Amjad Masad e7d1d95d0d Update from Friday March 27
- [React Native] Sync from github | Amjad Masad
- [react-packager] Watch asset roots for changes to update dependency graph | Amjad Masad
- Fix sourceTree of RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj | Alex Kotliarskyi
- Cancel contents animation before setting new contents in RCTNetworkImageView | Alex Akers
- [react-packager] move dependencies to root package.json | Amjad Masad
- Fix font crash on iOS < 8.2 | Nick Lockwood
- [react-packager] Fix node v0.11.14 query parse bug | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative][Docs] Remove references to ReactNavigator from docs | Tadeu Zagallo
- [CLI] react-native start won't run from dir with spaces | Amjad Masad
- Revert .buckversion bumps. | Jakub Zika
- [react_native] Update default bundle name to org.reactjs.native.* | Krzysztof Magiera
- [react-packager] better error when main file not found | Amjad Masad
- [React Kit] Remove embarrassing TODOs | Alex Akers
- [ReactNative][MAdMan] Clean up after D1942269 | Philipp von Weitershausen
- flowify a few more Libraries | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactNative] PushNotificationIOS documentation | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative][CustomComponents] Update old headers | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance = NO in SampleApp | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [React Native] Fix CocoaPods spec | Alex Akers
- [ReactNative] Navigator Example Overhaul | Eric Vicenti
- [React Native] Fix incorrect if-statement in RCTGeolocation | Alex Akers
- [ReactNative] s/ReactKit/React/g | Tadeu Zagallo
- [React Native] [FRC - Don't accept] View border support | Nick Lockwood
- [Assets] Allow scripts to override assetRoots | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] Navigator docs | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] License headers and renaming | Eric Vicenti
- [React Native] Add CocoaPods spec | Tadeu Zagallo
- Added explicit types for all view properties | Nick Lockwood
- [ReactNative] s/ReactNavigator/Navigator/ | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] Add copyright header for code copied from the jQuery UI project | Martin Konicek
- [ReactNative] PanResponder documentation | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Add deep linking api | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] Add gitignore example for SampleApp | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Add react-native-start bin to react-native packge | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Update package.json to be npm-ready | Christopher Chedeau
- [RFC][ReactNative] Integrate dev menu directly into RootView | Alex Kotliarskyi
- flowify Libraries/ReactIOS | Marshall Roch
- [WIP] Added support for italics and additional font weights | Nick Lockwood
- [ReactNative] Improve View documentation | Christopher Chedeau
- [react-packager] Readme | Amjad Masad
- Fix for incorrect contentSize reported by RCTScrollView | Nick Lockwood
- [ReactNative] Flow and doc formatting for NetInfo | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Document AppStateIOS | Eric Vicenti
- [MAdMan][Android] Make things look more Androidy | Philipp von Weitershausen
- flowified Libraries from Avik | Basil Hosmer
- flowify some Libraries | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactKit] Add shake development menu | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Add debugger and change SampleApp files structure | Alex Kotliarskyi
- Flowify ReactIOSEventEmitter | Marshall Roch
- [react_native] JS files from D1941151: Allow fontWeight to be 100,200,...,900 | Krzysztof Magiera
- [ReactNative] Add snapshot tests for examples | Spencer Ahrens
- [ReactNative] bring back some native modules | Spencer Ahrens
- [ReactNative] Rename JSNavigationStack to ReactNavigator, rename scene config | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] cleanup view example | Spencer Ahrens
- Flowify a bunch of Libraries | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] JSNavigationStack - Use key to blow away old scenes | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Add more logging to RCTJSONParse | Sumeet Vaidya
- Unfork UIManager | Nick Lockwood
- [react-packager] kill non-standard RAW_SOURCE_MAP | Amjad Masad
- Flowify Libraries/StyleSheet and Libraries/Text | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] Fix OSS Dependency Issues | Eric Vicenti
- [react-packager] Fix more issues with node modules | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] rename navigationOperations to navigator | Eric Vicenti
- JS files from D1936817: Add to XMLHttpRequest android and share code with ios | Olivia Bishop
- flowify some Libraries | Basil Hosmer
- last batch of UIExplorer flowification | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactNative] JSNavigationStack rename routeMapper to renderSceneForRoute | Eric Vicenti
- Flowify renderApplication | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] OSS Responder example | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Use oss TimerMixin | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] Remove auto permission request from setAppIconBadgeNumber | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] OSS snapshot tests | Spencer Ahrens
- [ReactNative] OSS JSNavigationStack w/ Examples | Eric Vicenti
- Fix build - remove relative import path | Jakub Zika
- Bump .buckversion to a5b8b8ef45d714018ba3542cf98d48ef6aab7088. | Jakub Zika
- [ReactNative] Open Source PushNotifications and move Badge Number methods and permission into it | Tadeu Zagallo
- [react-packager] Fix regression with transform errors | Amjad Masad
- Flowify TextStylePropTypes and fix a bug with unsupported props | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] Remove `arc build` instructions from require | Alex Kotliarskyi
- Flowify Library/Utilities/ | Marshall Roch
- [react-packager] Default to index.js from main if it's a dir | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] Use deprecated ix in TabBarExample | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] Expanded license on obj-c files | Christopher Chedeau
- [ReactNative] Expanded license on js files | Christopher Chedeau
- [ReactNative] Fix React Devtools integration | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [Text] Account for font leading so descenders are not clipped | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Expanded license on js packager files | Christopher Chedeau
- more UIExplorer flow | Basil Hosmer
- [react-packager] Pick up package changes while running | Amjad Masad
- Added a graph view and a ReactNative metric that displays current queue and execution time for the JS thread. | Bryce Redd
- [ReactNative] Add NativeModules and DeviceEventEmitter to react-native exports | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [React Native] Fix iOS 7 crashes b/c missing Photos.fmwk | Alex Akers
- UIExplorer flowification | Basil Hosmer
- Add clearImmediate module | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] Print directories packager is serving files from | Alex Kotliarskyi
- Work around flow bug with exports | Marshall Roch
- [ReactNative] Move packager/ to GitHub | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Remove react-native/package.json | Christopher Chedeau
- [ReactNative] Returning actual contentSize for RCTScrollViewManager | Henry Lung
- declare timeoutID | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactNative] Add root package.json name back | Tadeu Zagallo
- [react-packager] Allow entry point extensions like .ios.js | Amjad Masad
- [react-native] Use SpreadProperty to make react-docgen happy | Felix Kling
- clean Examples/2048 | Basil Hosmer
- [ReactNative] Adjust packager default root when running from within node_modules | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Add missing websocket dependency | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [react-packager] change all but one `ix` to `require` | Amjad Masad
- [react-packager] Make sure projectRoots is converted to an array | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] Init script that bootstraps new Xcode project | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] New SampleApp | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] Touchable invoke press on longPress when longPress handler missing | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Commit missing RCTWebSocketDebugger.xcodeproj | Alex Kotliarskyi
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2015-03-23 15:07:33 -07:00
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2015-03-25 18:21:23 -07:00
2015-03-23 15:07:33 -07:00

React Native Packager

React Native Packager is a project similar in scope to browserify or webpack, it provides a CommonJS-like module system, JavaScript compilation (ES6, Flow, JSX), bundling, and asset loading.

The main difference is the Packager's focus on compilation and bundling speed. We aim for a sub-second edit-reload cycles. Additionally, we don't want users -- with large code bases -- to wait more than a few seconds after starting the packager.

The main deviation from the node module system is the support for our proprietary module format known as @providesModule. However, we discourage people to use this module format because going forward, we want to completely separate our infrastructure from React Native and provide an experience most JavaScript developers are familiar with, namely the node module format. We want to even go further, and let you choose your own packager and asset pipeline or even integrate into your existing infrastructure.

React Native users need not to understand how the packager work, however, this documentation might be useful for advanced users and people who want to fix bugs or add features to the packager (patches welcome!).

HTTP interface

The main way you'd interact with the packager is via the HTTP interface. The following is the list of endpoints and their respective functions.


Does the following in order:

  • parse out path/to/moduleName
  • add a .js suffix to the path
  • looks in your project root(s) for the file
  • recursively collects all the dependencies from an in memory graph
  • runs the modules through the transformer (might just be cached)
  • concatenate the modules' content into a bundle
  • responds to the client with the bundle (and a SourceMap URL)


  • if the package has been previously generated via the .bundle endpoint then the source map will be generated from that package
  • if the package has not been previously asked for, this will go through the same steps outlined in the .bundle endpoint then generate the source map.

Note that source map generation currently assumes that the code has been compiled with jstransform, which preserves line and column numbers which allows us to generate source maps super fast.

/path/to/moduleName.(map|bundle) query params

You can pass options for the bundle creation through the query params, if the option is boolean 1/0 or true/false is accepted.

Here are the current options the packager accepts:

  • dev boolean, defaults to true: sets a global __DEV__ variable which will effect how the React Nativeg core libraries behave.
  • minify boolean, defaults to false: whether to minify the bundle.
  • runModule boolean, defaults to true: whether to require your entry point module. So if you requested moduleName, this option will add a require('moduleName') the end of your bundle.
  • inlineSourceMap boolean, defaults to false: whether to inline source maps.


This is a page used for debugging, it has links to two pages:

  • Cached Packages: which shows you the packages that's been already generated and cached
  • Dependency Graph: is the in-memory graph of all the modules and their dependencies

Programmatic API

The packager is made of two things:

  • The core packager (which we're calling ReactPackager)
  • The scripts, devtools launcher, server run etc.

ReactPackager is how you mainly interact with the API.

var ReactPackager = require('./react-packager');


Returns a function that can be used in a connect-like middleware. Takes the following options:

  • projectRoots array (required): Is the roots where your JavaScript file will exist
  • blacklistRE regexp: Is a patter to ignore certain paths from the packager
  • polyfillModuleName array: Paths to polyfills you want to be included at the start of the bundle
  • cacheVersion string: used in creating the cache file
  • resetCache boolean, defaults to false: whether to use the cache on disk
  • transformModulePath string: Path to the module used as a JavaScript transformer
  • nonPersistent boolean, defaults to false: Whether the server should be used as a persistent deamon to watch files and update itself
  • assetRoots array: Where should the packager look for assets

ReactPackager.buildPackageFromUrl(options, url)

Build a package from a url (see the .bundle endpoint). options is the same options that is passed to ReactPackager.middleware

ReactPackager.getDependencies(options, main)

Given an entry point module. Recursively collect all the dependent modules and return it as an array. options is the same options that is passed to ReactPackager.middleware


Can I use this in my own non-React Native project?

Yes. It's not really tied to React Native, however feature development is informed by React Native needs.

Why didn't you use webpack?

We love webpack, however, when we tried on our codebase it was slower than our developers would like it to be. You find can more discussion about the subject here

🚇 The JavaScript bundler for React Native.
Readme MIT
JavaScript 100%