const options = require("../app/js/contributors"); let secret = {}; try { secret = require('../.secret.json'); } catch(err) { console.dir("warning: .secret.json file not found; this is only needed to deploy to testnet or livenet etc.."); } function getContributors () { var addresses = => a.value); if ( new Set(addresses).size !== addresses.length ) { throw 'duplicates in options'; } return addresses; } const OG_IPFS_HASH = '0x516d5968703543324c75646d45333239436d41594671625767733869577036625177396355714576544742356163'; module.exports = { // default applies to all environments default: { // Blockchain node to deploy the contracts deployment: { host: "localhost", // Host of the blockchain node port: 8546, // Port of the blockchain node type: "ws" // Type of connection (ws or rpc), // Accounts to use instead of the default account to populate your wallet // The order here corresponds to the order of `web3.eth.getAccounts`, so the first one is the `defaultAccount` /*,accounts: [ { privateKey: "your_private_key", balance: "5 ether" // You can set the balance of the account in the dev environment // Balances are in Wei, but you can specify the unit with its name }, { privateKeyFile: "path/to/file", // Either a keystore or a list of keys, separated by , or ; password: "passwordForTheKeystore" // Needed to decrypt the keystore file }, { mnemonic: "12 word mnemonic", addressIndex: "0", // Optionnal. The index to start getting the address numAddresses: "1", // Optionnal. The number of addresses to get hdpath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/" // Optionnal. HD derivation path }, { "nodeAccounts": true // Uses the Ethereum node's accounts } ]*/ }, // order of connections the dapp should connect to dappConnection: [ "$WEB3", // uses pre existing web3 object if available (e.g in Mist) "ws://localhost:8546", "http://localhost:8545" ], // Automatically call `ethereum.enable` if true. // If false, the following code must run before sending any transaction: `await EmbarkJS.enableEthereum();` // Default value is true. // dappAutoEnable: true, gas: "auto", // Strategy for the deployment of the contracts: // - implicit will try to deploy all the contracts located inside the contracts directory // or the directory configured for the location of the contracts. This is default one // when not specified // - explicit will only attempt to deploy the contracts that are explicity specified inside the // contracts section. //strategy: 'implicit', strategy: 'explicit', contracts: { "MiniMeToken": { "deploy": false }, "MiniMeTokenFactory": { }, "SNT": { "instanceOf": "MiniMeToken", "args": [ "$MiniMeTokenFactory", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0, "TestMiniMeToken", 18, "STT", true ] }, "Meritocracy": { "args": ["$SNT", 66, OG_IPFS_HASH] } } }, // default environment, merges with the settings in default // assumed to be the intended environment by `embark run` development: { dappConnection: [ "$WEB3", // uses pre existing web3 object if available (e.g in Mist) "ws://localhost:8546", "http://localhost:8545", ], deployment: { // The order here corresponds to the order of `web3.eth.getAccounts`, so the first one is the `defaultAccount` accounts: [ { nodeAccounts: true }, { mnemonic: "foster gesture flock merge beach plate dish view friend leave drink valley shield list enemy", balance: "5 ether", numAddresses: "10" } ] }, afterDeploy: async (deps) => { try { const {SNT, Meritocracy} = deps.contracts; const addresses = await deps.web3.eth.getAccounts(); const mainAccount = addresses[0]; const balance = await SNT.methods.balanceOf(mainAccount).call(); if (balance !== '0') { return; } const tokens = '1000000000000000000000'; console.log('Generating tokens for the main account...'); const generateTokens = SNT.methods.generateTokens(mainAccount, tokens); let gas = await generateTokens.estimateGas({from: mainAccount}); await generateTokens.send({from: mainAccount, gas}); // Add All Contributors console.log('Adding all tokens...'); const contributors = getContributors(); contributors.push(mainAccount); const addContributors = Meritocracy.methods.addContributors(contributors, OG_IPFS_HASH); gas = await addContributors.estimateGas({from: mainAccount}); await addContributors.send({from: mainAccount, gas}); // Allocate Owner Tokens console.log('Approving token transfer...'); const approve = SNT.methods.approve(Meritocracy.options.address, tokens); gas = await approve.estimateGas({from: mainAccount}); await approve.send({from: mainAccount, gas}); console.log('Allocating tokens...'); const allocate = Meritocracy.methods.allocate(tokens); gas = await allocate.estimateGas({from: mainAccount}); await allocate.send({from: mainAccount, gas}); console.log('All done!') } catch (e) { console.log("------- Error in after deploy ------- "); console.dir(e); } } }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run privatenet" privatenet: { }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run testnet" testnet: { contracts: { "MiniMeToken": { "deploy": false }, "MiniMeTokenFactory": { "address": "0x6bfa86a71a7dbc68566d5c741f416e3009804279" }, "SNT": { "address": "0xc55cF4B03948D7EBc8b9E8BAD92643703811d162" }, "Meritocracy": { "address": "0xcde3ca6c59f0316e9c041ee170087d660d35518d" } }, deployment: { accounts: [{ mnemonic: "your ropsten mnemonic here", numAddresses: "10" }] }, "afterDeploy": [ // Add All Contributors // "Meritocracy.methods.addContributors([" + getContributors().toString() + "]).send()", ] }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run livenet" livenet: { contracts: { "MiniMeToken": { "deploy": false }, "MiniMeTokenFactory": { "address": "0xa1c957c0210397d2d0296341627b74411756d476" }, "SNT": { "address": "0x744d70fdbe2ba4cf95131626614a1763df805b9e" }, "Meritocracy": { "address": "0x0c869a3f3e915b49727669b5ea28c2efdf9a0a66" } }, deployment: { accounts: [ { mnemonic: secret.mnemonic, hdpath: secret.hdpath || "m/44'/60'/0'/0/", numAddresses: "10" } ], host: `${secret.infuraKey}`, port: false, protocol: 'https', type: "rpc" }, "afterDeploy": [ // Add All Contributors // "Meritocracy.methods.addContributors([" + getContributors().toString() + "]).send()", ] }, // you can name an environment with specific settings and then specify with // "embark run custom_name" or "embark blockchain custom_name" //custom_name: { //} };