This is the Objective-C equivalent of CL 34776, generating reverse wrappers for generated ObjC types. The implementation follows the same strategy as the Java implementation: use the Go ast package to find exported structs with embedded Objective-C types and synthesize their types as if they were imported through clang. In turn, the handling of the implicit "self" parameter changes in the same way as well: the type of self parameters must be the wrapped type for the generated type. For example: func (d *GoNSDate) Description(self Foundation.NSDate) string becomes import gopkg "ObjC/Objcpkg" func (d *GoNSDate) Description(self gopkg.GoNSDate) string Change-Id: I26f838b06a622864be463f81dbb4dcae76f70f20 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: David Crawshaw <>
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//File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
package ObjC
// Used to silence this package not used errors
const Dummy = 0
type Foundation_NSString interface {
type Foundation_NSDate interface {
type Foundation_NSObjectC interface {
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
package gomobile_bind
// #cgo CFLAGS: -fobjc-arc -fmodules -fblocks
// #include "interfaces.h"
import "C"
import "ObjC"
import _seq ""
type proxy interface { Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 }
// Suppress unused package error
var _ = _seq.FromRefNum
const _ = ObjC.Dummy
func init() {
type proxy_class_NSString _seq.Ref
func (p *proxy_class_NSString) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 { return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum() }
func init() {
type proxy_class_NSDate _seq.Ref
func (p *proxy_class_NSDate) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 { return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum() }
func init() {
type proxy_class_NSObjectC _seq.Ref
func (p *proxy_class_NSObjectC) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 { return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum() }
// Package gomobile_bind is an autogenerated binder stub for package objc.
// gobind -lang=go objc
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
package gomobile_bind
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "seq.h"
#include "objc.h"
import "C"
import (
_seq ""
// suppress the error if seq ends up unused
var _ = _seq.FromRefNum
type proxyobjc_D _seq.Ref
func (p *proxyobjc_D) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 { return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum() }
type proxyobjc_O _seq.Ref
func (p *proxyobjc_O) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 { return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum() }
type proxyobjc_S _seq.Ref
func (p *proxyobjc_S) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 { return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum() }