/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; var chalk = require('chalk'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; var Activity = require('./react-packager/src/Activity'); var hasWarned = {}; function getFlowTypeCheckMiddleware(options) { return function(req, res, next) { if (options.skipflow) { return next(); } if (options.flowroot || options.projectRoots.length === 1) { var flowroot = options.flowroot || options.projectRoots[0]; } else { if (!hasWarned.noRoot) { hasWarned.noRoot = true; console.warn('flow: No suitable root'); } return next(); } exec('command -v flow >/dev/null 2>&1', function(error, stdout) { if (error) { if (!hasWarned.noFlow) { hasWarned.noFlow = true; console.warn(chalk.yellow('flow: Skipping because not installed. Install with ' + '`brew install flow`.')); } return next(); } else { return doFlowTypecheck(res, flowroot, next); } }); }; } function doFlowTypecheck(res, flowroot, next) { var flowCmd = 'cd "' + flowroot + '" && flow --json --timeout 20'; var eventId = Activity.startEvent('flow static typechecks'); exec(flowCmd, function(flowError, stdout, stderr) { Activity.endEvent(eventId); if (!flowError) { return next(); } else { try { var flowResponse = JSON.parse(stdout); var errors = []; var errorNum = 1; flowResponse.errors.forEach(function(err) { // flow errors are paired across callsites, so we indent and prefix to // group them var indent = ''; err.message.forEach(function(msg) { errors.push({ description: indent + 'E' + errorNum + ': ' + msg.descr, filename: msg.path, lineNumber: msg.line, column: msg.start, }); indent = ' '; }); errorNum++; }); var error = { status: 500, message: 'Flow found type errors. If you think these are wrong, ' + 'make sure your flow bin and .flowconfig are up to date, or ' + 'disable with --skipflow.', type: 'FlowError', errors: errors, }; console.error(chalk.yellow('flow: Error running command `' + flowCmd + '`:\n' + JSON.stringify(error)) ); res.writeHead(error.status, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }); res.end(JSON.stringify(error)); } catch (e) { if (stderr.match(/Could not find a \.flowconfig/)) { if (!hasWarned.noConfig) { hasWarned.noConfig = true; console.warn(chalk.yellow('flow: ' + stderr)); } } else { if (!hasWarned.brokenFlow) { hasWarned.brokenFlow = true; console.warn(chalk.yellow( 'Flow failed to provide parseable output:\n\n`' + stdout + '`.\n' + 'stderr: `' + stderr + '`' )); } } return next(); } } }); } module.exports = getFlowTypeCheckMiddleware;