Fixes golang/go#12403 Change-Id: I9b8e6d69beb1ceb27e991348212acb5054497e47 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: David Crawshaw <>
265 lines
6.9 KiB
265 lines
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// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build ignore
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "GoTestpkg.h"
#define ERROR(...) \
do { \
NSLog(__VA_ARGS__); \
err = 1; \
} while (0);
static int err = 0;
void testHello(NSString *input) {
NSString *got = GoTestpkgHello(input);
NSString *want = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hello, %@!", input];
if (!got) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgHello(%@)= NULL, want %@", input, want);
if (![got isEqualToString:want]) {
ERROR(@"want %@\nGoTestpkgHello(%@)= %@", want, input, got);
void testBytesAppend(NSString *a, NSString *b) {
NSData *data_a = [a dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *data_b = [b dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *gotData = GoTestpkgBytesAppend(data_a, data_b);
NSString *got =
[[NSString alloc] initWithData:gotData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *want = [a stringByAppendingString:b];
if (![got isEqualToString:want]) {
ERROR(@"want %@\nGoTestpkgBytesAppend(%@, %@) = %@", want, a, b, got);
void testReturnsError() {
NSString *value;
NSError *error;
GoTestpkgReturnsError(TRUE, &value, &error);
NSString *got = [error.userInfo valueForKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
NSString *want = @"Error";
if (![got isEqualToString:want]) {
ERROR(@"want %@\nGoTestpkgReturnsError(TRUE) = (%@, %@)", want, value, got);
void testStruct() {
GoTestpkgS *s = GoTestpkgNewS(10.0, 100.0);
if (!s) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgNewS returned NULL");
double x = [s X];
double y = [s Y];
double sum = [s Sum];
if (x != 10.0 || y != 100.0 || sum != 110.0) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgS(10.0, 100.0).X=%f Y=%f SUM=%f; want 10, 100, 110", x, y,
double sum2 = GoTestpkgCallSSum(s);
if (sum != sum2) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgCallSSum(s)=%f; want %f as returned by s.Sum", sum2, sum);
[s setX:7];
[s setY:70];
x = [s X];
y = [s Y];
sum = [s Sum];
if (x != 7 || y != 70 || sum != 77) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgS(7, 70).X=%f Y=%f SUM=%f; want 7, 70, 77", x, y, sum);
NSString *first = @"trytwotested";
NSString *second = @"test";
NSString *got = [s TryTwoStrings:first second:second];
NSString *want = [first stringByAppendingString:second];
if (![got isEqualToString:want]) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgS_TryTwoStrings(%@, %@)= %@; want %@", first, second, got,
// Objective-C implementation of testpkg.I.
@interface Number : NSObject <GoTestpkgI> {
@property int32_t value;
- (BOOL)Error:(BOOL)e error:(NSError **)error;
- (int64_t)Times:(int32_t)v;
// numI is incremented when the first numI objective-C implementation is
// deallocated.
static int numI = 0;
@implementation Number {
@synthesize value;
- (BOOL)StringError:(NSString *)s
ret0_:(NSString **)ret0_
error:(NSError **)error {
if ([s isEqualTo:@"number"]) {
if (ret0_ != NULL) {
*ret0_ = @"OK";
return true;
return false;
- (BOOL)Error:(BOOL)triggerError error:(NSError **)error {
if (!triggerError) {
return YES;
if (error != NULL) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"SeqTest" code:1 userInfo:NULL];
return NO;
- (int64_t)Times:(int32_t)v {
return v * value;
- (void)dealloc {
if (self.value == 0) {
void testInterface() {
// Test Go object implementing testpkg.I is handled correctly.
id<GoTestpkgI> goObj = GoTestpkgNewI();
int64_t got = [goObj Times:10];
if (got != 100) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgNewI().Times(10) = %lld; want %d", got, 100);
int32_t key = -1;
GoTestpkgRegisterI(key, goObj);
int64_t got2 = GoTestpkgMultiply(key, 10);
if (got != got2) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgMultiply(10 * 10) = %lld; want %lld", got2, got);
// Test Objective-C objects implementing testpkg.I is handled correctly.
@autoreleasepool {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Number *num = [[Number alloc] init];
num.value = i;
GoTestpkgRegisterI(i, num);
// Registered Objective-C objects are pinned on Go side which must
// prevent deallocation from Objective-C.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int64_t got = GoTestpkgMultiply(i, 2);
if (got != i * 2) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgMultiply(%d, 2) = %lld; want %d", i, got, i * 2);
// Unregistered all Objective-C objects.
void testIssue12307() {
Number *num = [[Number alloc] init];
num.value = 1024;
NSError *error;
if (GoTestpkgCallIError(num, YES, &error) == YES) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgCallIError(Number, YES) succeeded; want error");
NSError *error2;
if (GoTestpkgCallIError(num, NO, &error2) == NO) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgCallIError(Number, NO) failed(%@); want success", error2);
void testIssue12403() {
Number *num = [[Number alloc] init];
num.value = 1024;
NSString *ret;
NSError *error;
if (GoTestpkgCallIStringError(num, @"alphabet", &ret, &error) == YES) {
@"GoTestpkgCallIStringError(Number, 'alphabet') succeeded; want error");
NSError *error2;
if (GoTestpkgCallIStringError(num, @"number", &ret, &error2) == NO) {
@"GoTestpkgCallIStringError(Number, 'number') failed(%@); want success",
} else if (![ret isEqualTo:@"OK"]) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgCallIStringError(Number, 'number') returned unexpected "
@"results %@",
// Invokes functions and object methods defined in Testpkg.h.
// TODO(hyangah): apply testing framework (e.g. XCTestCase)
// and test through xcodebuild.
int main(void) {
@autoreleasepool {
int64_t sum = GoTestpkgSum(31, 21);
if (sum != 52) {
ERROR(@"GoTestpkgSum(31, 21) = %lld, want 52\n", sum);
testHello(@"세계"); // korean, utf-8, world.
unichar t[] = {
0xD83D, 0xDCA9,
}; // utf-16, pile of poo.
testHello([NSString stringWithCharacters:t length:2]);
testBytesAppend(@"Foo", @"Bar");
int numS = GoTestpkgCollectS(
1, 10); // within 10 seconds, collect the S used in testStruct.
if (numS != 1) {
ERROR(@"%d S objects were collected; S used in testStruct is supposed to "
@"be collected.",
@autoreleasepool {
if (numI != 1) {
ERROR(@"%d I objects were collected; I used in testInterface is supposed "
@"to be collected.",
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err ? "FAIL" : "PASS");
return err;