
143 lines
3.0 KiB

import unittest
import lrucache
suite "LRUCache":
test "put, get, del":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](100)
# put
for i in 1..10: cache[i] = i
check: cache.len == 10
# get
for i in 1..10: check: cache[i] == i
# del
for i in 1..10: cache.del(i)
check: cache.len == 0
test "remove items if capacity exceeded":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](5)
# put
for i in 1..10: cache[i] = i
check: cache.len == 5
# check
for i in 1..5:
check: i notin cache
for i in 6..10:
check: i in cache
test "remvoe least recently used item if capacity exceeded":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](2)
cache[1] = 1
cache[2] = 2
cache[3] = 3
check: 1 notin cache
check: 2 in cache
check: 3 in cache
# access 2
discard cache[2]
cache[1] = 1
check: 1 in cache
check: 2 in cache
check: 3 notin cache
test "peek should not update recentness":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](2)
cache[1] = 1
cache[2] = 2
# peek
check: cache.peek(1) == 1
cache[3] = 3
check: 1 notin cache
check: 2 in cache
check: 3 in cache
test "[]= should update recentness":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](2)
cache[1] = 1
cache[2] = 2
# peek
check: cache[1] == 1
cache[3] = 3
check: 1 in cache
check: 2 notin cache
check: 3 in cache
test "getOrDefault()":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](2)
check: cache.getOrDefault(1,1) == 1
check: 1 notin cache
cache[1] = 2
check: cache.getOrDefault(1,1) == 2
test "getOrPut()":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](2)
check: cache.getOrPut(1,1) == 1
check: 1 in cache
test "isEmpty":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](2)
check: cache.isEmpty
cache[1] = 1
check: not cache.isEmpty
test "isFull":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](1)
check: not cache.isFull
cache[1] = 1
check: cache.isFull
test "clear":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](10)
check: cache.isEmpty
cache[1] = 1
check: not cache.isEmpty
check: cache.isEmpty
test "re-capacity dynamically":
let cache = newLRUCache[int, int](1)
cache[1] = 1
cache[2] = 2
check: 1 notin cache
check: 2 in cache
cache.capacity = 2
cache[1] = 1
check: 1 in cache
check: 2 in cache
test "README usage":
# create a new LRU cache with initial capacity of 1 items
let cache = newLRUCache[int, string](1)
cache[1] = "a"
cache[2] = "b"
# key 1 is not in cache, because key 1 is eldest and capacity is only 1
assert: 1 notin cache
assert: 2 in cache
# increase capacity and add key 1
cache.capacity = 2
cache[1] = "a"
assert: 1 in cache
assert: 2 in cache
# update recentness of key 2 and add key 3, then key 1 will be discarded.
assert: cache[2] == "b"
cache[3] = "c"
assert: 1 notin cache
assert: 2 in cache
assert: 3 in cache