The Objective-C bindings was recently changed to support the empty name prefix and to use that as the default. This CLs changed the Java generators in the same way, supporting the empty Java package and using it as the default. Change-Id: I857affce686c67638a2b6c4e1da5d6a88d7ba560 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: David Crawshaw <>
83 lines
2.4 KiB
83 lines
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// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
#include <jni.h>
#include "seq.h"
extern void init_proxies();
typedef struct ret_jint {
jint res;
jint exc;
} ret_jint;
typedef struct ret_jboolean {
jboolean res;
jint exc;
} ret_jboolean;
typedef struct ret_jshort {
jshort res;
jint exc;
} ret_jshort;
typedef struct ret_jchar {
jchar res;
jint exc;
} ret_jchar;
typedef struct ret_jbyte {
jbyte res;
jint exc;
} ret_jbyte;
typedef struct ret_jlong {
jlong res;
jint exc;
} ret_jlong;
typedef struct ret_jfloat {
jfloat res;
jint exc;
} ret_jfloat;
typedef struct ret_jdouble {
jdouble res;
jint exc;
} ret_jdouble;
typedef struct ret_nstring {
nstring res;
jint exc;
} ret_nstring;
typedef struct ret_nbyteslice {
nbyteslice res;
jint exc;
} ret_nbyteslice;
extern jint cproxy_java_lang_Runnable_run(jint this);
extern ret_jint cproxy_java_io_InputStream_read__(jint this);
extern ret_jint cproxy_java_util_concurrent_Future_get__(jint this);
extern ret_jint cproxy_java_util_concurrent_Future_get__JLjava_util_concurrent_TimeUnit_2(jint this, jlong a0, jint a1);
extern ret_jint cproxy_java_Future_get__(jint this);
extern ret_jint csuper_java_Future_get__(jint this);
extern ret_jint cproxy_java_Future_get__JLjava_util_concurrent_TimeUnit_2(jint this, jlong a0, jint a1);
extern ret_jint csuper_java_Future_get__JLjava_util_concurrent_TimeUnit_2(jint this, jlong a0, jint a1);
extern ret_jint cproxy_java_InputStream_read__(jint this);
extern ret_jint csuper_java_InputStream_read__(jint this);
extern jint cproxy_java_Runnable_run(jint this);
extern jint csuper_java_Runnable_run(jint this);
extern jint cproxy_java_io_Console_flush(jint this);
extern ret_jint cproxy_s_java_util_Spliterators_iterator__Ljava_util_Spliterator_00024OfInt_2(jclass clazz, jmethodID m, jint a0);
extern ret_jint cproxy_s_java_lang_System_console(jclass clazz, jmethodID m);
// JNI function headers for the Go <=> Java bridge.
// gobind -lang=java classes
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
#ifndef __Java_H__
#define __Java_H__
#include <jni.h>
extern jclass proxy_class_java_Future;
extern jmethodID proxy_class_java_Future_cons;
extern jclass proxy_class_java_InputStream;
extern jmethodID proxy_class_java_InputStream_cons;
extern jclass proxy_class_java_Object;
extern jmethodID proxy_class_java_Object_cons;
extern jclass proxy_class_java_Runnable;
extern jmethodID proxy_class_java_Runnable_cons;