{ "localized-strings": { "next": "Next", "previous": "Previous", "tagline": "🚇 The JavaScript bundler for React Native", "api": "API", "bundling": "Bundling", "cli": "Metro CLI Options", "configuration": "Configuring Metro", "getting-started": "Getting Started", "troubleshooting": "Troubleshooting", "Docs": "Docs", "API": "API", "Help": "Help", "Blog": "Blog", "GitHub": "GitHub", "Introduction": "Introduction", "API Reference": "API Reference", "Guides": "Guides" }, "pages-strings": { "Find what you're looking for in our detailed documentation and guides.\\n\\n- Learn how to [get started](/metro/docs/en/getting-started.html) with Metro.\\n- [Troubleshoot](/metro/docs/en/troubleshooting.html) problems with Metro.\\n- Learn how to [configure Metro](/metro/docs/en/configuration.html).\\n- Look at the full [API Reference](/metro/docs/en/api.html).|no description given": "Find what you're looking for in our detailed documentation and guides.\\n\\n- Learn how to [get started](/metro/docs/en/getting-started.html) with Metro.\\n- [Troubleshoot](/metro/docs/en/troubleshooting.html) problems with Metro.\\n- Learn how to [configure Metro](/metro/docs/en/configuration.html).\\n- Look at the full [API Reference](/metro/docs/en/api.html).", "Browse the docs|no description given": "Browse the docs", "Ask questions and find answers from other Metro users like you.\\n\\n- Join the [#metro](https://discordapp.com/channels/102860784329052160/103622435865104384) channel on [Reactiflux](http://www.reactiflux.com/), a Discord community.\\n- Many members of the community use Stack Overflow. Read through the [existing questions](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/metrojs) tagged with **metrojs** or [ask your own](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask)!|no description given": "Ask questions and find answers from other Metro users like you.\\n\\n- Join the [#metro](https://discordapp.com/channels/102860784329052160/103622435865104384) channel on [Reactiflux](http://www.reactiflux.com/), a Discord community.\\n- Many members of the community use Stack Overflow. Read through the [existing questions](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/metrojs) tagged with **metrojs** or [ask your own](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask)!", "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community", "Find out what's new with Metro.\\n\\n- Follow [Metro](https://twitter.com/MetroBundler) on Twitter.\\n- Subscribe to the [Metro blog](/metro/blog/).|no description given": "Find out what's new with Metro.\\n\\n- Follow [Metro](https://twitter.com/MetroBundler) on Twitter.\\n- Subscribe to the [Metro blog](/metro/blog/).", "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date", "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?", "Metro Bundler is worked on full-time by Facebook's JavaScript Foundation team. Team members are often around and available for questions.|no description given": "Metro Bundler is worked on full-time by Facebook's JavaScript Foundation team. Team members are often around and available for questions.", "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started", "Learn More|no description given": "Learn More", "Metro aims for sub-second reload cycles, fast startup and quick bundling speeds.|no description given": "Metro aims for sub-second reload cycles, fast startup and quick bundling speeds.", "Fast|no description given": "Fast", "Works with thousands of modules in a single application.|no description given": "Works with thousands of modules in a single application.", "Scalable|no description given": "Scalable", "Supports every React Native project out of the box.|no description given": "Supports every React Native project out of the box.", "Integrated|no description given": "Integrated", "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate" } }