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# Chronos Asynchronous Bound Stream
# (c) Copyright 2021-Present
# Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2)
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
## This module implements bounded stream reading and writing.
## For stream reading it means that you should read exactly bounded size of
## bytes or you should read all bytes until specific boundary.
## For stream writing it means that you should write exactly bounded size
## of bytes.
2022-09-05 13:08:52 +02:00
import stew/results
import ../asyncloop, ../timer
import asyncstream, ../transports/stream, ../transports/common
export asyncloop, asyncstream, stream, timer, common
BoundCmp* {.pure.} = enum
Equal, LessOrEqual
BoundedStreamReader* = ref object of AsyncStreamReader
2022-09-05 13:08:52 +02:00
boundSize: Opt[uint64]
boundary: seq[byte]
offset: uint64
cmpop: BoundCmp
BoundedStreamWriter* = ref object of AsyncStreamWriter
boundSize: uint64
offset: uint64
cmpop: BoundCmp
BoundedStreamError* = object of AsyncStreamError
BoundedStreamIncompleteError* = object of BoundedStreamError
BoundedStreamOverflowError* = object of BoundedStreamError
BoundedStreamRW* = BoundedStreamReader | BoundedStreamWriter
BoundedBufferSize* = 4096
BoundarySizeDefectMessage = "Boundary must not be empty array"
template newBoundedStreamIncompleteError(): ref BoundedStreamError =
"Stream boundary is not reached yet")
template newBoundedStreamOverflowError(): ref BoundedStreamOverflowError =
newException(BoundedStreamOverflowError, "Stream boundary exceeded")
proc readUntilBoundary(rstream: AsyncStreamReader, pbytes: pointer,
nbytes: int, sep: seq[byte]): Future[int] {.async.} =
doAssert(not(isNil(pbytes)), "pbytes must not be nil")
doAssert(nbytes >= 0, "nbytes must be non-negative value")
if nbytes == 0:
return 0
var k = 0
var state = 0
var pbuffer = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](pbytes)
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
proc predicate(data: openArray[byte]): tuple[consumed: int, done: bool] =
if len(data) == 0:
(0, true)
var index = 0
while index < len(data):
if k >= nbytes:
return (index, true)
let ch = data[index]
pbuffer[k] = ch
if len(sep) > 0:
if sep[state] == ch:
if state == len(sep):
state = 0
(index, (state == len(sep)) or (k == nbytes))
await rstream.readMessage(predicate)
return k
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
func endsWith(s, suffix: openArray[byte]): bool =
var i = 0
var j = len(s) - len(suffix)
while i + j >= 0 and i + j < len(s):
if s[i + j] != suffix[i]: return false
if i >= len(suffix): return true
proc boundedReadLoop(stream: AsyncStreamReader) {.async.} =
2021-02-17 02:03:12 +02:00
var rstream = BoundedStreamReader(stream)
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Running
var buffer = newSeq[byte](rstream.buffer.bufferLen())
while true:
let toRead =
if rstream.boundSize.isNone():
int(min(rstream.boundSize.get() - rstream.offset, uint64(len(buffer))))
if toRead == 0:
# When ``rstream.boundSize`` is set and we already readed
# ``rstream.boundSize`` bytes.
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Finished
let res = await readUntilBoundary(rstream.rsource, addr buffer[0],
toRead, rstream.boundary)
if res > 0:
if len(rstream.boundary) > 0:
if endsWith(buffer.toOpenArray(0, res - 1), rstream.boundary):
let length = res - len(rstream.boundary)
rstream.offset = rstream.offset + uint64(length)
# There should be one step between transferring last bytes to the
# consumer and declaring stream EOF. Otherwise could not be
# consumed.
await upload(addr rstream.buffer, addr buffer[0], length)
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Finished
rstream.offset = rstream.offset + uint64(res)
# There should be one step between transferring last bytes to the
# consumer and declaring stream EOF. Otherwise could not be
# consumed.
await upload(addr rstream.buffer, addr buffer[0], res)
if (res < toRead) and rstream.rsource.atEof():
case rstream.cmpop
of BoundCmp.Equal:
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Error
rstream.error = newBoundedStreamIncompleteError()
of BoundCmp.LessOrEqual:
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Finished
rstream.offset = rstream.offset + uint64(res)
# There should be one step between transferring last bytes to the
# consumer and declaring stream EOF. Otherwise could not be
# consumed.
await upload(addr rstream.buffer, addr buffer[0], res)
if (res < toRead) and rstream.rsource.atEof():
case rstream.cmpop
of BoundCmp.Equal:
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Error
rstream.error = newBoundedStreamIncompleteError()
of BoundCmp.LessOrEqual:
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Finished
case rstream.cmpop
of BoundCmp.Equal:
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Error
rstream.error = newBoundedStreamIncompleteError()
of BoundCmp.LessOrEqual:
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Finished
except AsyncStreamError as exc:
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Error
rstream.error = exc
except CancelledError:
if rstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
rstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Error
rstream.error = newAsyncStreamUseClosedError()
case rstream.state
of AsyncStreamState.Running:
of AsyncStreamState.Error, AsyncStreamState.Stopped:
# Send `Error` or `Stopped` state to the consumer without waiting.
of AsyncStreamState.Finished:
# Send `EOF` state to the consumer and wait until it will be received.
await rstream.buffer.transfer()
of AsyncStreamState.Closing, AsyncStreamState.Closed:
proc boundedWriteLoop(stream: AsyncStreamWriter) {.async.} =
var error: ref AsyncStreamError
2021-02-17 02:03:12 +02:00
var wstream = BoundedStreamWriter(stream)
wstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Running
while true:
var item: WriteItem
item = await wstream.queue.get()
if item.size > 0:
if uint64(item.size) <= (wstream.boundSize - wstream.offset):
# Writing chunk data.
case item.kind
of WriteType.Pointer:
await wstream.wsource.write(item.dataPtr, item.size)
of WriteType.Sequence:
await wstream.wsource.write(addr item.dataSeq[0], item.size)
of WriteType.String:
await wstream.wsource.write(addr item.dataStr[0], item.size)
wstream.offset = wstream.offset + uint64(item.size)
if wstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
wstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Error
error = newBoundedStreamOverflowError()
if wstream.offset == wstream.boundSize:
if wstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
wstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Finished
case wstream.cmpop
of BoundCmp.Equal:
if wstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
wstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Error
error = newBoundedStreamIncompleteError()
of BoundCmp.LessOrEqual:
if wstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
wstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Finished
except CancelledError:
if wstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
wstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Stopped
error = newAsyncStreamUseClosedError()
except AsyncStreamError as exc:
if wstream.state == AsyncStreamState.Running:
wstream.state = AsyncStreamState.Error
error = exc
case wstream.state
of AsyncStreamState.Running:
of AsyncStreamState.Error, AsyncStreamState.Stopped:
if not(isNil(item.future)):
if not(item.future.finished()):
of AsyncStreamState.Finished, AsyncStreamState.Closing,
error = newAsyncStreamUseClosedError()
while not(wstream.queue.empty()):
let item = wstream.queue.popFirstNoWait()
if not(item.future.finished()):
proc bytesLeft*(stream: BoundedStreamRW): uint64 =
## Returns number of bytes left in stream.
if stream.boundSize.isSome():
stream.boundSize.get() - stream.bytesCount
proc init*[T](child: BoundedStreamReader, rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
boundSize: uint64, comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize, udata: ref T) =
child.boundSize = some(boundSize)
child.cmpop = comparison
2021-02-17 02:03:12 +02:00
init(AsyncStreamReader(child), rsource, boundedReadLoop, bufferSize,
proc init*[T](child: BoundedStreamReader, rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
boundary: openArray[byte], comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize, udata: ref T) =
doAssert(len(boundary) > 0, BoundarySizeDefectMessage)
child.boundary = @boundary
child.cmpop = comparison
init(AsyncStreamReader(child), rsource, boundedReadLoop, bufferSize,
proc init*[T](child: BoundedStreamReader, rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
boundSize: uint64, boundary: openArray[byte],
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize, udata: ref T) =
doAssert(len(boundary) > 0, BoundarySizeDefectMessage)
2022-09-05 13:08:52 +02:00
child.boundSize = Opt.some(boundSize)
child.boundary = @boundary
child.cmpop = comparison
init(AsyncStreamReader(child), rsource, boundedReadLoop, bufferSize,
proc init*(child: BoundedStreamReader, rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
boundSize: uint64, comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize) =
2022-09-05 13:08:52 +02:00
child.boundSize = Opt.some(boundSize)
child.cmpop = comparison
init(AsyncStreamReader(child), rsource, boundedReadLoop, bufferSize)
proc init*(child: BoundedStreamReader, rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
boundary: openArray[byte], comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize) =
doAssert(len(boundary) > 0, BoundarySizeDefectMessage)
child.boundary = @boundary
child.cmpop = comparison
init(AsyncStreamReader(child), rsource, boundedReadLoop, bufferSize)
proc init*(child: BoundedStreamReader, rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
boundSize: uint64, boundary: openArray[byte],
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal, bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize) =
doAssert(len(boundary) > 0, BoundarySizeDefectMessage)
2022-09-05 13:08:52 +02:00
child.boundSize = Opt.some(boundSize)
child.boundary = @boundary
child.cmpop = comparison
2021-02-17 02:03:12 +02:00
init(AsyncStreamReader(child), rsource, boundedReadLoop, bufferSize)
proc newBoundedStreamReader*[T](rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
boundSize: uint64,
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize,
udata: ref T): BoundedStreamReader =
## Create new stream reader which will be limited by size ``boundSize``. When
## number of bytes readed by consumer reaches ``boundSize``,
## BoundedStreamReader will enter EOF state (no more bytes will be returned
## to the consumer).
## If ``comparison`` operator is ``BoundCmp.Equal`` and number of bytes readed
## from source stream reader ``rsource`` is less than ``boundSize`` -
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` will be raised. But comparison operator
## ``BoundCmp.LessOrEqual`` allows to consume less bytes without
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` exception.
var res = BoundedStreamReader()
res.init(rsource, boundSize, comparison, bufferSize, udata)
proc newBoundedStreamReader*[T](rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
boundary: openArray[byte],
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize,
udata: ref T): BoundedStreamReader =
## Create new stream reader which will be limited by binary boundary
## ``boundary``. As soon as reader reaches ``boundary`` BoundedStreamReader
## will enter EOF state (no more bytes will be returned to the consumer).
## If ``comparison`` operator is ``BoundCmp.Equal`` and number of bytes readed
## from source stream reader ``rsource`` is less than ``boundSize`` -
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` will be raised. But comparison operator
## ``BoundCmp.LessOrEqual`` allows to consume less bytes without
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` exception.
var res = BoundedStreamReader()
res.init(rsource, boundary, comparison, bufferSize, udata)
proc newBoundedStreamReader*[T](rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
boundSize: uint64,
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
boundary: openArray[byte],
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize,
udata: ref T): BoundedStreamReader =
## Create new stream reader which will be limited by size ``boundSize`` or
## boundary ``boundary``. As soon as reader reaches ``boundary`` ``OR`` number
## of bytes readed from source stream reader ``rsource`` reaches ``boundSize``
## BoundStreamReader will enter EOF state (no more bytes will be returned to
## the consumer).
## If ``comparison`` operator is ``BoundCmp.Equal`` and number of bytes readed
## from source stream reader ``rsource`` is less than ``boundSize`` -
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` will be raised. But comparison operator
## ``BoundCmp.LessOrEqual`` allows to consume less bytes without
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` exception.
var res = BoundedStreamReader()
res.init(rsource, boundSize, boundary, comparison, bufferSize, udata)
proc newBoundedStreamReader*(rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
boundSize: uint64,
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize,
): BoundedStreamReader =
## Create new stream reader which will be limited by size ``boundSize``. When
## number of bytes readed by consumer reaches ``boundSize``,
## BoundedStreamReader will enter EOF state (no more bytes will be returned
## to the consumer).
## If ``comparison`` operator is ``BoundCmp.Equal`` and number of bytes readed
## from source stream reader ``rsource`` is less than ``boundSize`` -
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` will be raised. But comparison operator
## ``BoundCmp.LessOrEqual`` allows to consume less bytes without
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` exception.
var res = BoundedStreamReader()
res.init(rsource, boundSize, comparison, bufferSize)
proc newBoundedStreamReader*(rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
boundary: openArray[byte],
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize,
): BoundedStreamReader =
## Create new stream reader which will be limited by binary boundary
## ``boundary``. As soon as reader reaches ``boundary`` BoundedStreamReader
## will enter EOF state (no more bytes will be returned to the consumer).
## If ``comparison`` operator is ``BoundCmp.Equal`` and number of bytes readed
## from source stream reader ``rsource`` is less than ``boundSize`` -
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` will be raised. But comparison operator
## ``BoundCmp.LessOrEqual`` allows to consume less bytes without
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` exception.
var res = BoundedStreamReader()
res.init(rsource, boundary, comparison, bufferSize)
proc newBoundedStreamReader*(rsource: AsyncStreamReader,
boundSize: uint64,
2021-12-10 10:55:25 +01:00
boundary: openArray[byte],
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
bufferSize = BoundedBufferSize,
): BoundedStreamReader =
## Create new stream reader which will be limited by size ``boundSize`` or
## boundary ``boundary``. As soon as reader reaches ``boundary`` ``OR`` number
## of bytes readed from source stream reader ``rsource`` reaches ``boundSize``
## BoundStreamReader will enter EOF state (no more bytes will be returned to
## the consumer).
## If ``comparison`` operator is ``BoundCmp.Equal`` and number of bytes readed
## from source stream reader ``rsource`` is less than ``boundSize`` -
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` will be raised. But comparison operator
## ``BoundCmp.LessOrEqual`` allows to consume less bytes without
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` exception.
var res = BoundedStreamReader()
res.init(rsource, boundSize, boundary, comparison, bufferSize)
proc init*[T](child: BoundedStreamWriter, wsource: AsyncStreamWriter,
boundSize: uint64, comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
queueSize = AsyncStreamDefaultQueueSize, udata: ref T) =
child.boundSize = boundSize
child.cmpop = comparison
2021-02-17 02:03:12 +02:00
init(AsyncStreamWriter(child), wsource, boundedWriteLoop, queueSize,
proc init*(child: BoundedStreamWriter, wsource: AsyncStreamWriter,
boundSize: uint64, comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
queueSize = AsyncStreamDefaultQueueSize) =
child.boundSize = boundSize
child.cmpop = comparison
2021-02-17 02:03:12 +02:00
init(AsyncStreamWriter(child), wsource, boundedWriteLoop, queueSize)
proc newBoundedStreamWriter*[T](wsource: AsyncStreamWriter,
boundSize: uint64,
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
queueSize = AsyncStreamDefaultQueueSize,
udata: ref T): BoundedStreamWriter =
## Create new stream writer which will be limited by size ``boundSize``. As
## soon as number of bytes written to the destination stream ``wsource``
## reaches ``boundSize`` stream will enter EOF state (no more bytes will be
## sent to remote destination stream ``wsource``).
## If ``comparison`` operator is ``BoundCmp.Equal`` and number of bytes
## written to destination stream ``wsource`` is less than ``boundSize`` -
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` will be raised on stream finishing. But
## comparison operator ``BoundCmp.LessOrEqual`` allows to send less bytes
## without ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` exception.
## For both comparison operators any attempt to write more bytes than
## ``boundSize`` will be interrupted with ``BoundedStreamOverflowError``
## exception.
var res = BoundedStreamWriter()
res.init(wsource, boundSize, comparison, queueSize, udata)
proc newBoundedStreamWriter*(wsource: AsyncStreamWriter,
boundSize: uint64,
comparison = BoundCmp.Equal,
queueSize = AsyncStreamDefaultQueueSize,
): BoundedStreamWriter =
## Create new stream writer which will be limited by size ``boundSize``. As
## soon as number of bytes written to the destination stream ``wsource``
## reaches ``boundSize`` stream will enter EOF state (no more bytes will be
## sent to remote destination stream ``wsource``).
## If ``comparison`` operator is ``BoundCmp.Equal`` and number of bytes
## written to destination stream ``wsource`` is less than ``boundSize`` -
## ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` will be raised on stream finishing. But
## comparison operator ``BoundCmp.LessOrEqual`` allows to send less bytes
## without ``BoundedStreamIncompleteError`` exception.
## For both comparison operators any attempt to write more bytes than
## ``boundSize`` will be interrupted with ``BoundedStreamOverflowError``
## exception.
var res = BoundedStreamWriter()
res.init(wsource, boundSize, comparison, queueSize)