Vytautas Šaltenis 9c4ef640b9 Move TOC and OmitContents to HTML flags
The root problem this commit fixes is the duplication of Extensions
field in HTMLRendererParameters. The duplication crept in there only to
support these two flags, so moving the flags solves the problem. They're
only used in renderer anyway.

Fixes #277.
2016-11-24 21:48:48 +02:00

185 lines
5.2 KiB

// Blackfriday Markdown Processor
// Available at
// Copyright © 2011 Russ Ross <>.
// Distributed under the Simplified BSD License.
// See for details.
// Helper functions for unit testing
package blackfriday
import (
type TestParams struct {
func execRecoverableTestSuite(t *testing.T, tests []string, params TestParams, suite func(candidate *string)) {
// Catch and report panics. This is useful when running 'go test -v' on
// the integration server. When developing, though, crash dump is often
// preferable, so recovery can be easily turned off with doRecover = false.
var candidate string
const doRecover = true
if doRecover {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("\npanic while processing [%#v]: %s\n", candidate, err)
func runMarkdown(input string, params TestParams) string {
params.HTMLRendererParameters.Flags = params.HTMLFlags
renderer := NewHTMLRenderer(params.HTMLRendererParameters)
return string(Markdown([]byte(input), renderer, params.Options))
// doTests runs full document tests using MarkdownCommon configuration.
func doTests(t *testing.T, tests []string) {
doTestsParam(t, tests, TestParams{
Options: DefaultOptions,
HTMLRendererParameters: HTMLRendererParameters{
Flags: CommonHTMLFlags,
func doTestsBlock(t *testing.T, tests []string, extensions Extensions) {
doTestsParam(t, tests, TestParams{
Options: Options{Extensions: extensions},
func doTestsParam(t *testing.T, tests []string, params TestParams) {
execRecoverableTestSuite(t, tests, params, func(candidate *string) {
for i := 0; i+1 < len(tests); i += 2 {
input := tests[i]
*candidate = input
expected := tests[i+1]
actual := runMarkdown(*candidate, params)
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("\nInput [%#v]\nExpected[%#v]\nActual [%#v]",
*candidate, expected, actual)
// now test every substring to stress test bounds checking
if !testing.Short() {
for start := 0; start < len(input); start++ {
for end := start + 1; end <= len(input); end++ {
*candidate = input[start:end]
runMarkdown(*candidate, params)
func doTestsInline(t *testing.T, tests []string) {
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, TestParams{})
func doLinkTestsInline(t *testing.T, tests []string) {
doTestsInline(t, tests)
prefix := "http://localhost"
params := HTMLRendererParameters{AbsolutePrefix: prefix}
transformTests := transformLinks(tests, prefix)
doTestsInlineParam(t, transformTests, TestParams{
HTMLRendererParameters: params,
doTestsInlineParam(t, transformTests, TestParams{
HTMLRendererParameters: params,
func doSafeTestsInline(t *testing.T, tests []string) {
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, TestParams{HTMLFlags: Safelink})
// All the links in this test should not have the prefix appended, so
// just rerun it with different parameters and the same expectations.
prefix := "http://localhost"
params := HTMLRendererParameters{AbsolutePrefix: prefix}
transformTests := transformLinks(tests, prefix)
doTestsInlineParam(t, transformTests, TestParams{
HTMLFlags: Safelink,
HTMLRendererParameters: params,
func doTestsInlineParam(t *testing.T, tests []string, params TestParams) {
params.Options.Extensions |= Autolink
params.Options.Extensions |= Strikethrough
params.HTMLFlags |= UseXHTML
doTestsParam(t, tests, params)
func transformLinks(tests []string, prefix string) []string {
newTests := make([]string, len(tests))
anchorRe := regexp.MustCompile(`<a href="/(.*?)"`)
imgRe := regexp.MustCompile(`<img src="/(.*?)"`)
for i, test := range tests {
if i%2 == 1 {
test = anchorRe.ReplaceAllString(test, `<a href="`+prefix+`/$1"`)
test = imgRe.ReplaceAllString(test, `<img src="`+prefix+`/$1"`)
newTests[i] = test
return newTests
func doTestsReference(t *testing.T, files []string, flag Extensions) {
params := TestParams{Options: Options{Extensions: flag}}
execRecoverableTestSuite(t, files, params, func(candidate *string) {
for _, basename := range files {
filename := filepath.Join("testdata", basename+".text")
inputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't open '%s', error: %v\n", filename, err)
input := string(inputBytes)
filename = filepath.Join("testdata", basename+".html")
expectedBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't open '%s', error: %v\n", filename, err)
expected := string(expectedBytes)
actual := string(runMarkdown(input, params))
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("\n [%#v]\nExpected[%#v]\nActual [%#v]",
basename+".text", expected, actual)
// now test every prefix of every input to check for
// bounds checking
if !testing.Short() {
start, max := 0, len(input)
for end := start + 1; end <= max; end++ {
*candidate = input[start:end]
runMarkdown(*candidate, params)