/*global Web3*/ import React from 'react'; import {Form} from 'react-bootstrap'; export const required = (value) => { if (!value.toString().trim().length) { return This field is required; } }; export const isInteger = (value) => { value = parseFloat(value); if (!Number.isInteger(value)) { return This field needs to be an integer; } }; export const isNumber = (value) => { if (Number.isNaN(value)) { return This field needs to be an number; } }; export const lowerThan = (max, value) => { if (value >= max) { return This field needs to be lower than {max}; } }; export const lowerEqThan = (max, value) => { if (value > max) { return This field needs to be lower or equal than {max}; } }; export const higherThan = (min, value) => { if (value <= min) { return This field needs to be higher than {min}; } }; export const higherEqThan = (min, value) => { if (value < min) { return This field needs to be higher or equal than {min}; } }; export const isAddress = (value) => { if (!Web3.utils.isAddress(value)) { return This field needs to be a valid Ethereum address; } }; export const isJSON = (value) => { try { JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) { return This field needs to be a valid JSON string; } };