--- title: author: Broke dateCreated: @today dateUpdated: @today --- # Topic: Message Passing #### Related: `ELI5: Process of creation, routing, and receival of one entity sending a message to another.` --- ## Overview #### Operating Definition: [Definition here]1 #### Current "Standard" Implementation: #### The Idea(l): #### Logos Implementation: #### Live Feedback: #### IMPORTANT Differentiators: #### Knowledge Share:--- title: author: Broke dateCreated: @today dateUpdated: @today --- # Topic: #### Related: `ELI5 goes here` --- ## Overview #### Operating Definition: [Definition here]1 #### Current "Standard" Implementation: #### The Idea(l): #### Logos Implementation: #### Live Feedback: #### IMPORTANT Differentiators: #### Knowledge Share: