/* $Id: options.h,v 1.21 2012/06/29 19:26:09 nanard Exp $ */ /* MiniUPnP project * http://miniupnp.free.fr/ or http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/ * author: Ryan Wagoner * (c) 2006-2012 Thomas Bernard * This software is subject to the conditions detailed * in the LICENCE file provided within the distribution */ #ifndef OPTIONS_H_INCLUDED #define OPTIONS_H_INCLUDED #include "config.h" #ifndef DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE /* enum of option available in the miniupnpd.conf */ enum upnpconfigoptions { UPNP_INVALID = 0, UPNPEXT_IFNAME = 1, /* ext_ifname */ UPNPEXT_IP, /* ext_ip */ UPNPLISTENING_IP, /* listening_ip */ UPNPPORT, /* "port" */ UPNPBITRATE_UP, /* "bitrate_up" */ UPNPBITRATE_DOWN, /* "bitrate_down" */ UPNPPRESENTATIONURL, /* presentation_url */ UPNPFRIENDLY_NAME, /* "friendly_name" */ UPNPNOTIFY_INTERVAL, /* notify_interval */ UPNPSYSTEM_UPTIME, /* "system_uptime" */ UPNPPACKET_LOG, /* "packet_log" */ UPNPUUID, /* uuid */ UPNPSERIAL, /* serial */ UPNPMODEL_NUMBER, /* model_number */ UPNPCLEANTHRESHOLD, /* clean_ruleset_threshold */ UPNPCLEANINTERVAL, /* clean_ruleset_interval */ UPNPENABLENATPMP, /* enable_natpmp */ UPNPPCPMINLIFETIME, /* minimum lifetime for PCP mapping */ UPNPPCPMAXLIFETIME, /* maximum lifetime for PCP mapping */ #ifdef USE_NETFILTER UPNPFORWARDCHAIN, UPNPNATCHAIN, #endif #ifdef USE_PF UPNPANCHOR, /* anchor */ UPNPQUEUE, /* queue */ UPNPTAG, /* tag */ #endif #ifdef PF_ENABLE_FILTER_RULES UPNPQUICKRULES, /* quickrules */ #endif UPNPSECUREMODE, /* secure_mode */ #ifdef ENABLE_LEASEFILE UPNPLEASEFILE, /* lease_file */ #endif UPNPMINISSDPDSOCKET, /* minissdpdsocket */ UPNPENABLE /* enable_upnp */ }; /* readoptionsfile() * parse and store the option file values * returns: 0 success, -1 failure */ int readoptionsfile(const char * fname); /* freeoptions() * frees memory allocated to option values */ void freeoptions(void); struct option { enum upnpconfigoptions id; const char * value; }; extern struct option * ary_options; extern unsigned int num_options; #endif /* DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE */ #endif /* OPTIONS_H_INCLUDED */