
354 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow
* @format
type _BabelSourceMap = {
file?: string,
mappings: string,
names: Array<string>,
sourceRoot?: string,
sources: Array<string>,
sourcesContent?: Array<?string>,
version: number,
// based on babylon v6.13.1
type BabylonOptions = {
allowImportExportEverywhere?: boolean,
allowReturnOutsideFunction?: boolean,
allowSuperOutsideMethod?: boolean,
sourceType?: 'script' | 'module',
sourceFilename?: 'string',
plugins?: Array<
| 'jsx'
| 'flow'
| 'doExpressions'
| 'objectRestSpread'
| 'decorators'
| 'classProperties'
| 'exportExtensions'
| 'asyncGenerators'
| 'functionBind'
| 'functionSent'
| 'dynamicImport',
// based on babel-generator v6.18.0
type GeneratorOptions = {
auxiliaryCommentBefore?: string,
auxiliaryCommentAfter?: string,
shouldPrintComment?: (comment: string) => boolean,
retainLines?: boolean,
retainFunctionParens?: boolean,
comments?: boolean,
compact?: boolean | 'auto',
minified?: boolean,
concise?: boolean,
quotes?: 'single' | 'double',
filename?: string,
sourceMaps?: boolean,
sourceMapTarget?: string,
sourceRoot?: string,
sourceFileName?: string,
type InlinePlugin = string | {} | (() => {});
type _Plugins = Array<string | Object | [InlinePlugin] | [InlinePlugin, mixed]>;
// based on -- 2016-11-11
type __TransformOptions = {
filename?: string,
filenameRelative?: string,
presets?: _Plugins,
plugins?: _Plugins,
parserOpts?: BabylonOptions,
generatorOpts?: GeneratorOptions,
highlightCode?: boolean,
only?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
ignore?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
auxiliaryCommentBefore?: boolean,
auxiliaryCommentAfter?: boolean,
sourceMaps?: boolean,
inputSourceMap?: ?Object,
sourceMapTarget?: string,
sourceFileName?: string,
sourceRoot?: string,
moduleRoot?: string,
moduleIds?: boolean,
moduleId?: string,
getModuleId?: (moduleName: string) => string,
resolveModuleSource?: (source: string, filename: string) => string,
code?: boolean,
babelrc?: boolean,
ast?: boolean,
compact?: boolean | 'auto',
minified?: boolean,
comments?: boolean,
shouldPrintComment?: (comment: string) => boolean,
retainLines?: boolean,
extends?: string,
type _TransformOptions = __TransformOptions & {
env?: {[key: string]: __TransformOptions},
type BabelNode = $FlowFixMe;
type TransformResult = {
ast: BabelNode,
code: ?string,
ignored: boolean,
map: ?_BabelSourceMap,
type GeneratorResult = {
code: string,
map: ?_BabelSourceMap,
rawMappings: ?Array<_BabelSourceMapSegment>,
type VisitFn = <State>(path: Object, state: State) => any;
type BabelTypes = {[key: string]: Function};
declare module 'babel-core' {
declare type Plugins = _Plugins;
declare type BabelSourceMap = _BabelSourceMap;
declare type Ast = BabelNode;
declare type TransformOptions = _TransformOptions;
declare var transform: TransformSync /*(
code: string,
options?: _TransformOptions,
): TransformResult*/;
declare function traverse<State>(
ast: BabelNode,
visitor: BabelVisitor,
scope?: ?Object,
state?: State,
parentPath?: ?Object,
): void;
declare var types: BabelTypes;
declare var transformFile: TransformFile;
declare var transformFromAst: TransformFromAst /*(
ast: BabelNode,
code?: ?string,
babelOptions?: _TransformOptions,
): TransformResult*/;
type _BabelSourceMapSegment = {
generated: {column: number, line: number},
name?: string,
original?: {column: number, line: number},
source?: string,
declare module 'babel-generator' {
declare export type BabelSourceMapSegment = _BabelSourceMapSegment;
declare export default (
ast: BabelNode,
options?: GeneratorOptions,
code?: string | {[string]: string},
) => GeneratorResult
// #############################################
// ############ Babel 7 #################
// #############################################
// (Mostly compatible with Babel 6...)
type Babylon7Options = {|
allowImportExportEverywhere?: boolean,
allowReturnOutsideFunction?: boolean,
allowSuperOutsideMethod?: mixed, // "TODO" okay. Maybe don't use this yet.
sourceType?: 'script' | 'module' | 'unambiguous',
sourceFilename?: string,
startLine?: number,
plugins?: Array<string>, // "plugins" here are built-in features to enable
strictMode?: boolean, // "TODO" ehh to consider this strict mode?
ranges?: boolean,
tokens?: boolean,
type BabelCoreOptions = {|
ast?: boolean,
auxiliaryCommentAfter?: ?string,
auxiliaryCommentBefore?: ?string,
babelrc?: boolean,
envName?: string,
code?: boolean,
comments?: boolean,
compact?: 'auto' | boolean,
env?: {production: {[string]: mixed}, staging: {[string]: mixed}},
extends?: ?string,
filename?: string,
filenameRelative?: 'string',
generatorOpts?: ?GeneratorOptions,
getModuleId?: ?(string) => string | boolean,
highlightCode?: boolean,
ignore?: ?(string | Array<string> | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>),
inputSourceMap?: ?_BabelSourceMap,
minified?: boolean,
moduleId?: ?string,
moduleIds?: ?{[string]: string},
moduleRoot?: string,
only?: ?(string | Array<string> | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>),
parserOpts?: ?Babylon7Options,
plugins?: Array<BabelPlugin>,
presets?: Array<string>,
retainLines?: boolean,
shouldPrintComment?: ?(string) => boolean,
sourceFileName?: string,
sourceMaps?: boolean | 'inline' | 'both',
sourceMapTarget?: string,
sourceRoot?: string,
sourceType?: 'module' | 'script' | 'unambiguous',
wrapPluginVisitorMethod?: ?(
pluginAlias: string,
visitorType: string,
callback: () => void,
) => void,
type TemplateOptions = Babylon7Options & {|
// note: template defaults for these options;
// allowReturnOutsideFunction = true
// allowSuperOutsideMethod = true
// sourceType = module
placeholderWhitelist?: Set<string>,
placeholderPattern?: RegExp | false,
preserveComments?: boolean,
type Templatable = ({[tokenName: string]: string}) => BabelNode;
type TemplateFunc = (tpl: string, options?: TemplateOptions) => Templatable;
// note: ast is not optional, babel will throw if it would be empty:
export type Transform7Result = {|
code: string,
map?: _BabelSourceMap,
ast: BabelNode, // note: babel never allows falsy ast value here
// Do NOT make this an optional type!
type TransformCallback = (Error => void) | ((void, Transform7Result) => void);
type TraverseFunc = (
ast: BabelNode | Array<BabelNode>,
visitor: BabelVisitor,
scope?: ?Object,
state?: ?Object,
parentPath?: ?Object,
) => void;
export type TransformSync = (
code: string,
options: BabelCoreOptions,
) => Transform7Result;
export type TransformFileSync = (
filename: string,
options: BabelCoreOptions,
) => Transform7Result;
export type TransformFromAstSync = (
ast: BabelNode,
code?: string,
options?: BabelCoreOptions,
) => Transform7Result;
// Use the sync versions if you expect a result
type void_DO_NOT_USE_SYNC = void;
declare module '@babel/core' {
declare type Ast = BabelNode;
declare type BabelSourceMap = _BabelSourceMap;
declare type TransformResult = Transform7Result;
// use @babel/types instead!
declare var types: BabelTypes;
// use @babel/traverse instead!
declare var traverse: TraverseFunc;
// Note: DO NOT USE WITHOUT CALLBACK. Use transformSync instead.
declare function transform(
code: string,
options: BabelCoreOptions,
callback: TransformCallback,
): void_DO_NOT_USE_SYNC;
declare var transformSync: TransformSync;
// Note: DO NOT USE WITHOUT CALLBACK. Use transformFileSync instead.
declare function transformFile(
filename: string,
options: BabelCoreOptions,
callback: TransformCallback,
): void_DO_NOT_USE_SYNC;
declare var transformFileSync: TransformFileSync;
// Note: DO NOT USE WITHOUT CALLBACK. Use transformFromAstSync instead.
declare function transformFromAst(
ast: BabelNode,
code?: string,
options?: BabelCoreOptions,
callback: TransformCallback,
): void_DO_NOT_USE_SYNC;
declare var transformFromAstSync: TransformFromAstSync;
declare module 'babylon7' {
declare function parse(
code: string,
options?: Babylon7Options,
): BabelNode & {program: {body: BabelNode}};
declare function parseExpression(
code: string,
options?: Babylon7Options,
): BabelNode;
declare module '@babel/generator' {
declare export default (
ast: BabelNode,
options?: GeneratorOptions,
code?: string | {|[filename: string]: string|},
) => GeneratorResult
declare module '@babel/template' {
declare module.exports: TemplateFunc;
// & {
// ast: (code: string) => Ast,
// smart: TemplateFunc,
// statement: TemplateFunc,
// statements: TemplateFunc,
// expression: TemplateFunc,
// program: TemplateFunc,
// };
declare module '@babel/types' {
// TODO we should make this types thing explicit (see pckg babel-flow-types)
declare module.exports: BabelTypes;
declare module '@babel/traverse' {
declare module.exports: TraverseFunc;