mirror of synced 2025-02-23 14:58:12 +00:00

example/flappy: add simple example game

This game was developed for and presented at GoCon Winter 2015 in Tokyo.

Change-Id: I08148e16a54355b79f634dce867b3c3c0a0153cb
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/18245
Reviewed-by: Nigel Tao <nigeltao@golang.org>
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Gerrand 2016-01-05 12:15:20 +11:00
parent 44f634ba28
commit 746653dcb3
5 changed files with 464 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
The sprites were created by Renee French and are distributed
under the Creative Commons Attributions 3.0 license.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 75 KiB

example/flappy/game.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build darwin linux
package main
import (
_ "image/png"
const (
tileWidth, tileHeight = 16, 16 // width and height of each tile
tilesX, tilesY = 16, 16 // number of horizontal tiles
gopherTile = 1 // which tile the gopher is standing on (0-indexed)
initScrollV = 1 // initial scroll velocity
scrollA = 0.001 // scroll accelleration
gravity = 0.1 // gravity
jumpV = -5 // jump velocity
flapV = -1.5 // flap velocity
deadScrollA = -0.01 // scroll deceleration after the gopher dies
deadTimeBeforeReset = 240 // how long to wait before restarting the game
groundChangeProb = 5 // 1/probability of ground height change
groundWobbleProb = 3 // 1/probability of minor ground height change
groundMin = tileHeight * (tilesY - 2*tilesY/5)
groundMax = tileHeight * tilesY
initGroundY = tileHeight * (tilesY - 1)
climbGrace = tileHeight / 3 // gopher won't die if it hits a cliff this high
type Game struct {
gopher struct {
y float32 // y-offset
v float32 // velocity
atRest bool // is the gopher on the ground?
flapped bool // has the gopher flapped since it became airborne?
dead bool // is the gopher dead?
deadTime clock.Time // when the gopher died
scroll struct {
x float32 // x-offset
v float32 // velocity
groundY [tilesX + 3]float32 // ground y-offsets
groundTex [tilesX + 3]int // ground texture
lastCalc clock.Time // when we last calculated a frame
func NewGame() *Game {
var g Game
return &g
func (g *Game) reset() {
g.gopher.y = 0
g.gopher.v = 0
g.scroll.x = 0
g.scroll.v = initScrollV
for i := range g.groundY {
g.groundY[i] = initGroundY
g.groundTex[i] = randomGroundTexture()
g.gopher.atRest = false
g.gopher.flapped = false
g.gopher.dead = false
g.gopher.deadTime = 0
func (g *Game) Scene(eng sprite.Engine) *sprite.Node {
texs := loadTextures(eng)
scene := &sprite.Node{}
eng.SetTransform(scene, f32.Affine{
{1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0},
newNode := func(fn arrangerFunc) {
n := &sprite.Node{Arranger: arrangerFunc(fn)}
// The ground.
for i := range g.groundY {
i := i
// The top of the ground.
newNode(func(eng sprite.Engine, n *sprite.Node, t clock.Time) {
eng.SetSubTex(n, texs[g.groundTex[i]])
eng.SetTransform(n, f32.Affine{
{tileWidth, 0, float32(i)*tileWidth - g.scroll.x},
{0, tileHeight, g.groundY[i]},
// The earth beneath.
newNode(func(eng sprite.Engine, n *sprite.Node, t clock.Time) {
eng.SetSubTex(n, texs[texEarth])
eng.SetTransform(n, f32.Affine{
{tileWidth, 0, float32(i)*tileWidth - g.scroll.x},
{0, tileHeight * tilesY, g.groundY[i] + tileHeight},
// The gopher.
newNode(func(eng sprite.Engine, n *sprite.Node, t clock.Time) {
a := f32.Affine{
{tileWidth * 2, 0, tileWidth*(gopherTile-1) + tileWidth/8},
{0, tileHeight * 2, g.gopher.y - tileHeight + tileHeight/4},
var x int
switch {
case g.gopher.dead:
x = frame(t, 16, texGopherDead1, texGopherDead2)
animateDeadGopher(&a, t-g.gopher.deadTime)
case g.gopher.v < 0:
x = frame(t, 4, texGopherFlap1, texGopherFlap2)
case g.gopher.atRest:
x = frame(t, 4, texGopherRun1, texGopherRun2)
x = frame(t, 8, texGopherRun1, texGopherRun2)
eng.SetSubTex(n, texs[x])
eng.SetTransform(n, a)
return scene
// frame returns the frame for the given time t
// when each frame is displayed for duration d.
func frame(t, d clock.Time, frames ...int) int {
total := int(d) * len(frames)
return frames[(int(t)%total)/int(d)]
func animateDeadGopher(a *f32.Affine, t clock.Time) {
dt := float32(t)
a.Scale(a, 1+dt/20, 1+dt/20)
a.Translate(a, 0.5, 0.5)
a.Rotate(a, dt/math.Pi/-8)
a.Translate(a, -0.5, -0.5)
type arrangerFunc func(e sprite.Engine, n *sprite.Node, t clock.Time)
func (a arrangerFunc) Arrange(e sprite.Engine, n *sprite.Node, t clock.Time) { a(e, n, t) }
const (
texGopherRun1 = iota
func randomGroundTexture() int {
return texGround1 + rand.Intn(4)
func loadTextures(eng sprite.Engine) []sprite.SubTex {
a, err := asset.Open("sprite.png")
if err != nil {
defer a.Close()
m, _, err := image.Decode(a)
if err != nil {
t, err := eng.LoadTexture(m)
if err != nil {
const n = 128
// TODO(adg,nigeltao): remove +1's and -1's below once texture bleed issue is fixed
return []sprite.SubTex{
texGopherRun1: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*0, 0, n*1, n)},
texGopherRun2: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*1, 0, n*2, n)},
texGopherFlap1: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*2, 0, n*3, n)},
texGopherFlap2: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*3, 0, n*4, n)},
texGopherDead1: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*4, 0, n*5, n)},
texGopherDead2: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*5, 0, n*6-1, n)},
texGround1: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*6+1, 0, n*7-1, n)},
texGround2: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*7+1, 0, n*8-1, n)},
texGround3: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*8+1, 0, n*9-1, n)},
texGround4: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*9+1, 0, n*10-1, n)},
texEarth: sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(n*10+1, 0, n*11-1, n)},
func (g *Game) Press(down bool) {
if g.gopher.dead {
// Player can't control a dead gopher.
if down {
switch {
case g.gopher.atRest:
// Gopher may jump from the ground.
g.gopher.v = jumpV
case !g.gopher.flapped:
// Gopher may flap once in mid-air.
g.gopher.flapped = true
g.gopher.v = flapV
} else {
// Stop gopher rising on button release.
if g.gopher.v < 0 {
g.gopher.v = 0
func (g *Game) Update(now clock.Time) {
if g.gopher.dead && now-g.gopher.deadTime > deadTimeBeforeReset {
// Restart if the gopher has been dead for a while.
// Compute game states up to now.
for ; g.lastCalc < now; g.lastCalc++ {
func (g *Game) calcFrame() {
func (g *Game) calcScroll() {
// Compute velocity.
if g.gopher.dead {
// Decrease scroll speed when the gopher dies.
g.scroll.v += deadScrollA
if g.scroll.v < 0 {
g.scroll.v = 0
} else {
// Increase scroll speed.
g.scroll.v += scrollA
// Compute offset.
g.scroll.x += g.scroll.v
// Create new ground tiles if we need to.
for g.scroll.x > tileWidth {
// Check whether the gopher has crashed.
// Do this for each new ground tile so that when the scroll
// velocity is >tileWidth/frame it can't pass through the ground.
if !g.gopher.dead && g.gopherCrashed() {
func (g *Game) calcGopher() {
// Compute velocity.
g.gopher.v += gravity
// Compute offset.
g.gopher.y += g.gopher.v
func (g *Game) newGroundTile() {
// Compute next ground y-offset.
next := g.nextGroundY()
nextTex := randomGroundTexture()
// Shift ground tiles to the left.
g.scroll.x -= tileWidth
copy(g.groundY[:], g.groundY[1:])
copy(g.groundTex[:], g.groundTex[1:])
last := len(g.groundY) - 1
g.groundY[last] = next
g.groundTex[last] = nextTex
func (g *Game) nextGroundY() float32 {
prev := g.groundY[len(g.groundY)-1]
if change := rand.Intn(groundChangeProb) == 0; change {
return (groundMax-groundMin)*rand.Float32() + groundMin
if wobble := rand.Intn(groundWobbleProb) == 0; wobble {
return prev + (rand.Float32()-0.5)*climbGrace
return prev
func (g *Game) gopherCrashed() bool {
return g.gopher.y+tileHeight-climbGrace > g.groundY[gopherTile+1]
func (g *Game) killGopher() {
g.gopher.dead = true
g.gopher.deadTime = g.lastCalc
g.gopher.v = jumpV * 1.5 // Bounce off screen.
func (g *Game) clampToGround() {
if g.gopher.dead {
// Allow the gopher to fall through ground when dead.
// Compute the minimum offset of the ground beneath the gopher.
minY := g.groundY[gopherTile]
if y := g.groundY[gopherTile+1]; y < minY {
minY = y
// Prevent the gopher from falling through the ground.
maxGopherY := minY - tileHeight
g.gopher.atRest = false
if g.gopher.y >= maxGopherY {
g.gopher.v = 0
g.gopher.y = maxGopherY
g.gopher.atRest = true
g.gopher.flapped = false

example/flappy/main.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build darwin linux
// Flappy Gopher is a simple one-button game that uses the
// mobile framework and the experimental sprite engine.
package main
import (
func main() {
app.Main(func(a app.App) {
var glctx gl.Context
var sz size.Event
for e := range a.Events() {
switch e := a.Filter(e).(type) {
case lifecycle.Event:
switch e.Crosses(lifecycle.StageVisible) {
case lifecycle.CrossOn:
glctx, _ = e.DrawContext.(gl.Context)
case lifecycle.CrossOff:
glctx = nil
case size.Event:
sz = e
case paint.Event:
if glctx == nil || e.External {
onPaint(glctx, sz)
a.Send(paint.Event{}) // keep animating
case touch.Event:
if down := e.Type == touch.TypeBegin; down || e.Type == touch.TypeEnd {
case key.Event:
if e.Code != key.CodeSpacebar {
if down := e.Direction == key.DirPress; down || e.Direction == key.DirRelease {
var (
startTime = time.Now()
images *glutil.Images
eng sprite.Engine
scene *sprite.Node
game *Game
func onStart(glctx gl.Context) {
images = glutil.NewImages(glctx)
eng = glsprite.Engine(images)
game = NewGame()
scene = game.Scene(eng)
func onStop() {
game = nil
func onPaint(glctx gl.Context, sz size.Event) {
glctx.ClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
now := clock.Time(time.Since(startTime) * 60 / time.Second)
eng.Render(scene, now, sz)

example/flappy/main_x.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !darwin,!linux
package main
func main() {