// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. /** * React Native CLI configuration file */ 'use strict'; const blacklist = require('./blacklist.js'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { getProjectRoots() { return this._getRoots(); }, getAssetRoots() { return this._getRoots(); }, getBlacklistRE(platform) { return blacklist(platform); }, _getRoots() { // match on either path separator if (__dirname.match(/node_modules[\/\\]react-native[\/\\]packager$/)) { // packager is running from node_modules of another project return [path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..')]; } else if (__dirname.match(/Pods\/React\/packager$/)) { // packager is running from node_modules of another project return [path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..')]; } else { return [path.resolve(__dirname, '..')]; } }, };