import "."/[bearssl_ec, bearssl_hash, bearssl_rsa, csources] {.pragma: importcFunc, cdecl, gcsafe, noSideEffect, raises: [].} {.used.} const bearX509Path = bearSrcPath & "x509/" {.compile: bearX509Path & "asn1enc.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "encode_ec_pk8der.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "encode_ec_rawder.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "encode_rsa_pk8der.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "encode_rsa_rawder.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "skey_decoder.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "x509_decoder.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "x509_knownkey.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "x509_minimal.c".} {.compile: bearX509Path & "x509_minimal_full.c".} const ERR_X509_OK* = 32 const ERR_X509_INVALID_VALUE* = 33 const ERR_X509_TRUNCATED* = 34 const ERR_X509_EMPTY_CHAIN* = 35 const ERR_X509_INNER_TRUNC* = 36 const ERR_X509_BAD_TAG_CLASS* = 37 const ERR_X509_BAD_TAG_VALUE* = 38 const ERR_X509_INDEFINITE_LENGTH* = 39 const ERR_X509_EXTRA_ELEMENT* = 40 const ERR_X509_UNEXPECTED* = 41 const ERR_X509_NOT_CONSTRUCTED* = 42 const ERR_X509_NOT_PRIMITIVE* = 43 const ERR_X509_PARTIAL_BYTE* = 44 const ERR_X509_BAD_BOOLEAN* = 45 const ERR_X509_OVERFLOW* = 46 const ERR_X509_BAD_DN* = 47 const ERR_X509_BAD_TIME* = 48 const ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED* = 49 const ERR_X509_LIMIT_EXCEEDED* = 50 const ERR_X509_WRONG_KEY_TYPE* = 51 const ERR_X509_BAD_SIGNATURE* = 52 const ERR_X509_TIME_UNKNOWN* = 53 const ERR_X509_EXPIRED* = 54 const ERR_X509_DN_MISMATCH* = 55 const ERR_X509_BAD_SERVER_NAME* = 56 const ERR_X509_CRITICAL_EXTENSION* = 57 const ERR_X509_NOT_CA* = 58 const ERR_X509_FORBIDDEN_KEY_USAGE* = 59 const ERR_X509_WEAK_PUBLIC_KEY* = 60 const ERR_X509_NOT_TRUSTED* = 62 type INNER_C_UNION_bearssl_x509_1* {.importc: "br_x509_pkey::no_name", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy, union.} = object rsa* {.importc: "rsa".}: RsaPublicKey ec* {.importc: "ec".}: EcPublicKey X509Pkey* {.importc: "br_x509_pkey", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object keyType* {.importc: "key_type".}: byte key* {.importc: "key".}: INNER_C_UNION_bearssl_x509_1 type X500Name* {.importc: "br_x500_name", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object data* {.importc: "data".}: ptr byte len* {.importc: "len".}: uint type X509TrustAnchor* {.importc: "br_x509_trust_anchor", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object dn* {.importc: "dn".}: X500Name flags* {.importc: "flags".}: cuint pkey* {.importc: "pkey".}: X509Pkey const X509_TA_CA* = 0x0001 const KEYTYPE_RSA* = 1 const KEYTYPE_EC* = 2 const KEYTYPE_KEYX* = 0x10 const KEYTYPE_SIGN* = 0x20 type X509Class* {.importc: "br_x509_class", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object contextSize* {.importc: "context_size".}: uint startChain* {.importc: "start_chain".}: proc (ctx: ptr ptr X509Class; serverName: cstring) {.importcFunc.} startCert* {.importc: "start_cert".}: proc (ctx: ptr ptr X509Class; length: uint32) {. importcFunc.} append* {.importc: "append".}: proc (ctx: ptr ptr X509Class; buf: ptr byte; len: uint) {.importcFunc.} endCert* {.importc: "end_cert".}: proc (ctx: ptr ptr X509Class) {.importcFunc.} endChain* {.importc: "end_chain".}: proc (ctx: ptr ptr X509Class): cuint {.importcFunc.} getPkey* {.importc: "get_pkey".}: proc (ctx: ptr ptr X509Class; usages: ptr cuint): ptr X509Pkey {. importcFunc.} type X509KnownkeyContext* {.importc: "br_x509_knownkey_context", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object vtable* {.importc: "vtable".}: ptr X509Class pkey* {.importc: "pkey".}: X509Pkey usages* {.importc: "usages".}: cuint var x509KnownkeyVtable* {.importc: "br_x509_knownkey_vtable", header: "bearssl_x509.h".}: X509Class proc x509KnownkeyInitRsa*(ctx: var X509KnownkeyContext; pk: ptr RsaPublicKey; usages: cuint) {.importcFunc, importc: "br_x509_knownkey_init_rsa", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc x509KnownkeyInitEc*(ctx: var X509KnownkeyContext; pk: ptr EcPublicKey; usages: cuint) {.importcFunc, importc: "br_x509_knownkey_init_ec", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} const X509_BUFSIZE_KEY* = 520 X509_BUFSIZE_SIG* = 512 type NameElement* {.importc: "br_name_element", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object oid* {.importc: "oid".}: ptr byte buf* {.importc: "buf".}: cstring len* {.importc: "len".}: uint status* {.importc: "status".}: cint type INNER_C_STRUCT_bearssl_x509_3* {.importc: "br_x509_minimal_context::no_name", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object dp* {.importc: "dp".}: ptr uint32 rp* {.importc: "rp".}: ptr uint32 ip* {.importc: "ip".}: ptr byte X509MinimalContext* {.importc: "br_x509_minimal_context", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object vtable* {.importc: "vtable".}: ptr X509Class pkey* {.importc: "pkey".}: X509Pkey cpu* {.importc: "cpu".}: INNER_C_STRUCT_bearssl_x509_3 dpStack* {.importc: "dp_stack".}: array[32, uint32] rpStack* {.importc: "rp_stack".}: array[32, uint32] err* {.importc: "err".}: cint serverName* {.importc: "server_name".}: cstring keyUsages* {.importc: "key_usages".}: byte days* {.importc: "days".}: uint32 seconds* {.importc: "seconds".}: uint32 certLength* {.importc: "cert_length".}: uint32 numCerts* {.importc: "num_certs".}: uint32 hbuf* {.importc: "hbuf".}: ptr byte hlen* {.importc: "hlen".}: uint pad* {.importc: "pad".}: array[256, byte] eePkeyData* {.importc: "ee_pkey_data".}: array[X509_BUFSIZE_KEY, byte] pkeyData* {.importc: "pkey_data".}: array[X509_BUFSIZE_KEY, byte] certSignerKeyType* {.importc: "cert_signer_key_type".}: byte certSigHashOid* {.importc: "cert_sig_hash_oid".}: uint16 certSigHashLen* {.importc: "cert_sig_hash_len".}: byte certSig* {.importc: "cert_sig".}: array[X509_BUFSIZE_SIG, byte] certSigLen* {.importc: "cert_sig_len".}: uint16 minRsaSize* {.importc: "min_rsa_size".}: int16 trustAnchors* {.importc: "trust_anchors".}: ptr X509TrustAnchor trustAnchorsNum* {.importc: "trust_anchors_num".}: uint doMhash* {.importc: "do_mhash".}: byte mhash* {.importc: "mhash".}: MultihashContext tbsHash* {.importc: "tbs_hash".}: array[64, byte] doDnHash* {.importc: "do_dn_hash".}: byte dnHashImpl* {.importc: "dn_hash_impl".}: ptr HashClass dnHash* {.importc: "dn_hash".}: HashCompatContext currentDnHash* {.importc: "current_dn_hash".}: array[64, byte] nextDnHash* {.importc: "next_dn_hash".}: array[64, byte] savedDnHash* {.importc: "saved_dn_hash".}: array[64, byte] nameElts* {.importc: "name_elts".}: ptr NameElement numNameElts* {.importc: "num_name_elts".}: uint irsa* {.importc: "irsa".}: RsaPkcs1Vrfy iecdsa* {.importc: "iecdsa".}: EcdsaVrfy iec* {.importc: "iec".}: ptr EcImpl var x509MinimalVtable* {.importc: "br_x509_minimal_vtable", header: "bearssl_x509.h".}: X509Class proc x509MinimalInit*(ctx: var X509MinimalContext; dnHashImpl: ptr HashClass; trustAnchors: ptr X509TrustAnchor; trustAnchorsNum: uint) {. importcFunc, importc: "br_x509_minimal_init", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc x509MinimalSetHash*(ctx: var X509MinimalContext; id: cint; impl: ptr HashClass) {. inline.} = multihashSetimpl(ctx.mhash, id, impl) proc x509MinimalSetRsa*(ctx: var X509MinimalContext; irsa: RsaPkcs1Vrfy) {.inline.} = ctx.irsa = irsa proc x509MinimalSetEcdsa*(ctx: var X509MinimalContext; iec: ptr EcImpl; iecdsa: EcdsaVrfy) {.inline.} = ctx.iecdsa = iecdsa ctx.iec = iec proc x509MinimalInitFull*(ctx: var X509MinimalContext; trustAnchors: ptr X509TrustAnchor; trustAnchorsNum: uint) {.importcFunc, importc: "br_x509_minimal_init_full", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc x509MinimalSetTime*(ctx: var X509MinimalContext; days: uint32; seconds: uint32) {. inline.} = ctx.days = days ctx.seconds = seconds proc x509MinimalSetMinrsa*(ctx: var X509MinimalContext; byteLength: cint) {.inline, importcFunc.} = ctx.minRsaSize = (int16)(byteLength - 128) proc x509MinimalSetNameElements*(ctx: var X509MinimalContext; elts: ptr NameElement; numElts: uint) {.inline.} = ctx.nameElts = elts ctx.numNameElts = numElts type INNER_C_STRUCT_bearssl_x509_5* {.importc: "br_x509_decoder_context::no_name", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object dp* {.importc: "dp".}: ptr uint32 rp* {.importc: "rp".}: ptr uint32 ip* {.importc: "ip".}: ptr byte X509DecoderContext* {.importc: "br_x509_decoder_context", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object pkey* {.importc: "pkey".}: X509Pkey cpu* {.importc: "cpu".}: INNER_C_STRUCT_bearssl_x509_5 dpStack* {.importc: "dp_stack".}: array[32, uint32] rpStack* {.importc: "rp_stack".}: array[32, uint32] err* {.importc: "err".}: cint pad* {.importc: "pad".}: array[256, byte] decoded* {.importc: "decoded".}: bool notbeforeDays* {.importc: "notbefore_days".}: uint32 notbeforeSeconds* {.importc: "notbefore_seconds".}: uint32 notafterDays* {.importc: "notafter_days".}: uint32 notafterSeconds* {.importc: "notafter_seconds".}: uint32 isCA* {.importc: "isCA".}: bool copyDn* {.importc: "copy_dn".}: byte appendDnCtx* {.importc: "append_dn_ctx".}: pointer appendDn* {.importc: "append_dn".}: proc (ctx: pointer; buf: pointer; len: uint) {. importcFunc.} hbuf* {.importc: "hbuf".}: ptr byte hlen* {.importc: "hlen".}: uint pkeyData* {.importc: "pkey_data".}: array[X509_BUFSIZE_KEY, byte] signerKeyType* {.importc: "signer_key_type".}: byte signerHashId* {.importc: "signer_hash_id".}: byte proc x509DecoderInit*(ctx: var X509DecoderContext; appendDn: proc (ctx: pointer; buf: pointer; len: uint) {.importcFunc.}; appendDnCtx: pointer) {.importcFunc, importc: "br_x509_decoder_init", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc x509DecoderPush*(ctx: var X509DecoderContext; data: pointer; len: uint) {.importcFunc, importc: "br_x509_decoder_push", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc x509DecoderGetPkey*(ctx: var X509DecoderContext): ptr X509Pkey {.inline.} = if ctx.decoded and ctx.err == 0: return addr(ctx.pkey) else: return nil proc x509DecoderLastError*(ctx: var X509DecoderContext): cint {.inline.} = if ctx.err != 0: return ctx.err if not ctx.decoded: return ERR_X509_TRUNCATED return 0 proc x509DecoderIsCA*(ctx: var X509DecoderContext): cint {.inline.} = return cint ctx.isCA proc x509DecoderGetSignerKeyType*(ctx: var X509DecoderContext): cint {.inline.} = return cint ctx.signerKeyType proc x509DecoderGetSignerHashId*(ctx: var X509DecoderContext): cint {.inline.} = return cint ctx.signerHashId type X509Certificate* {.importc: "br_x509_certificate", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object data* {.importc: "data".}: ptr byte dataLen* {.importc: "data_len".}: uint type INNER_C_UNION_bearssl_x509_8* {.importc: "br_skey_decoder_context::no_name", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy, union.} = object rsa* {.importc: "rsa".}: RsaPrivateKey ec* {.importc: "ec".}: EcPrivateKey INNER_C_STRUCT_bearssl_x509_9* {.importc: "br_skey_decoder_context::no_name", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object dp* {.importc: "dp".}: ptr uint32 rp* {.importc: "rp".}: ptr uint32 ip* {.importc: "ip".}: ptr byte SkeyDecoderContext* {.importc: "br_skey_decoder_context", header: "bearssl_x509.h", bycopy.} = object key* {.importc: "key".}: INNER_C_UNION_bearssl_x509_8 cpu* {.importc: "cpu".}: INNER_C_STRUCT_bearssl_x509_9 dpStack* {.importc: "dp_stack".}: array[32, uint32] rpStack* {.importc: "rp_stack".}: array[32, uint32] err* {.importc: "err".}: cint hbuf* {.importc: "hbuf".}: ptr byte hlen* {.importc: "hlen".}: uint pad* {.importc: "pad".}: array[256, byte] keyType* {.importc: "key_type".}: byte keyData* {.importc: "key_data".}: array[3 * X509_BUFSIZE_SIG, byte] proc skeyDecoderInit*(ctx: var SkeyDecoderContext) {.importcFunc, importc: "br_skey_decoder_init", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc skeyDecoderPush*(ctx: var SkeyDecoderContext; data: pointer; len: uint) {.importcFunc, importc: "br_skey_decoder_push", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc skeyDecoderLastError*(ctx: var SkeyDecoderContext): cint {.inline.} = if ctx.err != 0: return ctx.err if ctx.keyType == '\0'.byte: return ERR_X509_TRUNCATED return 0 proc skeyDecoderKeyType*(ctx: var SkeyDecoderContext): cint {.inline.} = if ctx.err == 0: return cint ctx.keyType else: return 0 proc skeyDecoderGetRsa*(ctx: var SkeyDecoderContext): ptr RsaPrivateKey {.inline.} = if ctx.err == 0 and ctx.keyType == KEYTYPE_RSA: return addr(ctx.key.rsa) else: return nil proc skeyDecoderGetEc*(ctx: var SkeyDecoderContext): ptr EcPrivateKey {.inline.} = if ctx.err == 0 and ctx.keyType == KEYTYPE_EC: return addr( else: return nil proc encodeRsaRawDer*(dest: pointer; sk: ptr RsaPrivateKey; pk: ptr RsaPublicKey; d: pointer; dlen: uint): uint {.importcFunc, importc: "br_encode_rsa_raw_der", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc encodeRsaPkcs8Der*(dest: pointer; sk: ptr RsaPrivateKey; pk: ptr RsaPublicKey; d: pointer; dlen: uint): uint {.importcFunc, importc: "br_encode_rsa_pkcs8_der", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc encodeEcRawDer*(dest: pointer; sk: ptr EcPrivateKey; pk: ptr EcPublicKey): uint {. importcFunc, importc: "br_encode_ec_raw_der", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} proc encodeEcPkcs8Der*(dest: pointer; sk: ptr EcPrivateKey; pk: ptr EcPublicKey): uint {. importcFunc, importc: "br_encode_ec_pkcs8_der", header: "bearssl_x509.h".} const ENCODE_PEM_RSA_RAW* = "RSA PRIVATE KEY" const ENCODE_PEM_EC_RAW* = "EC PRIVATE KEY" const ENCODE_PEM_PKCS8* = "PRIVATE KEY"