rework the api a bit

This commit is contained in:
Krzysztof Kowalczyk 2018-01-26 00:11:58 -08:00
parent 16f2860a87
commit 892d084af3
5 changed files with 110 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -54,11 +54,7 @@ var (
func runMarkdown(d []byte) string {
htmlParams := markdown.HTMLRendererParameters{
Flags: markdown.HTMLFlagsNone,
renderer := markdown.NewHTMLRenderer(htmlParams)
html := markdown.Run(d, markdown.WithRenderer(renderer), markdown.WithExtensions(markdown.CommonExtensions))
html := markdown.ToHTML(d, nil, nil)
return string(html)

View File

@ -45,10 +45,11 @@ func execRecoverableTestSuite(t *testing.T, tests []string, params TestParams, s
func runMarkdown(input string, params TestParams) string {
params.HTMLRendererParameters.Flags = params.HTMLFlags
parser := NewParserWithExtensions(params.extensions)
parser.ReferenceOverride = params.referenceOverride
renderer := NewHTMLRenderer(params.HTMLRendererParameters)
d := ParseAndRender([]byte(input), renderer,
d := ToHTML([]byte(input), parser, renderer)
return string(d)

View File

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ const (
SmartypantsAngledQuotes // Enable angled double quotes (with Smartypants) for double quotes rendering
SmartypantsQuotesNBSP // Enable « French guillemets » (with Smartypants)
TOC // Generate a table of contents
CommonHTMLFlags HTMLFlags = UseXHTML | Smartypants |
SmartypantsFractions | SmartypantsDashes | SmartypantsLatexDashes
var (

View File

@ -15,18 +15,14 @@ import (
// Markdown parsing and processing
// Version string of the package. Appears in the rendered document when
// CompletePage flag is on.
const Version = "2.0"
// Extensions is a bitfield of enabled extensions.
// Extensions is a bitmask of enabled Parser extensions.
type Extensions int
// Bitflags representing markdown parsing extensions.
// Bit flags representing markdown parsing extensions.
// Use | (or) to specify multiple extensions.
const (
NoExtensions Extensions = 0
@ -47,9 +43,6 @@ const (
BackslashLineBreak // Translate trailing backslashes into line breaks
DefinitionLists // Render definition lists
CommonHTMLFlags HTMLFlags = UseXHTML | Smartypants |
SmartypantsFractions | SmartypantsDashes | SmartypantsLatexDashes
CommonExtensions Extensions = NoIntraEmphasis | Tables | FencedCode |
Autolink | Strikethrough | SpaceHeadings | HeadingIDs |
BackslashLineBreak | DefinitionLists
@ -167,19 +160,42 @@ type Renderer interface {
// for each character that triggers a response when parsing inline data.
type inlineParser func(p *Parser, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node)
// ReferenceOverrideFunc is expected to be called with a reference string and
// return either a valid Reference type that the reference string maps to or
// nil. If overridden is false, the default reference logic will be executed.
// See the documentation in Options for more details on use-case.
type ReferenceOverrideFunc func(reference string) (ref *Reference, overridden bool)
// Parser is a type that holds extensions and the runtime state used by
// Parse, and the renderer. You can not use it directly, construct it with New.
type Parser struct {
// ReferenceOverride is an optional function callback that is called every
// time a reference is resolved. It can be set before starting parsing.
// In Markdown, the link reference syntax can be made to resolve a link to
// a reference instead of an inline URL, in one of the following ways:
// * [link text][refid]
// * [refid][]
// Usually, the refid is defined at the bottom of the Markdown document. If
// this override function is provided, the refid is passed to the override
// function first, before consulting the defined refids at the bottom. If
// the override function indicates an override did not occur, the refids at
// the bottom will be used to fill in the link details.
ReferenceOverride ReferenceOverrideFunc
// after parsing, this is root of parsed ast
Doc *Node
referenceOverride ReferenceOverrideFunc
refs map[string]*reference
inlineCallback [256]inlineParser
extensions Extensions
nesting int
maxNesting int
insideLink bool
extensions Extensions
refs map[string]*reference
inlineCallback [256]inlineParser
nesting int
maxNesting int
insideLink bool
// Footnotes need to be ordered as well as available to quickly check for
// presence. If a ref is also a footnote, it's stored both in refs and here
@ -192,9 +208,58 @@ type Parser struct {
allClosed bool
// NewParser creates a markdown parser with CommonExtensions.
func NewParser() *Parser {
return NewParserWithExtensions(CommonExtensions)
// NewParserWithExtensions creates a markdown parser with given extensions.
// Before
// for Run() to customize parser's behavior and the renderer.
func NewParserWithExtensions(extension Extensions) *Parser {
p := Parser{
refs: make(map[string]*reference),
maxNesting: 16,
insideLink: false,
Doc: NewNode(&DocumentData{}),
extensions: extension,
allClosed: true,
p.tip = p.Doc
p.oldTip = p.Doc
p.lastMatchedContainer = p.Doc
p.inlineCallback[' '] = maybeLineBreak
p.inlineCallback['*'] = emphasis
p.inlineCallback['_'] = emphasis
if p.extensions&Strikethrough != 0 {
p.inlineCallback['~'] = emphasis
p.inlineCallback['`'] = codeSpan
p.inlineCallback['\n'] = lineBreak
p.inlineCallback['['] = link
p.inlineCallback['<'] = leftAngle
p.inlineCallback['\\'] = escape
p.inlineCallback['&'] = entity
p.inlineCallback['!'] = maybeImage
p.inlineCallback['^'] = maybeInlineFootnote
if p.extensions&Autolink != 0 {
p.inlineCallback['h'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['m'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['f'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['H'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['M'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['F'] = maybeAutoLink
if p.extensions&Footnotes != 0 {
p.notes = make([]*reference, 0)
return &p
func (p *Parser) getRef(refid string) (ref *reference, found bool) {
if p.referenceOverride != nil {
r, overridden := p.referenceOverride(refid)
if p.ReferenceOverride != nil {
r, overridden := p.ReferenceOverride(refid)
if overridden {
if r == nil {
return nil, false
@ -254,131 +319,25 @@ type Reference struct {
Text string
// ReferenceOverrideFunc is expected to be called with a reference string and
// return either a valid Reference type that the reference string maps to or
// nil. If overridden is false, the default reference logic will be executed.
// See the documentation in Options for more details on use-case.
type ReferenceOverrideFunc func(reference string) (ref *Reference, overridden bool)
// NewParser creates a markdown parser. You can use the same With* functions as
// for Run() to customize parser's behavior and the renderer.
func NewParser(opts ...Option) *Parser {
var p Parser
for _, opt := range opts {
p.refs = make(map[string]*reference)
p.maxNesting = 16
p.insideLink = false
docNode := NewNode(&DocumentData{})
p.Doc = docNode
p.tip = docNode
p.oldTip = docNode
p.lastMatchedContainer = docNode
p.allClosed = true
p.inlineCallback[' '] = maybeLineBreak
p.inlineCallback['*'] = emphasis
p.inlineCallback['_'] = emphasis
if p.extensions&Strikethrough != 0 {
p.inlineCallback['~'] = emphasis
p.inlineCallback['`'] = codeSpan
p.inlineCallback['\n'] = lineBreak
p.inlineCallback['['] = link
p.inlineCallback['<'] = leftAngle
p.inlineCallback['\\'] = escape
p.inlineCallback['&'] = entity
p.inlineCallback['!'] = maybeImage
p.inlineCallback['^'] = maybeInlineFootnote
if p.extensions&Autolink != 0 {
p.inlineCallback['h'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['m'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['f'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['H'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['M'] = maybeAutoLink
p.inlineCallback['F'] = maybeAutoLink
if p.extensions&Footnotes != 0 {
p.notes = make([]*reference, 0)
return &p
// Option customizes the Markdown processor's default behavior.
type Option func(*Parser)
// WithExtensions allows you to enable extensions
func WithExtensions(e Extensions) Option {
return func(p *Parser) {
p.extensions = e
// WithNoExtensions turns off all extensions
func WithNoExtensions() Option {
return func(p *Parser) {
p.extensions = NoExtensions
// WithRefOverride sets an optional function callback that is called every
// time a reference is resolved.
// ToHTML converts a markdown text in input and converts it to HTML.
// In Markdown, the link reference syntax can be made to resolve a link to
// a reference instead of an inline URL, in one of the following ways:
// You can optionally pass a parser and renderer, which allows to customize
// a parser, a render or provide a renderer other than HTMLRenderer.
// * [link text][refid]
// * [refid][]
// Usually, the refid is defined at the bottom of the Markdown document. If
// this override function is provided, the refid is passed to the override
// function first, before consulting the defined refids at the bottom. If
// the override function indicates an override did not occur, the refids at
// the bottom will be used to fill in the link details.
func WithRefOverride(o ReferenceOverrideFunc) Option {
return func(p *Parser) {
p.referenceOverride = o
// If you pass nil for both, we convert with CommonExtensions for
// the parser and HTMLRenderer with CommonHTMLFlags.
func ToHTML(input []byte, parser *Parser, renderer Renderer) []byte {
if parser == nil {
parser = NewParserWithExtensions(CommonExtensions)
if renderer == nil {
params := HTMLRendererParameters{
Flags: CommonHTMLFlags,
renderer = NewHTMLRenderer(params)
// ToHTML is the main entry point to Blackfriday. It parses and renders a
// block of markdown-encoded text.
// The simplest invocation of Run takes one argument, input:
// output := Run(input)
// This will parse the input with CommonExtensions enabled and render it with
// the default HTMLRenderer (with CommonHTMLFlags).
// Variadic arguments opts can customize the default behavior. Since Markdown
// type does not contain exported fields, you can not use it directly. Instead,
// use the With* functions. For example, this will call the most basic
// functionality, with no extensions:
// output := Run(input, WithNoExtensions())
// You can use any number of With* arguments, even contradicting ones. They
// will be applied in order of appearance and the latter will override the
// former:
// output := Run(input, WithNoExtensions(), WithExtensions(exts),
func ToHTML(input []byte, opts ...Option) []byte {
r := NewHTMLRenderer(HTMLRendererParameters{
Flags: CommonHTMLFlags,
optList := []Option{WithExtensions(CommonExtensions)}
optList = append(optList, opts...)
parser := NewParser(optList...)
return parser.Render(r)
// ParseAndRender parsers input and renders it with a renderer
func ParseAndRender(input []byte, r Renderer, opts ...Option) []byte {
optList := []Option{WithExtensions(CommonExtensions)}
optList = append(optList, opts...)
parser := NewParser(optList...)
return parser.Render(r)
return parser.Render(renderer)
// Render renders a parsed data in parser with a given renderer

s/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
set -u -e -o pipefail -o verbose
go test -bench=. -test.benchmem