/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * Note: This is a fork of the fb-specific transform.js * * @flow */ 'use strict'; const babel = require('babel-core'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const externalHelpersPlugin = require('babel-plugin-external-helpers'); const fs = require('fs'); const generate = require('babel-generator').default; const inlineRequiresPlugin = require('babel-preset-fbjs/plugins/inline-requires'); const json5 = require('json5'); const makeHMRConfig = require('babel-preset-react-native/configs/hmr'); const path = require('path'); const resolvePlugins = require('babel-preset-react-native/lib/resolvePlugins'); const {compactMapping} = require('./src/Bundler/source-map'); import type {Plugins as BabelPlugins} from 'babel-core'; import type {Transformer, TransformOptions} from './src/JSTransformer/worker/worker'; const cacheKeyParts = [ fs.readFileSync(__filename), require('babel-plugin-external-helpers/package.json').version, require('babel-preset-fbjs/package.json').version, require('babel-preset-react-native/package.json').version, ]; /** * Return a memoized function that checks for the existence of a * project level .babelrc file, and if it doesn't exist, reads the * default RN babelrc file and uses that. */ const getBabelRC = (function() { let babelRC: ?{extends?: string, plugins: BabelPlugins} = null; return function _getBabelRC(projectRoot) { if (babelRC !== null) { return babelRC; } babelRC = {plugins: []}; // Let's look for the .babelrc in the project root. // In the future let's look into adding a command line option to specify // this location. let projectBabelRCPath; if (projectRoot) { projectBabelRCPath = path.resolve(projectRoot, '.babelrc'); } // If a .babelrc file doesn't exist in the project, // use the Babel config provided with react-native. if (!projectBabelRCPath || !fs.existsSync(projectBabelRCPath)) { babelRC = json5.parse( fs.readFileSync( path.resolve(__dirname, 'rn-babelrc.json')) ); // Require the babel-preset's listed in the default babel config // $FlowFixMe: dynamic require can't be avoided babelRC.presets = babelRC.presets.map(preset => require('babel-preset-' + preset)); babelRC.plugins = resolvePlugins(babelRC.plugins); } else { // if we find a .babelrc file we tell babel to use it babelRC.extends = projectBabelRCPath; } return babelRC; }; })(); /** * Given a filename and options, build a Babel * config object with the appropriate plugins. */ function buildBabelConfig(filename, options) { const babelRC = getBabelRC(options.projectRoot); const extraConfig = { code: false, filename, }; let config = Object.assign({}, babelRC, extraConfig); // Add extra plugins const extraPlugins = [externalHelpersPlugin]; var inlineRequires = options.inlineRequires; var blacklist = typeof inlineRequires === 'object' ? inlineRequires.blacklist : null; if (inlineRequires && !(blacklist && filename in blacklist)) { extraPlugins.push(inlineRequiresPlugin); } config.plugins = extraPlugins.concat(config.plugins); if (options.hot) { const hmrConfig = makeHMRConfig(options, filename); config = Object.assign({}, config, hmrConfig); } return Object.assign({}, babelRC, config); } function transform( src: string, filename: string, options, ) { options = options || {}; const OLD_BABEL_ENV = process.env.BABEL_ENV; process.env.BABEL_ENV = options.dev ? 'development' : 'production'; try { const babelConfig = buildBabelConfig(filename, options); const {ast, ignored} = babel.transform(src, babelConfig); if (ignored) { return { ast: null, code: src, filename, map: null }; } else { const result = generate(ast, { comments: false, compact: false, filename, sourceFileName: filename, sourceMaps: true, }, src); return { ast, code: result.code, filename, map: options.generateSourceMaps ? result.map : result.rawMappings.map(compactMapping), }; } } finally { process.env.BABEL_ENV = OLD_BABEL_ENV; } } function getCacheKey(options: TransformOptions) { var key = crypto.createHash('md5'); cacheKeyParts.forEach(part => key.update(part)); return key.digest('hex'); } module.exports = ({ transform, getCacheKey, }: Transformer<>);