Currently there is a Go test package for each platform, iOS and Android. This CL merges them into a single, shared package. Apart from the reduced code duplication, the merger stops the tests diverging further. Most importantly, one shared package clarifies that the intent of gobind is that the same Go package can be reused across platforms. This CL only merges the obvious test duplicates. The rest have been copied from the ObjC package into the Android test under different names. While we're here, demote the long string test to the basictypes bind test; the test never had a runtime part. Change-Id: I7838b16999968fae7b012016a5b5f6bb80f94023 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <>
352 lines
12 KiB
352 lines
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// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build ignore
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "testpkg/Testpkg.h"
// Objective-C implementation of testpkg.I.
@interface Number : NSObject <GoTestpkgI2> {
@property int32_t value;
// TODO(hyangah): error:error is not good.
- (BOOL)error:(BOOL)e error:(NSError **)error;
- (int64_t)times:(int32_t)v;
// numI is incremented when the first numI objective-C implementation is
// deallocated.
static int numI = 0;
@implementation Number {
@synthesize value;
- (BOOL)stringError:(NSString *)s
ret0_:(NSString **)ret0_
error:(NSError **)error {
if ([s isEqualToString:@"number"]) {
if (ret0_ != NULL) {
*ret0_ = @"OK";
return true;
return false;
- (BOOL)error:(BOOL)triggerError error:(NSError **)error {
if (!triggerError) {
return YES;
if (error != NULL) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"SeqTest" code:1 userInfo:NULL];
return NO;
- (int64_t)times:(int32_t)v {
return v * value;
- (void)dealloc {
if (self.value == 0) {
// Objective-C implementation of testpkg.NullTest.
@interface NullTest : NSObject <GoTestpkgNullTest> {
- (GoTestpkgNullTest *)null;
@implementation NullTest {
- (GoTestpkgNullTest *)null {
return nil;
@interface tests : XCTestCase
@implementation tests
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
- (void)tearDown {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
[super tearDown];
- (void)testBasics {
- (void)testAdd {
int64_t sum = GoTestpkgAdd(31, 21);
XCTAssertEqual(sum, 52, @"GoTestpkgSum(31, 21) = %lld, want 52\n", sum);
- (void)testHello:(NSString *)input {
NSString *got = GoTestpkgAppendHello(input);
NSString *want = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hello, %@!", input];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(got, want, @"want %@\nGoTestpkgHello(%@)= %@", want, input, got);
- (void)testHellos {
[self testHello:@"세계"]; // korean, utf-8, world.
unichar t[] = {
0xD83D, 0xDCA9,
}; // utf-16, pile of poo.
[self testHello:[NSString stringWithCharacters:t length:2]];
- (void)testString {
NSString *input = @"";
NSString *got = GoTestpkgStrDup(input);
XCTAssertEqualObjects(got, input, @"want %@\nGoTestpkgEcho(%@)= %@", input, input, got);
input = @"FOO";
got = GoTestpkgStrDup(input);
XCTAssertEqualObjects(got, input, @"want %@\nGoTestpkgEcho(%@)= %@", input, input, got);
- (void)testStruct {
GoTestpkgS2 *s = GoTestpkgNewS2(10.0, 100.0);
XCTAssertNotNil(s, @"GoTestpkgNewS2 returned NULL");
double x = [s x];
double y = [s y];
double sum = [s sum];
XCTAssertTrue(x == 10.0 && y == 100.0 && sum == 110.0,
@"GoTestpkgS2(10.0, 100.0).X=%f Y=%f SUM=%f; want 10, 100, 110", x, y, sum);
double sum2 = GoTestpkgCallSSum(s);
XCTAssertEqual(sum, sum2, @"GoTestpkgCallSSum(s)=%f; want %f as returned by s.Sum", sum2, sum);
[s setX:7];
[s setY:70];
x = [s x];
y = [s y];
sum = [s sum];
XCTAssertTrue(x == 7 && y == 70 && sum == 77,
@"GoTestpkgS2(7, 70).X=%f Y=%f SUM=%f; want 7, 70, 77", x, y, sum);
NSString *first = @"trytwotested";
NSString *second = @"test";
NSString *got = [s tryTwoStrings:first second:second];
NSString *want = [first stringByAppendingString:second];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(got, want, @"GoTestpkgS_TryTwoStrings(%@, %@)= %@; want %@", first, second, got, want);
- (void)testCollectS {
@autoreleasepool {
[self testStruct];
int numS = GoTestpkgCollectS2(
1, 10); // within 10 seconds, collect the S used in testStruct.
XCTAssertEqual(numS, 1, @"%d S objects were collected; S used in testStruct is supposed to "
@"be collected.",
- (void)testBytesAppend {
NSString *a = @"Foo";
NSString *b = @"Bar";
NSData *data_a = [a dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *data_b = [b dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *gotData = GoTestpkgBytesAppend(data_a, data_b);
NSString *got = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:gotData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *want = [a stringByAppendingString:b];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(got, want, @"want %@\nGoTestpkgBytesAppend(%@, %@) = %@", want, a, b, got);
- (void)testInterface {
// Test Go object implementing testpkg.I is handled correctly.
id<GoTestpkgI2> goObj = GoTestpkgNewI();
int64_t got = [goObj times:10];
XCTAssertEqual(got, 100, @"GoTestpkgNewI().times(10) = %lld; want %d", got, 100);
int32_t key = -1;
GoTestpkgRegisterI(key, goObj);
int64_t got2 = GoTestpkgMultiply(key, 10);
XCTAssertEqual(got, got2, @"GoTestpkgMultiply(10 * 10) = %lld; want %lld", got2, got);
// Test Objective-C objects implementing testpkg.I is handled correctly.
@autoreleasepool {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Number *num = [[Number alloc] init];
num.value = i;
GoTestpkgRegisterI(i, num);
// Registered Objective-C objects are pinned on Go side which must
// prevent deallocation from Objective-C.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int64_t got = GoTestpkgMultiply(i, 2);
XCTAssertEqual(got, i * 2,@"GoTestpkgMultiply(%d, 2) = %lld; want %d", i, got, i * 2);
// Unregistered all Objective-C objects.
- (void)testCollectI {
@autoreleasepool {
[self testInterface];
XCTAssertEqual(numI, 1, @"%d I objects were collected; I used in testInterface is supposed "
@"to be collected.", numI);
- (void)testConst {
XCTAssertEqualObjects(GoTestpkgAString, @"a string", @"GoTestpkgAString = %@, want 'a string'", GoTestpkgAString);
XCTAssertEqual(GoTestpkgAnInt, 7, @"GoTestpkgAnInt = %lld, want 7", GoTestpkgAnInt);
XCTAssertTrue(ABS(GoTestpkgAFloat - 0.12345) < 0.0001, @"GoTestpkgAFloat = %f, want 0.12345", GoTestpkgAFloat);
XCTAssertTrue(GoTestpkgABool == YES, @"GoTestpkgABool = %@, want YES", GoTestpkgAFloat ? @"YES" : @"NO");
XCTAssertEqual(GoTestpkgMinInt32, INT32_MIN, @"GoTestpkgMinInt32 = %d, want %d", GoTestpkgMinInt32, INT32_MIN);
XCTAssertEqual(GoTestpkgMaxInt32, INT32_MAX, @"GoTestpkgMaxInt32 = %d, want %d", GoTestpkgMaxInt32, INT32_MAX);
XCTAssertEqual(GoTestpkgMinInt64, INT64_MIN, @"GoTestpkgMinInt64 = %lld, want %lld", GoTestpkgMinInt64, INT64_MIN);
XCTAssertEqual(GoTestpkgMaxInt64, INT64_MAX, @"GoTestpkgMaxInt64 = %lld, want %lld", GoTestpkgMaxInt64, INT64_MAX);
XCTAssertTrue(ABS(GoTestpkgSmallestNonzeroFloat64 -
4.940656458412465441765687928682213723651e-324) < 1e-323, @"GoTestpkgSmallestNonzeroFloat64 = %f, want %f",
XCTAssertTrue(ABS(GoTestpkgMaxFloat64 -
1.797693134862315708145274237317043567981e+308) < 0.0001, @"GoTestpkgMaxFloat64 = %f, want %f", GoTestpkgMaxFloat64,
XCTAssertTrue(ABS(GoTestpkgSmallestNonzeroFloat32 -
1.401298464324817070923729583289916131280e-45) < 1e-44, @"GoTestpkgSmallestNonzeroFloat32 = %f, want %f",
XCTAssertTrue(ABS(GoTestpkgMaxFloat32 - 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38) < 0.0001,
@"GoTestpkgMaxFloat32 = %f, want %f", GoTestpkgMaxFloat32, 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38);
XCTAssertTrue(ABS(GoTestpkgLog2E - 1 / 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568075500134360255254120680009) < 0.0001,
@"GoTestpkgLog2E = %f, want %f", GoTestpkgLog2E, 1 / 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568075500134360255254120680009);
- (void)testIssue12307 {
Number *num = [[Number alloc] init];
num.value = 1024;
NSError *error;
XCTAssertFalse(GoTestpkgCallIError(num, YES, &error), @"GoTestpkgCallIError(Number, YES) succeeded; want error");
NSError *error2;
XCTAssertTrue(GoTestpkgCallIError(num, NO, &error2), @"GoTestpkgCallIError(Number, NO) failed(%@); want success", error2);
- (void)testVar {
NSString *s = GoTestpkg.stringVar;
XCTAssertEqualObjects(s, @"a string var", @"GoTestpkg.StringVar = %@, want 'a string var'", s);
s = @"a new string var";
GoTestpkg.stringVar = s;
NSString *s2 = GoTestpkg.stringVar;
XCTAssertEqualObjects(s2, s, @"GoTestpkg.stringVar = %@, want %@", s2, s);
int64_t i = GoTestpkg.intVar;
XCTAssertEqual(i, 77, @"GoTestpkg.intVar = %lld, want 77", i);
GoTestpkg.intVar = 777;
i = GoTestpkg.intVar;
XCTAssertEqual(i, 777, @"GoTestpkg.intVar = %lld, want 777", i);
[GoTestpkg setIntVar:7777];
i = [GoTestpkg intVar];
XCTAssertEqual(i, 7777, @"GoTestpkg.intVar = %lld, want 7777", i);
GoTestpkgNode *n0 = GoTestpkg.nodeVar;
XCTAssertEqualObjects(n0.v, @"a struct var", @"GoTestpkg.NodeVar = %@, want 'a struct var'", n0.v);
GoTestpkgNode *n1 = GoTestpkgNewNode(@"a new struct var");
GoTestpkg.nodeVar = n1;
GoTestpkgNode *n2 = GoTestpkg.nodeVar;
XCTAssertEqualObjects(n2.v, @"a new struct var", @"GoTestpkg.NodeVar = %@, want 'a new struct var'", n2.v);
Number *num = [[Number alloc] init];
num.value = 12345;
GoTestpkg.interfaceVar2 = num;
id<GoTestpkgI2> iface = GoTestpkg.interfaceVar2;
int64_t x = [iface times:10];
int64_t y = [num times:10];
XCTAssertEqual(x, y, @"GoTestpkg.InterfaceVar2 Times 10 = %lld, want %lld", x, y);
- (void)testIssue12403 {
Number *num = [[Number alloc] init];
num.value = 1024;
NSString *ret;
NSError *error;
XCTAssertFalse(GoTestpkgCallIStringError(num, @"alphabet", &ret, &error), @"GoTestpkgCallIStringError(Number, 'alphabet') succeeded; want error");
NSError *error2;
XCTAssertTrue(GoTestpkgCallIStringError(num, @"number", &ret, &error2), @"GoTestpkgCallIStringError(Number, 'number') failed(%@); want success", error2);
XCTAssertEqualObjects(ret, @"OK", @"GoTestpkgCallIStringError(Number, 'number') returned unexpected results %@", ret);
- (void)testStrDup:(NSString *)want {
NSString *got = GoTestpkgStrDup(want);
XCTAssertEqualObjects(want, got, @"StrDup returned %@; expected %@", got, want);
- (void)testUnicodeStrings {
[self testStrDup:@"abcxyz09{}"];
[self testStrDup:@"Hello, 世界"];
[self testStrDup:@"\uffff\U00010000\U00010001\U00012345\U0010ffff"];
- (void)testByteArrayRead {
NSData *arr = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:8];
int n;
XCTAssertTrue(GoTestpkgReadIntoByteArray(arr, &n, nil), @"ReadIntoByteArray failed");
XCTAssertEqual(n, 8, @"ReadIntoByteArray wrote %d bytes, expected %d", n, 8);
const uint8_t *b = [arr bytes];
for (int i = 0; i < [arr length]; i++) {
XCTAssertEqual(b[i], i, @"ReadIntoByteArray wrote %d at %d; expected %d", b[i], i, i);
// Test that immutable data cannot be changed from Go
const uint8_t buf[] = {42};
arr = [NSData dataWithBytes:buf length:1];
XCTAssertTrue(GoTestpkgReadIntoByteArray(arr, &n, nil), @"ReadIntoByteArray failed");
XCTAssertEqual(n, 1, @"ReadIntoByteArray wrote %d bytes, expected %d", n, 8);
b = [arr bytes];
XCTAssertEqual(b[0], 42, @"ReadIntoByteArray wrote to an immutable NSData; expected no change");
- (void)testNilField {
GoTestpkgNullFieldStruct *s = GoTestpkgNewNullFieldStruct();
XCTAssertNil([s f], @"NullFieldStruct has non-nil field; expected nil");
- (void)testNullReferences {
NullTest *t = [[NullTest alloc] init];
XCTAssertTrue(GoTestpkgCallWithNull(nil, t), @"GoTestpkg.CallWithNull failed");
id<GoTestpkgI> i = GoTestpkgNewNullInterface();
XCTAssertNil(i, @"NewNullInterface() returned %p; expected nil", i);
GoTestpkgS *s = GoTestpkgNewNullStruct();
XCTAssertNil(s, @"NewNullStruct() returned %p; expected nil", s);
- (void)testReturnsError {
NSString *value;
NSError *error;
GoTestpkgReturnsError(TRUE, &value, &error);
NSString *got = [error.userInfo valueForKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
NSString *want = @"Error";
XCTAssertEqualObjects(got, want, @"want %@\nGoTestpkgReturnsError(TRUE) = (%@, %@)", want, value, got);