RequestFence.err( HttpProcessError.init(HttpServerError.ProtocolError, exc, address, exc.code)) except HttpDisconnectError: let address = connection.getRemoteAddress() RequestFence.err( HttpProcessError.init(HttpServerError.DisconnectError, address, Http400)) proc getConnectionFence*(server: HttpServerRef, transp: StreamTransport): Future[ConnectionFence] {. async: (raises: []).} = try: let res = await server.createConnCallback(server, transp) ConnectionFence.ok(res) except CancelledError: ConnectionFence.err(HttpProcessError.init(HttpServerError.InterruptError)) except HttpConnectionError as exc: # On error `transp` will be closed by `createConnCallback()` call. let address = Opt.none(TransportAddress) ConnectionFence.err(HttpProcessError.init( HttpServerError.DisconnectError, exc, address, Http400)) proc invokeProcessCallback(server: HttpServerRef, req: RequestFence): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError]).} = if len(server.middlewares) > 0: server.middlewares[0](req) else: server.processCallback(req) proc processRequest(server: HttpServerRef, connection: HttpConnectionRef, connId: string): Future[HttpProcessExitType] {. async: (raises: []).} = let requestFence = await getRequestFence(server, connection) if requestFence.isErr(): case requestFence.error.kind of HttpServerError.InterruptError: # Cancelled, exiting return HttpProcessExitType.Immediate of HttpServerError.DisconnectError: # Remote peer disconnected if HttpServerFlags.NotifyDisconnect notin server.flags: return HttpProcessExitType.Immediate else: # Request is incorrect or unsupported, sending notification discard let response = try: await invokeProcessCallback(connection.server, requestFence) except CancelledError: # Cancelled, exiting if requestFence.isOk(): await requestFence.get().closeWait() return HttpProcessExitType.Immediate let res = await connection.sendDefaultResponse(requestFence, response) if requestFence.isOk(): await requestFence.get().closeWait() res proc processLoop(holder: HttpConnectionHolderRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = let server = holder.server transp = holder.transp connectionId = holder.connectionId connection = block: let res = await getConnectionFence(server, transp) if res.isErr(): if res.error.kind != HttpServerError.InterruptError: discard await noCancel( invokeProcessCallback(server, RequestFence.err(res.error))) server.connections.del(connectionId) return res.get() holder.connection = connection var runLoop = HttpProcessExitType.KeepAlive while runLoop == HttpProcessExitType.KeepAlive: runLoop = await server.processRequest(connection, connectionId) case runLoop of HttpProcessExitType.KeepAlive: await connection.closeWait() of HttpProcessExitType.Immediate: await connection.closeWait() of HttpProcessExitType.Graceful: await connection.gracefulCloseWait() server.connections.del(connectionId) proc acceptClientLoop(server: HttpServerRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = block mainLoop: while true: block clientLoop: # if server.maxConnections > 0: # await server.semaphore.acquire() let transp = try: await server.instance.accept() except TransportTooManyError: # Too many FDs used by process break clientLoop except TransportAbortedError: # Remote peer disconnected break clientLoop except TransportUseClosedError: # accept() call invoked when server is stopped break mainLoop except TransportOsError: # Critical OS error break mainLoop except CancelledError: # Server being closed, exiting break mainLoop doAssert(not(isNil(transp)), "Stream transport should be present!") let connectionId = transp.getId().valueOr: # We are unable to identify remote peer, it means that remote peer # disconnected before. await transp.closeWait() break clientLoop holder = HttpConnectionHolderRef.new(server, transp, connectionId) server.connections[connectionId] = holder holder.future = processLoop(holder) proc state*(server: HttpServerRef): HttpServerState = ## Returns current HTTP server's state. if server.lifetime.finished(): ServerClosed else: if isNil(server.acceptLoop): ServerStopped else: if server.acceptLoop.finished(): ServerStopped else: ServerRunning proc start*(server: HttpServerRef) = ## Starts HTTP server. if server.state == ServerStopped: server.acceptLoop = acceptClientLoop(server) proc stop*(server: HttpServerRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = ## Stop HTTP server from accepting new connections. if server.state == ServerRunning: await server.acceptLoop.cancelAndWait() proc drop*(server: HttpServerRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = ## Drop all pending HTTP connections. var pending: seq[Future[void]] if server.state in {ServerStopped, ServerRunning}: for holder in server.connections.values(): if not(isNil(holder.future)) and not(holder.future.finished()): pending.add(holder.future.cancelAndWait()) await noCancel(allFutures(pending)) server.connections.clear() proc closeWait*(server: HttpServerRef) {.async: (raises: []).} = ## Stop HTTP server and drop all the pending connections. if server.state != ServerClosed: await server.stop() await server.drop() await server.instance.closeWait() server.lifetime.complete() proc join*(server: HttpServerRef): Future[void] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError]).} = ## Wait until HTTP server will not be closed. server.lifetime.join() proc getMultipartReader*(req: HttpRequestRef): HttpResult[MultiPartReaderRef] = ## Create new MultiPartReader interface for specific request. if req.meth in PostMethods: if MultipartForm in req.requestFlags: if req.contentTypeData.isSome(): let boundary = ? getMultipartBoundary(req.contentTypeData.get()) var stream = ? req.getBodyReader() ok(MultiPartReaderRef.new(stream, boundary)) else: err("Content type is missing or invalid") else: err("Request's data is not multipart encoded") else: err("Request's method do not supports multipart") proc post*(req: HttpRequestRef): Future[HttpTable] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpTransportError, HttpProtocolError]).} = ## Return POST parameters if req.postTable.isSome(): return req.postTable.get() if req.meth notin PostMethods: return HttpTable.init() if UrlencodedForm in req.requestFlags: let queryFlags = if QueryCommaSeparatedArray in req.connection.server.flags: {QueryParamsFlag.CommaSeparatedArray} else: {} var table = HttpTable.init() # getBody() will handle `Expect`. var body = await req.getBody() # TODO (cheatfate) double copy here, because of `byte` to `char` # conversion. var strbody = newString(len(body)) if len(body) > 0: copyMem(addr strbody[0], addr body[0], len(body)) for key, value in queryParams(strbody, queryFlags): table.add(key, value) req.postTable = Opt.some(table) return table elif MultipartForm in req.requestFlags: var table = HttpTable.init() let mpreader = getMultipartReader(req).valueOr: raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, "Unable to retrieve multipart form data, reason: " & $error) # Reading multipart/form-data parts. var runLoop = true while runLoop: var part: MultiPart try: part = await mpreader.readPart() var value = await part.getBody() # TODO (cheatfate) double copy here, because of `byte` to `char` # conversion. var strvalue = newString(len(value)) if len(value) > 0: copyMem(addr strvalue[0], addr value[0], len(value)) table.add(part.name, strvalue) await part.closeWait() except MultipartEOMError: runLoop = false except HttpWriteError as exc: if not(part.isEmpty()): await part.closeWait() await mpreader.closeWait() raise exc except HttpProtocolError as exc: if not(part.isEmpty()): await part.closeWait() await mpreader.closeWait() raise exc except CancelledError as exc: if not(part.isEmpty()): await part.closeWait() await mpreader.closeWait() raise exc await mpreader.closeWait() req.postTable = Opt.some(table) return table else: if HttpRequestFlags.BoundBody in req.requestFlags: if req.contentLength != 0: raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, "Unsupported request body") return HttpTable.init() elif HttpRequestFlags.UnboundBody in req.requestFlags: raiseHttpProtocolError(Http400, "Unsupported request body") template checkPending(t: untyped) = let currentState = t.getResponseState() doAssert(currentState == HttpResponseState.Empty, "Response body was already sent [" & $currentState & "]") template checkStreamResponse(t: untyped) = doAssert(HttpResponseFlags.Stream in t.flags, "Response was not prepared") template checkStreamResponseState(t: untyped) = doAssert(t.getResponseState() in {HttpResponseState.Prepared, HttpResponseState.Sending}, "Response is in the wrong state") template checkResponseCanBeModified(t: untyped) = doAssert(t.getResponseState() in {HttpResponseState.Empty, HttpResponseState.ErrorCode}, "Response could not be modified at this stage") template checkPointerLength(t1, t2: untyped) = doAssert(not(isNil(t1)), "pbytes must not be nil") doAssert(t2 >= 0, "nbytes should be bigger or equal to zero") proc setHeader*(resp: HttpResponseRef, key, value: string) = ## Sets value of header ``key`` to ``value``. checkResponseCanBeModified(resp) resp.headersTable.set(key, value) proc setHeaderDefault*(resp: HttpResponseRef, key, value: string) = ## Sets value of header ``key`` to ``value``, only if header ``key`` is not ## present in the headers table. checkResponseCanBeModified(resp) discard resp.headersTable.hasKeyOrPut(key, value) proc addHeader*(resp: HttpResponseRef, key, value: string) = ## Adds value ``value`` to header's ``key`` value. checkResponseCanBeModified(resp) resp.headersTable.add(key, value) proc getHeader*(resp: HttpResponseRef, key: string, default: string = ""): string = ## Returns value of header with name ``name`` or ``default``, if header is ## not present in the table. resp.headersTable.getString(key, default) proc hasHeader*(resp: HttpResponseRef, key: string): bool = ## Returns ``true`` if header with name ``key`` present in the headers table. key in resp.headersTable func createHeaders(resp: HttpResponseRef): string = var answer = $(resp.version) & " " & $(resp.status) & "\r\n" for k, v in resp.headersTable.stringItems(): if len(v) > 0: answer.add(normalizeHeaderName(k)) answer.add(": ") answer.add(v) answer.add("\r\n") answer.add("\r\n") answer proc prepareLengthHeaders(resp: HttpResponseRef, length: int): string = if not(resp.hasHeader(DateHeader)): resp.setHeader(DateHeader, httpDate()) if length > 0: if not(resp.hasHeader(ContentTypeHeader)): resp.setHeader(ContentTypeHeader, "text/html; charset=utf-8") if not(resp.hasHeader(ContentLengthHeader)): resp.setHeader(ContentLengthHeader, Base10.toString(uint64(length))) if not(resp.hasHeader(ServerHeader)): resp.setHeader(ServerHeader, resp.connection.server.serverIdent) if not(resp.hasHeader(ConnectionHeader)): if HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive in resp.flags: resp.setHeader(ConnectionHeader, "keep-alive") else: resp.setHeader(ConnectionHeader, "close") resp.createHeaders() proc prepareChunkedHeaders(resp: HttpResponseRef): string = if not(resp.hasHeader(DateHeader)): resp.setHeader(DateHeader, httpDate()) if not(resp.hasHeader(ContentTypeHeader)): resp.setHeader(ContentTypeHeader, "text/html; charset=utf-8") if not(resp.hasHeader(TransferEncodingHeader)): resp.setHeader(TransferEncodingHeader, "chunked") if not(resp.hasHeader(ServerHeader)): resp.setHeader(ServerHeader, resp.connection.server.serverIdent) if not(resp.hasHeader(ConnectionHeader)): if HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive in resp.flags: resp.setHeader(ConnectionHeader, "keep-alive") else: resp.setHeader(ConnectionHeader, "close") resp.createHeaders() proc prepareServerSideEventHeaders(resp: HttpResponseRef): string = if not(resp.hasHeader(DateHeader)): resp.setHeader(DateHeader, httpDate()) if not(resp.hasHeader(ContentTypeHeader)): resp.setHeader(ContentTypeHeader, "text/event-stream") if not(resp.hasHeader(ServerHeader)): resp.setHeader(ServerHeader, resp.connection.server.serverIdent) if not(resp.hasHeader(ConnectionHeader)): resp.flags.excl(HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive) resp.setHeader(ConnectionHeader, "close") resp.createHeaders() proc preparePlainHeaders(resp: HttpResponseRef): string = if not(resp.hasHeader(DateHeader)): resp.setHeader(DateHeader, httpDate()) if not(resp.hasHeader(ServerHeader)): resp.setHeader(ServerHeader, resp.connection.server.serverIdent) if not(resp.hasHeader(ConnectionHeader)): resp.flags.excl(HttpResponseFlags.KeepAlive) resp.setHeader(ConnectionHeader, "close") resp.createHeaders() proc sendBody*(resp: HttpResponseRef, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Send HTTP response at once by using bytes pointer ``pbytes`` and length ## ``nbytes``. checkPointerLength(pbytes, nbytes) checkPending(resp) let responseHeaders = resp.prepareLengthHeaders(nbytes) resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Prepared) try: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Sending) await resp.connection.writer.write(responseHeaders) if nbytes > 0: await resp.connection.writer.write(pbytes, nbytes) resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Finished) except CancelledError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Cancelled) raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Failed) raiseHttpWriteError("Unable to send response body, reason: " & $exc.msg) proc sendBody*(resp: HttpResponseRef, data: ByteChar) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Send HTTP response at once by using data ``data``. checkPending(resp) let responseHeaders = resp.prepareLengthHeaders(len(data)) resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Prepared) try: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Sending) await resp.connection.writer.write(responseHeaders) if len(data) > 0: await resp.connection.writer.write(data) resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Finished) except CancelledError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Cancelled) raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Failed) raiseHttpWriteError("Unable to send response body, reason: " & $exc.msg) proc sendError*(resp: HttpResponseRef, code: HttpCode, body = "") {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Send HTTP error status response. checkPending(resp) resp.status = code let responseHeaders = resp.prepareLengthHeaders(len(body)) resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Prepared) try: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Sending) await resp.connection.writer.write(responseHeaders) if len(body) > 0: await resp.connection.writer.write(body) resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Finished) except CancelledError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Cancelled) raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Failed) raiseHttpWriteError( "Unable to send error response body, reason: " & $exc.msg) proc prepare*(resp: HttpResponseRef, streamType = HttpResponseStreamType.Chunked) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Prepare for HTTP stream response. ## ## Such responses will be sent chunk by chunk using ``chunked`` encoding. resp.checkPending() let responseHeaders = case streamType of HttpResponseStreamType.Plain: resp.preparePlainHeaders() of HttpResponseStreamType.SSE: resp.prepareServerSideEventHeaders() of HttpResponseStreamType.Chunked: resp.prepareChunkedHeaders() resp.streamType = streamType resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Prepared) try: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Sending) await resp.connection.writer.write(responseHeaders) case streamType of HttpResponseStreamType.Plain, HttpResponseStreamType.SSE: resp.writer = newAsyncStreamWriter(resp.connection.writer) of HttpResponseStreamType.Chunked: resp.writer = newChunkedStreamWriter(resp.connection.writer) resp.flags.incl(HttpResponseFlags.Stream) except CancelledError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Cancelled) raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Failed) raiseHttpWriteError("Unable to send response headers, reason: " & $exc.msg) proc prepareChunked*(resp: HttpResponseRef): Future[void] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Prepare for HTTP chunked stream response. ## ## Such responses will be sent chunk by chunk using ``chunked`` encoding. resp.prepare(HttpResponseStreamType.Chunked) proc preparePlain*(resp: HttpResponseRef): Future[void] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Prepare for HTTP plain stream response. ## ## Such responses will be sent without any encoding. resp.prepare(HttpResponseStreamType.Plain) proc prepareSSE*(resp: HttpResponseRef): Future[void] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Prepare for HTTP server-side event stream response. resp.prepare(HttpResponseStreamType.SSE) proc send*(resp: HttpResponseRef, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Send single chunk of data pointed by ``pbytes`` and ``nbytes``. checkPointerLength(pbytes, nbytes) resp.checkStreamResponse() resp.checkStreamResponseState() try: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Sending) await resp.writer.write(pbytes, nbytes) except CancelledError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Cancelled) raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Failed) raiseHttpWriteError("Unable to send response data, reason: " & $exc.msg) proc send*(resp: HttpResponseRef, data: ByteChar) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Send single chunk of data ``data``. resp.checkStreamResponse() resp.checkStreamResponseState() try: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Sending) await resp.writer.write(data) except CancelledError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Cancelled) raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Failed) raiseHttpWriteError("Unable to send response data, reason: " & $exc.msg) proc sendChunk*(resp: HttpResponseRef, pbytes: pointer, nbytes: int): Future[void] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = resp.send(pbytes, nbytes) proc sendChunk*(resp: HttpResponseRef, data: ByteChar): Future[void] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = resp.send(data) proc sendEvent*(resp: HttpResponseRef, eventName: string, data: string): Future[void] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Send server-side event with name ``eventName`` and payload ``data`` to ## remote peer. var res = "" if len(eventName) > 0: res.add("event: ") res.add(eventName) res.add("\r\n") res.add("data: ") res.add(data) res.add("\r\n\r\n") resp.send(res) proc finish*(resp: HttpResponseRef) {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Sending last chunk of data, so it will indicate end of HTTP response. resp.checkStreamResponse() resp.checkStreamResponseState() try: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Sending) await resp.writer.finish() resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Finished) except CancelledError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Cancelled) raise exc except AsyncStreamError as exc: resp.setResponseState(HttpResponseState.Failed) raiseHttpWriteError("Unable to finish response data, reason: " & $exc.msg) proc respond*(req: HttpRequestRef, code: HttpCode, content: ByteChar, headers: HttpTable): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Responds to the request with the specified ``HttpCode``, HTTP ``headers`` ## and ``content``. let response = req.getResponse() response.status = code for k, v in headers.stringItems(): response.addHeader(k, v) await response.sendBody(content) response proc respond*(req: HttpRequestRef, code: HttpCode, content: ByteChar): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Responds to the request with specified ``HttpCode`` and ``content``. respond(req, code, content, HttpTable.init()) proc respond*(req: HttpRequestRef, code: HttpCode): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Responds to the request with specified ``HttpCode`` only. respond(req, code, "", HttpTable.init()) proc redirect*(req: HttpRequestRef, code: HttpCode, location: string, headers: HttpTable): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Responds to the request with redirection to location ``location`` and ## additional headers ``headers``. ## ## Note, ``location`` argument's value has priority over "Location" header's ## value in ``headers`` argument. var mheaders = headers mheaders.set("location", location) respond(req, code, "", mheaders) proc redirect*(req: HttpRequestRef, code: HttpCode, location: Uri, headers: HttpTable): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Responds to the request with redirection to location ``location`` and ## additional headers ``headers``. ## ## Note, ``location`` argument's value has priority over "Location" header's ## value in ``headers`` argument. redirect(req, code, $location, headers) proc redirect*(req: HttpRequestRef, code: HttpCode, location: Uri): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Responds to the request with redirection to location ``location``. redirect(req, code, location, HttpTable.init()) proc redirect*(req: HttpRequestRef, code: HttpCode, location: string): Future[HttpResponseRef] {. async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError, HttpWriteError]).} = ## Responds to the request with redirection to location ``location``. redirect(req, code, location, HttpTable.init()) proc responded*(req: HttpRequestRef): bool = ## Returns ``true`` if request ``req`` has been responded or responding. if isSome(req.response): if req.response.get().state == HttpResponseState.Empty: false else: true else: false proc remoteAddress*(conn: HttpConnectionRef): TransportAddress {. raises: [HttpAddressError].} = ## Returns address of the remote host that established connection ``conn``. try: conn.transp.remoteAddress() except TransportOsError as exc: raiseHttpAddressError($exc.msg) proc remoteAddress*(request: HttpRequestRef): TransportAddress {. raises: [HttpAddressError].} = ## Returns address of the remote host that made request ``request``. request.connection.remoteAddress() proc requestInfo*(req: HttpRequestRef, contentType = "text/plain"): string = ## Returns comprehensive information about request for specific content ## type. ## ## Only two content-types are supported: "text/text" and "text/html". proc h(t: string): string = case contentType of "text/text": "\r\n" & t & " ===\r\n" of "text/html": "

" & t & "

" else: t proc kv(k, v: string): string = case contentType of "text/text": k & ": " & v & "\r\n" of "text/html": "
" & k & "" & v & "
" else: k & ": " & v let header = case contentType of "text/html": "Request Information" & "" & "" else: "" let footer = case contentType of "text/html": "" else: "" var res = h("Request information") res.add(kv("request.scheme", $req.scheme)) res.add(kv("request.method", $req.meth)) res.add(kv("request.version", $req.version)) res.add(kv("request.uri", $req.uri)) res.add(kv("request.flags", $req.requestFlags)) res.add(kv("request.TransferEncoding", $req.transferEncoding)) res.add(kv("request.ContentEncoding", $req.contentEncoding)) let body = if req.hasBody(): if req.contentLength == 0: "present, size not available" else: "present, size = " & $req.contentLength else: "not available" res.add(kv("request.body", body)) if not(req.query.isEmpty()): res.add(h("Query arguments")) for k, v in req.query.stringItems(): res.add(kv(k, v)) if not(req.headers.isEmpty()): res.add(h("HTTP headers")) for k, v in req.headers.stringItems(true): res.add(kv(k, v)) if req.meth in PostMethods: if req.postTable.isSome(): let postTable = req.postTable.get() if not(postTable.isEmpty()): res.add(h("POST arguments")) for k, v in postTable.stringItems(): res.add(kv(k, v)) res.add(h("Connection information")) let localAddress = try: $req.connection.transp.localAddress() except TransportError: "incorrect address" let remoteAddress = try: $req.connection.transp.remoteAddress() except TransportError: "incorrect address" res.add(kv("local.address", localAddress)) res.add(kv("remote.address", remoteAddress)) res.add(h("Server configuration")) let maxConn = if req.connection.server.maxConnections < 0: "unlimited" else: $req.connection.server.maxConnections res.add(kv("server.maxConnections", $maxConn)) res.add(kv("server.maxHeadersSize", $req.connection.server.maxHeadersSize)) res.add(kv("server.maxRequestBodySize", $req.connection.server.maxRequestBodySize)) res.add(kv("server.backlog", $req.connection.server.backlogSize)) res.add(kv("server.headersTimeout", $req.connection.server.headersTimeout)) res.add(kv("server.baseUri", $req.connection.server.baseUri)) res.add(kv("server.flags", $req.connection.server.flags)) res.add(kv("server.socket.flags", $req.connection.server.socketFlags)) header & res & footer