
139 lines
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2018-09-27 13:35:59 +03:00
import unittest
import ../bncurve/groups
proc randomAdd*(G: typedesc): bool =
for i in 0..<10:
let r1 = G.random()
let r2 = G.random()
let r3 = G.random()
if ((r1 + r2) + r3) != (r1 + (r2 + r3)):
return false
let rc = (r1 + r2 + r3) - r2 - r3 - r1
if not rc.isZero():
return false
return true
proc randomMul*(G: typedesc): bool =
for i in 0..<10:
let r1 = G.random()
let r2 = G.random()
let ti = FR.fromString("2").inverse().get()
if (r1 + r2) + r1 != (r1.double() + r2):
return false
if r1 != r1.double() * ti:
return false
return true
proc zeroTest*(G: typedesc): bool =
if not
return false
if not ( -
return false
if not ( -
return false
if ( + != ( * FR.fromString("2")):
return false
if not
return false
if not (( * ( +
return false
return true
proc randomDH*(G: typedesc): bool =
for i in 0..<10:
let alice_sk = FR.random()
let bob_sk = FR.random()
let alice_pk = * alice_sk
let bob_pk = * bob_sk
let alice_shared = bob_pk * alice_sk
let bob_shared = alice_pk * bob_sk
if alice_shared != bob_shared:
return false
result = true
proc randomEquality*(G: typedesc): bool =
let ti = FR.fromString("2").inverse().get()
for i in 0..<10:
let begin = G.random()
var acc = begin
let a = FR.random()
let b = G.random()
let c = FR.random()
let d = G.random()
for k in 0..<10:
acc = acc * a
acc = -acc
acc = acc + b
acc = acc * c
acc = -acc
acc = acc - d
acc = acc.double()
let ai = a.inverse().get()
let ci = c.inverse().get()
for k in 0..<10:
acc = acc * ti
acc = acc + d
acc = -acc
acc = acc * ci
acc = acc - b
acc = -acc
acc = acc * ai
if begin != acc:
return false
result = true
proc affineJacobianConversion(G: typedesc): bool =
if not
return false
if not
return false
for i in 0..<100:
var a = * FR.random()
let b = a.toAffine().get()
let c = b.toJacobian()
if a != c:
return false
return true
when isMainModule:
suite "Group elements test suite:":
test "[G1] Zero/One test":
check G1.zeroTest() == true
test "[G1] Random addition test":
check G1.randomAdd() == true
test "[G1] Random doubling test":
check G1.randomMul() == true
test "[G1] Random Diffie-Hellman test":
check G1.randomDH() == true
test "[G1] Random equality test":
check G1.randomEquality() == true
test "[G1] Random Affine to Jacobian conversion test":
check G1.affineJacobianConversion() == true
test "[G1] Y at point at Infinity test":
( ==
( ==
test "[G2] Zero/One test":
check G2.zeroTest() == true
test "[G2] Random addition test":
check G1.randomAdd() == true
test "[G2] Random doubling test":
check G2.randomMul() == true
test "[G2] Random Diffie-Hellman test":
check G2.randomDH() == true
test "[G2] Random equality test":
check G2.randomEquality() == true
test "[G2] Random Affine to Jacobian conversion test":
check G2.affineJacobianConversion() == true
test "[G2] Y at point at Infinity test":
( ==
( ==