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# Chronos IP Network
# (c) Copyright 2018-Present
# Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2)
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
## This module implements various IP network utility procedures.
exception tracking (#166) * exception tracking This PR adds minimal exception tracking to chronos, moving the goalpost one step further. In particular, it becomes invalid to raise exceptions from `callSoon` callbacks: this is critical for writing correct error handling because there's no reasonable way that a user of chronos can possibly _reason_ about exceptions coming out of there: the event loop will be in an indeterminite state when the loop is executing an _random_ callback. As expected, there are several issues in the error handling of chronos: in particular, it will end up in an inconsistent internal state whenever the selector loop operations fail, because the internal state update functions are not written in an exception-safe way. This PR turns this into a Defect, which probably is not the optimal way of handling things - expect more work to be done here. Some API have no way of reporting back errors to callers - for example, when something fails in the accept loop, there's not much it can do, and no way to report it back to the user of the API - this has been fixed with the new accept flow - the old one should be deprecated. Finally, there is information loss in the API: in composite operations like `poll` and `waitFor` there's no way to differentiate internal errors from user-level errors originating from callbacks. * store `CatchableError` in future * annotate proc's with correct raises information * `selectors2` to avoid non-CatchableError IOSelectorsException * `$` should never raise * remove unnecessary gcsafe annotations * fix exceptions leaking out of timer waits * fix some imports * functions must signal raising the union of all exceptions across all platforms to enable cross-platform code * switch to unittest2 * add `selectors2` which supercedes the std library version and fixes several exception handling issues in there * fixes * docs, platform-independent eh specifiers for some functions * add feature flag for strict exception mode also bump version to 3.0.0 - _most_ existing code should be compatible with this version of exception handling but some things might need fixing - callbacks, existing raises specifications etc. * fix AsyncCheck for non-void T
2021-03-24 09:08:33 +00:00
{.push raises: [Defect].}
import std/strutils
import stew/endians2
exception tracking (#166) * exception tracking This PR adds minimal exception tracking to chronos, moving the goalpost one step further. In particular, it becomes invalid to raise exceptions from `callSoon` callbacks: this is critical for writing correct error handling because there's no reasonable way that a user of chronos can possibly _reason_ about exceptions coming out of there: the event loop will be in an indeterminite state when the loop is executing an _random_ callback. As expected, there are several issues in the error handling of chronos: in particular, it will end up in an inconsistent internal state whenever the selector loop operations fail, because the internal state update functions are not written in an exception-safe way. This PR turns this into a Defect, which probably is not the optimal way of handling things - expect more work to be done here. Some API have no way of reporting back errors to callers - for example, when something fails in the accept loop, there's not much it can do, and no way to report it back to the user of the API - this has been fixed with the new accept flow - the old one should be deprecated. Finally, there is information loss in the API: in composite operations like `poll` and `waitFor` there's no way to differentiate internal errors from user-level errors originating from callbacks. * store `CatchableError` in future * annotate proc's with correct raises information * `selectors2` to avoid non-CatchableError IOSelectorsException * `$` should never raise * remove unnecessary gcsafe annotations * fix exceptions leaking out of timer waits * fix some imports * functions must signal raising the union of all exceptions across all platforms to enable cross-platform code * switch to unittest2 * add `selectors2` which supercedes the std library version and fixes several exception handling issues in there * fixes * docs, platform-independent eh specifiers for some functions * add feature flag for strict exception mode also bump version to 3.0.0 - _most_ existing code should be compatible with this version of exception handling but some things might need fixing - callbacks, existing raises specifications etc. * fix AsyncCheck for non-void T
2021-03-24 09:08:33 +00:00
import ./common
export common
IpMask* = object
case family*: AddressFamily
of AddressFamily.None, AddressFamily.Unix:
of AddressFamily.IPv4:
mask4*: uint32
of AddressFamily.IPv6:
mask6*: array[2, uint64]
IpNet* = object
host*: TransportAddress
mask*: IpMask
proc toNetworkOrder(mask: IpMask): IpMask {.inline.} =
## Converts ``mask`` from host order (which can be big/little-endian) to
## network order (which is big-endian) representation.
result = IpMask(family:
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result.mask4 = mask.mask4.toBE()
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result.mask6[0] = mask.mask6[0].toBE()
result.mask6[1] = mask.mask6[1].toBE()
proc toHostOrder(mask: IpMask): IpMask {.inline.} =
## Converts ``mask`` from network order (which is big-endian) back to
## host representation (which can be big/little-endian).
result = IpMask(family:
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result.mask4 =mask.mask4.fromBE()
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result.mask6[0] = mask.mask6[0].fromBE()
result.mask6[1] = mask.mask6[1].fromBE()
proc `==`*(m1, m2: IpMask): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns ``true`` if masks ``m1`` and ``m2`` are equal in IP family and
## by value.
if ==
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = (m1.mask4 == m2.mask4)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = ((m1.mask6[0] == m2.mask6[0]) and (m1.mask6[1] == m2.mask6[1]))
proc init*(t: typedesc[IpMask], family: AddressFamily, prefix: int): IpMask =
## Initialize mask of IP family ``family`` from prefix length ``prefix``.
if family == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = IpMask(family: AddressFamily.IPv4)
if prefix <= 0:
result.mask4 = 0x00'u32
result.mask4 = 0xFFFF_FFFF'u32
if prefix > 0 and prefix < 32:
result.mask4 = 0xFFFF_FFFF'u32
result.mask4 = cast[uint32](result.mask4 shl (32 - prefix))
elif family == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = IpMask(family: AddressFamily.IPv6)
if prefix <= 0:
result.mask6[0] = 0x00'u64
result.mask6[1] = 0x00'u64
elif prefix >= 128:
result.mask6[0] = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64
result.mask6[1] = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64
result.mask6[0] = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64
if prefix > 64:
result.mask6[1] = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64
result.mask6[1] = result.mask6[1] shl (128 - prefix)
elif prefix == 64:
result.mask6[1] = 0x00'u64
result.mask6[0] = result.mask6[0] shl (64 - prefix)
result.mask6[1] = 0x00'u64
result = result.toNetworkOrder()
proc init*(t: typedesc[IpMask], netmask: TransportAddress): IpMask =
## Initialize network mask using address ``netmask``.
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = IpMask(family:
result.mask4 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr netmask.address_v4[0])[]
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = IpMask(family:
result.mask6[0] = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr netmask.address_v6[0])[]
result.mask6[1] = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr netmask.address_v6[8])[]
proc initIp*(t: typedesc[IpMask], netmask: string): IpMask =
## Initialize network mask using IPv4 or IPv6 address in text representation
## ``netmask``.
## If ``netmask`` address string is invalid, result will be
## set to ``AddressFamily.None``.
var ip = parseIpAddress(netmask)
var tip = initTAddress(ip, Port(0))
result = t.init(tip)
except ValueError:
proc init*(t: typedesc[IpMask], netmask: string): IpMask =
## Initialize network mask using hexadecimal string representation
## ``netmask``.
## If ``netmask`` mask is invalid, result will be set to
## ``AddressFamily.None``.
hexNumbers = {'0'..'9'}
hexCapitals = {'A'..'F'}
hexLowers = {'a'..'f'}
let length = len(netmask)
if length == 8 or length == (2 + 8):
## IPv4 mask
var offset = 0
if length == 2 + 8:
offset = 2
var res = IpMask(family: AddressFamily.IPv4)
var r, v: uint32
for i in 0..<8:
if netmask[offset + i] in hexNumbers:
v = cast[uint32](ord(netmask[offset + i]) - ord('0'))
elif netmask[offset + i] in hexCapitals:
v = cast[uint32](ord(netmask[offset + i]) - ord('A') + 10)
elif netmask[offset + i] in hexLowers:
v = cast[uint32](ord(netmask[offset + i]) - ord('a') + 10)
r = (r shl 4) or v
res.mask4 = r.toBE()
result = res
elif length == 32 or length == (2 + 32):
## IPv6 mask
var offset = 0
if length == 2 + 32:
offset = 2
var res = IpMask(family: AddressFamily.IPv6)
for i in 0..1:
var r, v: uint64
for i in 0..<16:
if netmask[offset + i] in hexNumbers:
v = cast[uint64](ord(netmask[offset + i]) - ord('0'))
elif netmask[offset + i] in hexCapitals:
v = cast[uint64](ord(netmask[offset + i]) - ord('A') + 10)
elif netmask[offset + i] in hexLowers:
v = cast[uint64](ord(netmask[offset + i]) - ord('a') + 10)
r = (r shl 4) or v
offset += 16
res.mask6[i] = r.toBE()
result = res
proc toIPv6*(address: TransportAddress): TransportAddress =
## Map IPv4 ``address`` to IPv6 address.
## If ``address`` is IPv4 address then it will be mapped as:
## <80 bits of zeros> + <16 bits of ones> + <32-bit IPv4 address>.
## If ``address`` is IPv6 address it will be returned without any changes.
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv6)
result.port = address.port
result.address_v6[10] = 0xFF'u8
result.address_v6[11] = 0xFF'u8
let data = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v4[0])[]
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v6[12])[] = data
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = address
proc isV4Mapped*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is (IPv4 to IPv6) mapped address, e.g.
## 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:xxxx:xxxx
## Procedure returns ``false`` if ``address`` family is IPv4.
if == AddressFamily.IPv6:
let data0 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[0])[]
let data1 = cast[ptr uint16](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[8])[]
let data2 = cast[ptr uint16](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[10])[]
result = (data0 == 0'u64) and (data1 == 0x00'u16) and (data2 == 0xFFFF'u16)
proc toIPv4*(address: TransportAddress): TransportAddress =
## Get IPv4 from (IPv4 to IPv6) mapped address.
## If ``address`` is IPv4 address it will be returned without any changes.
## If ``address`` is not IPv4 to IPv6 mapped address, then result family will
## be set to AddressFamily.None.
if == AddressFamily.IPv6:
if isV4Mapped(address):
result = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv4)
result.port = address.port
let data = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[12])[]
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = data
elif == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = address
proc mask*(a: TransportAddress, m: IpMask): TransportAddress =
## Apply IP mask ``m`` to address ``a`` and return result address.
## If ``a`` family is IPv4 and ``m`` family is IPv6, masking is still
## possible when ``m`` has ``FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF`` prefix. Returned
## value will be IPv4 address.
## If ``a`` family is IPv6 and ``m`` family is IPv4, masking is still
## possible when ``a`` holds (IPv4 to IPv6) mapped address. Returned value
## will be IPv6 address.
## If ``a`` family is IPv4 and ``m`` family is IPv4, returned value will be
## IPv4 address.
## If ``a`` family is IPv6 and ``m`` family is IPv6, returned value will be
## IPv6 address.
## In all other cases returned address will have ``AddressFamily.None``.
if == AddressFamily.IPv4 and == AddressFamily.IPv6:
if (m.mask6[0] == 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64) and
(m.mask6[1] and 0xFFFF_FFFF'u64) == 0xFFFF_FFFF'u64:
result = TransportAddress(family:
let mask = cast[uint32](m.mask6[1] shr 32)
let data = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr a.address_v4[0])[]
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = data and mask
result.port = a.port
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6 and == AddressFamily.IPv4:
var ip = a.toIPv4()
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
let data = cast[ptr uint32](addr ip.address_v4[0])[]
cast[ptr uint32](addr ip.address_v4[0])[] = data and m.mask4
result = ip.toIPv6()
result.port = a.port
elif == AddressFamily.IPv4 and == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv4)
let data = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr a.address_v4[0])[]
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = data and m.mask4
result.port = a.port
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6 and == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv6)
let data0 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr a.address_v6[0])[]
let data1 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr a.address_v6[8])[]
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[0])[] = data0 and m.mask6[0]
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[8])[] = data1 and m.mask6[1]
result.port = a.port
proc prefix*(mask: IpMask): int =
## Returns number of bits set `1` in IP mask ``mask``.
## Procedure returns ``-1`` if mask is not canonical, e.g. has holes with
## ``0`` bits between ``1`` bits.
var hmask = mask.toHostOrder()
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
var n = hmask.mask4
while n != 0:
if (n and 0x8000_0000'u32) == 0'u32:
result = -1
n = n shl 1
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
if hmask.mask6[0] == 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64:
result += 64
if hmask.mask6[1] == 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64:
result += 64:
var n = hmask.mask6[1]
while n != 0:
if (n and 0x8000_0000_0000_0000'u64) == 0'u64:
result = -1
n = n shl 1
var n = hmask.mask6[0]
while n != 0:
if (n and 0x8000_0000_0000_0000'u64) == 0'u64:
result = -1
n = n shl 1
if hmask.mask6[1] != 0x00'u64:
result = -1
proc subnetMask*(mask: IpMask): TransportAddress =
## Returns TransportAddress representation of IP mask ``mask``.
result = TransportAddress(family:
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = mask.mask4
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[0])[] = mask.mask6[0]
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[8])[] = mask.mask6[1]
proc `$`*(mask: IpMask, include0x = false): string =
## Returns hexadecimal string representation of IP mask ``mask``.
var host = mask.toHostOrder()
result = ""
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = if include0x: "0x" else: ""
var n = 32
var m = host.mask4
while n > 0:
n -= 4
var c = cast[int]((m shr n) and 0x0F)
if c < 10:
result.add(chr(ord('0') + c))
result.add(chr(ord('A') + (c - 10)))
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = if include0x: "0x" else: ""
for i in 0..1:
var n = 64
var m = host.mask6[i]
while n > 0:
n -= 4
var c = cast[int]((m shr n) and 0x0F)
if c < 10:
result.add(chr(ord('0') + c))
result.add(chr(ord('A') + (c - 10)))
exception tracking (#166) * exception tracking This PR adds minimal exception tracking to chronos, moving the goalpost one step further. In particular, it becomes invalid to raise exceptions from `callSoon` callbacks: this is critical for writing correct error handling because there's no reasonable way that a user of chronos can possibly _reason_ about exceptions coming out of there: the event loop will be in an indeterminite state when the loop is executing an _random_ callback. As expected, there are several issues in the error handling of chronos: in particular, it will end up in an inconsistent internal state whenever the selector loop operations fail, because the internal state update functions are not written in an exception-safe way. This PR turns this into a Defect, which probably is not the optimal way of handling things - expect more work to be done here. Some API have no way of reporting back errors to callers - for example, when something fails in the accept loop, there's not much it can do, and no way to report it back to the user of the API - this has been fixed with the new accept flow - the old one should be deprecated. Finally, there is information loss in the API: in composite operations like `poll` and `waitFor` there's no way to differentiate internal errors from user-level errors originating from callbacks. * store `CatchableError` in future * annotate proc's with correct raises information * `selectors2` to avoid non-CatchableError IOSelectorsException * `$` should never raise * remove unnecessary gcsafe annotations * fix exceptions leaking out of timer waits * fix some imports * functions must signal raising the union of all exceptions across all platforms to enable cross-platform code * switch to unittest2 * add `selectors2` which supercedes the std library version and fixes several exception handling issues in there * fixes * docs, platform-independent eh specifiers for some functions * add feature flag for strict exception mode also bump version to 3.0.0 - _most_ existing code should be compatible with this version of exception handling but some things might need fixing - callbacks, existing raises specifications etc. * fix AsyncCheck for non-void T
2021-03-24 09:08:33 +00:00
return "Unknown mask family: " & $
exception tracking (#166) * exception tracking This PR adds minimal exception tracking to chronos, moving the goalpost one step further. In particular, it becomes invalid to raise exceptions from `callSoon` callbacks: this is critical for writing correct error handling because there's no reasonable way that a user of chronos can possibly _reason_ about exceptions coming out of there: the event loop will be in an indeterminite state when the loop is executing an _random_ callback. As expected, there are several issues in the error handling of chronos: in particular, it will end up in an inconsistent internal state whenever the selector loop operations fail, because the internal state update functions are not written in an exception-safe way. This PR turns this into a Defect, which probably is not the optimal way of handling things - expect more work to be done here. Some API have no way of reporting back errors to callers - for example, when something fails in the accept loop, there's not much it can do, and no way to report it back to the user of the API - this has been fixed with the new accept flow - the old one should be deprecated. Finally, there is information loss in the API: in composite operations like `poll` and `waitFor` there's no way to differentiate internal errors from user-level errors originating from callbacks. * store `CatchableError` in future * annotate proc's with correct raises information * `selectors2` to avoid non-CatchableError IOSelectorsException * `$` should never raise * remove unnecessary gcsafe annotations * fix exceptions leaking out of timer waits * fix some imports * functions must signal raising the union of all exceptions across all platforms to enable cross-platform code * switch to unittest2 * add `selectors2` which supercedes the std library version and fixes several exception handling issues in there * fixes * docs, platform-independent eh specifiers for some functions * add feature flag for strict exception mode also bump version to 3.0.0 - _most_ existing code should be compatible with this version of exception handling but some things might need fixing - callbacks, existing raises specifications etc. * fix AsyncCheck for non-void T
2021-03-24 09:08:33 +00:00
proc ip*(mask: IpMask): string {.raises: [Defect, ValueError].} =
## Returns IP address text representation of IP mask ``mask``.
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
var ip = IpAddress(family: IpAddressFamily.IPv4)
copyMem(addr ip.address_v4[0], unsafeAddr mask.mask4, sizeof(uint32))
result = $ip
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
var ip = IpAddress(family: IpAddressFamily.IPv6)
copyMem(addr ip.address_v6[0], unsafeAddr mask.mask6[0], 16)
result = $ip
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid mask")
proc init*(t: typedesc[IpNet], host: TransportAddress,
prefix: int): IpNet {.inline.} =
## Initialize IP Network using host address ``host`` and prefix length
## ``prefix``.
result.mask = IpMask.init(, prefix) = host
proc init*(t: typedesc[IpNet], host, mask: TransportAddress): IpNet {.inline.} =
## Initialize IP Network using host address ``host`` and network mask
## address ``mask``.
## Note that ``host`` and ``mask`` must be from the same IP family.
if ==
result.mask = IpMask.init(mask) = host
proc init*(t: typedesc[IpNet], host: TransportAddress,
mask: IpMask): IpNet {.inline.} =
## Initialize IP Network using host address ``host`` and network mask
## ``mask``.
result.mask = mask = host
exception tracking (#166) * exception tracking This PR adds minimal exception tracking to chronos, moving the goalpost one step further. In particular, it becomes invalid to raise exceptions from `callSoon` callbacks: this is critical for writing correct error handling because there's no reasonable way that a user of chronos can possibly _reason_ about exceptions coming out of there: the event loop will be in an indeterminite state when the loop is executing an _random_ callback. As expected, there are several issues in the error handling of chronos: in particular, it will end up in an inconsistent internal state whenever the selector loop operations fail, because the internal state update functions are not written in an exception-safe way. This PR turns this into a Defect, which probably is not the optimal way of handling things - expect more work to be done here. Some API have no way of reporting back errors to callers - for example, when something fails in the accept loop, there's not much it can do, and no way to report it back to the user of the API - this has been fixed with the new accept flow - the old one should be deprecated. Finally, there is information loss in the API: in composite operations like `poll` and `waitFor` there's no way to differentiate internal errors from user-level errors originating from callbacks. * store `CatchableError` in future * annotate proc's with correct raises information * `selectors2` to avoid non-CatchableError IOSelectorsException * `$` should never raise * remove unnecessary gcsafe annotations * fix exceptions leaking out of timer waits * fix some imports * functions must signal raising the union of all exceptions across all platforms to enable cross-platform code * switch to unittest2 * add `selectors2` which supercedes the std library version and fixes several exception handling issues in there * fixes * docs, platform-independent eh specifiers for some functions * add feature flag for strict exception mode also bump version to 3.0.0 - _most_ existing code should be compatible with this version of exception handling but some things might need fixing - callbacks, existing raises specifications etc. * fix AsyncCheck for non-void T
2021-03-24 09:08:33 +00:00
proc init*(t: typedesc[IpNet], network: string): IpNet {.
raises: [Defect, TransportAddressError].} =
## Initialize IP Network from string representation in format
## <address>/<prefix length> or <address>/<netmask address>.
var parts = network.rsplit("/", maxsplit = 1)
var host, mhost: TransportAddress
var ipaddr: IpAddress
var mask: IpMask
var prefix: int
ipaddr = parseIpAddress(parts[0])
if == IpAddressFamily.IPv4:
host = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv4)
host.address_v4 = ipaddr.address_v4
prefix = 32
elif == IpAddressFamily.IPv6:
host = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv6)
host.address_v6 = ipaddr.address_v6
prefix = 128
if len(parts) > 1:
prefix = parseInt(parts[1])
prefix = -1
if prefix == -1:
ipaddr = parseIpAddress(parts[1])
if == IpAddressFamily.IPv4:
mhost = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv4)
mhost.address_v4 = ipaddr.address_v4
elif == IpAddressFamily.IPv6:
mhost = TransportAddress(family: AddressFamily.IPv6)
mhost.address_v6 = ipaddr.address_v6
mask = IpMask.init(mhost)
if !=
raise newException(TransportAddressError,
"Incorrect network address!")
if ( == IpAddressFamily.IPv4 and
(prefix < 0 or prefix > 32)) or
( == IpAddressFamily.IPv6 and
(prefix < 0 or prefix > 128)) or
(prefix == 0 and parts[1][0] notin {'0'..'9'}): # /-0 case
raise newException(TransportAddressError,
"Incorrect network address!")
if prefix == -1:
result = t.init(host, mask)
result = t.init(host, prefix)
raise newException(TransportAddressError, "Incorrect network address!")
proc `==`*(n1, n2: IpNet): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns ``true`` if networks ``n1`` and ``n2`` are equal in IP family and
## by value.
if ==
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = ( == and
(n1.mask == n2.mask)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = ( == and
(n1.mask == n2.mask)
proc contains*(net: IpNet, address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` belongs to IP Network ``net``
if ==
var host1 = mask(address, net.mask)
var host2 = mask(, net.mask)
host2.port = host1.port
result = (host1 == host2)
proc broadcast*(net: IpNet): TransportAddress =
## Returns broadcast address for IP Network ``net``.
result = TransportAddress(family:
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
let address = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr[0])[]
let mask = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr net.mask.mask4)[]
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = address or (not(mask))
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
let address0 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr[0])[]
let address1 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr[8])[]
let data0 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr net.mask.mask6[0])[]
let data1 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr net.mask.mask6[1])[]
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[0])[] = address0 or (not(data0))
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[8])[] = address1 or (not(data1))
proc subnetMask*(net: IpNet): TransportAddress =
## Returns netmask address for IP Network ``net``.
result = TransportAddress(family:
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
let address = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr net.mask.mask4)[]
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = address
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
let address0 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr net.mask.mask6[0])[]
let address1 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr net.mask.mask6[1])[]
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[0])[] = address0
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[8])[] = address1
proc network*(net: IpNet): TransportAddress {.inline.} =
## Returns network address (host address masked with network mask) for
## IP Network ``net``.
result = mask(, net.mask)
proc `and`*(address1, address2: TransportAddress): TransportAddress =
## Bitwise ``and`` operation for ``address1 and address2``.
## Note only IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. ``address1`` and
## ``address2`` must be in equal IP family
if ==
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
let data1 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address1.address_v4[0])[]
let data2 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address2.address_v4[0])[]
result = TransportAddress(family:
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = data1 and data2
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
let data1 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address1.address_v6[0])[]
let data2 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address1.address_v6[8])[]
let data3 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address2.address_v6[0])[]
let data4 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address2.address_v6[8])[]
result = TransportAddress(family:
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[0])[] = data1 and data3
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[8])[] = data2 and data4
proc `or`*(address1, address2: TransportAddress): TransportAddress =
## Bitwise ``or`` operation for ``address1 or address2``.
## Note only IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. ``address1`` and
## ``address2`` must be in equal IP family
if ==
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
let data1 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address1.address_v4[0])[]
let data2 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address2.address_v4[0])[]
result = TransportAddress(family:
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = data1 or data2
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
let data1 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address1.address_v6[0])[]
let data2 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address1.address_v6[8])[]
let data3 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address2.address_v6[0])[]
let data4 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address2.address_v6[8])[]
result = TransportAddress(family:
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[0])[] = data1 or data3
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[8])[] = data2 or data4
proc `not`*(address: TransportAddress): TransportAddress =
## Bitwise ``not`` operation for ``address``.
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
let data = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v4[0])[]
result = TransportAddress(family:
cast[ptr uint32](addr result.address_v4[0])[] = not(data)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
let data1 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[0])[]
let data2 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[8])[]
result = TransportAddress(family:
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[0])[] = not(data1)
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[8])[] = not(data2)
proc `+`*(address: TransportAddress, v: uint): TransportAddress =
## Add to IPv4/IPv6 transport ``address`` unsigned integer ``v``.
result = TransportAddress(family:, port: address.port)
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
var a = uint64(uint32.fromBytesBE(address.address_v4))
a = a + v
result.address_v4[0..<4] = uint32(a).toBytesBE()
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
var a1 = uint64.fromBytesBE(address.address_v6.toOpenArray(0, 7))
var a2 = uint64.fromBytesBE(address.address_v6.toOpenArray(8, 15))
var a3 = a2 + v
if a3 < a2:
## Overflow
a1 = a1 + 1
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[0])[] = a1.toBE()
cast[ptr uint64](addr result.address_v6[8])[] = a3.toBE()
proc inc*(address: var TransportAddress, v: uint = 1'u) =
## Increment IPv4/IPv6 transport ``address`` by unsigned integer ``v``.
address = address + v
proc `$`*(net: IpNet): string =
## Return string representation of IP network in format:
## <IPv4 or IPv6 address>/<prefix length>.
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
var a = IpAddress(family: IpAddressFamily.IPv4,
result = $a
let prefix = net.mask.prefix()
if prefix == -1:
exception tracking (#166) * exception tracking This PR adds minimal exception tracking to chronos, moving the goalpost one step further. In particular, it becomes invalid to raise exceptions from `callSoon` callbacks: this is critical for writing correct error handling because there's no reasonable way that a user of chronos can possibly _reason_ about exceptions coming out of there: the event loop will be in an indeterminite state when the loop is executing an _random_ callback. As expected, there are several issues in the error handling of chronos: in particular, it will end up in an inconsistent internal state whenever the selector loop operations fail, because the internal state update functions are not written in an exception-safe way. This PR turns this into a Defect, which probably is not the optimal way of handling things - expect more work to be done here. Some API have no way of reporting back errors to callers - for example, when something fails in the accept loop, there's not much it can do, and no way to report it back to the user of the API - this has been fixed with the new accept flow - the old one should be deprecated. Finally, there is information loss in the API: in composite operations like `poll` and `waitFor` there's no way to differentiate internal errors from user-level errors originating from callbacks. * store `CatchableError` in future * annotate proc's with correct raises information * `selectors2` to avoid non-CatchableError IOSelectorsException * `$` should never raise * remove unnecessary gcsafe annotations * fix exceptions leaking out of timer waits * fix some imports * functions must signal raising the union of all exceptions across all platforms to enable cross-platform code * switch to unittest2 * add `selectors2` which supercedes the std library version and fixes several exception handling issues in there * fixes * docs, platform-independent eh specifiers for some functions * add feature flag for strict exception mode also bump version to 3.0.0 - _most_ existing code should be compatible with this version of exception handling but some things might need fixing - callbacks, existing raises specifications etc. * fix AsyncCheck for non-void T
2021-03-24 09:08:33 +00:00
except ValueError as exc:
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
var a = IpAddress(family: IpAddressFamily.IPv6,
result = $a
let prefix = net.mask.prefix()
if prefix == -1:
exception tracking (#166) * exception tracking This PR adds minimal exception tracking to chronos, moving the goalpost one step further. In particular, it becomes invalid to raise exceptions from `callSoon` callbacks: this is critical for writing correct error handling because there's no reasonable way that a user of chronos can possibly _reason_ about exceptions coming out of there: the event loop will be in an indeterminite state when the loop is executing an _random_ callback. As expected, there are several issues in the error handling of chronos: in particular, it will end up in an inconsistent internal state whenever the selector loop operations fail, because the internal state update functions are not written in an exception-safe way. This PR turns this into a Defect, which probably is not the optimal way of handling things - expect more work to be done here. Some API have no way of reporting back errors to callers - for example, when something fails in the accept loop, there's not much it can do, and no way to report it back to the user of the API - this has been fixed with the new accept flow - the old one should be deprecated. Finally, there is information loss in the API: in composite operations like `poll` and `waitFor` there's no way to differentiate internal errors from user-level errors originating from callbacks. * store `CatchableError` in future * annotate proc's with correct raises information * `selectors2` to avoid non-CatchableError IOSelectorsException * `$` should never raise * remove unnecessary gcsafe annotations * fix exceptions leaking out of timer waits * fix some imports * functions must signal raising the union of all exceptions across all platforms to enable cross-platform code * switch to unittest2 * add `selectors2` which supercedes the std library version and fixes several exception handling issues in there * fixes * docs, platform-independent eh specifiers for some functions * add feature flag for strict exception mode also bump version to 3.0.0 - _most_ existing code should be compatible with this version of exception handling but some things might need fixing - callbacks, existing raises specifications etc. * fix AsyncCheck for non-void T
2021-03-24 09:08:33 +00:00
except ValueError as exc:
proc isUnspecified*(address: TransportAddress): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is not specified yet, e.g. its ``family``
## field is not set or equal to ``AddressFamily.None``.
if == AddressFamily.None:
result = true
proc isZero*(address: TransportAddress): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is full of zeros, but its ``family`` is
## not ``AddressFamily.None``.
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v4[0])[] == 0'u32
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
let r1 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[0])[] == 0'u64
let r2 = cast[ptr uint64](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[8])[] == 0'u64
result = r1 and r2
elif == AddressFamily.Unix:
result = len($cast[cstring](unsafeAddr address.address_un[0])) == 0
proc isMulticast*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is a multicast address.
## ``IPv4``: -
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = ((address.address_v4[0] and 0xF0'u8) == 0xE0'u8)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = (address.address_v6[0] == 0xFF'u8)
proc isInterfaceLocalMulticast*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is interface local multicast address.
## ``IPv4``: N/A (always returns ``false``)
if == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = (address.address_v6[0] == 0xFF'u8) and
((address.address_v6[1] and 0x0F'u8) == 0x01'u8)
proc isLinkLocalMulticast*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is link local multicast address.
## ``IPv4``: -
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = (address.address_v4[0] == 224'u8) and
(address.address_v4[1] == 0'u8) and
(address.address_v4[2] == 0'u8)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = (address.address_v6[0] == 0xFF'u8) and
((address.address_v6[1] and 0x0F'u8) == 0x02'u8)
proc isLoopback*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is loopback address.
## ``IPv4``: -
## ``IPv6``: ::1
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = (address.address_v4[0] == 127'u8)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
var test = 0
for i in 0..<(len(address.address_v6) - 1):
test = test or cast[int](address.address_v6[i])
result = (test == 0) and (address.address_v6[15] == 1'u8)
proc isAnyLocal*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is a wildcard address.
## ``IPv4``:
## ``IPv6``: ::
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
let data = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v4[0])[]
result = (data == 0'u32)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
let data1 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[0])[]
let data2 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[4])[]
let data3 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[8])[]
let data4 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr address.address_v6[12])[]
result = ((data1 or data2 or data3 or data4) == 0'u32)
proc isLinkLocal*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is link local address.
## ``IPv4``: -
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = (address.address_v4[0] == 169'u8) and
(address.address_v4[1] == 254'u8)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = (address.address_v6[0] == 0xFE'u8) and
((address.address_v6[1] and 0xC0'u8) == 0x80'u8)
proc isLinkLocalUnicast*(address: TransportAddress): bool {.inline.} =
result = isLinkLocal(address)
proc isSiteLocal*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if ``address`` is site local address.
## ``IPv4``: -, -,
## -
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = (address.address_v4[0] == 10'u8) or
((address.address_v4[0] == 172'u8) and
((address.address_v4[1] and 0xF0) == 16)) or
((address.address_v4[0] == 192'u8) and
((address.address_v4[1] == 168'u8)))
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = (address.address_v6[0] == 0xFE'u8) and
((address.address_v6[1] and 0xC0'u8) == 0xC0'u8)
proc isGlobalMulticast*(address: TransportAddress): bool =
## Returns ``true`` if the multicast address has global scope.
## ``IPv4``: -
if == AddressFamily.IPv4:
result = (address.address_v4[0] >= 224'u8) and
(address.address_v4[0] <= 238'u8) and
(address.address_v4[0] == 224'u8) and
(address.address_v4[1] == 0'u8) and
(address.address_v4[2] == 0'u8)
elif == AddressFamily.IPv6:
result = (address.address_v6[0] == 0xFF'u8) and
((address.address_v6[1] and 0x0F'u8) == 0x0E'u8)