module.exports = { // default applies to all environments default: { // Blockchain node to deploy the contracts deployment: { host: "localhost", // Host of the blockchain node port: 8545, // Port of the blockchain node type: "rpc", // Type of connection (ws or rpc), // Accounts to use instead of the default account to populate your wallet accounts: [ { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, ] }, // order of connections the dapp should connect to dappConnection: [ "$WEB3", // uses pre existing web3 object if available (e.g in Mist) "ws://localhost:8546", "http://localhost:8545" ], gas: "auto", contracts: { "MiniMeToken": { "deploy": false }, "MiniMeTokenFactory": { }, "SNT": { "instanceOf": "MiniMeToken", "args": [ "$MiniMeTokenFactory", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0, "TestMiniMeToken", 18, "STT", true ] }, "Meritocracy": { "args": [ "$SNT", 66] } } }, // default environment, merges with the settings in default // assumed to be the intended environment by `embark run` development: { dappConnection: [ "ws://localhost:8546", "http://localhost:8545", "$WEB3" // uses pre existing web3 object if available (e.g in Mist) ], deployment: { // The order here corresponds to the order of `web3.eth.getAccounts`, so the first one is the `defaultAccount` accounts: [ { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, { "mnemonic": "12 word mnemonic", "balance": "5 ether" }, ] }, "afterDeploy": ["SNT.methods.generateTokens('$accounts[0]', '100000000000000000000').send()"] }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run privatenet" privatenet: { }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run testnet" testnet: { }, // merges with the settings in default // used with "embark run livenet" livenet: { }, // you can name an environment with specific settings and then specify with // "embark run custom_name" or "embark blockchain custom_name" //custom_name: { //} };