#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. set -e function die() { echo "FAIL: $1" exit 1 } if [ ! -f test.bash ]; then die 'test.bash must be run from $GOPATH/src/golang.org/x/mobile/bind/java' fi function cleanup() { rm -rf "$ANDROID_APP" } if [ -z "$ANDROID_APP" ]; then ANDROID_APP=`mktemp -d /tmp/android-java.XXXXX` || die 'failed to create a temporary directory' echo "Temporary directory for test: $ANDROID_APP" trap cleanup EXIT fi # Create an android project for test. # TODO(hyangah): use android update lib-project if the $ANDROID_APP directory # already exists. android create lib-project -n BindJavaTest \ -t "android-19" -p $ANDROID_APP -k go.testpkg -g -v 0.12.+ # Add the necessary Java source files (Seq.java and app/Go.java)) in to the # project directory. (go package) mkdir -p $ANDROID_APP/src/main/java/go ln -sf $PWD/Seq.java $ANDROID_APP/src/main/java/go ln -sf $PWD/../../app/*.java $ANDROID_APP/src/main/java/go # Add the testpkg java file (output of gobind -lang=java) necessary for SeqTest.java. mkdir -p $ANDROID_APP/src/main/java/go/testpkg ln -sf $PWD/testpkg/Testpkg.java $ANDROID_APP/src/main/java/go/testpkg # Add the compiled jni shared library under src/main/jniLibs/armeabi directory. mkdir -p $ANDROID_APP/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 \ go build -ldflags="-shared" \ -o $ANDROID_APP/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi/libgojni.so \ javatest.go # Add the test file under androidTest directory. mkdir -p $ANDROID_APP/src/androidTest/java/go ln -sf $PWD/SeqTest.java $ANDROID_APP/src/androidTest/java/go # Build the test apk. ($ANDROID_APP/build/outputs/apk). cd $ANDROID_APP # If there is no connected device, this will fail after creating the test apk. # The apk is located in $ANDROID_APP/build/outputs/apk directory. ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest && echo "PASS" # TODO(hyangah): copy the gradle's test output directory in case of test failure? # TODO(hyangah): gradlew build # Currently build fails due to a lint error. Disable lint check or # specify the minSdkVersion in gradle.build to avoid the lint error.