Dmitri Shuralyov 96537c6eaa Create a place for document-level unit tests.
These will be helpful for catching regressions or changes in behavior
to edge cases such as empty input, or specifically crafted inputs that
may cause panics, etc.

Move test for issue #172 there since it's a document-level test, not an
inline one.

Add test for issue #173.

Make some things more consistent.

Don't use a named receiver in methods that don't use it. This makes the
code more readable since one can more quickly tell the inputs to the
2016-07-15 14:59:57 -04:00

1193 lines
34 KiB

// Blackfriday Markdown Processor
// Available at
// Copyright © 2011 Russ Ross <>.
// Distributed under the Simplified BSD License.
// See for details.
// Unit tests for inline parsing
package blackfriday
import (
func runMarkdownInline(input string, opts Options, htmlFlags int, params HtmlRendererParameters) string {
opts.Extensions |= EXTENSION_AUTOLINK
htmlFlags |= HTML_USE_XHTML
renderer := HtmlRendererWithParameters(htmlFlags, "", "", params)
return string(MarkdownOptions([]byte(input), renderer, opts))
func doTestsInline(t *testing.T, tests []string) {
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{}, 0, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func doLinkTestsInline(t *testing.T, tests []string) {
doTestsInline(t, tests)
prefix := "http://localhost"
params := HtmlRendererParameters{AbsolutePrefix: prefix}
transformTests := transformLinks(tests, prefix)
doTestsInlineParam(t, transformTests, Options{}, 0, params)
doTestsInlineParam(t, transformTests, Options{}, commonHtmlFlags, params)
func doSafeTestsInline(t *testing.T, tests []string) {
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{}, HTML_SAFELINK, HtmlRendererParameters{})
// All the links in this test should not have the prefix appended, so
// just rerun it with different parameters and the same expectations.
prefix := "http://localhost"
params := HtmlRendererParameters{AbsolutePrefix: prefix}
transformTests := transformLinks(tests, prefix)
doTestsInlineParam(t, transformTests, Options{}, HTML_SAFELINK, params)
func doTestsInlineParam(t *testing.T, tests []string, opts Options, htmlFlags int,
params HtmlRendererParameters) {
// catch and report panics
var candidate string
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("\npanic while processing [%#v]: %s\n", candidate, err)
for i := 0; i+1 < len(tests); i += 2 {
input := tests[i]
candidate = input
expected := tests[i+1]
actual := runMarkdownInline(candidate, opts, htmlFlags, params)
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("\nInput [%#v]\nExpected[%#v]\nActual [%#v]",
candidate, expected, actual)
// now test every substring to stress test bounds checking
if !testing.Short() {
for start := 0; start < len(input); start++ {
for end := start + 1; end <= len(input); end++ {
candidate = input[start:end]
_ = runMarkdownInline(candidate, opts, htmlFlags, params)
func transformLinks(tests []string, prefix string) []string {
newTests := make([]string, len(tests))
anchorRe := regexp.MustCompile(`<a href="/(.*?)"`)
imgRe := regexp.MustCompile(`<img src="/(.*?)"`)
for i, test := range tests {
if i%2 == 1 {
test = anchorRe.ReplaceAllString(test, `<a href="`+prefix+`/$1"`)
test = imgRe.ReplaceAllString(test, `<img src="`+prefix+`/$1"`)
newTests[i] = test
return newTests
func TestEmphasis(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"nothing inline\n",
"<p>nothing inline</p>\n",
"simple *inline* test\n",
"<p>simple <em>inline</em> test</p>\n",
"*at the* beginning\n",
"<p><em>at the</em> beginning</p>\n",
"at the *end*\n",
"<p>at the <em>end</em></p>\n",
"*try two* in *one line*\n",
"<p><em>try two</em> in <em>one line</em></p>\n",
"over *two\nlines* test\n",
"<p>over <em>two\nlines</em> test</p>\n",
"odd *number of* markers* here\n",
"<p>odd <em>number of</em> markers* here</p>\n",
"odd *number\nof* markers* here\n",
"<p>odd <em>number\nof</em> markers* here</p>\n",
"simple _inline_ test\n",
"<p>simple <em>inline</em> test</p>\n",
"_at the_ beginning\n",
"<p><em>at the</em> beginning</p>\n",
"at the _end_\n",
"<p>at the <em>end</em></p>\n",
"_try two_ in _one line_\n",
"<p><em>try two</em> in <em>one line</em></p>\n",
"over _two\nlines_ test\n",
"<p>over <em>two\nlines</em> test</p>\n",
"odd _number of_ markers_ here\n",
"<p>odd <em>number of</em> markers_ here</p>\n",
"odd _number\nof_ markers_ here\n",
"<p>odd <em>number\nof</em> markers_ here</p>\n",
"mix of *markers_\n",
"<p>mix of *markers_</p>\n",
"*What is A\\* algorithm?*\n",
"<p><em>What is A* algorithm?</em></p>\n",
"some para_graph with _emphasised_ text.\n",
"<p>some para_graph with <em>emphasised</em> text.</p>\n",
"some paragraph with _emphasised_ te_xt.\n",
"<p>some paragraph with <em>emphasised</em> te_xt.</p>\n",
"some paragraph with t_wo bi_ts of _emphasised_ text.\n",
"<p>some paragraph with t<em>wo bi</em>ts of <em>emphasised</em> text.</p>\n",
doTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestNoIntraEmphasis(t *testing.T) {
tests := []string{
"some para_graph with _emphasised_ text.\n",
"<p>some para_graph with <em>emphasised</em> text.</p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{
0, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestReferenceOverride(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"test [ref1][]\n",
"<p>test <a href=\"\" title=\"Reference 1\">ref1</a></p>\n",
"test [my ref][ref1]\n",
"<p>test <a href=\"\" title=\"Reference 1\">my ref</a></p>\n",
"test [ref2][]\n\n[ref2]: (Ref left alone)\n",
"<p>test <a href=\"\" title=\"Reference Overridden\">ref2</a></p>\n",
"test [ref3][]\n\n[ref3]: (Ref left alone)\n",
"<p>test <a href=\"\" title=\"Ref left alone\">ref3</a></p>\n",
"test [ref4][]\n\n[ref4]: (You can do anything)\n",
"<p>test [ref4][]</p>\n",
"test [!(*http.ServeMux).ServeHTTP][] complicated ref\n",
"<p>test <a href=\"http://localhost:6060/pkg/net/http/#ServeMux.ServeHTTP\" title=\"ServeHTTP docs\">!(*http.ServeMux).ServeHTTP</a> complicated ref</p>\n",
"test [ref5][]\n",
"<p>test <a href=\"\" title=\"Reference 5\">Moo</a></p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{
ReferenceOverride: func(reference string) (rv *Reference, overridden bool) {
switch reference {
case "ref1":
// just an overriden reference exists without definition
return &Reference{
Link: "",
Title: "Reference 1"}, true
case "ref2":
// overridden exists and reference defined
return &Reference{
Link: "",
Title: "Reference Overridden"}, true
case "ref3":
// not overridden and reference defined
return nil, false
case "ref4":
// overridden missing and defined
return nil, true
case "!(*http.ServeMux).ServeHTTP":
return &Reference{
Link: "http://localhost:6060/pkg/net/http/#ServeMux.ServeHTTP",
Title: "ServeHTTP docs"}, true
case "ref5":
return &Reference{
Link: "",
Title: "Reference 5",
Text: "Moo",
}, true
return nil, false
}}, 0, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestStrong(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"nothing inline\n",
"<p>nothing inline</p>\n",
"simple **inline** test\n",
"<p>simple <strong>inline</strong> test</p>\n",
"**at the** beginning\n",
"<p><strong>at the</strong> beginning</p>\n",
"at the **end**\n",
"<p>at the <strong>end</strong></p>\n",
"**try two** in **one line**\n",
"<p><strong>try two</strong> in <strong>one line</strong></p>\n",
"over **two\nlines** test\n",
"<p>over <strong>two\nlines</strong> test</p>\n",
"odd **number of** markers** here\n",
"<p>odd <strong>number of</strong> markers** here</p>\n",
"odd **number\nof** markers** here\n",
"<p>odd <strong>number\nof</strong> markers** here</p>\n",
"simple __inline__ test\n",
"<p>simple <strong>inline</strong> test</p>\n",
"__at the__ beginning\n",
"<p><strong>at the</strong> beginning</p>\n",
"at the __end__\n",
"<p>at the <strong>end</strong></p>\n",
"__try two__ in __one line__\n",
"<p><strong>try two</strong> in <strong>one line</strong></p>\n",
"over __two\nlines__ test\n",
"<p>over <strong>two\nlines</strong> test</p>\n",
"odd __number of__ markers__ here\n",
"<p>odd <strong>number of</strong> markers__ here</p>\n",
"odd __number\nof__ markers__ here\n",
"<p>odd <strong>number\nof</strong> markers__ here</p>\n",
"mix of **markers__\n",
"<p>mix of **markers__</p>\n",
"**`/usr`** : this folder is named `usr`\n",
"<p><strong><code>/usr</code></strong> : this folder is named <code>usr</code></p>\n",
"**`/usr`** :\n\n this folder is named `usr`\n",
"<p><strong><code>/usr</code></strong> :</p>\n\n<p>this folder is named <code>usr</code></p>\n",
doTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestEmphasisMix(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"***triple emphasis***\n",
"<p><strong><em>triple emphasis</em></strong></p>\n",
"___triple emphasis___\n",
"<p><strong><em>triple emphasis</em></strong></p>\n",
"***triple emphasis___\n",
"<p>***triple emphasis___</p>\n",
"*__triple emphasis__*\n",
"<p><em><strong>triple emphasis</strong></em></p>\n",
"__*triple emphasis*__\n",
"<p><strong><em>triple emphasis</em></strong></p>\n",
"**improper *nesting** is* bad\n",
"<p><strong>improper *nesting</strong> is* bad</p>\n",
"*improper **nesting* is** bad\n",
"<p>*improper <strong>nesting* is</strong> bad</p>\n",
doTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestEmphasisLink(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"[first](before) *text[second] (inside)text* [third](after)\n",
"<p><a href=\"before\">first</a> <em>text<a href=\"inside\">second</a>text</em> <a href=\"after\">third</a></p>\n",
"*incomplete [link] definition*\n",
"<p><em>incomplete [link] definition</em></p>\n",
"*it's [emphasis*] (not link)\n",
"<p><em>it's [emphasis</em>] (not link)</p>\n",
"*it's [emphasis*] and *[asterisk]\n",
"<p><em>it's [emphasis</em>] and *[asterisk]</p>\n",
doTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestStrikeThrough(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"nothing inline\n",
"<p>nothing inline</p>\n",
"simple ~~inline~~ test\n",
"<p>simple <del>inline</del> test</p>\n",
"~~at the~~ beginning\n",
"<p><del>at the</del> beginning</p>\n",
"at the ~~end~~\n",
"<p>at the <del>end</del></p>\n",
"~~try two~~ in ~~one line~~\n",
"<p><del>try two</del> in <del>one line</del></p>\n",
"over ~~two\nlines~~ test\n",
"<p>over <del>two\nlines</del> test</p>\n",
"odd ~~number of~~ markers~~ here\n",
"<p>odd <del>number of</del> markers~~ here</p>\n",
"odd ~~number\nof~~ markers~~ here\n",
"<p>odd <del>number\nof</del> markers~~ here</p>\n",
doTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestCodeSpan(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"`source code`\n",
"<p><code>source code</code></p>\n",
"` source code with spaces `\n",
"<p><code>source code with spaces</code></p>\n",
"` source code with spaces `not here\n",
"<p><code>source code with spaces</code>not here</p>\n",
"a `single marker\n",
"<p>a `single marker</p>\n",
"a single multi-tick marker with ``` no text\n",
"<p>a single multi-tick marker with ``` no text</p>\n",
"markers with ` ` a space\n",
"<p>markers with a space</p>\n",
"`source code` and a `stray\n",
"<p><code>source code</code> and a `stray</p>\n",
"`source *with* _awkward characters_ in it`\n",
"<p><code>source *with* _awkward characters_ in it</code></p>\n",
"`split over\ntwo lines`\n",
"<p><code>split over\ntwo lines</code></p>\n",
"```multiple ticks``` for the marker\n",
"<p><code>multiple ticks</code> for the marker</p>\n",
"```multiple ticks `with` ticks inside```\n",
"<p><code>multiple ticks `with` ticks inside</code></p>\n",
doTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestLineBreak(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"this line \nhas a break\n",
"<p>this line<br />\nhas a break</p>\n",
"this line \ndoes not\n",
"<p>this line\ndoes not</p>\n",
"this line\\\ndoes not\n",
"<p>this line\\\ndoes not</p>\n",
"this line\\ \ndoes not\n",
"<p>this line\\\ndoes not</p>\n",
"this has an \nextra space\n",
"<p>this has an<br />\nextra space</p>\n",
doTestsInline(t, tests)
tests = []string{
"this line \nhas a break\n",
"<p>this line<br />\nhas a break</p>\n",
"this line \ndoes not\n",
"<p>this line\ndoes not</p>\n",
"this line\\\nhas a break\n",
"<p>this line<br />\nhas a break</p>\n",
"this line\\ \ndoes not\n",
"<p>this line\\\ndoes not</p>\n",
"this has an \nextra space\n",
"<p>this has an<br />\nextra space</p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{
0, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestInlineLink(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"[foo with a title](/bar/ \"title\")\n",
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\" title=\"title\">foo with a title</a></p>\n",
"[foo with a title](/bar/\t\"title\")\n",
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\" title=\"title\">foo with a title</a></p>\n",
"[foo with a title](/bar/ \"title\" )\n",
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\" title=\"title\">foo with a title</a></p>\n",
"[foo with a title](/bar/ title with no quotes)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/bar/ title with no quotes\">foo with a title</a></p>\n",
"<p><img src=\"/bar/\" alt=\"foo\" /></p>\n",
"![foo with a title](/bar/ \"title\")\n",
"<p><img src=\"/bar/\" alt=\"foo with a title\" title=\"title\" /></p>\n",
"![foo with a title](/bar/\t\"title\")\n",
"<p><img src=\"/bar/\" alt=\"foo with a title\" title=\"title\" /></p>\n",
"![foo with a title](/bar/ \"title\" )\n",
"<p><img src=\"/bar/\" alt=\"foo with a title\" title=\"title\" /></p>\n",
"![foo with a title](/bar/ title with no quotes)\n",
"<p><img src=\"/bar/ title with no quotes\" alt=\"foo with a title\" /></p>\n",
"<p><img src=\"img.jpg\" alt=\"\" /></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"url\">link</a></p>\n",
"[a link]\t(/with_a_tab/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/with_a_tab/\">a link</a></p>\n",
"[a link] (/with_spaces/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/with_spaces/\">a link</a></p>\n",
"[text (with) [[nested] (brackets)]](/url/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">text (with) [[nested] (brackets)]</a></p>\n",
"[text (with) [broken nested] (brackets)]](/url/)\n",
"<p>[text (with) <a href=\"brackets\">broken nested</a>]](/url/)</p>\n",
"[text\nwith a newline](/link/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/link/\">text\nwith a newline</a></p>\n",
"[text in brackets] [followed](/by a link/)\n",
"<p>[text in brackets] <a href=\"/by a link/\">followed</a></p>\n",
"[link with\\] a closing bracket](/url/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">link with] a closing bracket</a></p>\n",
"[link with\\[ an opening bracket](/url/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">link with[ an opening bracket</a></p>\n",
"[link with\\) a closing paren](/url/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">link with) a closing paren</a></p>\n",
"[link with\\( an opening paren](/url/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">link with( an opening paren</a></p>\n",
"[link]( with whitespace)\n",
"<p><a href=\"with whitespace\">link</a></p>\n",
"[link]( with whitespace )\n",
"<p><a href=\"with whitespace\">link</a></p>\n",
"[![image](someimage)](with image)\n",
"<p><a href=\"with image\"><img src=\"someimage\" alt=\"image\" /></a></p>\n",
"[link](url \"one quote)\n",
"<p><a href=\"url &quot;one quote\">link</a></p>\n",
"[link](url 'one quote)\n",
"<p><a href=\"url 'one quote\">link</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"url\">link</a></p>\n",
"[link & ampersand](/url/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">link &amp; ampersand</a></p>\n",
"[link &amp; ampersand](/url/)\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">link &amp; ampersand</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/&amp;query\">link</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/t\">[t]</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/\">link</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"./\">link</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"../\">link</a></p>\n",
// Issue 116 in blackfriday
"<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" /></p>\n",
// no closing ), autolinking detects the url next
"[disambiguation]( is the",
"<p>[disambiguation](<a href=\"\"></a>) is the</p>\n",
"[disambiguation]( is the",
"<p><a href=\"\">disambiguation</a> is the</p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"\">disambiguation</a></p>\n",
doLinkTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestRelAttrLink(t *testing.T) {
var nofollowTests = []string{
"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"./\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"../\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"../bar\">foo</a></p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, nofollowTests, Options{}, HTML_SAFELINK|HTML_NOFOLLOW_LINKS,
var noreferrerTests = []string{
"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"noreferrer\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, noreferrerTests, Options{}, HTML_SAFELINK|HTML_NOREFERRER_LINKS,
var nofollownoreferrerTests = []string{
"<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, nofollownoreferrerTests, Options{}, HTML_SAFELINK|HTML_NOFOLLOW_LINKS|HTML_NOREFERRER_LINKS,
func TestHrefTargetBlank(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
// internal link
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"./\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"./bar\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"../\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"../bar\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">foo</a></p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{}, HTML_SAFELINK|HTML_HREF_TARGET_BLANK, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestSafeInlineLink(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"<p><a href=\"/bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"./\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"../\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"http://bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"https://bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"ftp://bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\"mailto://bar/\">foo</a></p>\n",
// Not considered safe
doSafeTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestReferenceLink(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"[link][ref]\n [ref]: /url/ \"title\"\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\" title=\"title\">link</a></p>\n",
"[link][ref]\n [ref]: /url/\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">link</a></p>\n",
" [ref]: /url/\n",
" [ref]: /url/\n[ref2]: /url/\n [ref3]: /url/\n",
" [ref]: /url/\n[ref2]: /url/\n [ref3]: /url/\n [4spaces]: /url/\n",
"<pre><code>[4spaces]: /url/\n</code></pre>\n",
"[hmm](ref2)\n [ref]: /url/\n[ref2]: /url/\n [ref3]: /url/\n",
"<p><a href=\"ref2\">hmm</a></p>\n",
"[ref]\n [ref]: /url/ \"title\"\n",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\" title=\"title\">ref</a></p>\n",
"[ref]\n [ref]: ../url/ \"title\"\n",
"<p><a href=\"../url/\" title=\"title\">ref</a></p>\n",
"[link][ref]\n [ref]: /url/",
"<p><a href=\"/url/\">link</a></p>\n",
doLinkTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestTags(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"a <span>tag</span>\n",
"<p>a <span>tag</span></p>\n",
"a <singleton /> tag\n",
"<p>a <singleton /> tag</p>\n",
doTestsInline(t, tests)
func TestAutoLink(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<p>1 <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<p>1<a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<p>1.<a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<ol>\n<li><a href=\"\"></a></li>\n</ol>\n",
"<p>-<a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\"></a></li>\n</ul>\n",
"<p>_<a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<p>令狐<a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<p>令狐 <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<blockquote>\n<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n</blockquote>\n",
"<blockquote>\n<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n</blockquote>\n",
"go to <>\n",
"<p>go to <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"a secure <>\n",
"<p>a secure <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"an email <>\n",
"<p>an email <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"an email <mailto://>\n",
"<p>an email <a href=\"mailto://\"></a></p>\n",
"an email <>\n",
"<p>an email <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"an ftp <>\n",
"<p>an ftp <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"an ftp <>\n",
"<p>an ftp <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"a link with <>\n",
"<p>a link with <a href=\";bar\">" +
"quotes mean a tag <\"foo\"&bar>\n",
"<p>quotes mean a tag <\"foo\"&bar></p>\n",
"quotes mean a tag <'foo'&bar>\n",
"<p>quotes mean a tag <'foo'&bar></p>\n",
"unless escaped <\\\"foo\\\"&bar>\n",
"<p>unless escaped <a href=\";foo&quot;&amp;bar\">" +
"even a > can be escaped <\\>&etc>\n",
"<p>even a &gt; can be escaped <a href=\";&amp;etc\">" +
"<a href=\"\"></a>\n",
"<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"<a href=\"\">This is a link</a>\n",
"<p><a href=\"\">This is a link</a></p>\n",
"<a href=\"\"></a>\n",
"<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n",
"(<a href=\"\"></a> (\n",
"<p>(<a href=\"\"></a> (</p>\n",
"(<a href=\"\"></a> (part two: <a href=\"\"></a>)).\n",
"<p>(<a href=\"\"></a> (part two: <a href=\"\"></a>)).</p>\n",
"<br />\n",
"<p><a href=\"\"></a><br /></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\";t=297\">;t=297</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\";18&quot;zz\">;18&quot;zz</a></p>\n",
"<p><a href=\";18&quot;\">;18&quot;</a></p>\n",
doLinkTestsInline(t, tests)
var footnoteTests = []string{
"testing footnotes.[^a]\n\n[^a]: This is the note\n",
`<p>testing footnotes.<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:a"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:a">1</a></sup></p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:a">This is the note
`testing long[^b] notes.
[^b]: Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
` + "```\n\tsome code\n\t```" + `
Paragraph 3
No longer in the footnote
`<p>testing long<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:b"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:b">1</a></sup> notes.</p>
<p>No longer in the footnote</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:b"><p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
some code
<p>Paragraph 3</p>
`testing[^c] multiple[^d] notes.
[^c]: this is [note] c
[^d]: this is note d
what happens here
[note]: /link/c
`<p>testing<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:c"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:c">1</a></sup> multiple<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:d"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:d">2</a></sup> notes.</p>
<p>what happens here</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:c">this is <a href="/link/c">note</a> c
<li id="fn:d">this is note d
"testing inline^[this is the note] notes.\n",
`<p>testing inline<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:this-is-the-note"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:this-is-the-note">1</a></sup> notes.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:this-is-the-note">this is the note</li>
"testing multiple[^1] types^[inline note] of notes[^2]\n\n[^2]: the second deferred note\n[^1]: the first deferred note\n\n\twhich happens to be a block\n",
`<p>testing multiple<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:1"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:1">1</a></sup> types<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:inline-note"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:inline-note">2</a></sup> of notes<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:2"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:2">3</a></sup></p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:1"><p>the first deferred note</p>
<p>which happens to be a block</p>
<li id="fn:inline-note">inline note</li>
<li id="fn:2">the second deferred note
`This is a footnote[^1]^[and this is an inline footnote]
[^1]: the footnote text.
may be multiple paragraphs.
`<p>This is a footnote<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:1"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:1">1</a></sup><sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:and-this-is-an-i"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:and-this-is-an-i">2</a></sup></p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:1"><p>the footnote text.</p>
<p>may be multiple paragraphs.</p>
<li id="fn:and-this-is-an-i">and this is an inline footnote</li>
"empty footnote[^]\n\n[^]: fn text",
"<p>empty footnote<sup class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref:\"><a rel=\"footnote\" href=\"#fn:\">1</a></sup></p>\n<div class=\"footnotes\">\n\n<hr />\n\n<ol>\n<li id=\"fn:\">fn text\n</li>\n</ol>\n</div>\n",
"Some text.[^note1]\n\n[^note1]: fn1",
"<p>Some text.<sup class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref:note1\"><a rel=\"footnote\" href=\"#fn:note1\">1</a></sup></p>\n<div class=\"footnotes\">\n\n<hr />\n\n<ol>\n<li id=\"fn:note1\">fn1\n</li>\n</ol>\n</div>\n",
"Some text.[^note1][^note2]\n\n[^note1]: fn1\n[^note2]: fn2\n",
"<p>Some text.<sup class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref:note1\"><a rel=\"footnote\" href=\"#fn:note1\">1</a></sup><sup class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref:note2\"><a rel=\"footnote\" href=\"#fn:note2\">2</a></sup></p>\n<div class=\"footnotes\">\n\n<hr />\n\n<ol>\n<li id=\"fn:note1\">fn1\n</li>\n<li id=\"fn:note2\">fn2\n</li>\n</ol>\n</div>\n",
`Bla bla [^1] [WWW][w3]
[^1]: This is a footnote
`<p>Bla bla <sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:1"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:1">1</a></sup> <a href="">WWW</a></p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:1">This is a footnote
`This is exciting![^fn1]
[^fn1]: Fine print
`<p>This is exciting!<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:fn1"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:fn1">1</a></sup></p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:fn1">Fine print
func TestFootnotes(t *testing.T) {
doTestsInlineParam(t, footnoteTests, Options{Extensions: EXTENSION_FOOTNOTES}, 0, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestFootnotesWithParameters(t *testing.T) {
tests := make([]string, len(footnoteTests))
prefix := "testPrefix"
returnText := "ret"
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?ms)<li id="fn:(\S+?)">(.*?)</li>`)
// Transform the test expectations to match the parameters we're using.
for i, test := range footnoteTests {
if i%2 == 1 {
test = strings.Replace(test, "fn:", "fn:"+prefix, -1)
test = strings.Replace(test, "fnref:", "fnref:"+prefix, -1)
test = re.ReplaceAllString(test, `<li id="fn:$1">$2 <a class="footnote-return" href="#fnref:$1">ret</a></li>`)
tests[i] = test
params := HtmlRendererParameters{
FootnoteAnchorPrefix: prefix,
FootnoteReturnLinkContents: returnText,
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{Extensions: EXTENSION_FOOTNOTES}, HTML_FOOTNOTE_RETURN_LINKS, params)
func TestNestedFootnotes(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
`<p>Paragraph.<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:fn1"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:fn1">1</a></sup></p>
<div class="footnotes">
<hr />
<li id="fn:fn1">Asterisk<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref:fn2"><a rel="footnote" href="#fn:fn2">2</a></sup>
<li id="fn:fn2">Obelisk
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{Extensions: EXTENSION_FOOTNOTES}, 0,
func TestInlineComments(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"Hello <!-- there ->\n",
"<p>Hello &lt;!&mdash; there &ndash;&gt;</p>\n",
"Hello <!-- there -->\n",
"<p>Hello <!-- there --></p>\n",
"Hello <!-- there -->",
"<p>Hello <!-- there --></p>\n",
"Hello <!---->\n",
"<p>Hello <!----></p>\n",
"Hello <!-- there -->\na",
"<p>Hello <!-- there -->\na</p>\n",
"* list <!-- item -->\n",
"<ul>\n<li>list <!-- item --></li>\n</ul>\n",
"<!-- Front --> comment\n",
"<p><!-- Front --> comment</p>\n",
"blahblah\n<!--- foo -->\nrhubarb\n",
"<p>blahblah\n<!--- foo -->\nrhubarb</p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{}, HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS|HTML_SMARTYPANTS_DASHES, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestSmartDoubleQuotes(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"this should be normal \"quoted\" text.\n",
"<p>this should be normal &ldquo;quoted&rdquo; text.</p>\n",
"this \" single double\n",
"<p>this &ldquo; single double</p>\n",
"two pair of \"some\" quoted \"text\".\n",
"<p>two pair of &ldquo;some&rdquo; quoted &ldquo;text&rdquo;.</p>\n"}
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{}, HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestSmartAngledDoubleQuotes(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"this should be angled \"quoted\" text.\n",
"<p>this should be angled &laquo;quoted&raquo; text.</p>\n",
"this \" single double\n",
"<p>this &laquo; single double</p>\n",
"two pair of \"some\" quoted \"text\".\n",
"<p>two pair of &laquo;some&raquo; quoted &laquo;text&raquo;.</p>\n"}
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{}, HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS|HTML_SMARTYPANTS_ANGLED_QUOTES, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestSmartFractions(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []string{
"1/2, 1/4 and 3/4; 1/4th and 3/4ths\n",
"<p>&frac12;, &frac14; and &frac34;; &frac14;th and &frac34;ths</p>\n",
"1/2/2015, 1/4/2015, 3/4/2015; 2015/1/2, 2015/1/4, 2015/3/4.\n",
"<p>1/2/2015, 1/4/2015, 3/4/2015; 2015/1/2, 2015/1/4, 2015/3/4.</p>\n"}
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{}, HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS, HtmlRendererParameters{})
tests = []string{
"1/2, 2/3, 81/100 and 1000000/1048576.\n",
"<p><sup>1</sup>&frasl;<sub>2</sub>, <sup>2</sup>&frasl;<sub>3</sub>, <sup>81</sup>&frasl;<sub>100</sub> and <sup>1000000</sup>&frasl;<sub>1048576</sub>.</p>\n",
"1/2/2015, 1/4/2015, 3/4/2015; 2015/1/2, 2015/1/4, 2015/3/4.\n",
"<p>1/2/2015, 1/4/2015, 3/4/2015; 2015/1/2, 2015/1/4, 2015/3/4.</p>\n"}
doTestsInlineParam(t, tests, Options{}, HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS|HTML_SMARTYPANTS_FRACTIONS, HtmlRendererParameters{})
func TestDisableSmartDashes(t *testing.T) {
doTestsInlineParam(t, []string{
"foo - bar\n",
"<p>foo - bar</p>\n",
"foo -- bar\n",
"<p>foo -- bar</p>\n",
"foo --- bar\n",
"<p>foo --- bar</p>\n",
}, Options{}, 0, HtmlRendererParameters{})
doTestsInlineParam(t, []string{
"foo - bar\n",
"<p>foo &ndash; bar</p>\n",
"foo -- bar\n",
"<p>foo &mdash; bar</p>\n",
"foo --- bar\n",
"<p>foo &mdash;&ndash; bar</p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, []string{
"foo - bar\n",
"<p>foo - bar</p>\n",
"foo -- bar\n",
"<p>foo &ndash; bar</p>\n",
"foo --- bar\n",
"<p>foo &mdash; bar</p>\n",
doTestsInlineParam(t, []string{
"foo - bar\n",
"<p>foo - bar</p>\n",
"foo -- bar\n",
"<p>foo -- bar</p>\n",
"foo --- bar\n",
"<p>foo --- bar</p>\n",
}, Options{},