This is the Objective-C equivalent of CL 34776, generating reverse
wrappers for generated ObjC types. The implementation follows the same
strategy as the Java implementation: use the Go ast package to find
exported structs with embedded Objective-C types and synthesize their
types as if they were imported through clang.
In turn, the handling of the implicit "self" parameter changes in the
same way as well: the type of self parameters must be the wrapped type
for the generated type. For example:
func (d *GoNSDate) Description(self Foundation.NSDate) string
import gopkg "ObjC/Objcpkg"
func (d *GoNSDate) Description(self gopkg.GoNSDate) string
Change-Id: I26f838b06a622864be463f81dbb4dcae76f70f20
Reviewed-by: David Crawshaw <>