You will need Node 6 or newer in order to build the Metro website. # Run the server The first time, get all the dependencies loaded via ``` yarn ``` in the root directory. Then, run the server via ``` npm start Open http://localhost:3000 ``` Anytime you change the contents, just refresh the page and it's going to be updated # Publish the website The Metro website is hosted as a GitHub page. A static site is generated by `server/generate.js` and its output is pushed to the `gh-pages` branch by CircleCI whenever `master` is updated. To deploy the website manually, run the following command as a Git user with write permissions: ``` DEPLOY_USER=facebook GIT_USER=metro-bot CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME=facebook CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME=metro-bundler npm run gh-pages ``` ## Staging Run the above command against your own fork of `facebook/metro-bundler`: ``` DEPLOY_USER=YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME GIT_USER=YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME=YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME=metro-bundler npm run gh-pages ```