This feature is necessary when the cross compilers need to be rebuilt because the goroot has been updated but the ndk version has not changed, or when rebuilding is required but there is no network. Currently the test for usable ndk compilers is simply checking the presence of a file that's created after the ndk tool chain is installed in the $GOPATH/pkg/gomobile/androind-<ndkversion> directory. The -u option forces update of the ndk tool chain regardless. Change-Id: I3d4f62266d436ddc52d158877f08481f92a6a690 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: David Crawshaw <>
530 lines
12 KiB
530 lines
12 KiB
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
// TODO(crawshaw): build darwin/arm cross compiler on darwin/{386,amd64}
// TODO(crawshaw): android/{386,arm64}
import (
// useStrippedNDK determines whether the init subcommand fetches the GCC
// toolchain from the original Android NDK, or from the stripped-down NDK
// hosted specifically for the gomobile tool.
// There is a significant size different (400MB compared to 30MB).
var useStrippedNDK = goos == "linux" || goos == "darwin"
const ndkVersion = "ndk-r10d"
var (
goos = runtime.GOOS
goarch = runtime.GOARCH
ndkarch string
func init() {
if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
ndkarch = "x86_64"
} else {
ndkarch = runtime.GOARCH
var cmdInit = &command{
run: runInit,
Name: "init",
Short: "install android compiler toolchain",
Long: `
Init downloads and installs the Android C++ compiler toolchain.
The toolchain is installed in $GOPATH/pkg/gomobile.
If the Android C++ compiler toolchain already exists in the path,
it skips download and uses the existing toolchain.
The -u option forces download and installation of the new toolchain
even when the toolchain exists.
var initU bool // -u
func init() {
cmdInit.flag.BoolVar(&initU, "u", false, "force toolchain download")
func runInit(cmd *command) error {
if err := checkGoVersion(); err != nil {
return err
gopaths := filepath.SplitList(goEnv("GOPATH"))
if len(gopaths) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("GOPATH is not set")
ndkccpath = filepath.Join(gopaths[0], filepath.FromSlash("pkg/gomobile/android-"+ndkVersion))
if buildX {
fmt.Fprintln(xout, "NDKCCPATH="+ndkccpath)
sentinel := filepath.Join(ndkccpath, "ndk.sentinel")
needNDK := initU
if !needNDK {
if _, err := os.Stat(sentinel); err != nil {
needNDK = true
if needNDK {
if err := removeAll(ndkccpath); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return err
if err := mkdir(ndkccpath); err != nil {
return err
if buildN {
tmpdir = filepath.Join(ndkccpath, "work")
} else {
var err error
tmpdir, err = ioutil.TempDir(ndkccpath, "gomobile-init-")
if err != nil {
return err
if buildX {
fmt.Fprintln(xout, "WORK="+tmpdir)
defer removeAll(tmpdir)
goroot := goEnv("GOROOT")
tmpGoroot := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "go")
if err := copyGoroot(tmpGoroot, goroot); err != nil {
return err
if needNDK {
if err := fetchNDK(); err != nil {
return err
if !buildN {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(sentinel, []byte("done"), 0644); err != nil {
return err
dst := filepath.Join(ndkccpath, "arm")
// TODO(crawshaw): make.bat on windows
ndkccbin := filepath.Join(dst, "bin")
envpath := os.Getenv("PATH")
if buildN {
envpath = "$PATH"
make := exec.Command(filepath.Join(tmpGoroot, "src", "make.bash"), "--no-clean")
make.Dir = filepath.Join(tmpGoroot, "src")
make.Env = []string{
`PATH=` + envpath,
`TMPDIR=` + tmpdir,
`HOME=` + os.Getenv("HOME"), // for default the go1.4 bootstrap
`CC_FOR_TARGET=` + filepath.Join(ndkccbin, "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc"),
`CXX_FOR_TARGET=` + filepath.Join(ndkccbin, "arm-linux-androideabi-g++"),
if v := goEnv("GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP"); v != "" {
make.Env = append(make.Env, `GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=`+v)
if buildV {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "building android/arm cross compiler\n")
make.Stdout = os.Stdout
make.Stderr = os.Stderr
if buildX {
printcmd("%s", strings.Join(make.Env, " ")+" "+strings.Join(make.Args, " "))
if !buildN {
if err := make.Run(); err != nil {
return err
// Move the Go cross compiler toolchain into GOPATH.
gotoolsrc := filepath.Join(tmpGoroot, "pkg", "tool", goos+"_"+goarch)
if err := move(ndkccbin, gotoolsrc, "5a", "5l", "5g", "cgo", "nm", "pack", "link"); err != nil {
return err
// Build toolexec command.
toolexecSrc := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "toolexec.go")
if !buildN {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(toolexecSrc, []byte(toolexec), 0644); err != nil {
return err
make = exec.Command("go", "build", "-o", filepath.Join(ndkccbin, "toolexec"), toolexecSrc)
if buildV {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "building gomobile toolexec\n")
make.Stdout = os.Stdout
make.Stderr = os.Stderr
if buildX {
printcmd("%s", strings.Join(make.Args, " "))
if !buildN {
if err := make.Run(); err != nil {
return err
// Move pre-compiled stdlib for android into GOROOT. This is
// the only time we modify the user's GOROOT.
cannotRemove := false
if err := removeAll(filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg", "android_arm")); err != nil {
cannotRemove = true
if err := move(filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg"), filepath.Join(tmpGoroot, "pkg"), "android_arm"); err != nil {
// Move android_arm into a temp directory that outlives
// this process and give the user installation instructions.
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "gomobile-")
if err != nil {
return err
if err := move(dir, filepath.Join(tmpGoroot, "pkg"), "android_arm"); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: modify instructions for windows.
remove := ""
if cannotRemove {
remove = "\trm -r -f %s/pkg/android_arm\n"
return fmt.Errorf(
`Cannot install android/arm in GOROOT.
Make GOROOT writable (possibly by becoming the super user, using sudo) and run:
%s mv %s %s`,
filepath.Join(dir, "android_arm"),
filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg"),
return nil
// toolexec is the source of a small program designed to be passed to
// the -toolexec flag of go build.
const toolexec = `package main
import (
func main() {
args := append([]string{}, os.Args[1:]...)
args[0] = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOMOBILEPATH"), filepath.Base(args[0]))
cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
func move(dst, src string, names ...string) error {
for _, name := range names {
srcf := filepath.Join(src, name)
dstf := filepath.Join(dst, name)
if buildX {
printcmd("mv %s %s", srcf, dstf)
if buildN {
if err := os.Rename(srcf, dstf); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func mkdir(dir string) error {
if buildX {
printcmd("mkdir -p %s", dir)
if buildN {
return nil
return os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755)
func symlink(src, dst string) error {
if buildX {
printcmd("ln -s %s %s", src, dst)
if buildN {
return nil
return os.Symlink(src, dst)
func checkGoVersion() error {
if err := exec.Command("which", "go").Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`no Go tool on $PATH`)
buildHelp, err := exec.Command("go", "help", "build").Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Go tool: %v", err)
if !bytes.Contains(buildHelp, []byte("-toolexec")) {
return fmt.Errorf("installed Go tool does not support -toolexec")
return nil
func fetchNDK() error {
if useStrippedNDK {
if err := fetchStrippedNDK(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
ndkName := "android-" + ndkVersion + "-" + goos + "-" + ndkarch + "."
if goos == "windows" {
ndkName += "exe"
} else {
ndkName += "bin"
url := "" + ndkName
if err := fetch(filepath.Join(tmpdir, ndkName), url); err != nil {
return err
inflate := exec.Command(filepath.Join(tmpdir, ndkName))
inflate.Dir = tmpdir
if buildX {
printcmd("%s", inflate.Args[0])
if !buildN {
out, err := inflate.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if buildV {
return err
dst := filepath.Join(ndkccpath, "arm")
dstSysroot := filepath.Join(dst, "sysroot", "usr")
if err := mkdir(dstSysroot); err != nil {
return err
srcSysroot := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "android-ndk-r10d", "platforms", "android-15", "arch-arm", "usr")
if err := move(dstSysroot, srcSysroot, "include", "lib"); err != nil {
return err
ndkpath := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "android-ndk-r10d", "toolchains", "arm-linux-androideabi-4.8", "prebuilt", goos+"-"+ndkarch)
if err := move(dst, ndkpath, "bin", "lib", "libexec"); err != nil {
return err
linkpath := filepath.Join(dst, "arm-linux-androideabi", "bin")
if err := mkdir(linkpath); err != nil {
return err
for _, name := range []string{"ld", "as", "gcc", "g++"} {
if err := symlink(filepath.Join(dst, "bin", "arm-linux-androideabi-"+name), filepath.Join(linkpath, name)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func fetchStrippedNDK() error {
name := "gomobile-ndk-r10d-" + goos + "-" + ndkarch + ".tar.gz"
url := "" + name
if err := fetch(filepath.Join(tmpdir, name), url); err != nil {
return err
if buildX {
printcmd("tar xfz %s", name)
if buildN {
return nil
tf, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(tmpdir, name))
if err != nil {
return err
defer tf.Close()
zr, err := gzip.NewReader(tf)
if err != nil {
return err
tr := tar.NewReader(zr)
for {
hdr, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return err
dst := filepath.Join(tmpdir, hdr.Name)
if hdr.Typeflag == tar.TypeSymlink {
if err := symlink(hdr.Linkname, dst); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dst), 0755); err != nil {
return err
f, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL|os.O_WRONLY, os.FileMode(hdr.Mode)&0777)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := io.Copy(f, tr); err != nil {
return err
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func fetch(dst, url string) error {
if buildV {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fetching %s\n", url)
if buildX {
printcmd("curl -o%s %s", dst, url)
if buildN {
return nil
f, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL|os.O_WRONLY, 0755)
if err != nil {
return err
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = io.Copy(f, resp.Body)
err2 := resp.Body.Close()
err3 := f.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
if err2 != nil {
return err2
return err3
// copyGoroot copies GOROOT from src to dst.
// It skips the pkg directory, which is not necessary for make.bash,
// and symlinks .git to avoid a 70MB copy.
func copyGoroot(dst, src string) error {
if err := mkdir(filepath.Join(dst, "pkg")); err != nil {
return err
for _, dir := range []string{"include", "lib", "src"} {
if err := copyAll(filepath.Join(dst, dir), filepath.Join(src, dir)); err != nil {
return err
return symlink(filepath.Join(src, ".git"), filepath.Join(dst, ".git"))
func copyAll(dst, src string) error {
if buildX {
printcmd("cp -a %s %s", src, dst)
if buildN {
return nil
return filepath.Walk(src, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, errin error) (err error) {
if errin != nil {
return errin
prefixLen := len(src)
if len(path) > prefixLen {
prefixLen++ // file separator
outpath := filepath.Join(dst, path[prefixLen:])
if info.IsDir() {
return os.Mkdir(outpath, 0755)
in, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer in.Close()
out, err := os.OpenFile(outpath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL|os.O_WRONLY, info.Mode())
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if errc := out.Close(); err == nil {
err = errc
_, err = io.Copy(out, in)
return err
func removeAll(path string) error {
if buildX {
printcmd("rm -r -f %q", path)
if buildN {
return nil
return os.RemoveAll(path)
func goEnv(name string) string {
if val := os.Getenv(name); val != "" {
return val
val, err := exec.Command("go", "env", name).Output()
if err != nil {
panic(err) // the Go tool was tested to work earlier
return strings.TrimSpace(string(val))