/*global web3*/ import React from 'react'; import {Row, Col, Alert, Button, Container, Form} from 'react-bootstrap'; import NumericInput from 'react-numeric-input'; import Select from 'react-select'; import Meritocracy from 'Embark/contracts/Meritocracy'; import {getContributorList} from '../services/Meritocracy'; /* TODO: - list praise for contributor - listen to events to update UI, (initially on page load but within function calls) */ class Home extends React.Component { state = { errorMsg: null, busy: true, selectedContributors: [], contributorList: [], currentContributor: { allocation: 0, totalForfeited: 0, totalReceived: 0, received: 0, status: [] }, award: 0, praise: '' }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleContributorSelection = this.handleContributorSelection.bind(this); this.handleAwardChange = this.handleAwardChange.bind(this); this.handlePraiseChange = this.handlePraiseChange.bind(this); this.awardTokens = this.awardTokens.bind(this); this.withdrawTokens = this.withdrawTokens.bind(this); } async componentDidMount() { try { this.contibutorList = await getContributorList(); this.contibutorList = this.contibutorList.map(prepareOptions); await this.getContributors(); this.getCurrentContributorData(); this.setState({busy: false}); } catch (e) { this.setState({errorMessage: e.message || e}); } } handleContributorSelection(_selectedContributors) { this.setState({ selectedContributors: _selectedContributors }); } handleAwardChange(_amount) { const { currentContributor: {allocation}, selectedContributors} = this.state; const maxAllocation = allocation / selectedContributors.length; const award = (_amount <= maxAllocation ? _amount : maxAllocation ); this.setState({award}); } handlePraiseChange(e) { this.setState({ praise: e.target.value }); } resetUIFields(){ this.setState({ praise: '', selectedContributors: [], errorMsg: '', award: 0 }); } async getCurrentContributorData(){ const currentContributor = await this.getContributor(web3.eth.defaultAccount); let praises = []; for(let i = 0; i < currentContributor.praiseNum; i++){ praises.push(Meritocracy.methods.getStatus(web3.eth.defaultAccount, i).call()); } const contribData = this.contibutorList.find(x => x.value === web3.eth.defaultAccount); if(contribData) currentContributor.name = contribData.label; currentContributor.praises = await Promise.all(praises); currentContributor.allocation = web3.utils.fromWei(currentContributor.allocation, "ether"); currentContributor.totalForfeited = web3.utils.fromWei(currentContributor.totalForfeited, "ether"); currentContributor.totalReceived = web3.utils.fromWei(currentContributor.totalReceived, "ether"); currentContributor.received = web3.utils.fromWei(currentContributor.received, "ether"); this.setState({currentContributor}); } async getContributor(_address) { const contributor = await Meritocracy.methods.contributors(_address).call(); contributor.praiseNum = await Meritocracy.methods.getStatusLength(_address).call(); return contributor; } async getContributors() { const registry = await Meritocracy.methods.getRegistry().call({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount}); const contributorList = this.contibutorList.filter(x => registry.includes(x.value) && x.value !== web3.eth.defaultAccount); this.setState({contributorList}); } async awardTokens(e) { const {award, selectedContributors, praise} = this.state; // TODO some sanity checks if(award <= 0) { this.setState({errorMsg: 'amount must be more than 0'}); return; } let addresses = selectedContributors.map(a => a.value); const sntAmount = web3.utils.toWei(award.toString(), "ether"); let toSend; switch(addresses.length) { case 0: this.setState({errorMsg: 'No Contributor Selected'}); return; case 1: toSend = Meritocracy.methods.award(addresses[0], sntAmount, praise); break; default: toSend = Meritocracy.methods.awardContributors(addresses, sntAmount, praise); break; } try { this.setState({busy: true}); const estimatedGas = await toSend.estimateGas({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount}); const receipt = await toSend.send({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount, gas: estimatedGas + 1000}); this.resetUIFields(); this.getCurrentContributorData(); } catch(e) { this.setState({errorMsg: 'tx failed? got enough tokens to award?'}); console.error(e); } finally { this.setState({busy: false}); } } async withdrawTokens(e) { const {currentContributor} = this.state; if (currentContributor.received === 0) { this.setState({errorMsg: 'can only call withdraw when you have tokens'}); return; } if ( currentContributor.allocation > 0 ) { this.setState({errorMsg: 'you must allocate all your tokens'}); return; } const toSend = Meritocracy.methods.withdraw(); try { this.setState({busy: true}); const estimatedGas = await toSend.estimateGas({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount}); const receipt = await toSend.send({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount, gas: estimatedGas + 1000}); this.getCurrentContributorData(); } catch(e) { this.setState({errorMsg: 'tx failed? Did you allocate all your tokens first?'}); console.error(e); } finally { this.setState({busy: false}); } } render() { const { selectedContributors, contributorList, award, currentContributor, praise, busy, errorMsg } = this.state; const maxAllocation = selectedContributors.length ? currentContributor.allocation / selectedContributors.length : 0; return (
{errorMsg && {errorMsg}} {busy &&


} {currentContributor.name &&

Hello, {currentContributor.name} !

} Your Total Received Kudos: { currentContributor.totalReceived || 0} SNT
Your Total Forfeited Kudos: { currentContributor.totalForfeited || 0} SNT

Award Kudos