# v0.6.0-beta1 ## Breaking changes from 0.5 to 0.6 ### commandline * -plus switch deprecated. Use ```Plus=true``` or ```Plus``` in ```[general]``` section ### IRC section * ```Enabled``` added (default false) Add ```Enabled=true``` or ```Enabled``` to the ```[IRC]``` section if you want to enable the IRC bridge ### Mattermost section * ```Enabled``` added (default false) Add ```Enabled=true``` or ```Enabled``` to the ```[mattermost]``` section if you want to enable the mattermost bridge ### General section * Use ```Plus=true``` or ```Plus``` in ```[general]``` section to enable the API version of matterbridge ## New features * Matterbridge now bridges between any specified protocol (not only mattermost anymore) * XMPP support added. See matterbridge.conf.sample for more information * RemoteNickFormat {BRIDGE} variable added You can now add the originating bridge to ```RemoteNickFormat``` eg ```RemoteNickFormat="[{BRIDGE}] <{NICK}> "```