Pierre Neidhardt 14a0c487b8 Fix walk with non-container root nodes
When passed a non-container root node, the former algorithm would go on
walking down the rest of the tree beyond the root.

The former walk fix was supposed to do that but somehow the code
disappeared in the process.
2016-10-05 11:04:51 +05:30

355 lines
8.5 KiB

package blackfriday
import (
// NodeType specifies a type of a single node of a syntax tree. Usually one
// node (and its type) corresponds to a single markdown feature, e.g. emphasis
// or code block.
type NodeType int
// Constants for identifying different types of nodes. See NodeType.
const (
Document NodeType = iota
var nodeTypeNames = []string{
Document: "Document",
BlockQuote: "BlockQuote",
List: "List",
Item: "Item",
Paragraph: "Paragraph",
Header: "Header",
HorizontalRule: "HorizontalRule",
Emph: "Emph",
Strong: "Strong",
Del: "Del",
Link: "Link",
Image: "Image",
Text: "Text",
HTMLBlock: "HTMLBlock",
CodeBlock: "CodeBlock",
Softbreak: "Softbreak",
Hardbreak: "Hardbreak",
Code: "Code",
HTMLSpan: "HTMLSpan",
Table: "Table",
TableCell: "TableCell",
TableHead: "TableHead",
TableBody: "TableBody",
TableRow: "TableRow",
func (t NodeType) String() string {
return nodeTypeNames[t]
// ListData contains fields relevant to a List and Item node type.
type ListData struct {
ListFlags ListType
Tight bool // Skip <p>s around list item data if true
BulletChar byte // '*', '+' or '-' in bullet lists
Delimiter byte // '.' or ')' after the number in ordered lists
RefLink []byte // If not nil, turns this list item into a footnote item and triggers different rendering
IsFootnotesList bool // This is a list of footnotes
// LinkData contains fields relevant to a Link node type.
type LinkData struct {
Destination []byte // Destination is what goes into a href
Title []byte // Title is the tooltip thing that goes in a title attribute
NoteID int // NoteID contains a serial number of a footnote, zero if it's not a footnote
Footnote *Node // If it's a footnote, this is a direct link to the footnote Node. Otherwise nil.
// CodeBlockData contains fields relevant to a CodeBlock node type.
type CodeBlockData struct {
IsFenced bool // Specifies whether it's a fenced code block or an indented one
Info []byte // This holds the info string
FenceChar byte
FenceLength int
FenceOffset int
// TableCellData contains fields relevant to a TableCell node type.
type TableCellData struct {
IsHeader bool // This tells if it's under the header row
Align CellAlignFlags // This holds the value for align attribute
// HeaderData contains fields relevant to a Header node type.
type HeaderData struct {
Level int // This holds the heading level number
HeaderID string // This might hold header ID, if present
IsTitleblock bool // Specifies whether it's a title block
// Node is a single element in the abstract syntax tree of the parsed document.
// It holds connections to the structurally neighboring nodes and, for certain
// types of nodes, additional information that might be needed when rendering.
type Node struct {
Type NodeType // Determines the type of the node
Parent *Node // Points to the parent
FirstChild *Node // Points to the first child, if any
LastChild *Node // Points to the last child, if any
Prev *Node // Previous sibling; nil if it's the first child
Next *Node // Next sibling; nil if it's the last child
Literal []byte // Text contents of the leaf nodes
HeaderData // Populated if Type is Header
ListData // Populated if Type is List
CodeBlockData // Populated if Type is CodeBlock
LinkData // Populated if Type is Link
TableCellData // Populated if Type is TableCell
content []byte // Markdown content of the block nodes
open bool // Specifies an open block node that has not been finished to process yet
// NewNode allocates a node of a specified type.
func NewNode(typ NodeType) *Node {
return &Node{
Type: typ,
open: true,
func (n *Node) String() string {
ellipsis := ""
snippet := n.Literal
if len(snippet) > 16 {
snippet = snippet[:16]
ellipsis = "..."
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: '%s%s'", n.Type, snippet, ellipsis)
// Unlink removes node 'n' from the tree.
// It panics if the node is nil.
func (n *Node) Unlink() {
if n.Prev != nil {
n.Prev.Next = n.Next
} else if n.Parent != nil {
n.Parent.FirstChild = n.Next
if n.Next != nil {
n.Next.Prev = n.Prev
} else if n.Parent != nil {
n.Parent.LastChild = n.Prev
n.Parent = nil
n.Next = nil
n.Prev = nil
// AppendChild adds a node 'child' as a child of 'n'.
// It panics if either node is nil.
func (n *Node) AppendChild(child *Node) {
child.Parent = n
if n.LastChild != nil {
n.LastChild.Next = child
child.Prev = n.LastChild
n.LastChild = child
} else {
n.FirstChild = child
n.LastChild = child
// InsertBefore inserts 'sibling' immediately before 'n'.
// It panics if either node is nil.
func (n *Node) InsertBefore(sibling *Node) {
sibling.Prev = n.Prev
if sibling.Prev != nil {
sibling.Prev.Next = sibling
sibling.Next = n
n.Prev = sibling
sibling.Parent = n.Parent
if sibling.Prev == nil {
sibling.Parent.FirstChild = sibling
func (n *Node) isContainer() bool {
switch n.Type {
case Document:
case BlockQuote:
case List:
case Item:
case Paragraph:
case Header:
case Emph:
case Strong:
case Del:
case Link:
case Image:
case Table:
case TableHead:
case TableBody:
case TableRow:
case TableCell:
return true
return false
func (n *Node) canContain(t NodeType) bool {
if n.Type == List {
return t == Item
if n.Type == Document || n.Type == BlockQuote || n.Type == Item {
return t != Item
if n.Type == Table {
return t == TableHead || t == TableBody
if n.Type == TableHead || n.Type == TableBody {
return t == TableRow
if n.Type == TableRow {
return t == TableCell
return false
// WalkStatus allows NodeVisitor to have some control over the tree traversal.
// It is returned from NodeVisitor and different values allow Node.Walk to
// decide which node to go to next.
type WalkStatus int
const (
// GoToNext is the default traversal of every node.
GoToNext WalkStatus = iota
// SkipChildren tells walker to skip all children of current node.
// Terminate tells walker to terminate the traversal.
// NodeVisitor is a callback to be called when traversing the syntax tree.
// Called twice for every node: once with entering=true when the branch is
// first visited, then with entering=false after all the children are done.
type NodeVisitor func(node *Node, entering bool) WalkStatus
// Walk is a convenience method that instantiates a walker and starts a
// traversal of subtree rooted at n.
func (n *Node) Walk(visitor NodeVisitor) {
w := newNodeWalker(n)
for w.current != nil {
status := visitor(w.current, w.entering)
switch status {
case GoToNext:
case SkipChildren:
w.entering = false
case Terminate:
type nodeWalker struct {
current *Node
root *Node
entering bool
func newNodeWalker(root *Node) *nodeWalker {
return &nodeWalker{
current: root,
root: root,
entering: true,
func (nw *nodeWalker) next() {
if (!nw.current.isContainer() || !nw.entering) && nw.current == nw.root {
nw.current = nil
if nw.entering && nw.current.isContainer() {
if nw.current.FirstChild != nil {
nw.current = nw.current.FirstChild
nw.entering = true
} else {
nw.entering = false
} else if nw.current.Next == nil {
nw.current = nw.current.Parent
nw.entering = false
} else {
nw.current = nw.current.Next
nw.entering = true
func dump(ast *Node) {
func dumpR(ast *Node, depth int) string {
if ast == nil {
return ""
indent := bytes.Repeat([]byte("\t"), depth)
content := ast.Literal
if content == nil {
content = ast.content
result := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s(%q)\n", indent, ast.Type, content)
for n := ast.FirstChild; n != nil; n = n.Next {
result += dumpR(n, depth+1)
return result
func dumpString(ast *Node) string {
return dumpR(ast, 0)