mirror of synced 2025-02-24 15:28:28 +00:00
Elias Naur 3884e8cb98 internal,bind: resolve overloaded methods at runtime
Before this CL, calling overloaded methods on reverse bound Java
classes and interfaces involved confusing and ugly name mangling.
If a set of methods with the same name differed only in argument count,
the mangling was simply adding the argument count to the name:

func F()
func F1(int32)

But if two or more methods had the same number of arguments, the type
had to be appended:

func (...) F() int32
func (...) F1(int32) (int32, error)
func (...) F__I(int32, int32)
func (...) F__JLjava_util_concurrent_TimeUnit_2(int64, concurrent.TimeUnit)

This CL sacrifices a bit of type safety and performance to regain the
convenience and simplicity of Go by resolving overloaded method dispatch
at runtime.

Overloaded Java methods are combined to one Go method that, when invoked,
determines the correct Java method variant at runtime.

The signature of the Go method  is compatible with every Java method with
that name. For the example above, the single Go method becomes the most

func (...) F(...interface{}) (interface{}, error)

The method is variadic to cover function with a varying number of
arguments, and it returns interface{} to cover int32, int64 and no
argument. Finally, it returns an error to cover the variant that returns
an error. The generator tries to be specific; for example

func G1(int32) int32
func G2(int32, int32) int32


func G(int32, ...int32) int32

Overriding Java methods in Go is changed to use the Go parameter types to
determine to correct Java method. To avoid name clashes when overriding
multiple overloaded methods, trailing underscores in the method name are
ignored when matching Java methods.  See the Get methods of GoFuture in
bind/testpkg/javapkg for an example.

Change-Id: I6ac3e024141daa8fc2c35187865c5d7a63368094
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/35186
Reviewed-by: David Crawshaw <crawshaw@golang.org>
2017-01-17 14:03:33 +00:00

1669 lines
45 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package bind
import (
// TODO(crawshaw): disallow basic android java type names in exported symbols.
// TODO(crawshaw): consider introducing Java functions for casting to and from interfaces at runtime.
type JavaGen struct {
// JavaPkg is the Java package prefix for the generated classes. The prefix is prepended to the Go
// package name to create the full Java package name.
JavaPkg string
jstructs map[*types.TypeName]*javaClassInfo
clsMap map[string]*java.Class
// Constructors is a map from Go struct types to a list
// of exported constructor functions for the type, on the form
// func New<Type>(...) *Type
constructors map[*types.TypeName][]*types.Func
type javaClassInfo struct {
// The Java class this class extends.
extends *java.Class
// All Java classes and interfaces this class extends and implements.
supers []*java.Class
methods map[string]*java.FuncSet
// Does the class need a default no-arg constructor
genNoargCon bool
// Init intializes the embedded Generator and initializes the Java class information
// needed to generate structs that extend Java classes and interfaces.
func (g *JavaGen) Init(classes []*java.Class) {
g.clsMap = make(map[string]*java.Class)
for _, cls := range classes {
g.clsMap[cls.Name] = cls
g.jstructs = make(map[*types.TypeName]*javaClassInfo)
g.constructors = make(map[*types.TypeName][]*types.Func)
for _, s := range g.structs {
classes := embeddedJavaClasses(s.t)
if len(classes) == 0 {
inf := &javaClassInfo{
methods: make(map[string]*java.FuncSet),
genNoargCon: true, // java.lang.Object has a no-arg constructor
for _, n := range classes {
cls := g.clsMap[n]
for _, fs := range cls.AllMethods {
hasMeth := false
for _, f := range fs.Funcs {
if !f.Final {
hasMeth = true
if hasMeth {
inf.methods[fs.GoName] = fs
inf.supers = append(inf.supers, cls)
if !cls.Interface {
if inf.extends != nil {
g.errorf("%s embeds more than one Java class; only one is allowed.", s.obj)
if cls.Final {
g.errorf("%s embeds final Java class %s", s.obj, cls.Name)
inf.extends = cls
inf.genNoargCon = cls.HasNoArgCon
g.jstructs[s.obj] = inf
for _, f := range g.funcs {
if t := g.constructorType(f); t != nil {
jinf := g.jstructs[t]
if jinf != nil {
sig := f.Type().(*types.Signature)
jinf.genNoargCon = jinf.genNoargCon && sig.Params().Len() > 0
g.constructors[t] = append(g.constructors[t], f)
func (j *javaClassInfo) toJavaType(T types.Type) *java.Type {
switch T := T.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
var kind java.TypeKind
switch T.Kind() {
case types.Bool, types.UntypedBool:
kind = java.Boolean
case types.Uint8:
kind = java.Byte
case types.Int16:
kind = java.Short
case types.Int32, types.UntypedRune: // types.Rune
kind = java.Int
case types.Int64, types.UntypedInt:
kind = java.Long
case types.Float32:
kind = java.Float
case types.Float64, types.UntypedFloat:
kind = java.Double
case types.String, types.UntypedString:
kind = java.String
return nil
return &java.Type{Kind: kind}
case *types.Slice:
switch e := T.Elem().(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch e.Kind() {
case types.Uint8: // Byte.
return &java.Type{Kind: java.Array, Elem: &java.Type{Kind: java.Byte}}
return nil
case *types.Named:
if isJavaType(T) {
return &java.Type{Kind: java.Object, Class: classNameFor(T)}
return nil
// lookupMethod searches the Java class descriptor for a method
// that matches the Go method.
func (j *javaClassInfo) lookupMethod(m *types.Func, hasThis bool) *java.Func {
jm := j.methods[m.Name()]
if jm == nil {
// If an exact match is not found, try the method with trailing underscores
// stripped. This way, name clashes can be avoided when overriding multiple
// overloaded methods from Go.
base := strings.TrimRight(m.Name(), "_")
jm = j.methods[base]
if jm == nil {
return nil
// A name match was found. Now use the parameter and return types to locate
// the correct variant.
sig := m.Type().(*types.Signature)
params := sig.Params()
// Convert Go parameter types to their Java counterparts, if possible.
var jparams []*java.Type
i := 0
if hasThis {
i = 1
for ; i < params.Len(); i++ {
jparams = append(jparams, j.toJavaType(params.At(i).Type()))
var ret *java.Type
var throws bool
if results := sig.Results(); results.Len() > 0 {
ret = j.toJavaType(results.At(0).Type())
if results.Len() > 1 {
throws = isErrorType(results.At(1).Type())
for _, f := range jm.Funcs {
if len(f.Params) != len(jparams) {
if throws != (f.Throws != "") {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(ret, f.Ret) {
for i, p := range f.Params {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(p, jparams[i]) {
continue loop
return f
return nil
// ClassNames returns the list of names of the generated Java classes and interfaces.
func (g *JavaGen) ClassNames() []string {
var names []string
for _, s := range g.structs {
names = append(names, s.obj.Name())
for _, iface := range g.interfaces {
names = append(names, iface.obj.Name())
return names
func (g *JavaGen) GenClass(idx int) error {
ns := len(g.structs)
if idx < ns {
s := g.structs[idx]
} else {
iface := g.interfaces[idx-ns]
if len(g.err) > 0 {
return g.err
return nil
func (g *JavaGen) genProxyImpl(name string) {
g.Printf("private final Seq.Ref ref;\n\n")
g.Printf("@Override public final int incRefnum() {\n")
g.Printf(" int refnum = ref.refnum;\n")
g.Printf(" Seq.incGoRef(refnum);\n")
g.Printf(" return refnum;\n")
func (g *JavaGen) genStruct(s structInfo) {
pkgPath := ""
if g.Pkg != nil {
pkgPath = g.Pkg.Path()
n := s.obj.Name()
g.Printf(javaPreamble, g.javaPkgName(g.Pkg), n, g.gobindOpts(), pkgPath)
fields := exportedFields(s.t)
methods := exportedMethodSet(types.NewPointer(s.obj.Type()))
var impls []string
jinf := g.jstructs[s.obj]
if jinf != nil {
impls = append(impls, "Seq.GoObject")
for _, cls := range jinf.supers {
if cls.Interface {
impls = append(impls, cls.Name)
} else {
impls = append(impls, "Seq.Proxy")
pT := types.NewPointer(s.obj.Type())
for _, iface := range g.allIntf {
if types.AssignableTo(pT, iface.obj.Type()) {
n := iface.obj.Name()
if p := iface.obj.Pkg(); p != g.Pkg {
n = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", g.javaPkgName(p), n)
impls = append(impls, n)
g.Printf("public final class %s", n)
if jinf != nil {
if jinf.extends != nil {
g.Printf(" extends %s", jinf.extends.Name)
if len(impls) > 0 {
g.Printf(" implements %s", strings.Join(impls, ", "))
g.Printf(" {\n")
g.Printf("static { %s.touch(); }\n\n", g.className())
cons := g.constructors[s.obj]
for _, f := range cons {
if !g.isSigSupported(f.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped constructor %s.%s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", n, f.Name())
g.genConstructor(f, n, jinf != nil)
if jinf == nil || jinf.genNoargCon {
// constructor for Go instantiated instances.
g.Printf("%s(Seq.Ref ref) { this.ref = ref; }\n\n", n)
if len(cons) == 0 {
// Generate default no-arg constructor
g.Printf("public %s() { this.ref = __New(); }\n\n", n)
g.Printf("private static native Seq.Ref __New();\n\n")
for _, f := range fields {
if t := f.Type(); !g.isSupported(t) {
g.Printf("// skipped field %s.%s with unsupported type: %T\n\n", n, f.Name(), t)
g.Printf("public final native %s get%s();\n", g.javaType(f.Type()), f.Name())
g.Printf("public final native void set%s(%s v);\n\n", f.Name(), g.javaType(f.Type()))
var isStringer bool
for _, m := range methods {
if !g.isSigSupported(m.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped method %s.%s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", n, m.Name())
var jm *java.Func
hasThis := false
if jinf != nil {
hasThis = g.hasThis(n, m)
jm = jinf.lookupMethod(m, hasThis)
if jm != nil {
g.Printf("@Override ")
g.Printf("public native ")
g.genFuncSignature(m, jm, hasThis)
t := m.Type().(*types.Signature)
isStringer = isStringer || (m.Name() == "String" && t.Params().Len() == 0 && t.Results().Len() == 1 &&
types.Identical(t.Results().At(0).Type(), types.Typ[types.String]))
if jinf == nil {
g.genObjectMethods(n, fields, isStringer)
// hasThis returns whether a method has an implicit "this" parameter.
func (g *JavaGen) hasThis(sName string, m *types.Func) bool {
sig := m.Type().(*types.Signature)
params := sig.Params()
if params.Len() == 0 {
return false
v := params.At(0)
if v.Name() != "this" {
return false
t, ok := v.Type().(*types.Named)
if !ok {
return false
obj := t.Obj()
pkg := obj.Pkg()
if pkgFirstElem(pkg) != "Java" {
return false
clsName := classNameFor(t)
exp := g.javaPkgName(g.Pkg) + "." + sName
if clsName != exp {
g.errorf("the type %s of the `this` argument to method %s.%s is not %s", clsName, sName, m.Name(), exp)
return false
return true
func (g *JavaGen) genConstructor(f *types.Func, n string, jcls bool) {
g.Printf("public %s(", n)
g.genFuncArgs(f, nil, false)
g.Printf(") {\n")
sig := f.Type().(*types.Signature)
params := sig.Params()
if jcls {
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
g.Printf(", ")
g.Printf(g.paramName(params, i))
g.Printf("this.ref = ")
g.Printf("__%s(", f.Name())
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
g.Printf(", ")
g.Printf(g.paramName(params, i))
g.Printf("private static native Seq.Ref __%s(", f.Name())
g.genFuncArgs(f, nil, false)
// genFuncArgs generated Java function arguments declaration for the function f.
// If the supplied overridden java function is supplied, genFuncArgs omits the implicit
// this argument.
func (g *JavaGen) genFuncArgs(f *types.Func, jm *java.Func, hasThis bool) {
sig := f.Type().(*types.Signature)
params := sig.Params()
first := 0
if hasThis {
// Skip the implicit this argument to the Go method
first = 1
for i := first; i < params.Len(); i++ {
if i > first {
g.Printf(", ")
v := params.At(i)
name := g.paramName(params, i)
jt := g.javaType(v.Type())
g.Printf("%s %s", jt, name)
func (g *JavaGen) genObjectMethods(n string, fields []*types.Var, isStringer bool) {
g.Printf("@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {\n")
g.Printf("if (o == null || !(o instanceof %s)) {\n return false;\n}\n", n)
g.Printf("%s that = (%s)o;\n", n, n)
for _, f := range fields {
if t := f.Type(); !g.isSupported(t) {
g.Printf("// skipped field %s.%s with unsupported type: %T\n\n", n, f.Name(), t)
nf := f.Name()
g.Printf("%s this%s = get%s();\n", g.javaType(f.Type()), nf, nf)
g.Printf("%s that%s = that.get%s();\n", g.javaType(f.Type()), nf, nf)
if isJavaPrimitive(f.Type()) {
g.Printf("if (this%s != that%s) {\n return false;\n}\n", nf, nf)
} else {
g.Printf("if (this%s == null) {\n", nf)
g.Printf("if (that%s != null) {\n return false;\n}\n", nf)
g.Printf("} else if (!this%s.equals(that%s)) {\n return false;\n}\n", nf, nf)
g.Printf("return true;\n")
g.Printf("@Override public int hashCode() {\n")
g.Printf(" return java.util.Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] {")
idx := 0
for _, f := range fields {
if t := f.Type(); !g.isSupported(t) {
if idx > 0 {
g.Printf(", ")
g.Printf("get%s()", f.Name())
g.Printf("@Override public String toString() {\n")
if isStringer {
g.Printf("return string();\n")
} else {
g.Printf("StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();\n")
g.Printf(`b.append("%s").append("{");`, n)
for _, f := range fields {
if t := f.Type(); !g.isSupported(t) {
n := f.Name()
g.Printf(`b.append("%s:").append(get%s()).append(",");`, n, n)
g.Printf(`return b.append("}").toString();`)
func (g *JavaGen) genInterface(iface interfaceInfo) {
pkgPath := ""
if g.Pkg != nil {
pkgPath = g.Pkg.Path()
g.Printf(javaPreamble, g.javaPkgName(g.Pkg), iface.obj.Name(), g.gobindOpts(), pkgPath)
var exts []string
numM := iface.t.NumMethods()
for _, other := range g.allIntf {
// Only extend interfaces with fewer methods to avoid circular references
if other.t.NumMethods() < numM && types.AssignableTo(iface.t, other.t) {
n := other.obj.Name()
if p := other.obj.Pkg(); p != g.Pkg {
n = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", g.javaPkgName(p), n)
exts = append(exts, n)
g.Printf("public interface %s", iface.obj.Name())
if len(exts) > 0 {
g.Printf(" extends %s", strings.Join(exts, ", "))
g.Printf(" {\n")
for _, m := range iface.summary.callable {
if !g.isSigSupported(m.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped method %s.%s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", iface.obj.Name(), m.Name())
g.Printf("public ")
g.genFuncSignature(m, nil, false)
func isJavaPrimitive(T types.Type) bool {
b, ok := T.(*types.Basic)
if !ok {
return false
switch b.Kind() {
case types.Bool, types.Uint8, types.Float32, types.Float64,
types.Int, types.Int8, types.Int16, types.Int32, types.Int64:
return true
return false
// jniType returns a string that can be used as a JNI type.
func (g *JavaGen) jniType(T types.Type) string {
switch T := T.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch T.Kind() {
case types.Bool, types.UntypedBool:
return "jboolean"
case types.Int:
return "jlong"
case types.Int8:
return "jbyte"
case types.Int16:
return "jshort"
case types.Int32, types.UntypedRune: // types.Rune
return "jint"
case types.Int64, types.UntypedInt:
return "jlong"
case types.Uint8: // types.Byte
// TODO(crawshaw): Java bytes are signed, so this is
// questionable, but vital.
return "jbyte"
// TODO(crawshaw): case types.Uint, types.Uint16, types.Uint32, types.Uint64:
case types.Float32:
return "jfloat"
case types.Float64, types.UntypedFloat:
return "jdouble"
case types.String, types.UntypedString:
return "jstring"
g.errorf("unsupported basic type: %s", T)
return "TODO"
case *types.Slice:
return "jbyteArray"
case *types.Pointer:
if _, ok := T.Elem().(*types.Named); ok {
return g.jniType(T.Elem())
g.errorf("unsupported pointer to type: %s", T)
case *types.Named:
return "jobject"
g.errorf("unsupported jniType: %#+v, %s\n", T, T)
return "TODO"
func (g *JavaGen) javaBasicType(T *types.Basic) string {
switch T.Kind() {
case types.Bool, types.UntypedBool:
return "boolean"
case types.Int:
return "long"
case types.Int8:
return "byte"
case types.Int16:
return "short"
case types.Int32, types.UntypedRune: // types.Rune
return "int"
case types.Int64, types.UntypedInt:
return "long"
case types.Uint8: // types.Byte
// TODO(crawshaw): Java bytes are signed, so this is
// questionable, but vital.
return "byte"
// TODO(crawshaw): case types.Uint, types.Uint16, types.Uint32, types.Uint64:
case types.Float32:
return "float"
case types.Float64, types.UntypedFloat:
return "double"
case types.String, types.UntypedString:
return "String"
g.errorf("unsupported basic type: %s", T)
return "TODO"
// javaType returns a string that can be used as a Java type.
func (g *JavaGen) javaType(T types.Type) string {
if isErrorType(T) {
// The error type is usually translated into an exception in
// Java, however the type can be exposed in other ways, such
// as an exported field.
return "java.lang.Exception"
} else if isJavaType(T) {
return classNameFor(T)
switch T := T.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
return g.javaBasicType(T)
case *types.Slice:
elem := g.javaType(T.Elem())
return elem + "[]"
case *types.Pointer:
if _, ok := T.Elem().(*types.Named); ok {
return g.javaType(T.Elem())
g.errorf("unsupported pointer to type: %s", T)
case *types.Named:
n := T.Obj()
nPkg := n.Pkg()
if !isErrorType(T) && !g.validPkg(nPkg) {
g.errorf("type %s is in %s, which is not bound", n.Name(), nPkg)
// TODO(crawshaw): more checking here
if nPkg != g.Pkg {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", g.javaPkgName(nPkg), n.Name())
} else {
return n.Name()
g.errorf("unsupported javaType: %#+v, %s\n", T, T)
return "TODO"
func (g *JavaGen) genJNIFuncSignature(o *types.Func, sName string, jm *java.Func, proxy, isjava bool) {
sig := o.Type().(*types.Signature)
res := sig.Results()
var ret string
switch res.Len() {
case 2:
ret = g.jniType(res.At(0).Type())
case 1:
if isErrorType(res.At(0).Type()) {
ret = "void"
} else {
ret = g.jniType(res.At(0).Type())
case 0:
ret = "void"
g.errorf("too many result values: %s", o)
g.Printf("JNIEXPORT %s JNICALL\n", ret)
g.Printf("Java_%s_", g.jniPkgName())
if sName != "" {
if proxy {
// 0024 is the mangled form of $, for naming inner classes.
g.Printf("%s", sName)
} else {
if jm != nil {
} else {
oName := javaNameReplacer(lowerFirst(o.Name()))
if strings.HasSuffix(oName, "_") {
oName += "1" // JNI doesn't like methods ending with underscore, needs the _1 suffixing
g.Printf("(JNIEnv* env, ")
if sName != "" {
g.Printf("jobject __this__")
} else {
g.Printf("jclass _clazz")
params := sig.Params()
i := 0
if isjava && params.Len() > 0 && params.At(0).Name() == "this" {
// Skip the implicit this argument, if any.
i = 1
for ; i < params.Len(); i++ {
g.Printf(", ")
v := sig.Params().At(i)
name := g.paramName(params, i)
jt := g.jniType(v.Type())
g.Printf("%s %s", jt, name)
func (g *JavaGen) jniPkgName() string {
return strings.Replace(g.javaPkgName(g.Pkg), ".", "_", -1)
var javaLetterDigitRE = regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9a-zA-Z$_]`)
func (g *JavaGen) paramName(params *types.Tuple, pos int) string {
name := basicParamName(params, pos)
if !javaLetterDigitRE.MatchString(name) {
name = fmt.Sprintf("p%d", pos)
return javaNameReplacer(name)
func (g *JavaGen) genFuncSignature(o *types.Func, jm *java.Func, hasThis bool) {
sig := o.Type().(*types.Signature)
res := sig.Results()
var returnsError bool
var ret string
switch res.Len() {
case 2:
if !isErrorType(res.At(1).Type()) {
g.errorf("second result value must be of type error: %s", o)
returnsError = true
ret = g.javaType(res.At(0).Type())
case 1:
if isErrorType(res.At(0).Type()) {
returnsError = true
ret = "void"
} else {
ret = g.javaType(res.At(0).Type())
case 0:
ret = "void"
g.errorf("too many result values: %s", o)
g.Printf("%s ", ret)
if jm != nil {
} else {
g.genFuncArgs(o, jm, hasThis)
if returnsError {
if jm != nil {
if jm.Throws == "" {
g.errorf("%s declares an error return value but the overriden method does not throw", o)
g.Printf(" throws %s", jm.Throws)
} else {
g.Printf(" throws Exception")
func (g *JavaGen) genVar(o *types.Var) {
if t := o.Type(); !g.isSupported(t) {
g.Printf("// skipped variable %s with unsupported type: %T\n\n", o.Name(), t)
jType := g.javaType(o.Type())
// setter
g.Printf("public static native void set%s(%s v);\n", o.Name(), jType)
// getter
g.Printf("public static native %s get%s();\n\n", jType, o.Name())
// genCRetClear clears the result value from a JNI call if an exception was
// raised.
func (g *JavaGen) genCRetClear(varName string, t types.Type, exc string) {
g.Printf("if (%s != NULL) {\n", exc)
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch t.Kind() {
case types.String:
g.Printf("%s = NULL;\n", varName)
g.Printf("%s = 0;\n", varName)
case *types.Slice, *types.Named, *types.Pointer:
g.Printf("%s = NULL;\n", varName)
func (g *JavaGen) genJavaToC(varName string, t types.Type, mode varMode) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch t.Kind() {
case types.String:
g.Printf("nstring _%s = go_seq_from_java_string(env, %s);\n", varName, varName)
g.Printf("%s _%s = (%s)%s;\n", g.cgoType(t), varName, g.cgoType(t), varName)
case *types.Slice:
switch e := t.Elem().(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch e.Kind() {
case types.Uint8: // Byte.
g.Printf("nbyteslice _%s = go_seq_from_java_bytearray(env, %s, %d);\n", varName, varName, toCFlag(mode == modeRetained))
g.errorf("unsupported type: %s", t)
g.errorf("unsupported type: %s", t)
case *types.Named:
switch u := t.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Interface:
g.Printf("int32_t _%s = go_seq_to_refnum(env, %s);\n", varName, varName)
g.errorf("unsupported named type: %s / %T", u, u)
case *types.Pointer:
g.Printf("int32_t _%s = go_seq_to_refnum(env, %s);\n", varName, varName)
g.Printf("%s _%s = (%s)%s;\n", g.cgoType(t), varName, g.cgoType(t), varName)
func (g *JavaGen) genCToJava(toName, fromName string, t types.Type, mode varMode) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch t.Kind() {
case types.String:
g.Printf("jstring %s = go_seq_to_java_string(env, %s);\n", toName, fromName)
case types.Bool:
g.Printf("jboolean %s = %s ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;\n", toName, fromName)
g.Printf("%s %s = (%s)%s;\n", g.jniType(t), toName, g.jniType(t), fromName)
case *types.Slice:
switch e := t.Elem().(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch e.Kind() {
case types.Uint8: // Byte.
g.Printf("jbyteArray %s = go_seq_to_java_bytearray(env, %s, %d);\n", toName, fromName, toCFlag(mode == modeRetained))
g.errorf("unsupported type: %s", t)
g.errorf("unsupported type: %s", t)
case *types.Pointer:
// TODO(crawshaw): test *int
// TODO(crawshaw): test **Generator
switch t := t.Elem().(type) {
case *types.Named:
g.genFromRefnum(toName, fromName, t, t.Obj())
g.errorf("unsupported type %s", t)
case *types.Named:
switch t.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Interface, *types.Pointer:
g.genFromRefnum(toName, fromName, t, t.Obj())
g.errorf("unsupported, direct named type %s", t)
g.Printf("%s %s = (%s)%s;\n", g.jniType(t), toName, g.jniType(t), fromName)
func (g *JavaGen) genFromRefnum(toName, fromName string, t types.Type, o *types.TypeName) {
oPkg := o.Pkg()
isJava := isJavaType(o.Type())
if !isErrorType(o.Type()) && !g.validPkg(oPkg) && !isJava {
g.errorf("type %s is defined in package %s, which is not bound", t, oPkg)
p := pkgPrefix(oPkg)
g.Printf("jobject %s = go_seq_from_refnum(env, %s, ", toName, fromName)
if isJava {
g.Printf("NULL, NULL")
} else {
g.Printf("proxy_class_%s_%s, proxy_class_%s_%s_cons", p, o.Name(), p, o.Name())
func (g *JavaGen) gobindOpts() string {
opts := []string{"-lang=java"}
if g.JavaPkg != "" {
opts = append(opts, "-javapkg="+g.JavaPkg)
return strings.Join(opts, " ")
var javaNameReplacer = newNameSanitizer([]string{
"abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char",
"class", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "enum",
"extends", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto", "if", "implements",
"import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "new", "package",
"private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp",
"super", "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient",
"try", "void", "volatile", "while", "false", "null", "true"})
func (g *JavaGen) javaPkgName(pkg *types.Package) string {
return JavaPkgName(g.JavaPkg, pkg)
// JavaPkgName returns the Java package name for a Go package
// given a pkg prefix. If the prefix is empty, "go" is used
// instead.
func JavaPkgName(pkgPrefix string, pkg *types.Package) string {
if pkg == nil {
return "go"
s := javaNameReplacer(pkg.Name())
if pkgPrefix == "" {
return s
return pkgPrefix + "." + s
func (g *JavaGen) className() string {
return JavaClassName(g.Pkg)
// JavaClassName returns the name of the Java class that
// contains Go package level identifiers.
func JavaClassName(pkg *types.Package) string {
if pkg == nil {
return "Universe"
return javaNameReplacer(strings.Title(pkg.Name()))
func (g *JavaGen) genConst(o *types.Const) {
if _, ok := o.Type().(*types.Basic); !ok {
g.Printf("// skipped const %s with unsupported type: %T\n\n", o.Name(), o)
// TODO(hyangah): should const names use upper cases + "_"?
// TODO(hyangah): check invalid names.
jType := g.javaType(o.Type())
val := constExactString(o)
switch b := o.Type().(*types.Basic); b.Kind() {
case types.Int64, types.UntypedInt:
i, exact := constant.Int64Val(o.Val())
if !exact {
g.errorf("const value %s for %s cannot be represented as %s", val, o.Name(), jType)
val = fmt.Sprintf("%dL", i)
case types.Float32:
f, _ := constant.Float32Val(o.Val())
val = fmt.Sprintf("%gf", f)
case types.Float64, types.UntypedFloat:
f, _ := constant.Float64Val(o.Val())
if math.IsInf(f, 0) || math.Abs(f) > math.MaxFloat64 {
g.errorf("const value %s for %s cannot be represented as %s", val, o.Name(), jType)
val = fmt.Sprintf("%g", f)
g.Printf("public static final %s %s = %s;\n", g.javaType(o.Type()), o.Name(), val)
func (g *JavaGen) genJNIField(o *types.TypeName, f *types.Var) {
if t := f.Type(); !g.isSupported(t) {
g.Printf("// skipped field %s with unsupported type: %T\n\n", o.Name(), t)
// setter
g.Printf("JNIEXPORT void JNICALL\n")
g.Printf("Java_%s_%s_set%s(JNIEnv *env, jobject this, %s v) {\n", g.jniPkgName(), o.Name(), f.Name(), g.jniType(f.Type()))
g.Printf("int32_t o = go_seq_to_refnum_go(env, this);\n")
g.genJavaToC("v", f.Type(), modeRetained)
g.Printf("proxy%s_%s_%s_Set(o, _v);\n", g.pkgPrefix, o.Name(), f.Name())
g.genRelease("v", f.Type(), modeRetained)
// getter
g.Printf("JNIEXPORT %s JNICALL\n", g.jniType(f.Type()))
g.Printf("Java_%s_%s_get%s(JNIEnv *env, jobject this) {\n", g.jniPkgName(), o.Name(), f.Name())
g.Printf("int32_t o = go_seq_to_refnum_go(env, this);\n")
g.Printf("%s r0 = ", g.cgoType(f.Type()))
g.Printf("proxy%s_%s_%s_Get(o);\n", g.pkgPrefix, o.Name(), f.Name())
g.genCToJava("_r0", "r0", f.Type(), modeRetained)
g.Printf("return _r0;\n")
func (g *JavaGen) genJNIVar(o *types.Var) {
if t := o.Type(); !g.isSupported(t) {
g.Printf("// skipped variable %s with unsupported type: %T\n\n", o.Name(), t)
// setter
g.Printf("JNIEXPORT void JNICALL\n")
g.Printf("Java_%s_%s_set%s(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, %s v) {\n", g.jniPkgName(), g.className(), o.Name(), g.jniType(o.Type()))
g.genJavaToC("v", o.Type(), modeRetained)
g.Printf("var_set%s_%s(_v);\n", g.pkgPrefix, o.Name())
g.genRelease("v", o.Type(), modeRetained)
// getter
g.Printf("JNIEXPORT %s JNICALL\n", g.jniType(o.Type()))
g.Printf("Java_%s_%s_get%s(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {\n", g.jniPkgName(), g.className(), o.Name())
g.Printf("%s r0 = ", g.cgoType(o.Type()))
g.Printf("var_get%s_%s();\n", g.pkgPrefix, o.Name())
g.genCToJava("_r0", "r0", o.Type(), modeRetained)
g.Printf("return _r0;\n")
func (g *JavaGen) genJNIConstructor(f *types.Func, sName string) {
if !g.isSigSupported(f.Type()) {
sig := f.Type().(*types.Signature)
res := sig.Results()
g.Printf("JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL\n")
g.Printf("Java_%s_%s_%s(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz", g.jniPkgName(), sName, java.JNIMangle("__"+f.Name()))
params := sig.Params()
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
v := params.At(i)
jt := g.jniType(v.Type())
g.Printf(", %s %s", jt, g.paramName(params, i))
g.Printf(") {\n")
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
name := g.paramName(params, i)
g.genJavaToC(name, params.At(i).Type(), modeTransient)
// Constructors always return a mandatory *T and an optional error
if res.Len() == 1 {
g.Printf("int32_t refnum = proxy%s__%s(", g.pkgPrefix, f.Name())
} else {
g.Printf("struct proxy%s__%s_return res = proxy%s__%s(", g.pkgPrefix, f.Name(), g.pkgPrefix, f.Name())
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
g.Printf(", ")
g.Printf("_%s", g.paramName(params, i))
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
g.genRelease(g.paramName(params, i), params.At(i).Type(), modeTransient)
// Extract multi returns and handle errors
if res.Len() == 2 {
g.Printf("int32_t refnum = res.r0;\n")
g.genCToJava("_err", "res.r1", res.At(1).Type(), modeRetained)
g.Printf("go_seq_maybe_throw_exception(env, _err);\n")
// Pass no proxy class so that the Seq.Ref is returned instead.
g.Printf("return go_seq_from_refnum(env, refnum, NULL, NULL);\n")
func (g *JavaGen) genJNIFunc(o *types.Func, sName string, jm *java.Func, proxy, isjava bool) {
if !g.isSigSupported(o.Type()) {
n := o.Name()
if sName != "" {
n = sName + "." + n
g.Printf("// skipped function %s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", n)
g.genJNIFuncSignature(o, sName, jm, proxy, isjava)
g.Printf(" {\n")
g.genJNIFuncBody(o, sName, jm, isjava)
func (g *JavaGen) genJNIFuncBody(o *types.Func, sName string, jm *java.Func, isjava bool) {
sig := o.Type().(*types.Signature)
res := sig.Results()
if sName != "" {
g.Printf("int32_t o = go_seq_to_refnum_go(env, __this__);\n")
params := sig.Params()
first := 0
if isjava && params.Len() > 0 && params.At(0).Name() == "this" {
// Start after the implicit this argument.
first = 1
g.Printf("int32_t _%s = go_seq_to_refnum(env, __this__);\n", g.paramName(params, 0))
for i := first; i < params.Len(); i++ {
name := g.paramName(params, i)
g.genJavaToC(name, params.At(i).Type(), modeTransient)
resPrefix := ""
if res.Len() > 0 {
if res.Len() == 1 {
g.Printf("%s r0 = ", g.cgoType(res.At(0).Type()))
} else {
resPrefix = "res."
g.Printf("struct proxy%s_%s_%s_return res = ", g.pkgPrefix, sName, o.Name())
g.Printf("proxy%s_%s_%s(", g.pkgPrefix, sName, o.Name())
if sName != "" {
// Pass all arguments, including the implicit this argument.
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 || sName != "" {
g.Printf(", ")
g.Printf("_%s", g.paramName(params, i))
for i := first; i < params.Len(); i++ {
g.genRelease(g.paramName(params, i), params.At(i).Type(), modeTransient)
for i := 0; i < res.Len(); i++ {
tn := fmt.Sprintf("_r%d", i)
t := res.At(i).Type()
g.genCToJava(tn, fmt.Sprintf("%sr%d", resPrefix, i), t, modeRetained)
// Go backwards so that any exception is thrown before
// the return.
for i := res.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
t := res.At(i).Type()
if !isErrorType(t) {
g.Printf("return _r%d;\n", i)
} else {
g.Printf("go_seq_maybe_throw_exception(env, _r%d);\n", i)
// genRelease cleans up arguments that weren't copied in genJavaToC.
func (g *JavaGen) genRelease(varName string, t types.Type, mode varMode) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
case *types.Slice:
switch e := t.Elem().(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch e.Kind() {
case types.Uint8: // Byte.
if mode == modeTransient {
g.Printf("go_seq_release_byte_array(env, %s, _%s.ptr);\n", varName, varName)
func (g *JavaGen) genMethodInterfaceProxy(oName string, m *types.Func) {
if !g.isSigSupported(m.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped method %s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", oName)
sig := m.Type().(*types.Signature)
params := sig.Params()
res := sig.Results()
g.genInterfaceMethodSignature(m, oName, false, g.paramName)
g.Printf("JNIEnv *env = go_seq_push_local_frame(%d);\n", params.Len())
g.Printf("jobject o = go_seq_from_refnum(env, refnum, proxy_class_%s_%s, proxy_class_%s_%s_cons);\n", g.pkgPrefix, oName, g.pkgPrefix, oName)
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
pn := g.paramName(params, i)
g.genCToJava("_"+pn, pn, params.At(i).Type(), modeTransient)
if res.Len() > 0 && !isErrorType(res.At(0).Type()) {
t := res.At(0).Type()
g.Printf("%s res = (*env)->Call%sMethod(env, o, ", g.jniType(t), g.jniCallType(t))
} else {
g.Printf("(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, o, ")
g.Printf("mid_%s_%s", oName, m.Name())
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
g.Printf(", _%s", g.paramName(params, i))
var retName string
if res.Len() > 0 {
t := res.At(0).Type()
if res.Len() == 2 || isErrorType(t) {
g.Printf("jobject exc = go_seq_get_exception(env);\n")
errType := types.Universe.Lookup("error").Type()
g.genJavaToC("exc", errType, modeRetained)
retName = "_exc"
if !isErrorType(t) {
if res.Len() == 2 {
g.genCRetClear("res", t, "exc")
g.genJavaToC("res", t, modeRetained)
retName = "_res"
if res.Len() > 1 {
g.Printf("cproxy%s_%s_%s_return sres = {\n", g.pkgPrefix, oName, m.Name())
g.Printf(" _res, _exc\n")
retName = "sres"
if retName != "" {
g.Printf("return %s;\n", retName)
func (g *JavaGen) GenH() error {
pkgPath := ""
if g.Pkg != nil {
pkgPath = g.Pkg.Path()
g.Printf(hPreamble, g.gobindOpts(), pkgPath, g.className())
for _, iface := range g.interfaces {
g.Printf("extern jclass proxy_class_%s_%s;\n", g.pkgPrefix, iface.obj.Name())
g.Printf("extern jmethodID proxy_class_%s_%s_cons;\n", g.pkgPrefix, iface.obj.Name())
for _, m := range iface.summary.callable {
if !g.isSigSupported(m.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped method %s.%s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", iface.obj.Name(), m.Name())
g.genInterfaceMethodSignature(m, iface.obj.Name(), true, g.paramName)
for _, s := range g.structs {
g.Printf("extern jclass proxy_class_%s_%s;\n", g.pkgPrefix, s.obj.Name())
g.Printf("extern jmethodID proxy_class_%s_%s_cons;\n", g.pkgPrefix, s.obj.Name())
if len(g.err) > 0 {
return g.err
return nil
func (g *JavaGen) jniCallType(t types.Type) string {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch t.Kind() {
case types.Bool, types.UntypedBool:
return "Boolean"
case types.Int:
return "Long"
case types.Int8, types.Uint8: // types.Byte
return "Byte"
case types.Int16:
return "Short"
case types.Int32, types.UntypedRune: // types.Rune
return "Int"
case types.Int64, types.UntypedInt:
return "Long"
case types.Float32:
return "Float"
case types.Float64, types.UntypedFloat:
return "Double"
case types.String, types.UntypedString:
return "Object"
g.errorf("unsupported basic type: %s", t)
case *types.Slice:
return "Object"
case *types.Pointer:
if _, ok := t.Elem().(*types.Named); ok {
return g.jniCallType(t.Elem())
g.errorf("unsupported pointer to type: %s", t)
case *types.Named:
return "Object"
return "Object"
return "TODO"
func (g *JavaGen) jniClassSigPrefix(pkg *types.Package) string {
return strings.Replace(g.javaPkgName(pkg), ".", "/", -1) + "/"
func (g *JavaGen) jniSigType(T types.Type) string {
if isErrorType(T) {
return "Ljava/lang/Exception;"
switch T := T.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch T.Kind() {
case types.Bool, types.UntypedBool:
return "Z"
case types.Int:
return "J"
case types.Int8:
return "B"
case types.Int16:
return "S"
case types.Int32, types.UntypedRune: // types.Rune
return "I"
case types.Int64, types.UntypedInt:
return "J"
case types.Uint8: // types.Byte
return "B"
case types.Float32:
return "F"
case types.Float64, types.UntypedFloat:
return "D"
case types.String, types.UntypedString:
return "Ljava/lang/String;"
g.errorf("unsupported basic type: %s", T)
return "TODO"
case *types.Slice:
return "[" + g.jniSigType(T.Elem())
case *types.Pointer:
if _, ok := T.Elem().(*types.Named); ok {
return g.jniSigType(T.Elem())
g.errorf("unsupported pointer to type: %s", T)
case *types.Named:
return "L" + g.jniClassSigPrefix(T.Obj().Pkg()) + T.Obj().Name() + ";"
g.errorf("unsupported jniType: %#+v, %s\n", T, T)
return "TODO"
func (g *JavaGen) GenC() error {
var pkgName, pkgPath string
if g.Pkg != nil {
pkgName = g.Pkg.Name()
pkgPath = g.Pkg.Path()
} else {
pkgName = "universe"
g.Printf(cPreamble, g.gobindOpts(), pkgPath)
g.Printf("#include %q\n", pkgName+".h")
if g.Pkg != nil {
for _, pkg := range g.Pkg.Imports() {
if g.validPkg(pkg) {
g.Printf("#include \"%s.h\"\n", pkg.Name())
for _, iface := range g.interfaces {
g.Printf("jclass proxy_class_%s_%s;\n", g.pkgPrefix, iface.obj.Name())
g.Printf("jmethodID proxy_class_%s_%s_cons;\n", g.pkgPrefix, iface.obj.Name())
for _, m := range iface.summary.callable {
if !g.isSigSupported(m.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped method %s.%s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", iface.obj.Name(), m.Name())
g.Printf("static jmethodID mid_%s_%s;\n", iface.obj.Name(), m.Name())
for _, s := range g.structs {
g.Printf("jclass proxy_class_%s_%s;\n", g.pkgPrefix, s.obj.Name())
g.Printf("jmethodID proxy_class_%s_%s_cons;\n", g.pkgPrefix, s.obj.Name())
g.Printf("JNIEXPORT void JNICALL\n")
g.Printf("Java_%s_%s__1init(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused) {\n", g.jniPkgName(), g.className())
g.Printf("jclass clazz;\n")
for _, s := range g.structs {
if jinf, ok := g.jstructs[s.obj]; ok {
// Leave the class and constructor NULL for Java classes with no
// default constructor.
if !jinf.genNoargCon {
g.Printf("clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, %q);\n", g.jniClassSigPrefix(s.obj.Pkg())+s.obj.Name())
g.Printf("proxy_class_%s_%s = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, clazz);\n", g.pkgPrefix, s.obj.Name())
g.Printf("proxy_class_%s_%s_cons = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, \"<init>\", \"(Lgo/Seq$Ref;)V\");\n", g.pkgPrefix, s.obj.Name())
for _, iface := range g.interfaces {
pkg := iface.obj.Pkg()
g.Printf("clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, %q);\n", g.jniClassSigPrefix(pkg)+JavaClassName(pkg)+"$proxy"+iface.obj.Name())
g.Printf("proxy_class_%s_%s = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, clazz);\n", g.pkgPrefix, iface.obj.Name())
g.Printf("proxy_class_%s_%s_cons = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, \"<init>\", \"(Lgo/Seq$Ref;)V\");\n", g.pkgPrefix, iface.obj.Name())
if isErrorType(iface.obj.Type()) {
// As a special case, Java Exceptions are passed to Go pretending to implement the Go error interface.
// To complete the illusion, use the Throwable.getMessage method for proxied calls to the error.Error method.
g.Printf("clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, \"java/lang/Throwable\");\n")
g.Printf("mid_error_Error = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, \"getMessage\", \"()Ljava/lang/String;\");\n")
g.Printf("clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, %q);\n", g.jniClassSigPrefix(pkg)+iface.obj.Name())
for _, m := range iface.summary.callable {
if !g.isSigSupported(m.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped method %s.%s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", iface.obj.Name(), m.Name())
sig := m.Type().(*types.Signature)
res := sig.Results()
retSig := "V"
if res.Len() > 0 {
if t := res.At(0).Type(); !isErrorType(t) {
retSig = g.jniSigType(t)
var jniParams string
params := sig.Params()
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
jniParams += g.jniSigType(params.At(i).Type())
g.Printf("mid_%s_%s = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, %q, \"(%s)%s\");\n",
iface.obj.Name(), m.Name(), javaNameReplacer(lowerFirst(m.Name())), jniParams, retSig)
for _, f := range g.funcs {
g.genJNIFunc(f, "", nil, false, false)
for _, s := range g.structs {
sName := s.obj.Name()
cons := g.constructors[s.obj]
jinf := g.jstructs[s.obj]
for _, f := range cons {
g.genJNIConstructor(f, sName)
if len(cons) == 0 && (jinf == nil || jinf.genNoargCon) {
g.Printf("JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL\n")
g.Printf("Java_%s_%s_%s(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {\n", g.jniPkgName(), sName, java.JNIMangle("__New"))
g.Printf("int32_t refnum = new_%s_%s();\n", g.pkgPrefix, sName)
// Pass no proxy class so that the Seq.Ref is returned instead.
g.Printf("return go_seq_from_refnum(env, refnum, NULL, NULL);\n")
for _, m := range exportedMethodSet(types.NewPointer(s.obj.Type())) {
var jm *java.Func
if jinf != nil {
jm = jinf.lookupMethod(m, g.hasThis(s.obj.Name(), m))
g.genJNIFunc(m, sName, jm, false, jinf != nil)
for _, f := range exportedFields(s.t) {
g.genJNIField(s.obj, f)
for _, iface := range g.interfaces {
for _, m := range iface.summary.callable {
g.genJNIFunc(m, iface.obj.Name(), nil, true, false)
g.genMethodInterfaceProxy(iface.obj.Name(), m)
for _, v := range g.vars {
if len(g.err) > 0 {
return g.err
return nil
func (g *JavaGen) GenJava() error {
pkgPath := ""
if g.Pkg != nil {
pkgPath = g.Pkg.Path()
g.Printf(javaPreamble, g.javaPkgName(g.Pkg), g.className(), g.gobindOpts(), pkgPath)
g.Printf("public abstract class %s {\n", g.className())
g.Printf("static {\n")
g.Printf("Seq.touch(); // for loading the native library\n")
if g.Pkg != nil {
for _, p := range g.Pkg.Imports() {
if g.validPkg(p) {
g.Printf("%s.%s.touch();\n", g.javaPkgName(p), JavaClassName(p))
g.Printf("private %s() {} // uninstantiable\n\n", g.className())
g.Printf("// touch is called from other bound packages to initialize this package\n")
g.Printf("public static void touch() {}\n\n")
g.Printf("private static native void _init();\n\n")
for _, iface := range g.interfaces {
n := iface.obj.Name()
g.Printf("private static final class proxy%s", n)
if isErrorType(iface.obj.Type()) {
g.Printf(" extends Exception")
g.Printf(" implements Seq.Proxy, %s {\n", n)
g.genProxyImpl("proxy" + n)
g.Printf("proxy%s(Seq.Ref ref) { this.ref = ref; }\n\n", n)
if isErrorType(iface.obj.Type()) {
g.Printf("@Override public String getMessage() { return error(); }\n\n")
for _, m := range iface.summary.callable {
if !g.isSigSupported(m.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped method %s.%s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", n, m.Name())
g.Printf("public native ")
g.genFuncSignature(m, nil, false)
for _, c := range g.constants {
for _, v := range g.vars {
for _, f := range g.funcs {
if !g.isSigSupported(f.Type()) {
g.Printf("// skipped function %s with unsupported parameter or return types\n\n", f.Name())
g.Printf("public static native ")
g.genFuncSignature(f, nil, false)
if len(g.err) > 0 {
return g.err
return nil
// embeddedJavaClasses returns the possible empty list of Java types embedded
// in the given struct type.
func embeddedJavaClasses(t *types.Struct) []string {
clsSet := make(map[string]struct{})
var classes []string
for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
if !f.Exported() {
if t := f.Type(); isJavaType(t) {
cls := classNameFor(t)
if _, exists := clsSet[cls]; !exists {
clsSet[cls] = struct{}{}
classes = append(classes, cls)
return classes
func classNameFor(t types.Type) string {
obj := t.(*types.Named).Obj()
pkg := obj.Pkg()
return strings.Replace(pkg.Path()[len("Java/"):], "/", ".", -1) + "." + obj.Name()
func isJavaType(t types.Type) bool {
return typePkgFirstElem(t) == "Java"
const (
javaPreamble = `// Java class %[1]s.%[2]s is a proxy for talking to a Go program.
// gobind %[3]s %[4]s
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
package %[1]s;
import go.Seq;
cPreamble = `// JNI functions for the Go <=> Java bridge.
// gobind %[1]s %[2]s
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
#include <android/log.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "seq.h"
#include "_cgo_export.h"
hPreamble = `// JNI function headers for the Go <=> Java bridge.
// gobind %[1]s %[2]s
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
#ifndef __%[3]s_H__
#define __%[3]s_H__
#include <jni.h>