SOURCE ?= file go-bindata github aws-s3 google-cloud-storage DATABASE ?= postgres mysql ql redshift VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags 2>/dev/null | cut -c 2-) TEST_FLAGS ?= REPO_OWNER ?= $(shell cd .. && basename "$$(pwd)") build-cli: clean -mkdir ./cli/build cd ./cli && GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o build/migrate.linux-amd64 -ldflags='-X main.Version=$(VERSION)' -tags '$(DATABASE) $(SOURCE)' . cd ./cli && GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o build/migrate.darwin-amd64 -ldflags='-X main.Version=$(VERSION)' -tags '$(DATABASE) $(SOURCE)' . cd ./cli && GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o build/ -ldflags='-X main.Version=$(VERSION)' -tags '$(DATABASE) $(SOURCE)' . cd ./cli/build && find . -name 'migrate*' | xargs -I{} tar czf {}.tar.gz {} cd ./cli/build && shasum -a 256 * > sha256sum.txt cat ./cli/build/sha256sum.txt clean: -rm -r ./cli/build test-short: make test-with-flags --ignore-errors TEST_FLAGS='-short' test: @-rm -r .coverage @mkdir .coverage make test-with-flags TEST_FLAGS='-v -race -covermode atomic -coverprofile .coverage/_$$(RAND).txt -bench=. -benchmem' @echo 'mode: atomic' > .coverage/combined.txt @cat .coverage/*.txt | grep -v 'mode: atomic' >> .coverage/combined.txt test-with-flags: @echo SOURCE: $(SOURCE) @echo DATABASE: $(DATABASE) @go test $(TEST_FLAGS) . @go test $(TEST_FLAGS) ./cli/... @go test $(TEST_FLAGS) ./testing/... @echo -n '$(SOURCE)' | tr -s ' ' '\n' | xargs -I{} go test $(TEST_FLAGS) ./source/{} @go test $(TEST_FLAGS) ./source/testing/... @go test $(TEST_FLAGS) ./source/stub/... @echo -n '$(DATABASE)' | tr -s ' ' '\n' | xargs -I{} go test $(TEST_FLAGS) ./database/{} @go test $(TEST_FLAGS) ./database/testing/... @go test $(TEST_FLAGS) ./database/stub/... kill-orphaned-docker-containers: docker rm -f $(shell docker ps -aq --filter label=migrate_test) html-coverage: go tool cover -html=.coverage/combined.txt deps: -go get -v -u ./... -go test -v -i ./... list-external-deps: $(call external_deps,'.') $(call external_deps,'./cli/...') $(call external_deps,'./testing/...') $(foreach v, $(SOURCE), $(call external_deps,'./source/$(v)/...')) $(call external_deps,'./source/testing/...') $(call external_deps,'./source/stub/...') $(foreach v, $(DATABASE), $(call external_deps,'./database/$(v)/...')) $(call external_deps,'./database/testing/...') $(call external_deps,'./database/stub/...') restore-import-paths: find . -name '*.go' -type f -execdir sed -i '' s%\"$(REPO_OWNER)/migrate%\" '{}' \; rewrite-import-paths: find . -name '*.go' -type f -execdir sed -i '' s%\"\"$(REPO_OWNER)/migrate%g '{}' \; # example: fswatch -0 --exclude --event Updated . | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} make docs docs: -make kill-docs nohup godoc -play -http= /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $$! > cat kill-docs: @cat kill -9 $$(cat rm open-docs: open http://localhost:6064/pkg/$(REPO_OWNER)/migrate # example: make release V=0.0.0 release: git tag v$(V) @read -p "Press enter to confirm and push to origin ..." && git push origin v$(V) define external_deps @echo '-- $(1)'; go list -f '{{join .Deps "\n"}}' $(1) | grep -v$(REPO_OWNER)/migrate | xargs go list -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' endef .PHONY: build-cli clean test-short test test-with-flags deps html-coverage \ restore-import-paths rewrite-import-paths list-external-deps release \ docs kill-docs open-docs kill-orphaned-docker-containers SHELL = /bin/bash RAND = $(shell echo $$RANDOM)